'. Dell.. Delta, Dellli I,l l , and ~'" 'rOll AJ· "I,U~'''''- . Sec Grcek Week evenls Iring In ZTA S Ol1l1fcst • 8chedule Ilnd 8core tOll1gbt at Beauty sheet, pngc 6. t The Oldestttlmt College NewlIPapor In tbe United States . ,Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Tuesday, April 20, 1965 Telephone 523-2161-Ext, 370, 713 , . ' oard of Trustees Delays AWS Adds ssembly Hall Site Choice, Time Out ) Oxley Wins Presidency; Ion on a site fol' Miami For Women proposed assembly By JUDY BROPHY , delayed for more than a yeur When women return to cam­ ngnln been deterred by the Hyatt Heads Senior Class pus for the fall trimester they of TI' u~tee8. will find their Friday and Satur. ,1\ meeUn /l of the Board hlRt day nights one half-hour longer, , , , Mia mi Treasurer Lloyd in in formed the members As a result of a 'fecent rule " Skaff, Gifford Triumph final plans for 'the building change, Friday night hours will . been recl!lved from Clncin- be exten'ded to 12:30 a,m, and ,1I'cilltect ,Tames E , Allen. Saturday night closing time will By Narrow Margins be 1 a,m. plana are now In the hand R ;.' , With roughly one-third of the student body casting ballots G. Bentz, state archlt,Hct The rule change comes from Mike Oxley h as defeated Stan Greenberg for the office of Student engineer. They. are relldy to B recommendation of the Rules Senat~ President by a 236 vote margin, adverti sed for bids, pending Revision Committee of the As­ slo n of the Bourd at Trustees Jlrn Nau~ won the vice presidential seat without oroosit!oo, sociated Womeq Students pnd -, 11 Rite fOI' 'the structure. Oxley, stili recovering and a little incredulous, was formally with approval of ~h e A WS L egis­ congratulated by Preside nt Charles Wilson at the president's JI.InlVc'Vel', since the BaliI'd voh!d lative Committe/! and the Stu­ decision on the mullet' home a round 9:30 p,m, last night. No Place To Go dent Affairs E~ecutive Com­ discussion Ilt Its June N ext year's Senior class pres!-. --- Above Illcturc(l Is an al'Usts conception of t!to prOPosed assembly mittee, ing, no progresu clln be dent will be Hank Hyatt who SOI'lHtMOnll CI, ASS IowaI'd beginning construc­ hull, Hubject of gl'ellt debntc before tile Board of Trustees,- Its In addition to tho extension of And y Gilford ; R.' d e f efl t e d D five B og e l1t~c h li t?, by ,Ioff Pon.k,v 57Z for nnothel' two to six mont hs, modern style pnd lilze ellU80 problems In locntlo!18, weekend hours, Hie hours for late permission dances will be stan­ the paper thin mmgin of one Mnry K IlY McN"m nrn 751 Hi. week It was widely telt th nt - Photo b:r- Audio Vlsulll, dflrdl :.o:ed mailing the extended vote, This was a repeat per- ,III Alln VO"'l'lIl 3R7 I'd would ppproye thc Cooke'--------- - -- --- hOUI'R one hnlf h'lI~1' aHm' the re­ fOl'mance o f lust yOBI"S one v0te second piner: Lnl'ry Lcc Taylor gulul' closln!! hou rI> .fot' those WOIl'l­ differcnce betweo n wlnn !'1' Flill who poll ed Hl71 poi nts. ()n attllnding Uw d~ nc e . '1'hls ex­ h~~~:~~~;i~~i~~~~~ O~~I~~~~ ' Destiny of Edu cation ,s.tevens and his "H)(Iscr Kciih The thr o~ other scnators receiv­ cludes tho Junior P rom which wlIl Humphrl[) ~ . Ing two .. year 'lel'lnS we l'e Flip Dnw­ remain at 2::i0 n.m. Chip Case, pl' t!s ldent of th e son. Pum Shaw Hnd Hunter Boy­ The use of fines IlS Il pennlty by ' mn'" PV""thi s F reshmnn clnss, led a ll scnntol'ini lan. 'I'he rest were Jesse Brannon, t ~~e~O~l~~ ~~ II I~~I~fnn~ Remalen' s w1eth Voters th e , AR soclll led Women Students, Hoveral other possible sites. · . hopefuiR wllh 2801 poi nts on lhe Ca l'olyn Cn~t l' ov inc e, nn Incum­ 'Lhe Inter-Rosld(Hlce Council 01' tho Include an nl'ea of the unl- Uy ,JEFF DANmJ.S mentR one Qnd two, those dcullnl( President To DX S,YS tll lll, l'!c [ill' oll t·distnnc oct bent, Conni c Kcller, Bot.h F ill'­ golf cour~e north of the 'Student' News Edltm' , HOIl Sll Councils Is no longer POI'­ buchel' fi nd Jeffl'oy F' roelich. spcciflcally with hl ghol' cducatlon, I'ltl;SnmN'I' s, at the end of 'l'aluw!1ndu Ohio's six million voters will go mltted. The lu st two Iseues are partisan TilE RULE CIIANGES received Acting PI'",ddcnt Charlcs It, Wilson