![1961-09-21, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
laMMU «iwt> Hi W —■! nil HL Wfcl Thursday, September 21, 1H1 AUTOM^ AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES THE SMART PLACE TO BUY YOUR FORD IS AT PHIL SNYDER FORD Does Your Present Car PHIL SNYDER STILL GOING!. PHIL SNYDER Biggest EVENT In Cleveland Automobile History . FORD FORD Have You ’150,000 SALE OF Behind The-- BUT NOT ALL GONE! i 1961 FORDS i 1961 Darts, Dodges, Lancers FALCONS — GALAXIES — FUTURAS — THUNDERBIRDS SEE US FIRST OR LAST — Selling Fords and Usod Cars in and Trucks volume gives us a better chance to offer you a BETTER DEAL. We're not here to quibble over a few dollars. See US FIRST OR LAST for HIGH TRADES, INTEGRITY FINANCING and IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF YOUR CAR AND TITLE. AT HUGE SAVINGS! —Phillip A. Snyder PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER! PHIL SNYDER MIKE TOZZI EAST BRING YOUR SELECTION CLEVELAND'S FAMILY-COME In Repairs Official's Cars and Demonstrators EVERY MODEL LEADING . PREPARED YOU CAN UNTITLED CARS WITH 12-MONTH WARRANTY FOR THE & Upkeep? NAME IS FORD DEAL OF INCLUDED _———'SY, DEALER YOUR LIFE Then Stop In BUY FROM A DIRECT FACTORY DEALER IN THIS SALE Today and Select 75-1961 FORDS NO PAYMENTS From Our Large DELIVERY available for 'TIL NOV. 1st Lot of A-l Cars ON THE SPOT! NO WAITING IMMEDIATE GLAVIC DODGE YOUR PRESENT car may 1959 FORD DRIVE IN—DRIVE OUT DELIVERY be your down payment Galaxie Victoria hardtop. Radio, heat­ DODGE-DART-LANCER Sales <S Service WITH A BETTER CAR er, cruisamatic, beauti- ClfifiE ful ravin black .... 6*066 536 East 185th St. Open Friday Till 9 KE. 1-3375 THE COUNTRY S take your ap­ FINEST DIS- plication by 1959 FORD FLAYS OF phono and call PHIL SNYDER 4-door country sedan, 9 passenger PHU SNYDER CARS you back in station wagon. Factory equipped. FORD Heater, Fordomatic, Kl AOK FORD minute*. transmission, V-8 NOTICE SEE THESE BIG VALUES AT PHIL SNYDER FORD THESE BIG VALUES AT PHIL SNYDER FORD 1956 CADILLAC BUY Be it hereby known that at any 4-door sedan DeVille. Hydramatic, time inter the publishing of 1957 FORD $995 1960 FORD $1795 I960 THAMES ..... $895 radio and heater, full power equip­ this notice, one 1957 Plymouth 1959 FORD $1595 1957 FORD $795 ment, immaculate throughout. The SERIES Savoy, MODEL V-8 Vanette, in mint condition. Tudor hardtop, V-8, automatic, Convertible, V-8, automatic Galaxie Fordor, V-8, automatic 2-Door. SERIAL NO. 16145488 Fordor hardtop Victoria, coral with power, mint green and elegant in driving Ki 1 QK and white, V-8, automatic, with golden white, off»et by white­ will be sold for $493. This car white. pleasure __ ___ ______ tJ74«w*l power steering. A real buy. walls 1954 DODGE $45 may be purchased by making 1960 PLYMOUTH . $1395 O'BRIEN weekly payments of $4.70. 4-door, V-8, take me home. 6-cylinder. standard shift. 1958 FORD Absolutely no cash needed 1958 CHEVROLET $1295 1956 CHEVROLET $695 fairlano ’ 500” Victorian hardtop. until first payment is made 1955 DODGE $195 Cruisamatic, radio and heater, etc 1958 PONTIAC ... $1195 Bel Air 4-door hardtop, V-8, au­ 4-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, late in October 1961. 