BL^CK&WHITE Vol. II.—Xo. 24.] UDCET [March 24, 1900 Regd. at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper.] [Price 2d. Post free, z%A. angloboerwar.com HORATIO HERBERT KITCHENER, BARON KITCHENER OF KHARTOUM, G.C.B., K.C.M.G. LATE SIRDAR OF THE EGYPTIAN ARMY The man who has organised victor) - in the North and the South of the Dark Continent. As Chief of Staff to Lord Roberts, he has aided the Commander-in-Chief in South Africa to bring order out of chaos, and snatch success just when it was most needed. He was born in 1850, and has had a career of which the whole world knows BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET March 24, iyco -=^ IJlack sn& TfftlU IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, PRICE SIXPENCE, AND CONTAINS THE <Most Unique Photos and Sketches of ttje War up to Date. Imperialangloboerwar.comPolitics, £2,000 Foreign News, INSURANCE COUPON. Paris Exhibition News, The Drama, Literature, £2,000 INSURANCE Fashion, COUPON. Sport. - March 24, 1900 BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET DRIVING IT HOME VICTORY smiles at last on our forces in South Broadwood worked round on his right and got Africa. The relief of Kim berley and Ladysmith behind the Boer position. The enemy had three and the capture of Cronje have proved the turn- field guns and two quick-firers, which did a little ing point of the war, and now Lord Roberts is damage. He also played more of his dirty engaged in steadily pressing our advantage, and tricks with the white flag, else we might have we may believe that there will be no relaxation , got some of these. Anyhow we pocketed a Long obtained such of effort till the Boers are surrounded within their ! Tom on the Wednesday, and we troublesome Transvaal. Continuous British ! quantities of forage and provisions that Tommy ! and Tommy's horses had a better feed than they success is the tale to be told this week ; may it ! remembered since Christmas Day. he the tale to be told to the end ! We did not make our way to Driefontein The battle at Osfontein, or Poplar Grove, was i without casual and irregular fighting, and we the most important, as it was the first of the \ did not get past Aasvogel Kop and up the series which Lord Roberts has fought On his way Kaal Spruit to Bloemfontein without a few j pot-shots. However, the enemy had expected to Bloemfontein. j It was on a Wednesday that this battle was I us to stick to the Modder, and as a result the fought, and by the end of the day the enemy Orange Free State capital lay at Lord Roberts's j thought they were in the middle of next week. mercy. French, always at the fore, went on The fighting centred round the Modder River, ! ahead. Before the Boers realised the situation, where the Boers had entrenched themselves on he was outside the railway running from Bloem- I kopjes extending for several miles on both sides fontein to the south. They were still rubbing of the river. They saw Colvile's Division on their eyes when he had seized the station with J the north of the river and Tucker's and Kelly- the rolling stock, fought his way to two com- Kenny's on the south ; so they made up their manding kopjes, and had Bloemfontein under minds that the Rooineks were going to walk his thumb, waiting for Lord Roberts to come up. straight on to their barbed wire. But they This sparkling little tale was followed by forgot French, who wasangloboerwar.comstill further south ; and British readers with avidity, and they had almost before they had quite finished breakfast there he begun to get tired of victories when the over- was, swinging round them with guns that hit too tures for peace were published. " Blood and hard and fast for the simple burghers' taste. It tears " was the beginning of the two Presidents' was almost a bloodless victory for us, and the dispatch ; very poetic, it is true, but a little Boers lost fewer than the experts expected, undiplomatic. A few lines further on, however, simply because the experts did not know how we came upon the old, old Kruger. " This fast a Boer could run. war," said the dispatch of March 5th, " is only The next big fight was at Driefontein, and continued in order to secure and safeguard the here we had a tougher job. Poplar Grove is a incontestable independence of both Republics piece of land that belongs to two loyal Britishers, as sovereign international States [only !] and to Mr. and Mrs. T. Webb, who welcomed Bobs obtain the assurance that those of her Majesty's with all their heart. Driefontein is ten miles subjects who have taken part with us in this war south-west of this. Here the Boers determined shall suffer no harm whatsoever in person or !] to make another stand. They talked very little property [only ! " Mr. Kruger wants this about Osfontein, so that the reinforcements