Vol. 43 No. 4 the Boilermaker Sep • Oct 2004 The Official Publication of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers, AFL-CIO http://capwiz.com/boilermaker Reporter http://www.boilermakers.org IN THESE PAGES Edwards drops in on Local 105 Vice-presidential candidate his district was redrawn two years ago. visits local, talks to members Edwards hit on a key issue for Boiler- makers and other workers in the area WHAT DO YOU SAY when a candi- when he spoke about jobs at Piketon’s date for vice president phones your uranium enrichment plant. local and asks if it would be all right if “Sen. John Kerry and I are going to he dropped by to meet the members? make sure the Piketon plant stays open Van Stephens, business manager-sec- and that the new Piketon plant is built retary-treasurer of Boilermakers Local and built on schedule,” he told them. 105, Piketon, Ohio, said, “Come on “Not only that, we are going to make down,” and Local 105 members got to sure the workers who are sick get the see what John Edwards is like — up help they need.” Kerry advisor close and personal. John Edwards wades into a crowd of The uranium enrichment plant is Local 105 Boilermakers at their union hall. Piketon’s largest employer. At one is former Boilermaker . John Kerry’s running mate was on 7 time, it employed 2,500 workers, but is his way to a rally in Portsmouth, Ohio, Leap Coordinator Garry Ledford, and down to 1,200 today and constantly when his staff told him how much the members for their hard work. faces the threat of closure. Protect Your Job work Local 105 was doing to get out the U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland, Democratic Edwards hit another hot topic for vote in their part of southern Ohio. congressman from Ohio’s 6th district, on election day vote Ohioans when he talked about health Edwards made a detour and gave a introduced the senator from North Car- for Boilermaker-endorsed candidates . care and prescription drug costs. 8 brief speech at the hall to thank Local olina, who spoke for about 15 minutes. 105 President Wyndham D. Sparling, Strickland represented Piketon before See KERRY-EDWARDS page 7 MOST offers first project management class Program gives Boilermakers potential to become leaders in the chance to advance careers boilermaker trade. “We will take these members MEMBERS CAN NOW become project beyond project scope, schedule, managers through the newest MOST and budget, and open their eyes to program — the Boilermakers’ Project the business of project manage- Management program. ment,” Jones said. “The Project Management for Boiler- The course idea came from a Local 51 puts skills makers program is not just a seminar,” tripartite alliance meeting in which to work on campaign train . .13 explained Intl. Pres. Newton B. over 300 union leaders, contrac- Jones. “Our singular focus is to tors, and owners discussed the create and build business-focused benefits of customizing a project project managers.” management program. Members are selected to participate All three partner groups of the in the program based on their tripartite alliance will profit from FMI instructor Dennis Doran makes a point exceptional work history and See PROJECT MANAGEMENT page 3 at the first MOST project management class. Eastern Canada hosts first tripartite ‘The Boilermakers are leading the way again to keep the building trades strong in Canada’ — John Schel, BCA president THE BOILERMAKERS SPONSORED nine owner/clients, 16 contractors, our first tripartite conference in and five Boilermaker lodges. Canada, Aug. 18-19, at the Muskoka “I was very pleased by the atten- Delta Grandview Resort in tion the program received,” Power Huntsville, Ontario. said. “It was our first conference of “The purpose of this conference is to this kind in Canada, but we had a bring the three players — the union, tried-and-true template from the U.S. contractors, and owner/clients — conference to work from, terrific sup- r e t together to create an atmosphere of port from Intl. Pres. Jones, IVP r respect for the interest of the other par- MacDonald, and Tripartite Director o p e ties involved in any one project,” said Jim McCormick, plus the support and R Intl. Vice Pres. Sandy MacDonald. dedication of the Eastern Canadian r e “Respect will enable us to overcome business managers.” k prejudice and solve problems with Joining MacDonald and Power at a mutual satisfaction.” the podium were Bruce Ashton, retir- m r e Working with MacDonald, Intl. Rep. ing co-coordinator of Boilermaker l i Ed Power set up the tripartite meeting apprentice training in Canada, and o for industry leaders in Eastern guest speakers John Schel and Jack B e Canada. Over 80 participants attended Brochu of the Boilermaker Contractors John Schel, president of the Boilermaker h t Suite 565 753 State Avenue, Kansas City, 66101 REQUESTED ADDRESS SERVICE the meeting, with representatives from Contractors’ Association, provides an See CANADIAN TRIPARTITE page 2 overview of conference goals. 