
1957 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 3239 and 30 percent surtax; to the Committee on MEMORIALS toria, Maria, Carlo, and Caterina Sciannameo: Ways and Means. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memo­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. ALGER: H. R. 5712. A bill for the relief of Erika H. J. Res. 259. Joint resolution proposing rfals were presented and referred as Fackler; to the Committee on the Judiciary. an amendment to the Constitution of the follows: By Mr. ELLIOTT: United States relative to taxes on incomes, By Mr. BERRY: Senate Concurrent Reso­ H. R. 5713. A bill for the relief of Dr. inheritances, and gifts; to the Committee lution No. 5, adopted by the South Dakota Kwang Wouk Rowe and Mrs. Hyo Suk (Lee) on the Judiciary. ·- State Legislature, memorializing the Con­ Rowe; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. J. Res. 260. Joint resolution proposing gress of the United States to recognize the By Mr. FOGARTY: an amendment to the Constitution of the importance of continuous and adequate plant H . R. 5714. A bill for the relief of William United States relative to the balancing of research and increase the present appropria­ Frederick Werner; to the Committee on the the budget; to the Committee on the Judi­ tion of funds for the purpose of carrying on Judiciary. ciary. an adequate program of rust control and By Mr. McCONNELL: H. J. Res. 261. Joint resolution proposing plant research; to the Committee on Appro­ H. R. 5715. A bill for the relief of E. Burke an amendment to the Constitution of the priations. Wilford; to the Committee on the Judiciary. United States relative to prohibiting the By Mr. PRICE: Memorial of the 70th Gen­ By Mr. McDONOUGH: United States Government from engaging eral Assembiy of the State of Illinois urging H. R. 5716. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Sole­ in business in competition with its citizens; that the Congress of the United States repeal dad C. Upton and Wilhelmina C. Brady; to to the Committee on the Judiciary. excise taxes upon transportation of persons the Committee on the Judiciary. H. J. Res. 262. Joint resolution proposing and of goods; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. MADDEN: an amendment to the Constitution of the and Means. United States providing for the election of H. R. 5717. A bill for the relief of Maria By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ Undi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. President and Vice President; to the Com­ lature of the State of Georgia, memorializing mittee on the Judiciary. the President and the Congress <;>f the United By Mr. MAHON: H. J. Res. 263. Joint resolution proposing States relative to urging enactment of "such H. R. 5718. A bill for the relief of Juanita an amendment to the Constitution of the legislation as they may deem fit to declare Gibson Lewis; to the Committee on the Judi­ United States relating to the procedure for that the 14th and 15th amendments to the ciary. amending the Constitution; to the Commit­ Constitution of the United States were never !By Mr. MARTIN: tee on the Judiciary. validly adopted and that they are null and H R. 5719. A bill for the relief of Clara M. H. J. Res. 264. Joint resolution proposing void and of no effect"; to the Committee on Briggs; to the Committee on the Judiciary. an amendment to the Constitution of the the Judiciary. By Mr. ULLMAN: United States relating to the legal effect of Also, memorial of the Legislature of the H. R. 5720. A bill for the relief of Domingo certain treaties and other international State of South Dak-ota, memorializing the Zubieta Laca; to the Committee on the Judi­ . agreements; to the Committee on the Judi- President and the Congress of the United ciary. ciary. - States relative to the land-acquisition pro­ By Mr. WALTER: By Mr. FARBSTEIN: _ gram in the Missouri River Basi.n; to the H. R. 5721. A bill for the relief of Marian H. J. Res. 265. Joint resolution authorizing Committee on Public Works. Diane Delphine Sachs; to the Committee on the President to iE"sue a proclamation desig­ the Judiciary . nating January 22 of each year as Ukrainian H. R. 5722. A bill for the relief of Teresa Independence Day; to the Committee on the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Pecchia and Mauro Pecchia; to the Commit· Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private tee on the Judiciary. By Mr. MILLER of New York: By Mr. ZELENKO: H. J. Res. 266. Joint resolution designating bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred as follows: H . R. 5723. A bill for the relief of Anastase the month of February of each year as Na­ and Elefteria HarJtos and Simone Haritos; tional