Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1937-1938 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1938 Eastern Progress - 22 Apr 1938 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1937-38/13 —.—. ■".' ' • • ■ • . ■ ■ Student Gov't Military Ball Study Started Here Tonight Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College " VOLUME 16 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1938 NUMBER 14 • Glee Clubs to Tour Lewis and Orchestra Play Here Tonite Famous Orchestra Eastern Kentucky To Appear Tonight On Annual Trip At Military Bail To Leave Monday For Johnny Lewis and Three Day Trip "Dollar A Minute / Through Mountains Band" To Play PROGRAM LISTED FEW TICKETS LEPT By MILDRED COLEY Johnny Lewis and his orchestra, After a chapel concert Monday, the "biggest name" band ever to April 26, the Olee Clubs of Bast- appear on Eastern's campus, will ern will leave at three o'clock for swing "music with that Lewis lilt" a concert tour of Southeastern to dancers tonight at the Military Kentucky. The appearance will ball. The committe announced that be at the Christian Church of Cor- they were paying over a dollar bln at 8:00-9:00. On April 26, a minute to bring this orchestra the clubs will perform at the fol- to the » a in p us. lowing high scheols: Plnevllle, This gala affair Is to be held l(J:?,0; Middlesboro, 2:00; and Har- at the Weaver Health Building lan, 8:00. For the last day of the from nine untlll one o'clock. Sub- tour the glee clubs will visit Ben- scription is two dollars and no ham, 10:00; Lynch, 11:00; Jenk- tickets will be sold at the door. ins, 2:00; and Whltesburg, 2:30. The ticket sale is limited and All appearances are listed In Cen- tickets have been going fast butl tral Standard Time. there are still a few on sale. They Members of the Corbin Olee can be had from any of the com- Clubs and Alumni have graciously mittee members or by calling the invited the clubs to their homes Military department. for the night. On April 26 the According to the committee,' clubs will stay in Harlan. there will be five no-break dances On the clubs' repertoire, "Mod- in addition to the grand march ern Hiawatha," an Indian song; which is to be for "men In uni- "Little Lac Grenler;" "Passing Johnny Lewis and his orchestra this evening. This will be the i tern. Soloists with the band are Woody Blackburn and Johnny form and their partners." The gym By;" and "Mah Llndy Lou" are will be heard at the Military Ball largest band ever to play at Eas-1 Clarence Melter, Casper Cox, Lewis. and colonade of Weaver Health the outstanding numbers. Mlsscn Building will be decorated in the Dorothy Dorris and Margaret military motif with the colors red Culton are soloists. The men's T.W. Oliver Elected Special Mother's Day Program Junior Academy Of and gold predominating. Novel repertoire will include such num- lighting effects have been ar- bers as "Little Wish," "Nellie Was ranged for the occasion and the a Lady," "Tip Sams," "Turn Ye President of K.E.A. At Eastern On May 8 Science To Hold dance will be carried on with all to Me," "Night Shades Are Gently traditional pomp and circum- « Falling," and "Bondage." Edwin At Annual Meet Planned By Student Council Annual Meeting stance. Barnes, baritone, and Charles Bil- Lewis and his band have played ' lerman, tenor, will be Jthe soloists. in the Netherland Plaza and Hotel As a conclusion to the concerts A special program in honor of which they read and study and Gibson in Cincinnati, the Mayfair the clubs will unite In one mixed Over Four Hundred Mother's Day will be held on Sun- the gymnasium in which they re- Special Program Casino in Cleveland, the Biltmore chorus. "Ho La Li," "Beautiful Alumni Present At day, May 8. This program is spon- ceive instruction in health habits. Arranged for Conven- Hotel In Dayton and at many Savior," "Beautiful Dreamer," and Eastern Breakfast sored by the Student Relationship iivery department of the college other leading hotels and night "Soldier, Soldier" are selections Council, and the president, faulty will be open in order that they tion of Junior Scientists spots of the country. listed In -this part of the pro- and student body are Joining the may become more familiar with The band was featured nightly grams. The finale of their con- DONOVAN SPEAKS council in extending a most cordial the many advantages students are over WLW and the Mutual Broad- cert will be "The Gondoliers" from invitation to the families of all enjoying at Eastern. 