from " assurance " from us. Judging from this dis- Colesberg did not know the exact situation. patch he has already assurance enough to suffice Kelly-Kenny's Division was the one that hit for a dozen South African Republics. Lord them, for we were walking broad and could have Salisbury is, however, too practised a hand for swallowed three such armies as opposed him. even Messrs; Kruger and Steyn. So, too, is Broadwood with his cavalry was feeling his way Lord Roberts, who has hoisted the British Flag in front, and held the enemy till the infantry over Bloemfontein and taken over the Govern- came up. The 1st Welsh and the 1st Essex ment offices. So far, very good. He was wel- then had an afternoon of fairly hot fighting, and, comed heartily by the inhabitants, who were much to their joy, got in with the bayonet while thoroughly sick of the war. portraits this follows: The in Budget are by as — Lord Kitchener, Duke of Connaught, Colonel Dorrien, Bassano ; Duchess of Connaught, Mendelssohn; Mr. Alderman Newton, Lieut. -Colonel Hamilton, Major Carthew Youstoun, Major Maxwell, Major Ross, Elliott and Fry; Mr. Alderman Treloar, Wright; Mr. Alderman Bevan, Vandyk ; Alderman Pile, Mrs. Pile, DArcy ; Lieut. General Rundle, Captain Scott, Gregory; Captain Lamhton, Symons ; Lieut. -Colonel Lord Cranborne, Newman ; Colonel Crofton, Heath; Captain Pachman, Barnett ; Lieutenant Lamb, Ball ; Colonel Hickson, Lieutenant Vaughan, Knight ; Second-Lieut. Long, Crcoke. The pictures are by Our Special Correspondents, A. Nicholls, Middlebrook, Russell and Sons t Lawrence, Dublin, &c. BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET March 24, 1900 NOTICES All communications regarding Pictures and Articles to be addressed to " The Editor, Black and "White Budget, jj., Bouverie Street, London, E.C." All communications regarding Back Numbers, Terms of Subscription, &*c, to be addressed to " The Publisher, Black and White Budget, 6j, Fleet Street, London, E.C." The Editor requests Correspondents who may wish to communicate with the Publisher at the same time as they write to him, to write a separate letter to the Publisher at the address given above, and not add it to their communication to the Editor. The Editor particularly requests that no Poems be sent for consideration. NOTES O' WAR We would call especial attention to the letter on Terrible and Powerful, the former of which at once page 31, in which Mr. Wyatt advances a plea for an sailed for China. To Captain Scott, of the Terrible, Army League, to carry out for the Army what the belongs the credit of saving Ladysmith. He landed his Navy League originally proposed to do for the Navy. guns, and by a contrivance of his own mounted them So many of our readers have relatives and friends in on wheels. They were then expeditiously sent to the Army that we are sure this letter will interest them Ladysmith, and only arrived the day before it was sur- greatly. We shall be glad to receive rounded ! comments, limited to words from 150 Some really terrible mistakes have each correspondent. been made by our troops, particularly Reports keep arriving that British on the eastern frontier with Buller. Th officers have escaped from Pretoria, but latest instance was just before the en- owing to the distance to be covered in trance into Ladysmith, when the 2nd the flight they are nearly all re-cap- West Yorkshire, arriving at the top of a tured. Elaborate were the schemes for hill, were not only fired on by the Boers, escape hatched by the prisoners during but also by our own artillery with shrap- the American Civil War. On one occa- nel and lyddite ! The West Yorks imme- sion, after weeks of labour, a large diately got against the sky-line, and number of Confederates escaped by placing their helmets on their rifles making a long tunnel from their prison waved them energetically. Fortunately, under a street and into a friend's house. our gunners saw their mistake. On other occasions the weeks of anxiety To the enemy all is fair in the present and work were thrown the ac- away by war. In the advance near Dordrecht cidental discovery of the operations. It angloboerwar.comrecently one of the British was taken has just been discovered that Colonel prisoner in an attack on the Boer breast- Schiel, the captured German officer, was works. When our guns shelled their engaged in a tunnelling scheme to position the enemy to cover their retreat escape. compelled the prisoner to hold up the When the announcement came that white flag. A shell, however, burst Lord Roberts had only captured six guns among the Boers, scattering them, and with General Cronje, there was a general the prisoner seized the opportunity to idea that the wily Boer had buried most escape under a terrific fire.
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