Jewish Population in Bessarabia and Transnistria

Jewish Population in Bessarabia and Transnistria

Jewish Population in Bessarabia and Transnistria - Geographical Dictonary First edition 01/04/2012, Updated November 2012, January 2013, August 2013 by H Kabaker [email protected] 1897 1930 Census Bessarabia Business Directory of 1924 Russian Census cited in "Yizkor Judetul/Uezd Town / Village Jewish Total Bessarabia (1973)" Year Businesse Populatio Source (See in 1930 Today's Location Other Historical Names Name in 1924 s n Jews Total Jews Total note) Comment Estab. Web sites USBGN Bălţi All Bălţi Judet 983 372,012 27,252 211,448 31,916 Alexăndreni [Rom], Aleksandreny [Rus], http://en.wikipedia. Alexandreni Târg, Aleksandrovsk, Aleksandreni- org/wiki/Alex%C4 1 Bălţi Alexăndreni, Singerei, Moldova Tyrg Alexandreni 47 900 1,190 1,253 1,018 1,524 sMG, JG, Cen97 Jewish Colony from 1837 1837 %83ndreni -2275979 2 Bălţi Avrămeni, Glodeni, Moldova Avramen’, Avrameni, Avrameny Avrameni 1 536 -2276007 3 Bălţi Balatina, Glodeni, Moldova Balotina, Bolotina, Bolotino Balotina 10 3,024 131 -2276102 4 Bălţi Bălţi, Bălţi, Moldova Slobozia-Bălţi Slobozia-Balti 6 948 -2276030 Bălţi [Mold, Rom], Bel'tsy [Rus], Belz [Yid], Bel'tsi [Ukr], Bielce [Pol], Belts', Beltz, Bieltsi, Belzy, Bălţi, 5 Bălţi Bălţi, Bălţi, Moldova Byelcy, Baltsy Balti 135 22,000 10,348 18,478 14,259 30,570 sMG, JG, Cen97 -2276030 Belichany, Biliceni, Bilichen’, Bilicheni, Bliceni, 6 Bălţi Bilicenii Vechi, Singerei, Moldova Gilicheny, Staryye Bilicheny Biliceni 5 1,565 -2277361 7 Bălţi Blindeşti , Ungheni, Moldova Blandeşti, Blindeshty Blandesti 2 Was near Buciumeni. 408652 listed on the web at missing: http://www.missing- 8 Bălţi Bocani, Făleşti, Moldova Băcani, Bokan’, Bokani, Bokany Bocani 2 987 children-a-j.html -2276095 9 Bălţi Bocşa, Făleşti, Moldova Boksha Bocsa 1 807 -2276096 10 Bălţi Branişte, Glodeni, Moldova Braneshty, Branishta, Braniştea Balti 7 525 101 -2276124 Bratushany, Bratushen’, Bretusheniy-Vek’, Staryye 11 Bălţi Brătuşeni, Edineţ, Moldova Bratushany Bratuseni 5 2,291 -2276127 12 Bălţi Buciumeni, Ungheni, Moldova Buchiumeni, Buchumen’, Buchumeny, Buchumyany Buciumeni 1 539 -2276146 13 Bălţi Bumbăta, Ungheni, Moldova Bumbota Bumbata 1 1,058 -2276166 14 Bălţi Bursuceni, Singherei, Moldova Bursucheny, Bursuchen’ Bursuceni 1 487 416684 15 Bălţi Buteşti, Glodeni, Moldova Butesht’, Buteshti, Buteshty - 108 674 Cen97 -2276178 16 Bălţi Cajba, Glodeni, Moldova Kazhba Cajba 6 1,484 -2276548 17 Bălţi Călineşti, Făleşti, Moldova Kalinesht’, Kalineshty, Kelineshti Calinesti 3 2,055 -2276497 Camenca [Mold, Rom], Kamenka [Rus, Yid], Kamianka [Ukr], Kamionka [Pol], Kamenka- 18 Bălţi Camenca, Glodeni, Moldova Moldavskaya Camenca 2 1,076 -2276196 Cetâreni, Chetyreny, Chetyryany, Chirileni, 19 Bălţi Cetireni , Ungheni, Moldova Chitiren’, Chitireni Cetireni 4 1,435 -2276214 20 Bălţi Chirileni, Făleşti, Moldova Kirilen’, Kirileni, Kirileny Chirileni 1 786 -2276575 Kishkaren’, Kishkareni, Kishkareny, Kishkaryany, 21 Bălţi Chişcăreni, Singerei, Moldova Kishkereni, Lazo populated place Chiscareni 7 3,000 -2276760 22 Bălţi Chiurt, Edineţ, Moldova Kyurt Tiurt 1 761 -2276749 Cholaku-Vek’, Chuluk, Staraya Chelachovka, 23 Bălţi Ciolacu