American History Month; to the Com­ By· Mr. ADDONIZIO: to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on the Judiciary. H. R. 5705. A bill for the relief of Giacomo By Mr. POWELL: Alfonso Freda; to tlie Committee on the H. Con. Res. 129. Concurrent resolution rel­ Judiciary. ative to inviting Spain to become a member H. R. 5706. A bill for the relief of Antoni­ PETITIONS, ETC. of NATO; to the Committee on Foreign etta Ferrante; to the Committee on the Judi- Affairs. ciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions By Mr. SCOT!' of Pennsylvania: By Mr. CELLER: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk H. Con. Res. 130. Concurrent resolution ex­ H. R. 5707. A bill for the relief of the A. C. and referred as follows: pressing the sense of the Congress that ef­ Israel Commodity Co., Inc.; to the Commit­ 123. By Mr. BURDICK: Resolution of the forts should be made to invite Spain to mem­ tee on the Judiciary. North Dakota State Wate-r Conservation Com­ bership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organi­ By Mr. DELANEY: mission memorializing the Congress of the zation; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H. R. 5708. A bill for the relief of Angelina United States to authorize the Corps of En­ By Mr. VAN ZANDT: DeLuca Pisani; to the Committee on the gineers to install or extend the siphons H. Con. Res. 131. Concurrent resolution ex­ Judiciary. through Highway No. 85 when reconstruct­ pressing the sense of the Congress that ef­ H. R. 5709. A bill for the relief of Dimitrios ing the portion of the highway through the forts should be made to invite Spain to mem­ D. Kantartzoglou; to the Committee on the Lewis ·and Clark Irrigation District of Mc­ bership in the North Atlantic Treaty Or­ Judiciary. Kenzie County, N. Dak., so as to permit the ganization; to the Committee on Foreign . By Mr. DELLAY: irrigation of lands in the district so long as Affairs. H. R. 5710. A bill for the relief of Mario irrigation can be carried on th!:lrein; to the By Mr. TELLER: Colombo; to the Committee on the Judi­ Committee on Public Works. H. Res. 186. Resolution changing the name ciary. 124. By Mr. SHEEHAN: Petition of the of the Committee on Foreign Affairs to that By Mr. DONOHUE: board of directors of the Chicago Dental So­ of the Committee on International Affairs; H. R. 5711. A bill for the relief of Mrs. ciety favoring enactment of H. R. 9 and H. R. to the Committee on Rules. Rosalia Sciannameo and her children, Vit- 10; to the Committee on Ways and Means. E X T E N S.l 0 N: S 0 F R E M A R K S Comment on a Speech of Hon. Wayne L. taken from the Houston Herald, Hous- commenting on a speech by Congressman Hays . ton, Mo. Houston is located in the heart WAYNE L. HAYS, of Ohio: of the Missouri Ozarks, drought stricken Mr. EDIToR: Congressman HAYS, Democrat, for several years, but not counted so by of Ohio, is a real smart man. He has come EXTENSION OF REMARKs· the Department of Agriculture. The forth with a. wise solution of a. knotty prob· OF . writer of this article is a retired printer lem. Of course we all know Dulles and Ben­ and newspaperman who served Houston son are misfits, but it looks like the sug. HON. A. S. J. CARNAHAN newspapers for 60 years. This man is gestion of Congressman HAYS will chase the OF :MISSOURI C. E. (Deacon) Elmore, of Houston, Mo. clouds away from the darkness that envelopes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our national affairs. Elmore is a Democrat who has voted in Mr. HAYS made a short speech in Congress iVednesday,A!arch6,1957 every election~National, State, county, a few days ago that is printed in the CON• Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, under and local-since 1903 except one special GRESSIONAL RECORD, as follOWS: permission to extend my remarks in the election. Last week Elmore had the fol- "Mr. Speaker, there have been some people RECORD, I include a newspaper cli-pping ·Iowing article in the Houston Herald · who have suggested that the Secretary o! 3240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 6 State should resign. I think the Secretary of The air-mile has not only cut down dis­ order to adjust the present inequities in state and Secretary of Agriculture should tance but has evoked new and more close­ the Internal Revenue Code. exchange places and then perhaps Mr. Dulles ly knit space-time dimensions for good The orthopedically handicapped, by would come out with a Middle West plan and evil. reason of their disabilities, are compelled and we could give $200 million to the hard­ to spend substantial sums of money to aid pressed farmers of the Middle West while Discarding the word "foreign" for Mr.
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