16 . 8 . 80 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 214/ 1 I (Acts whose publication is obligatory) COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 2164/80 of 8 August 1980 amending for the seventh time Regulation ( EEC) No 1608/76 laying down detailed rules for the description and presentation of wines and grape musts THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN on an additional label placed in the same field of COMMUNITIES , vision as the other mandatory information ; Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Whereas the nominal volume of containers with a volume of not less than 5 ml and not more than 10 1 suitable for putting up wines and grape musts which Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No are the subject of intra-Community trade is governed 337/79 of 5 February 1979 on the common organi­ by Council Directive 75/ 106/EEC of 19 December zation of the market in wine ('), as last amended by 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Regulation (EEC) No 1988 / 80 (2 ), and in particular Member States relating to the making-up by volume Article 54 ( 5) thereof, of certain prepackaged liquids (8 ), as amended by Directive 79/ 1005 /EEC ( 9); whereas it is necessary, Whereas Council Regulation ( EEC) No 355 /79 of first, to adjust Regulation (EEC) No 1608 /76 in line 5 February 1979 laying down general rules for the with the amendments to that Directive and , secondly, description , and presentation of wines and grape in order to enable the wines and grape musts already musts (■'), as amended by Regulation (EEC) No put up in containers to be disposed of, to make 461 / 80 ( 4 ), consolidated Regulation (EEC) No 2133 / provision for wines and grape musts put up in 74 ( 5 ); whereas Commission Regulation (EEC) No containers which may not be used after the expiry of 1608 /76 (6), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) the additional period referred to in that Directive and No 730/ 80 ( 7 ), laid down detailed rules for the by other Community provisions referring to that description and presentation of wines and grape Directive to be kept for sale and released into circu­ lation in the said , containers until stocks are musts ; exhausted ; Whereas , with a view to preventing different labels from being printed and affixed to containers according to the destination or nominal volume of the Whereas , in order to prevent the consumer from product as prepared for the market, provision should being misled as to the country in which the product be made whereby certain mandatory information was bottled , it is advisable to specify the official required for the purposes of intra-Community trade language or languages in which the particulars and imports into the Community may be mentioned preceding the name and business name of the bottler should be indicated on the labelling ; whereas the introduction of this provision requires the adoption of ') OJ No L 54 , 5 . 3 . 1979 , p . 1 . a temporary provision allowing the sale of bottled ') OJ No L 195 , 29 . 7 . 1980 , p . 1 . products until 31 December 1980 ; ■') OJ No I. 54 , 5 . 3 . 1979 , p . 99 . J ) OJ No L 57 , 29 . 2 . 1980 , p . 36 . 5 ) OJ No L 227 , 17 . 8 . 1974 , p . 1 . ♦) OJ No L 183 , 8 . 7 . 1976 , p . 1 . ( s ) OJ No L 42 , 15 . 2 . 1975 , p . 1 . 7 ) OJ No L 83 , 28 . 3 . 1980 , p . 18 . (')' OJ No L 308 , 4 . 12 . 1979 , p . 25 . No L 214/2 Official Journal of the European Communities 16 . 8 . 80 Whereas Hungary and the United States have containing a word or part thereof which would lead requested that they be allowed to export to the to confusion with the name of a geographical unit Community wines bearing the name of a geographical utilized for the description of an imported wine ; unit on the basis of the derogations in respect of the description of imported wine which are allowable Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation under Article 31 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 355 /79 ; are in accordance with the opinion of the whereas Hungary, the United States of America and Management Committee for Wine , New Zealand have requested that they be allowed to export to the Community wines bearing the name of a vine variety on the basis of the derogations in respect of the description of imported wines which are allowable under Article 32 (2) of that Regulation ; HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : whereas Hungary has requested that it be allowed to export to the Community wines bearing a vintage year on the basis of the derogations in respect of the Article 1 description of imported wine which are allowable under Article 33 (2) of that Regulation ; whereas , with a view to preventing discrimination in the description Regulation (EEC) No 1608 /76 is hereby amended in of imported wine and Community wine , Regulation accordance with the following Articles . (EEC) No 1608 /76 should be amplified