1956 DODGE $595 radio and neater, exceptionally Station wagon, V-8, standard yellow and white 2 toee, fill WAY 2-deor ha'dtop, V-B, automatic, tomatic, power steering, 2-tone V-8, automatic, a real clean car. clean. shift. immaculate throughout ._ “ WW DESCRIPTION 2-tone blue. green with whitewall*. Color: Soft Blue and White. 1959 FORD Interior; Blue and White. Custom 300, V-8, 2-door. Fordo- SIX WAYS BETTER! Body Cond. Good. matic, heater, $1295 PHIL SNYDER FORD PHIL SNYDER FORD WITH WARRANTED CONFIDENCE Equipment: Automatic, ra­ I dio and heater, power NEV/ CAR 13*2? tttCLID Eart Cleveland near Windermere ■ USED CAR Ovr New Addreu 11445 EUCLID AVE, 1956 CHEVROLET steering and brakes. 1960 FORD STARLINER HARDTOP 2-door, aspin LOT Eo»t Cleveland dear Lakeview Ave Pteose Call $51-7300 4-Door Station Wagon. 6 cylinder, Meeh. Cond: Very Good. SHOWROOM / ; " \ asi-7300 green, whit* walls, full chrome wheel discs, luxury standard shift, radio and heater, ex- green upholstery that show* na wear, Forodomatic, This car and many other car* custom radio, airflow heater, many RAK are being stored by and other Ford accessories , can be seen at STATE STOR­ AGE Liquidation Lot Division GET ROLLIN WITH OLEN 1958 PLYMOUTH 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE. Alpine of Cleveland Car Co. at 16403 blue, blue vinyl top, whitewall tires, V-8 engine, Euclid Ave., corner of Ivan­ Automatic transmission, 2- THOROUGHLY K7QK power steering end brakes. Powerglide, air flow hoe. Phone IV. 1-5173 in ton*. Radio and heater ... • W W INSPECTED heater, custom radio, and many other genuine Cleveland. Hours: Monday Chevrolet accessories, 9,000 actual mile*. This car and Friday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., 1955 MERCURY other days 9 A.M, to 6 P.M. GOOD USED CARS look* and drives Convertible. Radio ond $2295 Closed Sunday. | Sure you can get it cheaper Remember, YOU GET WHAT heater, Mercomatic $295 2. YOU PAY FOR! Cheap Price, Cheap Car See u* for clean, Reconditioned 1960 CORVETTE SPORT CONVERTIBLE. Romany r*d, NO DOWN PAYMENT dependable cars backed by our OWN Service Dept. FOR SAFETY white insert, whitewall tires, white convertible top. WITH CREDIT Powerglide, custom radio, air flow heater. Ex­ ceptionally clean inside $3095 NOTICE OPEN MONDAYS & FRIDAYS 1959 FORD 1956 CHEVROLET 3. Be it hereby known that at any Station wagon 6 cyl. C 1 AfiC 2-door sedan. Powerglide, radio, TILL 9 P M. tune after the publishing of Standard shift. _____ 4*1311 Reconditioned this notice, one 1955 Buick, Immaculate. --------------------- $695rfwwv SERIES Roadmaster, MODEL Commerce for 2-Door hardtop, SERIAL NO. 1958 PLYMOUTH PERFORMANCE 7B1070430 will be sold for 1957 FORD $492. This car may be pur­ Radio, heater. KRQK Convertible Radio, heater, Fordo­ 1960 RAMBLER STATION WAGON. Snowcrest white, chased by making weekly payments of $4.70, Absolutely matic, power steering KRQK black and white vinyl interior, very low mileage, no cash needed until first and brakes ........ wwww Ford 4. new car trade, factory equipped for (fc OQK payments is made late in your driving pleasure qrlfcWsl October 1961. 