Uni.versity of Cinoinnati Vol. 1, No. 24 Cincinnati. Ohio, Thursday, April 9, 1964 SeriesBF 1 Z553 Section II Elections Olympians O,DK Honors Nine _ r , ~ De~ayed One. Week. Name In Tapping Tuesday Section II campus elections, previously scheduled for -Omicron Delta Kappa, the na- secretary and pledge trainer' of Apr. 16-17, instead will take place Apr. 23~24. 'Revealed by tional leadership honor society, his social fraternity, 'and program .held its Spring tapping Tuesday chaiman of Men's Advisory. Elections Committee Chairman Tom Watkins at Monday Wilson in the Main Lounge of the Union. Tom Seifert-As a Bus. Ad. Eight outstanding upperclass- night's Student Council session, the change was necessitated senior, Tom combines a 2.98 aver- . because the College of Design, Architecture, and Art does men and One DC administrative age with being vice-president of member .were tapped. not resume classes until Apr. 20. ' the Purchasing Board fraternity, , The Alpha Theta Circle ,of ODK president of his college tribunal, - Voting machines, used in last' at DC yearly recognizes those and president of his social fra- month's election , will again be passed a $1771 request; $1731 of men on campus who display ex- ternity. r ceptional character plus leader- used. The voting will decide all which will come from the BBSO, ship ability, and at the same time -Carl Burk Tower-po'ssessing a co-op college positions, some should the latter consent. , academically rank in the -,upper 3.42 average as a pre-junior is • \class officer posts, and _the stu- Included in this request will 35 per cent of their respective Bus. Ad., Carl is a member of ' student council and his college dent body presidential victor. be a nevrfeature (starting next classes. ' Those tapped last Tuesday: tribunal, is an officer in his social Council's major preoccupation year) that will allow the presi- along with their activities were: fraternity, and is a college 'chair- Monday dealt with their budge- _ dent of Student Council to re- Dan Carmichael-A junior in man of Men's Advisory. tary proposal eventually to be ceive free dormitory room and the College' of Pharmacy, Dan Tom Watkins-Tom owns a 2.96 presented to the Board' of Bud- board privileges. The 'fact that possesses a 3.15 cumulative aver- average in Bus. Ad., is an officer gets on Student Organizations. I a student' body president must age. - He was for two -years cir- ,An Cincinnatus Society, is secre- culation manager of the Cincin- After much discussion, Council literally spend his entire tenure tary, and treasurer of his "social natian; a college chairman of fraternity, and has .served this on campus if he is to do an Men's Advisory Council; a col- year as Student Coucil Elections effective job provided the major, ' lege coordinator of the Junior:" Chairman. Class; a member of Cincinnatus, Seni1o,ri(lom,ps' incentive behind, Council's pro· Dean William Jenike-A mem- Society;' president of his college' posal. ber of the BC administration, tribunal; and president of, his In other Council action, the Dean Jenike is: former advisor Begin May' 28 social fraternity. to a social fraternity, and' has Senior Class constitution, was George Stepllen Huffman-A been active 1 in the area of rra •. The final moment of truth for changed so that the position of pre-junior in DAA with a 2.87 ternity housing. As Assistant Dean Arts and Sciences s-eniors will be- "college representative" can be average, George is a member of of University' Administration" he Sophos, Cincinnatus, and Metro;' gin on Thursday, May 28, with added .ncxt year to the list of has demonstrated much interest is, vice-president of the Inter- in the student welfare atUC. the start of comprehensive exam- senior class officers for campus Fraternity Council; is vice-presi- inations. These tests will then elections: This means that each \ dent of the YMCA, and has been be continued following the Me"- college will have a student body- a college chairman to Men's Ad- morial Day weekend,- with the uc Glee Club elected liaison 'representative with visory. majority coming on June 1 and 2: , th 'Senior Class Executive Com- Bill Monnig-Possessing a 3.36 Seniors will then take quarter . average as a junior in A&S. Bill Scores Success- ( finals in those' courses for which' mittee. The job of this, repre- is vice-president of the .:Porpoise a comprehensive exam was' not sentative is to advise the Exec George Wilson Fraternity; is scholarship and ,On Recent 'Tour given with the exception that Committee on matters pertaining pledge trainer of' his social fra- "Just he~r that Iovely music!" those