This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com \m<ldi llica,tions or alterations in for the following positions within the NOAA duri ng the period ""uvL··Lu•u. Director, Office of Ocean and Exploration; Director, Office of Education and \SuiStainable Development; Contract Analyst, Office of Ocean and Exploration; Deputy ic Affairs; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and · Office of Education and SUIStainable and Public Affairs requests accompanying processed from January I, present by the Office of the Secretary and the entire Department of Commer<:e in Barbour; Barbour, Griffith & Rogers; BGR Group; BGR Government Affairs; Relations; BGR Capital & Trade; BGR Gabara; National Policy Forum; GOP IM:arketnlac•e: Mobile Telecommunications Technology Corp. (Mtel); National Environmental National Environmental Strageties Company Inc.; Environmental Straegies; Video Te•chn:olc•gie:s Inc.; Milestone Merchant Partners LLC; Blount International; and Terra Corp. are the subject of the FOIA requests, or part of the subject of the 3122/2011 from Jan I, 2005 to present of correspondence between the OS, NTIA, ITA, 312212011 Mitt Romney, Willard M. Romney, W. Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney, Bain Retrun Capital (ARC), Bain Capital Private Equity, Bain Capital (Europe) Bain & Co., Bain Capital Ventures, Brookside Capital, Sankaty Advisors, Marriott llnternatic>nal. lnc., Tyler Charitable Foundation, or Ann D. and W. Mitt Romney Charitable from Jan I, 2005 to present of correspondence between the OS, NTIA, ITA, 31221201 Haley Barbour; Barbour, Griffith & Rogers; BGR Group; BGR Government Affairs; Relations; BGR Capital & Trade; BGR Gabara; National Policy Forum; GOP IM:!.Tk<otollae<o: Mobile Telecommunications Technology Corp. (Mtel); National Environmental Environmental Strategies Company Inc.; Environmental Srategies; Video T~· h"'''"'''•• Inc.; Milestone Merchant Partners LLC; Blount International; and Terra 3/22/20 II 312212011 • ':to~ <,~ '"'*''. c - t{ ' "'"" , - t " ' - - - . [ ') ·.;~:.:_-~~t-;::r ~---.. ~~.- :,,_, - 1 ' I •~ ' "~ · r~ I . ' I 8\!i ~._, , ____. -- ---. --·- -- -- - - - --- --· I - ~ -,(~ following names Yukos, Khodorkovsky (or Khodorkovskiy), Platon Lebedev; Leonid jNevzlin, Alexei Pichugin, David Godfrey, Steven Theede, Bruce Misamore, Timothy (or r-im) Osborne, Menatep, Commercial Innovation Bank for Scientific and Technical Progress, Yuganskneftegaz, YNG, Wincanton, Small World Telecommunication Holding, Financial Performance Holdings, Stichting Administratiekantoor Yukos lntemational , Stiching Administratiekantoor Financial Performance Holdings, Consolidated Nile, General Nile, Brittany Assets, Fair Oaks Trade and Invest, Glendale Group, Hulley Enterprises, Veteran Petroleum, Peter Bond, Stephen Cunis, Alexei (or Alexey) Golubovich, Vladimir Dubov, Daniel Feldman, Armen Mikaye\yan, Frank Rieger, Jacques Kosciusko Morizet, George rachonitis, Petros Demetiou. Sergei Ketcha. 11-312 5) Referred documents from the Depanment of Justice related to a Privacy Act request. [Abbe David Lowell n/a 5/1712011 11-313 How to collect the security stock in his name. (b)((i) nfa 5/18/2011 11-314 lnfonnation regarding the FOIA and the Department. !Michael Heald n/a 5/ 1812011 11·315 ~II records from October I, 2009, to March 3 I, 2010, related to the December 2009, IP Mark Rumold Electronic Frontier 5123/2011 ~umm it, including any communications or correspondence between DOC officials or - Foundation ~mployees and entertainment assoication executives, officials, representatives, or employees. including, but not limited to, executives, officials, representatives, or employees of the Motion Picture Association of America {MPAA) or t11e Recording Industry Associatioon of America kfuAAJ. 11-316 1'--opies of all databases containing infonnation related in anyway to travel byDepanment of Russell Carollo ournalist Russell 5/23/2011 ommerce employees and/or financed by the Department of Commerce. arona 11-317 An excel file of the official GDA ligures and GDP per capita ligures by U.S. town/city for the lifTord Goss n/a 5123/2011 ears 1995-20 II. 11-318 opy of the payroll for the Chicago/Midwest office ofMBDA for the past live years (2011, Bob Herguth Bener Government 5125120 11 0 10,2009,2008, 2007); regulations and policies for MBDA employees relating to if and Assoication when they may receive something of value from somebody outside the agency; regulations nd policies for MBDA employees relating to if they may work from home and accrue "comp" time; all ethics and concomic disclosure documents filed by and all all employees of the Chicago/Midwest