A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XVIII—NO. 51 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1957 at 18 Green Street. Woodbrtrtga, if. J PRICE EIGHT CENTS 3 Robberies Rodd Cost Responsibility B.ofE.Yete Sweetness Up toBeneficiary-• Alibani Cleared Up WOODBRIDGE—If the peo- a street, petition for a perma- Drive Hits ple want permanent roads in nena paved road and it is de- the Township they can have cided to go ahead, the. Town- them by petition but each in- ship will pay but one-third and By, Arrest dividual who benefits must be the property owners on the Fever Pitch By CHARLES E. GREGORY prepared to pay. his share for street would be assessed two- them, Committeeman L. Ray thirds. Jewkes Seen as FavoriSe Police Say So. Amboyan Alibani warned at a meeting of Mr. Tobak said that "Wood- Among Outsiders; II From the data accumu- Admits-Gas Station the Town Committee Tuesday. bridge is at a standstill as far lated, a group of serious, The matter came up when as roads are concerned. We ars In Tuesday's Contest Job, 3 Other Breaks Zigmund Tobak, Woodhridge, not progressing at all." He then hard - working residents of inquired whether the. Township asked'for approximate costs. WOODBRIDGE — The Board the community have been WOODBRTDGE — The' arrest had any plans for permanent of Education is reaching a fever of a South Amboy man in Key- roads other than those con- Howard Madison, Township pitch with more individual cam- able to fortify well the con- port over the week-end resulted structed each year with State Engineer, said that % of a mile paigning by candidates—11 in all in solving three gas station rob- Aid. of 7" penetration macadam —than in previous years. tention that the present divi- could be constructed for ap- sion of our three wards is beries and three cases of breaking "If the people requested it by The election will be held next and entering in the Township. petition we might think about proximately $40,000. However, Wednesday, Fjsbruary 13, with archaic, unfair and function- Off Saturday local police re- it,"* Mr. Alibani stated, "but I he pointed out that curbs and polls open from 2 to 9 P. M. ally impossible. These folks ceived a call from the Keyport doubt if we could go ahead with gutters would also have to be Charles Baralecki, Fords, last authorities that they had in cus- it as it would be a very expen- constructed, all of which would week-end announced that he has recommend that we establish have to be assessed against the 1 tody Edward R. Price, alias Rich- sive proposition." withdrawn as candidate tout he new geographical boundaries ard Steele, 28, 146 Pine Avenue, The only permanent road property owner. There are also did not urge support of any group lor the wards so as to equal- South Amboy, who had admitted planned .this year will be state- excavation costs and cut and of candidates or candidate. that he had broken into a Wood- financed, on Chain O'Hills fill costs to be considered as well The "board" candidates are ize the population in each. bridge gas station just before Road, in the .Second Ward, as need for sanitary and storm, Francis Wuk'ovets, Avenel; Nath- * * * Christmas. Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said. sewers before a road can be an Bernstein and Winfield J. Detectives Edward Feeney and It was explained that if the built, he said. Finn, both of Woodforidge, for Frankly, I have heard only Anthonyp Zuccaro and Sgt. Ken- majority of property owners on (Continued on .rage Eight) the full term and Carmen A. one side of the argument, neth Van Pelt went to Keyport Marino, Iselin, for the unexpireol and after questioning Price for term. and I have reached the age ATTENTIVE AND INTERESTED: Above are tli? pupils of a special class for the deaf at School 11, several hours he finally admitted Edison Lions Club Edison Authority Mr. Marino, however, is due where I acknowledge readily Woodbridgre, who with specially equipped headphones — really group hearing aids — are learning to the robberies. to get a great deal of opposition the existence of a contrary to "hear" words. At the microphone is their teacher, Mrs. William Seaman, Colonia. Below, a little He said that on December 13, from John R. Jewkes, Jr., Iselin, girl is learning- to pronounce words for the first t'me by feeling- vibrations from her teacher's throat with the aid of Lenny Laskiewicz, Affair Tomorrow •Approves Project and some individuals in the Dem- side. The appearance of this and face and watching lier teaclieris lips. South Amboy, he broke into Bus' EDISON" — The fifth, annual ocratic Party are even