Vechi, Ungheni, Moldova Staraya Chelakovka, Staryy Cholak Ciolacovca 2 1,715 -2277349 24 Bălţi Cioropcani, Ungheni, Moldova Cioropcanii, Choropkany, Cioropcanii-Noui 2 762 9074841 25 Bălţi Ciuciulea, Glodeni, Moldova Chuchulya Ciuciulea 11 2,425 120 -2276234 Kolokocheni-Vek’, Staryye Klokochany, Staryye 26 Bălţi Clocosenii Vechi, Glodeni, Moldovba Klokocheny Clococenii 1 358 -2277372 27 Bălţi Corlateni, Rîşcani, Moldova Lyadoveny, Strâmba, Strymba Stramba 3 2,043 -2276802 28 Bălţi Corlateni, Rîşcani, Moldova Stramba Noua Stramba Noua 1 503 -2276802 29 Bălţi Corneşti, Ungheni, Moldova Cornesti-Perival Cornesti-Perival 43 700 -2276643 Corneşti [Rom], Korneshty [Rus], Kornesht [Yid], sMG, JG, Cen97, 30 Bălţi Corneşti, Ungheni, Moldova Kornesht' Tyrg, Korneshti Cornesti 4 2,040 552 2,689 338 2,469 DKh -2276643 31 Bălţi Coşeni, Ugheni, Moldova Koshen’, Kosheny Coseni-Floceni 1 464 -2276654 32 Bălţi Costeşti, Glodeni, Moldova Kostesht’, Kosteshti, Kosteshty Costesti 2 2,895 -2276666 33 Bălţi Cucuetii-Noi, Rîşcani, Moldova Cucuietii-Noui Cucuietii-Noui 2 280 -2277004 34 Bălţi Cucuetii-Noi, Rîşcani, Moldova Cucuietii-Vechi Cucuietii-Vechi 1 225 -2277375 35 Bălţi Cucuetii-Noi, Rîşcani, Moldova Ivanovca Ivanovca 2 540 Was part of Cucuietii Noi commune. -2276483 36 Bălţi Cuhneşti, Glodeni, Moldova Kukhnesht’, Kukhneshti, Kukhneshty Cuhnesti 9 1,740 -2276717 Danul, Danul Staryy, Danul Vechiu, Danul-Vek’, 37 Bălţi Danu, Glodeni, Moldova Danul Veke, Danul Veki Danu-Vechi 3 2,491 104 -2276250 38 Bălţi Dănuţeni, Ungheni, Moldova Danutsany, Danutsen’, Danutseny Danuteni 7 1,436 -2276251 39 Bălţi Drujineni, Făleşti, Moldova Druzhineny, Druzhniyen’ Drujineni 1 320 -2276284 40 Bălţi Druţa, Rîşcani, Moldova Drutsa Druta-Stangaceni 2 576 401778 Dumbrăviţa [Rom], Dumbrovitsa [Rus], Commune. Includes 3 villages: Dumbravita, 41 Bălţi Dumbrăviţa, Singerei, Moldova Dumbrovista, Dumbrevitsa, Dumbravitsa - JG Boceana-Schit, Valea lui Vlad. -2276293 Dushman’, Dushmany, Oktyabr’skoye, 42 Bălţi Duşman, Glodeni, Moldova Voroshilovka, Voroshilovo Dusmani 1 2,019 -2277036 43 Bălţi Elizaveta, Bălţi, Moldova Elisaveta, Styrcha, Yelizavetovka Elisavetovca 1 234 -2277644 44 Bălţi Făleşti, Făleşti, Moldova Falesht’, Faleshty, Feleshti Falesti 49 2,640 -2276308 Făleşti [Rom], Faleshti [Yid], Foleshty [Rus], 45 Bălţi Făleşti, Făleşti, Moldova Falesht', Feleshti, Faleshty Falesti 49 2,640 4,518 6,672 3,258 6,278 sMG, JG, Cen97 -2276308 46 Bălţi Fîntîna Albă, Edineţ, Moldova Fyntyna Alba, Fyntyna-Albe Fantana-Alba 2 756 -2276339 47 Bălţi Floreşti, Ungheni, Moldova Floresht’, Floreshty Floresti 1 345 408976 Fundur’, Funduri, Funduri-Vechi, Fundury, Staryye 48 Bălţi Fundurii Vechi, Glodeni, Moldova Fundury Funduri 8 1,328 -2277366 49 Bălţi Glodeni, Glodeni, Moldova Gloden’, Glodyany, Malyye Glodyany Glodenii Noi 1 2,180 214 2,860 sMG, DKh -2276393 50 Bălţi Glodeni, Glodeni, Moldova Gloden’, Glodyany, Malyye Glodyany Glodenii Vechi 4 1,120 -2276393 51 Bălţi Grinăuţi, Glodeni, Moldova Grânăuţ, Grinauts’, Grinautsi, Grinautsy Grinauti 1 415 -2276427 52 Bălţi Hancăuţi, Edineţ, Moldova Gynkauts’, Khenkautsy Hancauti 9 730 -2276446 Gizhdieny, Gizhdiyany, Gizhdiyeny, Gyzhdiyen’, 53 Bălţi Hîjdieni, Glodeni, Moldova Hâjdieni Hajdieni 