® Priority updates from the research literature PURLs from the family Physicians inquiries network Andrew H. Slattengren, DO; Trent Christensen, MD; Shailendra Prasad, Prolotherapy: A nontraditional MBBS, MPH; Kohar Jones, MD North Memorial Family approach to knee osteoarthritis Medicine Residency, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Drs. Dextrose injections into the knee can reduce pain and Slattengren, Christensen, and Prasad); Department improve a patient’s quality of life. of Family Medicine, The University of Chicago (Dr. Jones) PURL s E D i tor Kate Rowland, MD, MS Department of Family PRACTICE CHANGER acid, and corticosteroid injections. Cost, ef- Medicine, The University Recommend prolotherapy for patients with ficacy, and safety limit these therapies.3 of Chicago knee osteoarthritis (OA) that does not re- Prolotherapy is another option used spond to conventional therapies.1 to treat musculoskeletal pain. It involves repeatedly injecting a sclerosing solution STRENGTH OF RECOMMENDATiON (usually dextrose) into the sites of chronic B: Based on a 3-arm, blinded, randomized musculoskeletal pain.4 The mechanism of controlled trial (RCT). action is thought to be the result of local tis- Rabago D, Patterson JJ, Mundt M, et al. Dextrose prolotherapy for sue irritation stimulating inflammatory path- knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Fam Med. 2013;11:229-237. ways, which leads to the release of growth factors and subsequent healing.4,5 Previous studies evaluating the usefulness of prolo- ILLUSTRATIVE CASE therapy have lacked methodological rigor, a 59-year-old woman with OA comes to your have not been randomized adequately, or office with chronic knee pain. She has tried ac- have lacked a placebo comparison.6-9 etaminophen, ibuprofen, intra-articular cortico- steroid injections, and physical therapy without significant improvement in pain or functioning. STUDY SUMMARY She wants to avoid daily medications or sur- Prolotherapy reduces pain gery and wonders if there are any interventions more than exercise or placebo that will not lead to prolonged time away from Rabago et al1 randomized 90 participants to dex- work. What would you consider? trose prolotherapy, placebo saline injections, or at-home exercise. Participants had a ≥3 month Additional options needed for knee OA history of painful knee OA based on a self- More than 25% of adults ages 55 years and reported pain scale, radiographic evidence of older suffer from knee pain, and OA is an knee OA within the past 5 years, and tenderness increasingly common cause.2 Knee pain is of ≥1 or more anterior knee structures on exam. a major source of morbidity in the United Sixty-six percent of participants were fe- States; it limits patients’ activities and in- male. The mean age was 56.7 years and 74% creases comorbidities such as depression were overweight (body mass index [BMI], and obesity. 25-29.9) or obese (BMI ≥30). Participants chose Conventional outpatient treatments for to have one or both knees treated; 43 knees knee pain range from acetaminophen, non- were injected in the dextrose group, 41 re- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucos- ceived saline injections, and 47 were assessed amine, chondroitin, and opiates to topical in the exercise group. There were no significant capsaicin therapy, intra-articular hyaluronic differences among groups at baseline. 206 The Journal of family PracTice | aPRIL 2014 | Vol 63, no 4 Participants in the prolotherapy and saline group increased 13.91 points, compared with groups received injections at 1, 5, and 9 weeks, 6.75 (P=.020) in the saline group and plus optional injections at 13 and 17 weeks per 2.51 (P=.001) points in the exercise group. At physician and participant preference. Injections 52 weeks, the dextrose group showed an im- were administered both extra- and intra-artic- provement of 15.32 points compared with 7.59 ularly. Intra-articular injections were delivered (P=.022) in the saline group and 8.24 (P=.034) using a 25-gauge needle with a mixture of 25% in the exercise group. Fifty percent (15/30) of dextrose, 1% saline, and 1% lidocaine for a to- participants in the dextrose group had clini- tal volume of 6 mL. Extra-articular injections cally meaningful improvement as measured were delivered with a peppering technique by an increase of ≥12 points on the WOMAC, with a maximum of 15 punctures over painful compared with 34% (10/29) and 26% (8/31) in ligaments and tendons around the knee. The the saline and exercise groups, respectively. extra-articular solution was similar to the intra- At 52 weeks, the dextrose group had sig- articular except 15% dextrose was used, with a nificantly decreased KPS knee pain frequency total maximum volume of 22.5 mL. scores compared with the saline group (mean The placebo injection group received in- difference [MD], -1.20 vs. -0.60;P <.05) and ex- jections in the same pattern and