predicting little composition may de- and Bab's Service Station in Ise- show of the Edison Lions Club EDISON — The Edison Housing Mr. Jewkes will win. lin and stole a record player val- will'be presented tomorrow night Mr. Jewkes, a member of the velop an expression by the ued at $75 and $9 in change. Authority at a meeting Tuesday Citizens Council won the endorse- at the Stelton School auditorium. nigllt approved the plans "and dissidents, which to me — School Helps Asked what became of the record The entertainment, for this year ment of that group last week. and I am -certain to the ad- player he said he had pawned it will be in the form of a musical specifications for the low-rent He also has active support in in Perth Amboy for $5. apartment project to be built in the Chain o'Hills and Menlo Park vocates — 'Will be welcome. Deaf Pupils revue ,and will be performed by Terrace developments. Even board Price also admitted breaking I the Elizabethtown Players. The the Potters section.. members have stated "off the Then, we will be able to" re- into the Oak Tree Esso Station, Elizabethtown Players is a non- The plans are now being for- record," that Mr. Jewkes "is a Hear of Life Iselin, Christmas Eve, taking the profit amateur theatrical group of warded •to the Public Housing very fine man and is capable." solve the proposition on the cash register, two tires valued men and women who annually Administration in its New York Frederick Simonsen, a member basis of fact — which always . By RUTH WOLK at $45, a box of spark plugs and stage numerous benefit perform- District office. is prgferable to guess-work. one box of motor oil worth $10. ances for charitable organizations of an old and respected Sewar- WOODBRIDGE — It has of- and service clubs. The organiza- With the approval of the plans en family and Steven Ozl, Avenel, The merchandise, he said, he sold by the PHA, bids can be sought The earlier this resolution ten • been said that the use of to a garage in Newburg, N. Y., tion has grown steadily since its are also running as a "ticket." can be made, the better off language is to express our wants and dropped the cash register off j inception in 1947, and at present on the project, which is estimated They. submitted to The Indepen- and desires. How simple that to cost $920,314. The apartment dent-Leader today a long list of we will be — because we can the Edison Bridge into the Rari- |boasts a cast of 37 performers. project, planned to contain 60 seems to most of us! But to a tan River. ' This will be the second year that Township residents, mostly from proceed to go ahead with the small group of seven pupils at dwelling units, according to the Iselin and Colonia, who are en- Admits Break the Players have been engaged by plans approved, is a phase of the dorsing them. School 11, it is far from simple. The prisoner also signed the Edison Lions Club for its show. change if it can withstand For the first time these young- a authority's overall plans for the Another "ticket" for the full statement that he. had broken This season, the Elizabethtown Potters section rehabilitation. the adverse opinion, and sters are learning to speak— into the B & G Service Station, Players will stage an entirely new term consists of Renald Bertolami, abandon any thought of it if slowly, painfully -but patiently. Route 9, Woodbridge; where he program of comedy, novelty, dance, The major portion of the Pot- Port Reading; Thorvald O'Neil, Up,until now they have lived netted $25. vocal and instrumental acts with ters program includes a wide- Colonia, and Rocco Vacca, Wood- it cannot. We can then go to novel and in a world of_ silence—-a still, Detective Feeney said that Price colorful costumes, en- spread redevelopment of the area. bridge. This "ticket" evidently work on any number of the uninteresting world — because Had told him he had broken into \ tertamment for both young. and The apartment propject is de- came about from the desire to old. signed to house those eligible per- have one man from each Ward. other problems which con- these children are deaf. Bud's Shell Service Station, 579 sons, who may be displaced by the • Because they are deaf and All proceeds obtained from the However, the three candidates in Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge; Fly- bow wl11 overall;Potters program.. this group, jind themselves in the front us. _ .__ ., . eould riot .hear sounds they ing A Service' Station, St; George jf be used by-the Lions Club to Although, the present plans for midst controversy.as Mr.
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