Middletown Agree SEE STORY PAGE* FairTfc ande ver Weakey warm todayr , THE DMIX ' fair rantonightd ver. Mostlv wary sonnm todavy and. •* <M.*.A~M JLSJL MM M JfJu JfJNAL warm tomorrow. Red Bank, Freehold 7" Long Branch EDITION 26 PAGES Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper J^DJBAJNK, N.JSrMO?«>AY;.AyGlIST 14,. 1972, TEN CENTS iiiiDiniiiiini New SALT Meetings Slated for Geneva WASHINGTON (AP) - The nal approval in the U.S. Con- Administration spokesmen, were announced during Presi- try to two antiballistic-missile rines with up to 850 missiles, along. United States and Russia gress. including Smith, have said ping "the mad momentum of dent Nixon's trip to Moscow defense systems, one around and the United States is held Sen. J.W. Fulbright, D-Ark., the arms race." have decided to hold the sec- The House and Senate are they would' not accept the on May 26. While the offen- the capital city and the sec- to 1,054 land missiles and 44 ond round of the strategic- expected to vote this week on first-phase interim agreement whose Foreign Relations The Foreign Relations Com- sive-missile moratorium is ond at an offensive-missile submarines with 710 missiles. Committee approved the in- mittee said,. "Approval of the arms-litnitation talks (SALT) a five-year moratorium on of- on missiles as a permanent only an interim agreement, site. in Geneva, probably in Octo- The administration main- terim agreement without dis- agreement 'without amend- fensive missiles. A defensive- solution. Nixon wants Congress to act Some concern has been ex- tains, however, that the. ber, sources have disclosed. missile treaty was approved sent, opposed the amendment. ments or interpretations will The SALT talks started in on it before the second round pressed, notably by Sen. Hen- United States will be able to Fulbright said it carries the by the Senate on Aug. 3.. the fall of 1969 with meetings .represent clear approval by A formal announcement is of talks begins. • ry M. Jackson, D-Wash., that employ more warheads on its clear implication that the in- the Senate of the interim expected in Washington and The chief U.S. negotiator, held alternately in Helsinki The United States and the the Soviet Union would have a missiles because of an advan- terim agreement is defective. Gerard C. Smith, has said the and Vienna. The United States agreement and will provide Moscow today. : Soviet Union are .limited un- numerical superiority in mis- tage in missile technology. He said if in fact it "pro- the best opportunity for Phase second-phase talks will con- felt the arrangement was both der the interim agreement to siles, approximately 2,360 to Nevertheless, Jackson has Plans for the second phase sider limitations on bombers cumbersome and costly and vides for an inferior position 2 negotiations to lead to those offensive missiles al- 1,710, over the United States propposed an amendment to for the United States, it agreements assuring the over- of the bilateral disarmament and forward-base systems and considers Geneva a better lo- ready built or under construc- talks came' as the first-phase under the interim agreement. require missile equality in any should be rejected." But he all equality of nuclear strate- a more precise and per- cation. tion as of July 1. The defen- Russia is limited to 1,618 future agreements, and the interim agreement neared fi- manent limitation on missiles. said he considers it a "modest gic systems and the mainte- The first-phase agreements sive treaty limits each coun- land missiles and 62 subma- administration has gone •first step" to eventually stop- nance of a deterrent" Strong Defense Plank GOP Hierarchy's MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) will, we hope, bear a close re- standard procedure, Rhodes duce the United States to a Rhodes said. "One of them is — Support for a strong nation- semblance to the draft," said, and in this case the second-class power. the Middle East. Yet under al defense plank rejecting Rhodes said. White House made so many It would cancel the manned McGovern's plan we would Democratic proposals to slash Rhodes calmly answered • suggestions thaj the document bomber program, wipe out the probably have no aircraft car- the Pentagon budget and pull charges that sessions of the' grew to 211< pages before it Trident advanced underwater rier in the Mediterranean. two divisions out of Europe 108-member committee, which was boiled down again by missile and cut the projected "Our troop strength in Eu- was expected to emerge at hear some 300 witnesses, Rhodes and. platform com- aircraft carrier force from 16 rope would be reduced to - Republican platform hearings will be largely perfunctory be- mittee aides. to six* he