3CHNIEB CHAIRMAN casting System while playing its the opera of the same name. r Eastern students to spend the day At two o'clock the college or- recording breaking twenty-two Misses Margaret Culton, Betty T. W. Oliver, Pikeville, was elec- on our campus. chestra, under the direction of Mr. The fifth annual convention of weeks engagement at the Nether- The program will begin with a Van Peursem, will give an hour Sturm, and Mr. Edwin Barnes will ted president of the Kentucky concert in the Hiram Brock audi- the Junior Academy of Science land Plaza. They have also played be the soloists. Accompanying Education Association at the special Mother's Day service In the will assemble in the Roark Build- over the NBC and CBS networks. the clubs at the piano will be sixty-seventh annual convention Hiram Brock auditorium. Mr. Oe* torium. Besides being the only attraction Eloise Balz and Donovan Cooper. held in Louisville April 13 to 16. well Rankin, a senior In the col- The day's events will be com- ing of Eastern on Saturday, April to ever play two successful en- The Eastern Olee Clubs are He succeeds N. O. Kimbler, Hen- lege and president of the Student pleted with an informal social 23. The Junior Academy Is under gagements at the Netherland important extra-curricula organi- derson. Other officers elected Council, will preside The principal nour In the Recreation Room of the sponsorship of the Senior Plaza in one season, every engage- Buraam Hall. At this time, real zations. They are selected voices were: First vice president, Chris speaker of the morning, Dr. Noel Kentucky Academy- of Science and ment played by the band has al- from tryouts held every Septem- Wilson, superintendent of Pendle- B. Cuff, professor a psychology, get-together will be enjoyed by ways been extended beyond Its parents, teachers, and stuuents. several important members of the tl- ber. Miss Mary Jeannette Hoff- ton County schools, and second will speak on "Our Mothers." The original length. Vocalists with the man, voice instructor, and Mr. vice president, C. V. Snapp, super- music department, under the lead- Parents and students who ware Senior Academy will be present band are Clarence Melter, Casper intendent of Jenkins city schools. ership of Mr. James E. Van Peur- here last year on Mother's Day Cox, Woody Block burn and Johnny Van Peursem, director of music, will recall what a lovely day it at this session. are the directors of the clubs. W. P. King, appointed by the board sem, will furnish special music Dr. Anna A. Schnleb of the De- Lewis. The orchestra was secured There are seventy-four members of directors, retains the office of and Dorothy Dorris and Edwin was anu the fine spirit of friend- through the Mutual Orchestra Ser- executive secretary. Barnes will sing special solos. ship that was enjoyed. The council partment of Education and Psy- vice. in the combined group. Every again urges every father and Monday and Wednesday evening Attended by over 7,000 dele- At twelve o'clock dinner will be chology is the executive chair- Tickets may be secured from the clubs meet for an hour prac- served in the college cafeteria. All mother, grandfather and grand- man of the academy and has ar- the following members of the com- gates, the convention opened who wish to have picnic dinner mother to begin now to make tice. Among the annual perform- Wednesday night in the Memorial ranged for a full program of en- mittee: Wallace Forbes, Marshall ances are the presentations of on the campus will have the privi- 'their plans to enjoy another such Arbuckle, Ralph Pendery or Eddie Auditorium with a pageant. "A lege of doing so. happy reunion with their children, tertainment. This years conven- Eicher. Tickets may also be ob- Handel's "Messiah" and DuBols' Century of Progress in Public From one, to two o'clock there their children's children, teachers tion promises to surpass the for- "Seven Last Words of Christ." Education," produced by the tained by calling the Eastern Mili- The clubs also furnish music for will be a campus tour directed by and friends. mer meetings which were held at tary department. No tickets will Louisville Education Association. the students. At this time, an In a special letter to the stu- Transylvania, University of Ken- be sold at the door. baccalaureate services In June. This pageant was a part of the opportunity will be given for par- dent's families, Mr. Rankin, presi- tucky, Berea, and Louisville. This centennial celebration of Kentucky ents to see jthe buildings in whicn dent of the council, said, "we are year there are 31 clubs and 768 Margaret S. Morriss education observed by the con- the boys and girls have their dedicating this day to you. Come members.in the academy. This Alpha Zeta Kappa vention.
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