September 24, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 15 20769 That is why I am deeply grateful to cer, WV, which is celebrating its 150th small business from my home State of the professionals and parents in the anniversary. Spencer is a town with a Maine that has risen to the top and has Washington Community School Dis- long, rich history that is proudly con- been recognized for its unsurpassed ef- trict. There is no question that a qual- sidered by some as West Virginia’s forts in sustaining an environmentally ity public education for every child is a largest small city. It is located cen- friendly business. For 35 years, Wilbur top priority in that community. I sa- trally in West Virginia and is filled Yachts of Southwest Harbor has helped lute them, and wish them a very suc- with lots of character and many won- to set the standard in the field of cus- cessful new school year.∑ derful people. And I am proud stand tom motorboat construction, and for f here today to brag about this town’s the last several years, the firm has be- fine citizens and share their story. come an unparalleled leader in helping RECOGNIZING AMERICAN LEGION Even from the earliest days, the peo- to challenge Maine’s marine industry POST 75 ple of Spencer have been tough, re- to protect the State’s pristine environ- ∑ Mr. KOHL. Madam President, on sourceful, and committed to making ment. July 19, 2008, American Legion Post 75 good lives for their families. The his- In 1973, Lee Wilbur left the field of in Fond du Lac, WI, named its building tory of the great town of Spencer education to become a boat builder. in honor of James Megellas. James began in 1812 when the first settlers, Over the next 28 years, because of Mr. Megellas is one of Fond du Lac’s favor- Samuel Tanner and Jonathan Wolfe, Wilbur’s stalwart resolve and unrelent- ite sons and this is indeed a fitting sought shelter for their families in a ing desire to effect positive change, he honor. I congratulate Post 75 and want large cave. The area was so beautiful transformed Wilbur Yachts into a com- to take a moment to honor James that others decided to make it their pany that is widely respected both in Megellas’ service to our country. home as well. As more settlers gath- Maine and nationwide for its high-qual- Mr. Megellas was a student at Ripon ered, the town evolved. The town’s ity boats and commitment to environ- College in Ripon, WI, when Pearl Har- name was changed from Tanner’s Cross mental excellence. For years, Mr. Wil- bor was attacked. Upon his graduation Road to Cassville and then to New Cali- bur collaborated with other boat mak- in 1942, he accepted an ROTC commis- fornia when a settler stopped by on his ers, building vessels for a diverse array sion as a second lieutenant in the in- way to California. of clients ranging from the Smithso- fantry and shortly thereafter faced In 1858, the town was officially char- nian Institution to pop singer Billy combat in the mountains near Venafro, tered by the Virginia General Assem- Joel. In 2001, Mr. Wilbur and his wife Italy. In 1943 he took part in Operation bly and renamed Spencer, reportedly in Heidi sold the business to their daugh- Shingle. In early 1944 he was part of an honor of Judge Spencer Roane. Today ter Ingrid and her husband John amphibious assault at Anzio. Heavy we celebrate that official charter and Kachmar, who have embraced the long- losses prevented his unit from taking recognize all those who made Spencer standing tradition of providing part in D-day in Normandy. Instead, what it is today, and those who will unrivaled products while remaining they parachuted into Holland under help fulfill its future promise. globally aware. Under their leadership, Operation Market Garden, the airborne Spencer currently has a population of the company has soared to even newer invasion of the Netherlands. Under nearly 2,300. These residents have real- heights. heavy gunfire, memorialized in the ly made their home a warm, special This year, Wilbur Yachts celebrated film ‘‘A Bridge Too Far’’, he took part place to live and visit. And they’re its 35th anniversary, hosting owners of in the famous crossing of the Waal proud of the events and activities that boats which the firm has built for a River. help define their beloved town and traditional Marine lobster bake. Com- In December of 1944, his unit was honor its history. Presently, Spencer ing from every corner of the globe, the rushed into the Battle of the Bulge. In hosts a variety of outdoor events that owners of this impressive international January 1945, as his platoon advanced draw hundreds of people each year. The fleet are a testament to the excep- toward Herresbach, Belgium, against Black Walnut Festival is filled with ex- tional nature of Wilbur’s yachts. Over heavy snow and freezing cold, they sur- citing attractions—from baking con- the years, the firm’s remarkable crafts prised some 200 German troops who tests and car shows, to grand parades have been lauded by the likes of Power were advancing out of town. Megellas’s and golf tournaments. The Tour de Cruising, Power & Motoryacht, and platoon dealt them a serious blow. In Lake brings mountain bike racers from Motorboating magazines. an act of incredible bravery, Megellas all over the State to compete at the Just as impressive as the company’s ran toward a German Mark V tank as scenic Charles Fork Lake. These proud history and enduring commit- it was taking aim toward his platoon. events, coupled only with the warmth ment to excellence is Wilbur Yachts’ He disabled the tank with a single gre- of its people, make Spencer a place dedication to protecting the environ- nade then, climbing atop, dropped an- people want to visit time and again. ment in which it works. The State of other into the tank saving many of his Spencer is an extraordinary town Maine recently awarded Wilbur Yachts men. that embodies the greatness and the gold certification in its Maine In 1946 he led his company down 5th uniqueness of rural America. Its long Clean Boatyards and Marinas Program. Avenue in New York in the Victory Pa- history and diverse attractions and its The program identifies and highlights rade. His awards have appropriately terrific, one-of-a-kind people represent companies that meet or exceed Federal been many, including Silver Stars, the very best of our Mountain State. I and State environmental standards in Bronze Stars, Purple Hearts and the hope I have given my colleagues and five specific areas of evaluation, in- Distinguished Service Cross. He has the rest of our nation just a glimpse of cluding waste disposal and storage, and been honored by the Government of our little town of Spencer—which is big boat sewage and pump-outs. This honor Holland with the Military Order of and great in so many ways.∑ is truly unparalleled, as to date no Willhelm Orange Lanyard. f other boatyard has been acknowledged This son of Fond du Lac served his with this designation, the program’s country with honor and bravery. I com- HONORING WILBUR YACHTS highest level of recognition. While Wil- mend him and congratulate American ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Madam President, grow- bur Yachts had previously held the sil- Legion Post 75 for bestowing this honor ing and maintaining a successful small ver certification, the most recent eval- on one of Wisconsin’s finest.∑ business is often challenging, but in uation by an independent panel gave f the end, many find that the rewards the company perfect ratings in all five are beyond measure. Even more dif- groups. SPENCER, WEST VIRGINIA, ficult can be forming a successful and Second-generation owners Ingrid and CELEBRATION environmentally conscientious busi- John Kachmar have led Wilbur Yachts ∑ Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Madam Presi- ness, but with the extra trials come to improve safety and reduce environ- dent, today I honor the town of Spen- even greater benefits. 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