technique, ercise group (MD, -1.20 vs. -0.40; P<.05). Knee but the solution was the same quantity of 1% pain severity scores also decreased in the lidocaine plus 1% saline to achieve the same dextrose group compared to the saline (MD, volume. The injector, outcome assessor, pri- -0.92 vs. -0.32, P<.05) and exercise groups Prolotherapy mary investigator, and participants were (MD, -0.92 vs. -0.11; P<.05). There were no for knee OA blinded to injection group. significant differences in KPS score decreases reduced pain In the exercise group, a study coordina- between the saline and exercise groups. frequency and tor taught participants knee exercises and severity more gave them a pamphlet with 10 exercises to What about patient satisfaction? effectively than perform at home. Adherence to at-home ex- At week 52, all participants were asked, exercise or ercises was assessed with monthly logs that “Would you recommend the therapy you re- saline injections. participants mailed in for the first 20 weeks of ceived in this study to others with knee OA the study. Seventy-seven percent of partici- like yours?” Ninety-one percent of the dex- pants reported doing their at-home exercises. trose group, 82% of the saline group, and 89% The primary outcome measure was of the exercise group answered “Yes.” change in composite score on the Western All participants who received injections Ontario McMaster Universities Osteoarthri- reported mild to moderate post-injection tis Index (WOMAC), a validated question- pain. Five participants in the saline group and naire used to evaluate knee-related quality 3 in the dextrose group experienced bruising. of life that features subscales for pain, stiff- No other side effects or adverse events were ness, and function.10 The minimal clinically documented. According to daily logs of medi- important difference in change in score on cation use in the 7 days after injection, 74% this 100-point instrument is 12 points; high- of patients in the dextrose group used acet- er scores indicate better quality of life.11 The aminophen and 47% used oxycodone, com- secondary outcome was change in score on pared with 63% and 43%, respectively, in the the Knee Pain Scale (KPS), a validated ques- saline group. The study authors did not com- tionnaire that uses a 4-point scale to mea- ment on the significance of these differences. sure pain frequency and a 5-point scale to measure pain severity; higher scores indicate worse symptoms.12 WHAT’S NEW A randomized study improvements seen in both scores provides support for prolotherapy Using an intention-to-treat analysis for all This study is the first to adequately demon- groups, WOMAC composite scores im- strate improvement in knee-related quality proved at 9 weeks and remained improved of life with prolotherapy compared with pla- through 52 weeks. At 9 weeks, the dextrose cebo (saline) or exercise. Family physicians JfPonline.com Vol 63, no 4 | aPRIL 2014 | The Journal of family PracTice 207 PURLs® can now add this therapy to their “toolbox” ing training in the technique. The prolo- for patient complaints of OA pain. therapy knee protocol can be performed in an outpatient setting in less than 15 minutes, but the technique requires training. Prolo- CAVEATS therapy training is available from multiple Efficacy is unknown in patients organizations, including the American As- with certain comorbidities sociation of Orthopaedic Medicine, which Of 894 people screened, only 118 met initial requires 100 course hours for prolotherapy eligibility criteria. This study did not include certification.4 No formal survey on the num- patients who were taking daily opioids, had ber of prolotherapists in the United States diabetes, or had a BMI >40, so its results may has been conducted since 1993,13 but Raba- not be generalizable to such patients. go et al1 estimated that the number is in the Also, while the study demonstrated hundreds. no side effects or adverse events other than z insurance coverage frequently is a bruising in 8 patients, the sample size may challenge. Most third-party payers do not have been too small to detect less common cover prolotherapy, and currently most adverse events. However, prior studies of pro- patients pay out-of-pocket. Rabago et al1 lotherapy have not revealed any substantial indicated that at their institution, the cost adverse effects.7 is $218 per injection session. Another study Prolotherapy for z Strong evidence for some condi- published in 2010 put the average total cost of knee OA can be tions…not for others. The strongest data 4 to 6 prolotherapy sessions at $1800.14 performed in support the efficacy of prolotherapy for fo- z And from the patient’s perspective … an outpatient cal tendinopathy (lateral epicondylosis) and The multiple needle sticks involved in prolo- setting in <15 knee OA. Evidence supporting prolotherapy therapy can be painful.
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