said. point where we could not re opening today. cause an unpublished draft al- Rhodes, said the $30 billion "The Vietnam war is being on a sufficient force to trans- Secretary of State William ready exists. cut in defense spending pro- wound down but there are oth- port to the Middle East if nec- P. Rogers was the Platform Such a working draft is posed by McGovern would re- er tensions in the world," essary," he said. Committee's featured wit- ness, and Sen Robert Dole of Kansas, GOP national chair- man, planned to.greet the committee. Rep. John J. Rhodes of Ari- Pay Board Seen Leaning zona, GOP platform • chair- man, told reporters yesterday that the budget cutting plank of Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern is To 5.5% Wage Standard "an isolationist document" ••<••• - • Htolilw Stuff Photo by Ccrry P«mo. that would leave Israel in per- WASHINGTON (AP) - The tracts in a number of the rose 6 per cent in the second rise ana a 3-per-cent gain to BEVY OF BEAUTIES — Miss Kathy Reed adjusts crown of her succes- il and endanger American in- Pay Board appears to be lean- large industries, with the ex- quarter, but the seven-mem- productivity — worker output sor, Miss Valerie Moody, who was named last night to reign over this. terests in other troubled ing toward retaining its 5.5- ception of steel, come up for ber board appears inclined to per man hour. Productivity year's National Sweepstakes Regatta. Looking on are MFss Kathry'n Kil- areas. per-cent wage standard for bargaining in 1973. await figures for later rose 6 per cent in the second zen, left/ first runner-up, and Miss Linda Rasmussen, second runner-up. "It is so isolationist that, if the time being, even though a Organized labor, which now months. For the year, the pro- quarter, but the seven-mem- it ever came to pass, we had review of the ceiling is under . is felt by some insiders to be ductivity gain is expected to ber board appears inclined to* better withdraw our forces way. tacitly accepting the wage- be closer to 4.5 per cent. await figures for later from Europe entirely because Nixon administration offi- price-control system, might months. For the year, the pro- Middletown Girl Wins, .we could never maintain our cials privately doubt there'll actively fight the program if The Pay Board's standard ductivity gain is expected to responsibilities," Rhodes said. be any change in the figure up ' the standard were lowered. assumes a 2.5-per-cent price be closer to 4.S per cent . The defense and foreign po- or down anytime soon. For The board, as it has done licy plank of the GOP plat- the record, they say the deci- from the start, is considering form will be made public next sion is up to the board. public acceptance, apparently Will Reign at Regatta Friday if the committee keeps The board meets jointly _ feeling that too much tight- to its schedule, Rhodes said, By BETTESPERO here even, summer tan. She Off her 35-24-35 figure in a with the Price. Commission ' ening could well cause an put- $1 Million Fire wore her light .brown hair blue one-piece swimsuit. and other sections will be re- today in a. session that prob- break of strikes, damaging straight and flowing loosely to leased on Saturday and Sun- ably will trigger debate on the economic recovery. RED BANK - Miss Valerie Second Tune Around' day. Moody, a brown-haired, blue- her shoulders: ' Miss Rasmussen, quipped, changing the standard. Another argument against green eyed lass from Middle- The daughter of former- her second runner-up status The Republican National Spokesmen emphasize a deci- changing the standard is tha,t HitsBoardwalk town,' will reign as the queen Middletown Mayor Earl was beginning to sound famil- Convention opens next Mon- sion is not likely soon. the price picture, although" of the 1972 National Sweep- Moody, the beauty queen iar, since she had just gar- day and the completed plat- Labor Secretary James D. greatly improved from a year ATLANTIC CITY (AP) — cause of the blaze until it was stakes Regatta. seemed to especially please nered the same position in the form will be presented to the Hodgson last week said the ago, is still not good enough to Losses from the general completely extinguished. Po- the adult audience — and recent Miss N. J. World con- convention Tuesday. board has taken a look at the justify lowering the figure. alarm fire that destroyed sev- lice had said earlier they be- Besting a field of 15 other lieved the fire .was -caused by contestants.Miss Moody won judges — in the interview ses- test. The blond-haired, blue- Approval was expected to 5.5-per-cent standard and Of particular dis- eral shops along this resort's .sion of the contest.
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