office of MBDA for the past five years; bills and statements for any all credit cards used by the Chicago/Midwest office of MBDA for 2009, 20 I 0. to date in 20 II ; documents showing any and all reimburesements made to any and aJiemployees of hicago/Midwest office ofMBDA for expenses in 2009,2010, and to date in 2011 , incl uding ravel; all documents that show what grants and other monies were allocated upon the recommendation of the Chicago/Midwest office of MBDA in 2009, 20 I0, and to date in 20 I I. 11-3 19 opies of infonnation related to greenhouse gas emissions ("GHGs") and the 15th United ~elanie Oberlin George Mason 5/25/2011 Nations Climate Change Conference held December 7-1 8, 2009, in Copenhagen, Denmark University School of !:f:._ .::,.~·-~. -'~.__j__~ .:_.:_~ --~- - - ~ ·~I I •· ' - -- -· - I I (. 1 , .... ..... I I .lt' i5j[--:~: ~-;,~~~-~ ~~ ~-- - .~:~··~- ' .. - - - - ... J- - - - - Real Property Profile as of the date on which processing of this request; summary data oumal !covering the number of assets currently in the Federal Rea l Property Profile, the total nwnber which are ~'over-utilized" or "'utilized", the corresponding building use categories/codes, using rganization, size, value, condition index, mission dependency, annual operating costs and ongressional district. 11-346 5) referred documents from the Department of Defence, Defense Contract Audit Agency. Sarah Ahmand Cotton & Company 6/20120 11 F01A Case Number 1-11-{)74-H regarding a request for intergency agreements between the !Abed in LP Defense Contract Audit Agency and other Federal agencies for services provided in fiscal Year (FY) 2011. 11-347 (..:Opy of correspondence between Sen John McCain, R-Ariz and or his staff or representatives Rita Beamish rJa 6/2 1/2011 nd officials of the Department from Jan I, 2007 to present. 11-348 fAll records created since January I, 20 10, related to efforts to acquire sodium thiopental, Natasha Minsker and American Civil 6/22/2011 hiopentone, thiosol sodim. pentobarbital, pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and/or im Redmond Liberties Union of any other drug used for executing prisoners by lethal injection, and any efforts by the l'lorthem California. Departmnet to assist states or other jurisdictions in procuring these drugs or otherwise address nd The San he shortage ofsodium thiopental including the Secretary of Commerce and Individuals Francisco Bay within his office, and any official, employee, or agent of any other federal entity, including puardian but not limited to the White House, Attomey General's Office, Drug Enforcement !Administration, any component of the Department of Justice, Customs and Border Protection, lor the Food and Drug Administation. 11-349 [nformation regarding bond information and the requester. (h)( {.Q ) n/a 6123 /201 1 11-350 Copy of the SOW associated with the contract International Business Sales & Services ennifer Allgaier r-enturion Research 6123/2011 Corporation. 11-351 opy of the task order modificiaiton 0 associated with AMDEX Corporation. ennifer Allgaier enturion Research 6/23/2011 11-352 Records related to NOAA's decision to use Google Apps for Government for the f'l.nn L. Weismann i<-REW 6/24/2011 Administrations email. 11-353 Guidelines or services availabe for ex-felons. ~tanley Bradley rJa 6/27/2011 11-354 All contracts, payments and correspondence between the state of Maryland and Worldwide harles W. McCurry Law Firm, 6/27/2011 Interactive Network, Inc. from July I, 2007 to the present. Smitherman LLC 11-355 opies of all fil es and correspondence between officials at the Coca-Cola Company in Bartow J. Elmore rJa 6127/2011 Atlanta, GA and Department of Commerce related to sugar, caffeine, coffee, coca leaves or ea leaves from 1903 and 20 I I. 11-356 opy of his birth certificate. f.b)f{J.} nla 6/27/2011 11-357 All documents concerning John F. Barylsky with regards to Charles B. Swartwood's review of ohn Barylsky rJa 6127/2011 !NOAA enforcement cases in preparation of his "Report and Recommendation of the Special Master Concerning NOAA Enforcement Action of Certain Designated Cases," a copy of the the and or Jon Huntsman for May 2009 through July I, 2011, and Dec January 2002 when Jon Huntsman served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Deve\c>on1ent Bureau, and later as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for 7128/201 to any request for waivers for or any notifications of the seeking 7/28/201 emnJo,vm,ent sent to the DOC's OGC, any other OGC within the Department of ehtics officer within the of Commerce to 18 .t":T",:.."~
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