9 2,116 137 -2276385 54 Bălţi Hiliuţi, Glodeni Moldova Giliuts’, Giliutsi, Khileutsi, Khilevtsy, Khiliutsy Hiliuti 5 1,600 -2276561 Ganchesty, Gynchesht’, Hânceşti, Khencheshti, 55 Bălţi Hînceşti, Făleşti, Moldova Kotovsk, Kotovskoye, Khynchesht’ Hancesti 1 822 -2276347 56 Bălţi Hîrceşti, Ungheni, Moldova Gircheshty, Gyrchesht’, Gyrchesti, Hârceşti Harcesti 1 1,434 -2276382 Gorodeshty, Gorodishche, Horodiştea, 57 Bălţi Horodişte, Rîşcani, Moldova Khorodishtya, Horodiste 3 148 -2276408 58 Bălţi Iabloana, Glodeni, Moldova Guzumanesti Guzumanesti 3 751 Hamlet near and part of Iabloana Commune. -2277626 Iablona Veche, Staraya Yablona, Yablona, Yablona 59 Bălţi Iabloana, Glodeni, Moldova Veke, Iablona Iabloana 2 871 -2277626 60 Bălţi Izvoare, Făleşti, Moldova Isvoare, Izvory Isvoare 5 1,250 -2276486 Staryye Limbeni, Staryye Limbeny, Staryye 61 Bălţi Limbenii Vechi, Glodeni, Moldova Limbyany Limbenii Vechi 2 1,235 -2277376 62 Bălţi Lucăceni, Făleşti, Moldova Lucăceni [Rom], Lukacheny [Rus], Lukachen' - JG -2276794 63 Bălţi Măgurele, Ungheni, Moldova Magureli, Magurely, Megurele Magurele 1 795 -2276804 64 Bălţi Mărăndeni, Făleşti, Moldova Maranden’, Marandeny, Merendeni Marandeni 2 1,839 -2276833 65 Bălţi Mihăileni, Rîşcani, Moldova Mikhaylen’, Mikhayleny, Mikhaylyany, Mikheylen’ Mihaileni 5 4,342 143 -2276871 66 Bălţi Mîndreşti, Teleneşti, Moldova Mândreşti, Myndresht’, Myndreshti, Myndreshty Mandresti 2 2,300 -2276901 67 Bălţi Musteaţa, Făleşti, Moldova Mustyatsa, Mustyatsy Musteata 2 580 -2276899 68 Bălţi Năpădeni, Ungheni, Moldova Napaden’, Napadeny Napadeni 1 2,731 -2276906 69 Bălţi Năvîrneţ, Făleşti, Moldova Năvârneţ, Navyrnets, Nyvernetsi Navarneti 3 1,181 -2276910 Nikoren’, Nikoreni, Nikoreny, Nikoryany, 70 Bălţi Nicoreni, Drochia, Moldova Nagoryany, Nigoreni, Negoreny, Nigoren’ Nicoreni 7 2,750 -2276925 71 Bălţi Ochiul Alb, Drochia, Moldova Okiul-Alb, Okyu-Alb, Okyul Alb Ochiul Alb 1 2,093 -2277038 72 Bălţi Parcova, Edineţ, Moldova Parkova, Parkovo Parcova 7 1,706 -2277063 73 Bălţi Pelinia, Drochia, Moldova Peleney, Peleni, Peleniya, Peliniya Pelenia 29 3,316 121 -2277076 74 Bălţi Petreşti, Ungheni, Moldova Petresht’, Petreshty Petresti 1 1,418 -2277095 Pătruşeni, Patrushen’, Petrashan’, Petroshany, 75 Bălţi Petruşeni, Rîşcani, Moldova Petrushany Petruseni 7 1,475 -2277100 76 Bălţi Pînzăreni, Făleşti, Moldova Pânzăreni, Pynzaren’, Pynzareni, Pynzareny Panzareni 3 1,300 -2277156 77 Bălţi Pîrjota, Rîşcani, Moldova Pârjota, Pyrzhota Parjota 1 900 -2277164 78 Bălţi Pîrliţa, Ungheni, Moldova Pyrlits’, Pyrlitsa, Pârliţa Parlita-Sat 1 310 -2277160 79 Bălţi Pîrliţa, Ungheni, Moldova Pyrlits’, Pyrlitsa, Pârliţa Parlita-Targ 94 1,350 494 722 1,064 2,297 sMG, Cen97 -2277160 Pochumbovtsy, Pochumbautsi, Pochumbeny, http://www.avotayn Pochumbavtsy, Pochumbautsy, Pochembautsy, 80 Bălţi Pociumbăuţi, Rîşcani, Moldova Pochumbauts - JG ppendixc2.htm 2277113 81 Bălţi Pociumbeni, Rîşcani, Moldova Pociumben’, Pociumbeni Drųta, Pochumbeny Pociumbeni 3 928 -2276283 82 Bălţi Pojarna, Călăraşi, Moldova Cornesti-Gara, Pozharna Cornesti-Gara 7 369 414990 83 Bălţi Proscureni, Rîşcani, Moldova Proskuren’, Proskuryany Proscureni 3 863 -2277145 Rădeni,

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