along these lines ; Article 2 Whereas provision has been made for the temporary The second subparagraph of Article 1 ( 1 ) is replaced use of labels not meeting the requirements of Regu­ by the following : lation (EEC) No 355/79 and Regulation (EEC) No 1608 /76 for wine for export to the United States of 'However : America or Canada , in so far, inter alia, as infor­ mation not permitted under Community rules is — the mandatory information relating to the required under the legislation of the United States or importer, or to the Member State or non­ Canada ; whereas a permanent solution allowing member country of origin of the product, or admission to those countries of wine labelled in to the nominal volume of the product, may be conformity with Community rules alone has not yet given on an additional label placed in the same been found ; whereas, consequently, to prevent field of vision as the other mandatory infor­ exports to those two countries from being affected, mation , authorization should be granted after 31 August 1980 for wine exported to those two countries to continue — the mandatory information relating to the to be labelled in accordance with the legislation of the consignor or importer of containers with a country of importation where that differs from nominal volume exceeding 60 litres may be Community rules ; placed directly on the container if the other mandatory information appears on a separate label'. Whereas Australia, Austria, Bulgaria , Chile , the United States of America, Israel, New Zealand , Romania , Czechoslovakia and Hungary have Article 3 requested that they be allowed to export to the Community wines the description of which includes Article 3 is amended as follows : particulars relating to a higher quality, geographical areas or vine varieties not provided for in Annexes I , II or IV to Regulation (EEC) No 1608 /76 but which 1 . Paragraphs 2 and 3 are deleted . comply with the national provisions of the country in question and which may be allowed under the rules 2 . Paragraph 4 becomes paragraph 2 . laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 355 /79 ; whereas these Annexes should be amplified along these lines 3 . The following paragraph is added : and corrected by the deletion of certain particulars ; ' 3 . Pursuant to the first indent of Article 46 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2133 /74 wines and grape must put up in containers which may not be Whereas it is advisable to prohibit, for the description used after the expiry of the transitional periods of quality wines psr, the use of names of vine varieties referred to in Article 5 of Directive 75/ I06/EEC 16 . 8 . 80 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 214/ 3 and in other applicable Community provisions to bear a geographical ascription contained in may be kept with a view to sale and entry into Annex II , even if only 85 % of the wine free circulation in those containers until stocks are concerned is obtained from grapes harvested exhausted on condition that it can be shown, in in the named production area ; particular by the registers referred to in Title II to Regulation (EEC) No 1153 /75 , that the product in question was put up in those containers before (b) the United States of America on or after the expiry of the abovementioned transitional 1 January 1983 to be described by reference periods.' to the name of the relevant State , supplemented if appropriate by the name of the county or viticultural area as referred to below , even if : Article 4 — only 75 % of the wine concerned is obtained from grapes harvested in a State The following subparagraph is added to Article 4 ( 1 ): as listed in point VIII of Annex II, or in a single county whose name it bears, or ' If the product is put into circulation in the — only 85 % of the wine concerned is Community the terms referring to the bottler obtained from grapes harvested in the specified in the first and third subparagraphs shall "viticultural area" as laid down by United be given in one or more of the offic ial languages : States regulations , — of the Member State in which the product was provided the wine is obtained wholly from the bottled , or State or States on whose territory this viticultural area is situated ; — of the Member State in which the product will be put into circulation , or (c) the United States of America to be described — in the case of an imported product, by reference to : — of the Member State in which the product will be put into circulation , — the names of two or not more than three counties , all situated in the same State , or or — of the non-member country in which — the names of two or not more than three bottling was carried out, provided that the immediately neighbouring States , language is also an official Community language.' provided that such wine is produced wholly from those counties or States .
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