congratulatos Senate prilshhlllt­ Mike Oxloy 15117 athel' winners included Bill , Main objection to this site to the polls M.ay 4 to decld(l the eleot Mike Oxley , minutes uftel' last night's final tuhulllilonR werll Htnn Gl'uonlJ1ll'1{ 13;1 wide support from the women on "WE I' 1l1':SIlH~ Nl' Ku ssner, Tom Segel', J oh n Coe, hi gh cost of flll which would fElte of n fO~II'-PE\ rt: bond issue $pon­ Ilnd thel'efore do' not Involve the campus;' uccol'dlng to u question­ recol'ded, Oxl() y, who served as vice presillent of Senate this yoar .11m Naus u nopposed Carol Bnker, BriM Goodw in and ee~sa ry to let it support the . BOl'ed by Gov, J ames Rhodes. University, l'wn")' un t term!i' naire which was circulated in nil wlJl tllllC the gil vel frnm ontgolnll' l'r081110llt Dave Cal)uto at Student 1. Chip emil! 21101 Stunlee Stohl. The cutoff point fell I '1'he Hrst Is sue concerns the con­ "There Is no official University women's residence h alls, Senate meeting next Tuesday nlght.- Photo by Gudemnn 2, l ~ mTY 'l'ny\ol' liJ71 1\ t 11117 points which Miss Stahl a. F'III> DnWfl ntl 1111i1l received. )1l'Oposed building is to be tinuuOon of the policy lhat per­ policy, but I [1m personally ~o lnf.l After In trmslve study and dis­ -----. 4, Jlllm Shllw 111<11 i!lrge, h[lvlng an above- mits lhe slate to guurantl:!e ' loans cussion, the Rul es Revision Co m­ 5. Huntur lluylull 1786 to support it," st(\ted Acting Pres, ()'U J ·'y(II~t tcrm" Results were offi"l a!ly tabulated height of 60 to 80 feet. It made to college studenls by pri­ mittee conclud ed that the above fl. ,JCfH,C nl'lHlnOn lIU.7 at 2:45 thi s mOl'nin g by DHv id Ca­ Chlu'les Wilson, He was l'efel'l'lng Inll ~ have 1\ pel'manent sealing vute lending instltuUons, regulations wei'e both l'easonuble 7, CllrolYI\ C1IsII'Iwinnu puto, outgo in g Senate pl'esldent, to the first two Issues whl()h will n. Connie l<u IlCi' IoN of 0,500 and. n maximum TilE SECOND ISSUE Is a pro­ and neellssnl'Y , Greek Week Has II. 11 011t i" u r h u( -' t, rl' 1522 About 15 ,tabul al.ors spent nearly HI. ,Iorrruy F"nelll'h 1~ :r2 of 11,000. The roof, six posed 2110 million do llar bond to affect this university. It WllS fell thllt hIe!' wO<1 lw nd II . 1\111 I{ MHilIIH' 143 1 seven hO\lI'H counting and figuring above tho ' ground, would fin nnce bu il ding in hi ghel' educl\- hOlil's would ll Cfurd belil'll' utl1l7.a­ 12. ' '1'011\ SUI-I(!1' 1~ I!III the fin ul resulls of lh o more lhan nrea of 3 J~ Dcres. tion, pll rl{~ !lnd other public f!lclll- OF TilE 82110 million, the unl- 1:1•• fohn t:oe l:tJiI lion of , campus nnd community 14, Carll1 o llitu I' 1257 :1200 voleR. ostimated east of the ties. VCl'sfty ean expect to receive $4,5 facililles , Brief, Busy Past If!. Brin n Goodw!n • 12I!1 Ill. Sl4nlcO SII,III ' 11117 is above $4,000,000; The Issue thl'ee is a proposed reap- -------.'-------- ONE O'CLOCI{ Saturday hours 17 , Clml y Crull , 11 ~17 has declined at the pre- portionment of the Ohio Leglsla- SEE STATE ISSUE NO, 2 will eliminate the need for the By CHUCI\ FORTIER I ng unlil 'lhe end of the woek's III. Pe lo 'Sulllvnn lato pcrmlssion system, which actlvltics, III. I(ol\h VnnMII1",; II Jr. time to make an estimate of tUI'e to confOl'm to the 1064 Su- EDITORIAL ON PAGE 2 'Student' News Editor 20 .• Jueli tfnpnur : :~~ MU Ch est of the revisions which will preme Coul'l ruling on apportion- was felt by many women to be in- StUdents wero invited \0 on\cl' 21. LYIIII P\l!I'SOn 111'15 effective lind confusing, Gf'(~e ll week at Miami, as at OUl- 2'2 . f\.l\d~r Pl'iuc 111 '\:1 l1" C! ~~lml,'v It u site other than I ment to auUlDrlzc state agencies Th I I Il l' college!! und universities, Is (I guesses of the lime tho !'Llnn ol' 23, IJU U Nilsson Field Is ohosen, Ohio. mUlton for construction, Wilson e rev sons were appl'ov- tl'udillon so old und veneruble tlu..:t took til carry the torch ovel' the 2~, Tom Dixon continued, ed by the AWS Legislative C::\lTl- 25, Mlchncl n n~' I11()flCl ~~~ Seeks Head Board's Cllmmlltee on Bull­ The fUUI·th Issue Is an amend· millee on April 5, and received people sellm to aS8 ume that' It hud course.
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