2 - the Boilermaker Reporter NEWSMAKERS Sep • Oct 2004 Tony Fanelli, Bill Patterson, and Brian Rielly of Comstock Canada Canadian tripartite Ltd.; E. Spencer Fox and John Brisson of E.S. Fox Ltd.; Marc Beauregard Continued from page 1 coming year, addressing the issues and Chris Frankcom of Horton CBI; raised, such as training,” Cole said. Gord Duggan and Reg Thibeault of Association (BCA), Tony Fanelli of Murray Sanderson, labor relations Jacobs Catalytic Ltd.; Styve Comstock Canada, Keith MacDonald manager for Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), Dumouchel of Lornville Mechanical; of Kimberly Clarke — Nova Scotia, believed the meeting was informative, Phil Bibby and Joe Ramkissoon of Glenn Pickel of G.P. Consulting, thought provoking, and interesting. Mainway Industrial; Paul Young of and Bob Blakey of the Canadian “There were many good discussions Sunny Corners Enterprises; Mike Building Trades. on a number of issues important to the Pouliot of TIW Steel Platework; Ed During the two-day meeting, the industry,” Sanderson said. Duquette of TSM-Mechanical; and delegates discussed five issues: absen- B&W’s national construction man- Steve Smillie of the General teeism, respect, safety, outage sched- ager, Howard Constable, was also Presidents Maintenance Committee. ules and manpower, and an agenda for impressed by the willingness of all Labor representatives included the future. three parties to get involved and work Intl. Vice Pres. Sandy MacDonald International Vice Presidents Sandy Members of each partnership group together for the betterment of all con- MacDonald, Rick Albright, Larry met to discuss industry concerns in cerned. “To that end, I look forward to addresses the first tripartite conference in Canada. McManamon, and Sean Murphy; separate workshops. Coming back to contributing over the next year to Assistants to the Intl. Pres. James the general session, a representative insure we all can continue to improve McCormick and Stan Petronski; Intl. from each workshop presented their and be successful.” rumors are true. They are. The Boilermakers are leading the way Reps. Corey Channon, Andre Fleury, ideas to the full conference for addi- Among those union representatives Ed Power, and Mike Watson; and local tional discussions. Each partnership attending were business managers again to keep the building trades strong in Canada.” lodge representatives Kent Oliver, group then met again to formulate of Eastern Canadian Local Lodges Gary Morris, Jean-Yves Poirier of Local plans to proceed, with a final presenta- 73, 128, 203, and 271 — Kent Oliver, Western Canadian Vice President Rick Albright was also impressed by 73, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Jim Tinney, tion to the general session outlining Jim Tinney, Tom Walsh, and John Petronski, George McGeachie, their strategy. Guy Villemure. the meeting. “Owner/clients, contrac- tors, and union leaders alike displayed Andy Holder, Dale Quinn, Reg White, “Participating in the first Eastern Ed Frerotte, and Steve Silversides of Take a closer look at the Canadian tripartite conference is a pos- a keen willingness to work as true part- ners to address and remedy weakness- Local 128, Toronto, Ontario; Tom tripartite concept itive step to a better working relation- Walsh of Local 203, St. John’s, ship between the parties involved,” es and to adopt initiatives to improve BOILERMAKERS IN THE U.S. have our product,” Albright said. “I congrat- Newfoundland; Guy Villemure of Oliver said. “The number of partici- Local 271, Montreal, Quebec; Carl hosted tripartite conferences for more pants at the conference demonstrates ulate Sandy and Ed for organizing than 18 years, with representatives of such a highly-successful and produc- Ellsworth of Local 359 Vancouver, the interest and the resolve to make British Columbia; Grant Jacobs, the the construction industry — owners, our industry better.” tive conference.” contractors, and labor — meeting to new national co-coordinator for the Tinney believes providing a safe, Tripartite attendees Boilermakers apprenticeship program; develop programs to make our efforts productive work site is the number one more productive and our employers and Patrick Dillon of the Provincial priority on all agendas. He said, “The PARTICIPANTS INCLUDED the more competitive. From these meetings Building & Construction Trades tripartite creates a good opportunity following owner representatives: Jim ❑ have come national drug testing, Council of Ontario. to discuss and find solutions to items Scattergood and David M. Galvin of welder testing and certification, safety of concern for the owners and Bruce Power; Stew Stevenson of training, craftsmen identification, and contractors, and most important, for DOFASCO; Terry O’Neill of ESSO manpower reserve programs. Some of our membership.” Nanticoke; Keith MacDonald of these programs have crossed the bor- Villemure found the conference to Kimberly Clarke; Dexter Bothwell of der to Canada, but this was the first be well organized.
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