who have an 85 average or specifically. to his own college. ternity; has two .varsity letters This phrase was taken from the better in a course outside of Another issue passed- by SO, in swimming; is general co-chair- their major field of concentration FinaIColicerf'. man of the, Organization for In- Review Times, a Fostoria, Ohio, will -maks the Dean of Students newspaper. These brief words ex- may be excused from the final (Dean Lillian, J a voting dependent Action; and is the All- ohnson) press the aesthetic feeling the DC with jhe professor's approval. member of the Board of Publica- University" 'chairman of Men's Glee Club left with its audience ;, , fAll senior examinations must tions.J9tervie\y§; by this .Board At'CCM'T ues, Advisory for 1964-65. ~.. - . \ '"\ ~ at one of its tour concerts. *:~:b~l completed tby the end ~f the for next year's; editorship and Bill Schroeder-Bill is a senior Arnold Schoenberg's "Quartet T:he 'Glee Club departed in two <tehth week, \ and all A&S classes business managerial positions of in the College of Education with No. 1 in D Minor," op. 7, will buses from Wilson ,Auditorlunf that don't have seniors will be the campus publications will be a 2.84 average. A member of on Sa,turday, March 21, for a canceled during that week. Sen- completed within the next two receive its Cincinnati premiere Kappa Delta Pi, he has been weeks. ~ by the University- of. Cincinnati secretary and president of his 5·day Ohio Concert Tour and re- iors in the other colleges will also turned to Cincinnati on Wednes· take finals at this time, but no In the Convocations Commit- College-Conservatory of MuSIC'S . social fraternity, has been a col-v-. tee report, Burk Tower re- lege chariman of Men's Advisory, day evening, March 25. The non-senior classes will be can- La.Salle , String quartet, at 8:30 first concert was presented on celed, vealed that tthe committ-e has and is a regular columnist of the obtained Hebrew Union Col- p.m. Tuesday, April 14, in CCM's News Record. Saturday evening in Carlisle, All other students will then lege's Dr. Nelson Glueck for Concert Hall, Oak street and Bur- Jim Schwab-A junior in A&S Ohio. r: take final examinations starting with a 3.54 accum., Jim IS presi- 'Ori Sunday, the singers traveled .an April 28 convocation. Fea· net avenue. Monday, June 8 and ending on tured recently .in the cover dent of Cincinnatus Society, a to Franklin, Ohio, where they par- the 13. story of Time Magazine, Dr. This will be the noted LaSalle .mernber of .Metro and Sophos, ticipated in two Palm Sunday Glueck will speak on his arch- Quartet's final Cg,M concert of services at the Blue BaH Pres- eological travels in the Near byterian Church. At an evening the season. I East. , I' GILBE~T AND'SULLIVAN performance at the church, the Speaking for her Foreign Stu- Completed \ in '1905 when the JAZZ Glee Club received a· standing dents Committee. Sue Arend- composer was 31 years old, the Music from iazz to Gilbert ovation 'from the audience. and Sullivan will highlight the' On Monda'y, March 23, two as- reminded Council ~f \the FSC's work, is the richest he had yet party, this Friday at the ,,.YMCA University of. C in c,i n.n a t i sem'bly programs were present- created. It represents not only at 7:30. All foreign students and YWCA's annual/silver tea from ed at St. Wendel in High School council members are invited. the culminating point of Schoen- 2:30·5 p.m., SundaY"April 5, and Fostoria High School in berg's first period but a summa- in the main lounge, UC's cam- Fostoria, Ohio. An evening con- pus Union Buildin,g. cert was sponsored by the Fos· tion of his musical experience up 1 Co-chairmen for th~ tea are. toria Junler Chamber of Com· HQNORS DAY to that time .. Mrs. Jack L. Gottschang, wife merce. \ < of the assistant dean of 'UC's On Tuesday, March 24, an as- '1 The Honors Day - Convoca-' In his own words,' this first \ Summer School, and Miss Pam sembly program was presented in tion, an annual event spen- <.. quartet "combined" all the 1 Knosp, president of the UC Delaware, Ohio, and an evening sored by' Morta~ 'Board and achievements of my time, such stud.ent YWCA. concert in Portsmouth, Ohio, \ Omicron Delta Kappa, will be ' as the construction of extremely B~ginning at' 3 p.m., the pro- sponsored by' the Portsmouth Ex- held on Sun., May 3, at 2:30 large forms and greatly expand- gram' will include songs bV change Club. On Wednesday, in the afternoon at Wilson ed melodies based on" a . richly . Miss Martha Moore, assistant, March 25, the Glee Club present- Auditorium.
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