Mj.6»/L;..M.jff-;0iJ.X LIDiu.1 .Y DELIVERED BY MAIL ONLY SUBSCRIBE NOW! WHAT EAST HAVEN" BOOSTS TUB BRAOTOBP BEVIBW • ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS CIS with 28 points on ten baskets BOOSTS EAST HAVEN! and BIX charity tosses to capture the EAST HAVEN DEFEATED TO P, O. BOX IB3 honors but more Important he sent MAKE EAST HAVEN A BIGGER, BRANFORD BOWS IN his males Into an early lead which was never dissipated by the Valley IN FIRST UPSET CLASH BETTER, BUSIER COMMUNITY [Ive, Combined With TheBranford^^^Revi^ QUARTER-FINALS TO I The winners led 10 to 6 at the OF CLASS B_TOURNEY quarter and raced Into a 25-19 edge Tw4 DoIUni JPw Yew at the half. Vln Murray's boys ralli­ East Haven, Connecticut. Tliwsday, March 10, 1949 SACRED HEART 41-38 ed midway In the third quartcd to —— . > k d Ml I P get to within two points ol the Icventual winners but the rally was BRIGHTER LIGHTS TOWN A bll' o{ news, a bit of Gossip, VIEWS. REVIEWS AND Noted Baritone a bit of Fun, Gathered on our STRICTLY PREVIEWS OF THE To Sing Here FOR .MAI, N STREE- T ., TOPICS Saturday afternoon stroll, . EAST HAVEN SCENE Mrs, Elmer Potter, psychologist LOCAL IN NEAR FUTUREl1 iSlirinsg Draws Near! Ifrom the Now Haven Hospital Is BY PAUL H. STEVENS On March 18 Eleven more rtaya, that's nil. .spooking on "Paclors Making lor New and brighter street lights lAdlustmont or Maladjustment In. Edwin Stctte, who appears nt the are soon to bo placed along Main But don't torgcl tills wcok Is the .Early Childhood," at the Momau iE, H. HiEli School Audtlorlum, Fri­ .Street In East tlavcii loUowhiB n anniversar- y o.f• lliIt-c - lH(1»1v- Ullir.ard1in^.>»*v1. Igulln.,.ln„ ParentTlnvniilt.s. CluHill b meeting. day, March 18 under tlic auspices Four Faculty survey by tJnltcd Illuminating INTEREST IN THE HOME TOWK ol the East Shore Community Con­ Company -engineers. First Select Red Cross Drive conlluuliig all| Kjitius flowers • make a very man James J. Sullivan announced ihiouch this nionUv Glvo when the hcniitltid sliwIiiB Ihcsodnys in tlio Totiiln 10 n Wo were [CO'us; over our oui-oMowu imiiliiig list llu other lUi.v cert Association, is nn American M 12 lO ibarllonc whoso successes have been Members Leave this week. Red Cross solicitor calls at your! glass greenhouses of tli6 J. A. I«iig aiid were rciiUy surprised to .see liow miiuy copies of the Kiis: t MHVCU Tho new lights will go ti I long hn Ue I Company In Dodge Avenue. Ilio STONINGTON DOWNED equally noteworthy In E,rand opera, nousL. lEnstcr tloml season b fast nh-' News are going to distimt places each week and into tho lioinos n£ light opera, lu recital nud oratorio. way toward modernizing the town's 110 EoS^P vihen he" nut"™' a ver- '"I 32-17 at the midway point. High School thoroughfare which was extensive­ Cauicer Fund drive Is next »n list proachlnff ..and ..never ..linvc ..the battering, naa iii,v.u ».- M?M<Pmflninv S' nn ?™nrt ahiutv The Darlen combine started with " , „ former East HuA-eiiors who coiitiime to lake an iutort-st in tlio home­ ly Improved last year by the rean-d jinmpaiRii locally will bo Iicndwl blo<u>i.s been more beautiful, mental salvo on bruised teollngs, tS casl^ rnn nKvp%^onor\ tSr the » defensive setup designed to give Stonington's tall combine, rated Narraccl and joc U<:,UK,,..^ ...^. bv ..our ...comimiiiUy ..nurse, -Mrs. i •——-- rn,m,„V In rtnfr ^ the Post Road the advantage of a number tour In pre-tourney rank- desperate y in the wan ng m notes of long town and its clevolopinent. Diiriug Ihc past, four mid a linlE yciir.s Al the regular monthly meeting moval ot the old street car rails lilUan Johnston. There Is considerable local Inlcr- Such an athlete was I/iuls Lcpre. , A strlcklng exhibition ^%:: Lournoy 10 aaie. ,. quick break but Newlngton alert ings was downed rathcx easily by to pace the East Havenltcs Into the distance shooting _threw^ class B <lUitc a few families have moved from East lluveu to otlior loeiililios iof the East Haven Board ot Educa- P«'fs »"<' overhead wires, and tills lest In the annual Lenten service His lHo parallels the average serviceman,.lor thoro Is room but for The Hornets shook the ties ot JQ uj^ gity^non 5oo„ forced the Johnny Janenda's Seymour charges forefront only to have time ring tion hold Friday nlRht the tollowlug S'''"''^^ * new pavement from the Miss ShoUa Levlne, daughter ot being held each weekday, Monday eleven men onjtho football team and but ftvc on the boakctball,quintet. lethargy with tour minutes to play ^ijy Ma^cr to shift to -Its' more or- In the final game of last Friday down the curtain on their UH- atid lun-e had tlie jinpcr follow tlioin. Somo have gono to tlio south or 'resignations and appoiutmcnta were J?'