THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9TH APRIL 1965 3567 SCHEDULE smoke control area, the occupier of that building shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not The area of approximately 10 acres, being land exceeding £10 unless he proves that the emission situate within the County Borough of Dudley shown of smoke was not caused by the use of any fuel edged green on the map prepared in duplicate, sealed other than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels with the Common Seal of The Mayor, Aldermen include anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas and Burgesses of the County Borough of Dudley and and electricity. marked " Map referred to in the county Borough of If confirmed the Order will not come into opera- Dudley (Spring Parklands) Smoke Control Order, tion before the 1st July 1966, or before a later date 1965 ". determined by the Minister of Housing and Local Dated this 5th day of April 1965. Government. P. D. Wadsworth, Town Clerk. A copy of the Order and of the map referred to The Council House, therein may be inspected free of charge at the Council Dudley, Worcs. House, Great Cornbow, Halesowen at all reasonable times during the period of six weeks from the 17th (445) day of April 1965. Within the said period any person who will be affected by the Order may by notice in writing to The HALESOWEN BOROUGH COUNCIL Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Govern- Clean Air Act. 1956 ment, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to the con- Notice is hereby given that the Council of the firmation of the Order. Borough of Halesowen in exercise of ithe powers con- SCHEDULE ferred upon them by section 11 of the Borough of An area of 80-6 acres of land within the following Halesowen No. 26 Smoke Control Order, 1965, on boundaries: the 29th day of March 1965, made the above- mentioned Order declaring the area described in the Northern : The centre line of Huntingtree Road Schedule hereto to be a smoke control area which from its junction with Bassnage Road to its junction Order is about to be submitted to the Minister of with Wall Well. Housing and Local Government for confirmation. Eastern: The centre line of Wall Well from Subject to Ithe exemptions provided by the Order Huntingtree Road to its junction with Albert Road, and by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Act, if on across Albert Road, the centre line of a public any day after the Order has come into operation, footpath from Albert Road to St. Margaret's Drive, smoke is emitted from a chimney of any building the centre line of St. Margaret's Drive to its junction within the smoke control area, the occupier of that with Hagley Road, across Hagley Road, the centre building shall be guilty of an offence and liable line of School Lane to its junction with Quarry to a fine not exceeding £10 unless he proves that Lane. the emission of smoke was not caused by the use South Eastern : The centre line of Quarry Lane of any fuel other than an authorised fuel. The from its junction with School Lane to the extent authorised fuels include anthracite, coke and other of the frontage of Quarry House to Quarry Lane, carbonised fuels, gas and electricity. the southern and western boundaries of Quarry If confirmed-ithe Order will not come into opera- House, the centre line of drive (formerly access tion before the 1st July 1966, or before a later drive from Hagley Road to Quarry House) from date determined by the Minister of Housing and Quarry House to the rear boundary of 147 Hagley Local Government. Road, the rear boundaries of Nos. 147, " Four A copy of the Order and of the map referred to Winds", "Hills Vista", "Sunrise", "The therein may be inspected free of charge at the Council Beeches ", Hagley Road, the eastern, southern and House, Great Cornbow, Halesowen, at all reasonable western boundaries of land at the rear of Nos. 161. times during the period of six weeks from the 17th 159 and "The Laurels", Hagley Road, the line of day of April 1965. the former rear boundary of " The Oaklands", Within the said period any person who will be Hagley Road (now part of a new development), the affected by ithe Order may by notice in writing to rear boundary of the " Rose and Crown" public The Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local house. Government, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to South Western: The south western boundary of the the confirmation of the Order. " Rose and Crown" public house, across Hagley SCHEDULE Road, the south western and rear boundaries of An area of 5-9 acres of land the boundaries of Nos. 390 and 392 Hagley Road, the north western which are formed by the rear boundaries of Nos. 47 boundary of the timber yard, the south eastern to 83 Highfield Crescent, by the rear boundaries of boundary of 17 Wassell Road to the centre line of Nos. 43 to 48 Colman Hill Avenue, by .the south- Wassell Road, the centre line of Wassell Road to eastern boundaries of Nos. 48 and 49 Colman Hill its junction with Foxhunt Road and the centre line Avenue to the centre line of Banners Lane, by the of Foxhunt Road to its junction with Bassnage centre line of Banners Lane to its junction with Road. Colman Hill, by the centre line of Colman Hill to Western : The centre line of Bassnage Road from the eastern boundary of "The Grange", Colman its junction with Foxhunt Road to its junction with Hill, by .the eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Huntingtree Road. "The Grange", Colman Hill, by the north-eastern Dated this 9th day of April 1965. boundary of the Memorial Gardens to the rear /. B. McCooke, Town Clerk. boundary of No. 47 Highfield Crescent.—Dated this 9th day of April 1965. Council House, Great Cornbow, Halesowen. /. B. McCooke, Town Clerk. Council House, (188) Great Cornbow, Halesowen. (189) SALFORD CITY COUNCIL The City of Salford No. 11 (Marlborough Road) Smoke Control Order, 1965 HALESOWEN BOROUGH COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the Mayor Alderman and citizens of the City of Salford in exercise of the The Borough of Halesowen No. 24 Smoke Control powers conferred upon them by section 11 of the Order, 1965 Clean Air Act, 1956, on the 3rd day of March 1965, Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Borough made an Order entitled "The City of Salford No. 11 of Halesowen in exercise of the powers conferred (Marlborough Road) Smoke Control Order, 1965", upon them by section 11 of the Clean Air Act, 1956 declaring the area described in the schedule hereto on the 29th day of March 1965, made the above- to be a smoke control area, which Order is about mentioned Order declaring the area described in the to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and Schedule hereto to be a smoke control area which Local Government for confirmation. Order is about to be submitted to the Minister of Subject to the exemptions provided by the Order Housing and Local Government for confirmation. and by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Act, if, on Subject to the exemptions provided by the Order any day after the Order has come into operation, and by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Act, if on any smoke is emitted from a chimney of any building day after the Order has come into operation, smoke is within the smoke control area, the occupier of emitted from a chimney of any building within the that building shall be guilty of an offence and liable For any late Notices see Contents list on last page.
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