1956 OLDS Reconditioned DESCRIPTION 4-door hardtop. Radio KRQK 1956 PONTIAC 13608 St. Clair for 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR HARDTOP 4-door. Ivory heater, hydramatic ......... wOwv 4-door hardtop. Hydra* Color; Grey and White. VALUE and swift red, whitewall tries, luxury interior with mafic, radio, heater____ full carpeting. Powerglide, deluxe radio, air flew Interior: Grey Leather. MU. 1-4000 heater. See this beauty today KKQK Black Material. 1957 DODGE for only ------ ----------------------- -------------- Body Cond- Good. 2-door hardtop Radio, heater, 1957 PLYMOUTH 5. automatic, power 4-door hardtop. Automatic, radio, Equipment: Automatic, ra­ ^lygg 1957 FORD THUNDERBIRD. 2 tops, red and heater, power steering HONESTLY dio. heater. Q*7QK white finish, whitewall tire* and many extra*. and brake* . .. .. .. I960 SIMCA Meeh. Cond: Good. WW DESCRIBED A r,u $1895 4-OOOK SEDAN This car and many other cars 1955 PONTIAC A rugged Chrysler made car A nice buy ----------- ------ ------------------------— — — are being stored by and 1955 BUICK small car for lots of mile- KOOK can be seen at STATE STOR­ Convertible. Radio, KZIQK Dynaflow, radio, heater, power heater, hydramatic “wW age. SALE PRICE .......— 6. AGE Liquidation Lot Division steering and $395 of Cleveland Car Co, at 16403 GLAVIC DODGE DEALER Euclid Ave., corner of Ivan­ 536 E. 185th St. KE. 1-3375 hoe, Phone IV. 1-5173 in DODGE, DART AND WARRANTY Cleveland. Hours: Monday 1954 PONTIAC 1956 PLYMOUTH and Friday. A.M. to fl P.M?, Radio, heater, IN WRITING Your car can be the dawn payment oven with K9QQ 4-door sedan. Radio, other days 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. hydramatic ___ .. _ . 1934 FORD Sunliner soft top con­ a balance due. See u* for d*tail*. wAUW heater, automatic .. vertible; power steering, auto­ Closed Sunday. matic. radio, new battery, muf­ LANCER SALE!! fler, whitewalls, must sell, best 1952 MERCURY 1954 FORD offer WH. 2-4621.____________ Mercomatic, radio, 2-door sedan. KI OK 1955 PLYMOUTH. 4 door; auto­ JOE O'BRIEN USED CARS Stick shift ________ ... matic, 6 cylinder, good condition ONE WHOLE FLOOR OF ALL MODELS! best offer. WH. 3-1768._______ 14000 St. Clair Ave. MU. 1-1700 NOTICE 1954 GMC ”470” tractor and trailer. You Don’t Have to Chisel, Haggle or Bargain! 30,000 lbs. capacity, 20,000 miles. Be it hereby known that at any $1,500; call after 5 p. m , time after the publishing of WH. 2-7898. this notice, one 1986 Oldsmo­ 1959 LARK, 4 door sedan; good bile SERIES Super ”88” 2- condition, 29201 Euclid ave.. door hardtop, SERIAL NO. Savings Only Goldie Makes Possible! 567M74734 will be sold for Gastown OLEN MOTORS $395. This car may be pur­ 4957 DOODGE V-8 4-door station chased by making weekly 16300 EUCLID AVE. UL. 1-1100 wagon; automatic, power steering MUST SELL! payments of $3.97. Absolutely and brakes, $875. RE. 1-8271. We Don’t Care If You’ve Shopped or Not... OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. no cash needed until first 1954 DODGE 2-door Coronet; heat­ Eayment is made late in Octo- er, Powerflite, new whitewalls, ex­ To Make Room For ’62 Cars er 1961. haust system, rocker panels; $200 OUR PRICE IS LOWER I ! or best offer. WH. 3-6547. DESCRIPTION VOLKSWAGEN sedan, 1959; low Color: Powder Blue. Make Us Prove It mileage, excellent condition; best Interior: Matching Leather.
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