^" G'"":"' ••<> '•"O Now Havon City Mr iind Mrs, Meyer Levlno, of Main throUBli, Friday In Trinity Church Hooltey has only six men on the Ice at ono Wmo and. when abaaobuU and led by Chandler and Vlshno, tuedox man to man style. Arena, B class action when Big Ed successful effort. distance" shooting threw cmss x. to CBliforuiu for the winter luid are rouciving tlio piiper nt tlu-ii- iiiclcd upon; Jonii IIoxlo. teacher ot ^uio. Btr'oct graduated March 2, from on the Green •In *No w —-'Hnvcn ffo- m 12 Inrl In the high school resigned el- New lights will be slagBorcd from Belli Israel Hospital School ot Nurs­ noon to 12:35, East Haven clergy are team answers the cry, "Play Ball" only nlno mdn can stop to the plate, I put on a stellng rally only to tall Morris raked he cords tor n Blanko scored the first seven points The game opened fast when Joe predictions Into an uproar In New short when Bumma Iced the con- points while his teammate Fratc for his worthies to give the valley Oonotrlo hit on a one bander from Haven Arena last Erlday afternoon winter homes. Young people who liiivo married and mov(ul clsewtiorc tecllve June 30 to furllicr her teach- side to side ot tho street through ing in Now York. scheduled to take part during tho liOUls was born In Brantord on January 0, 1024. There Is nothing ' tlict with an Insurance tally via ^as none the less impressive with five and edge It never relinquished outside and Narraccl and sposlto when a restless ban of sharpshoot- like to keep up with what's goiug on back home. Other .vouiig people er training work;' Patricia Ballon-iHio growing shopping area and will . — 'scries. This Wednesday, tho Rev, distinguishable In his early life than to say he was one ot the boys In tho basket hanging route. one less than a dozen to his credit, as It sharpened ,its eye for its quar- followed with a successful bucket ing nomads from Brantord smo- lime and Barbara^ Hawloy ot the be ol tho 1,000 and 6,000 lumtn Miss Itctty rage, daughtenuffiucrr iwuf "•*.'rturcMr, Alfreda i^iarKClark, acci-orectorr uoit , ^iinoiChrist. inoop mm n i,..u..'lty toss ana vjDiiciii Lanky Lou Locarno and Bob in college or in the service receive the News every week. Home Making Dopavlmwi~ ' -t resigned• ••, jtypea. the gang,' ' ' . - Scyiiioiir 35 W Wilson 52 Klechner and Lockwood with IB tor final play next Monday entrantevenings anduplicated one hand thd epush fiftee. Hosn foos anl dtr Pany be- - therevlshndo alend thunfortunate assault eo n grouthe pwind of - Sir Sullivan said that this now n„d Mrs, Stanley Pa«c of Elm Episcopal church was the preofihBr, The first game got underway and H markers apiece were the in the Payne Whitney Gynv with a teleanas cut margin to 6-3 on a Windsor basketeers 86 to 38. The thought came to us that it would be interesting for our etrectlvo in June.iBoth plan to be Installation will be another develop- street conivlcloil ^^ree months nf- on Monday March 21, Rov. Wllllftm II the guys were In deviltry then so was Louis. married; Mrs- Mary Reed and Mrs. • fl. i ."> „i,nu,nri cvl- backbone ot Newlngton's attack. <•-'"i-"! ni \,n 47 victory. hoop and a charity toss and O'Brien Lanky J — -f ~->>rnn ai • —*• mmt in town improvement. He nuati,m the past week at the State H, Klrkland, pnator of St. Andrew's Football on tliG areen. Fridays spent watching the high school, Sun- •j.,.,^ ji^^^ ^^^^ 11 V V ' •• readers ill town to leiirn something about what our out-of-lowii Louise Clow WoUca granted leave of |polnled out that until 1010 thIlo.sidtne l hi midillclflwn. Methodist Church will preach, and dencc ot Jitters. Top ruuiv>;u ,,„>,„ f, n Kl«cltnor iabsences; Mrs. Elizabeth Fagcr- meni in tovvji , i"'i'_';;, ,„,„ ,,„;.„..„. ,,. iiiiri«ii<-iiiwn. MnthnHis. church wi nreaoh. and days scanning the sports pages. Schooldays teasing the gtils. Everyday slowly as' both"teanis'showcd'cvl Morrl>, J (1 Trriil, ( friends are doing. In other words we would be pleased to get n-lel- [town's streets were lllumlnatod by suiierln- °" Thursdaj;, March 24, tho row Wilson hit on three successive llclclior. ( :i I 7 atroni resigned cffcctlTc June 30 Peter Van HcluenKcn, Iprcaoher will be Uov. Duane Hat­ unconsciously praising his ma's cooking by fllllng out Into a good-look- dencc ot JIttcr.s. Top ranked Wood ;> 11 I.ndUwno.l.r.
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