All Saints Parish Paper MARGARET STREET, LONDON W.1 FEBRUARY 2011 £1.00 VICAR’S LETTER Anglicans who wish to join the Roman All Saints was founded at a time of &DWKROLF&KXUFK7KH\ZRXOGEHDOORZHG religious controversy. There was the to retain some elements of the Anglican SHUFHLYHG FRQÀLFW VWLOO YHU\ PXFK ZLWK ³SDWULPRQ\´ LQFOXGLQJ OLWXUJLFDO IRUPV XV EHWZHHQ VFLHQFH DQG UHOLJLRQ ,W ZDV DQGPDUULHGFOHUJ\ZLWKLQDVHSDUDWHHQWLW\ RFFDVLRQHG DV PXFK E\ WKH JHRORJLFDO XQGHUWKHLURZQ³2UGLQDU\´²DELVKRS GLVFRYHULHV RI 6LU &KDUOHV /\HOO DV E\ RU HTXLYDOHQW 0DQ\ 5RPDQ &DWKROLFV Darwin’s theory of evolution. There is an OHWDORQH$QJOLFDQVWKRXJKWWKDWWKHZD\ DUFKLWHFWXUDOUHÀHFWLRQRIWKLVLQWKHIRVVLOV WKLV ZDV ERXQFHG RQ WKH$UFKELVKRS RI LQWKHPDUEOHVWHSVLQ$OO6DLQWVKRZHYHU &DQWHUEXU\ ZDV JUDWXLWRXVO\ LQVXOWLQJ old we think those fossilised creatures 'U:LOOLDPVLVNQRZQIRUKLVVHHPLQJO\ DUHDQG,FDQ¶WLPDJLQHWKDWDQ\RQHDW$OO HQGOHVVUHVHUYHVRISDWLHQFHEXWHYHQKH Saints thinks they are only a few thousand VHHPVWRKDYHIRXQGWKLVDELWPXFK$QG \HDUVROGWKH\DUHLQFKXUFKEHFDXVH*RG ZKRFDQEODPHKLP" made them. :KHQWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWZDVPDGHD Then there was the Roman Question. QXPEHURISHRSOHFRQWDFWHGPHWRH[SUHVV )UHGHULFN 2DNOH\ WKH 0LQLVWHU RI WKH WKHLUFRQFHUQVDQG,ZDVDEOHWRVHWWKHLU 0DUJDUHW&KDSHOZDVDGLVFLSOHRI-RKQ PLQGV DW UHVW$OO 6DLQWV ZRXOG QRW EH Henry Newman and followed his spiritual going down that path. master into the Roman Catholic Church. +LV DVVLVWDQW SULHVW :LOOLDP 8SWRQ 6RPH¿IW\\HDUVDJR)U.HQQHWK5RVV 5LFKDUGV UHPDLQHG OR\DO WR WKH &KXUFK 9LFDU RI$OO 6DLQWV WRRN XS KLV SHQ WR RI (QJODQG VWHDGLHG WKH FRQJUHJDWLRQ ZULWH D ERRN FDOOHG “Why I am not a RYHUVDZWKHEXLOGLQJRIWKHQHZFKXUFK Roman Catholic”. He did this more in DQGEHFDPH¿UVW9LFDURIWKHSDULVK sorrow than in anger; declaring that he had spent far more time during his Pope Benedict’s visit to this country last ministry defending the Roman Catholic year is generally considered to have gone &KXUFK WKDQ DWWDFNLQJ LW ,Q WKRVH SUH well. He avoided the diplomatic gaffes HFXPHQLFDOGD\VZKHQ5RPDQ&DWKROLFV IRUZKLFKKHKDVEHFRPHQRWRULRXV2QH were not even allowed to say the Lord’s of these was the announcement of the 3UD\HU ZLWK RWKHU &KULVWLDQV WKHUH ZDV proposed “Ordinariate” — a sort of non- an aggressive campaign of proselytising geographical diocese — for groups of aimed at converting Anglicans. Fr Ross 1 was no Anglican propagandist; he candidly WKDW D QXPEHU RI SDSDO VWDWHPHQWV ZHUH admitted the weaknesses of the Church QRWRSHQIRUGHEDWHWKH\ZHUHHIIHFWLYHO\ RI (QJODQG ² EXW ZDV NHHQO\ DZDUH LQIDOOLEOH7KH\LQFOXGHG3RSH/HR;,,,¶V that might does not always mean right. condemnation of Anglican Orders as /LNH 5RVV , KDYH VSHQW PRUH WLPH ³DEVROXWHO\QXOODQGXWWHUO\YRLG´DQGRI defending Rome than attacking it. As SHUKDSVZLGHULQWHUHVWWKHFRQGHPQDWLRQ VRPHRI\RXNQRZP\ZLIHZDVEURXJKW RI ELUWK FRQWURO 7KH VXSSUHVVLRQ RI up as a Roman Catholic and her father is discussion is not the way that Anglicans a Roman Catholic deacon. A good many see the pursuit of truth under the guidance Roman Catholics are happy to worship of the Holy Spirit. with us here at All Saints and we can rejoice in their friendship. Ross recognised that one of the attractive features of Rome to some was its very )U 5RVV H[DPLQHG ZLWK WKH VFKRODUO\ order and discipline. He could not have FDUHIRUZKLFKKHZDVUHQRZQHGWKHFODLPV imagined the use to which that discipline DERXWSDSDOLQIDOOLELOLW\DQGMXULVGLFWLRQDV KDVEHHQSXWLQUHFHQWGHFDGHVWRVXSSUHVV ZHOODVWKH0DULDQGRJPDVSURPXOJDWHGRQ knowledge of the scale of clerical child SDSDODXWKRULW\DORQHWKHLUVXSSRVHGEDVLV DEXVH LQ WKH QDPH RI SURWHFWLQJ WKH LQVFULSWXUHDQGWUDGLWLRQ+LVREMHFWLRQWR reputation of the Church. WKHVHGRJPDVZDVWKDWSLRXVEHOLHIVZLWK OLWWOHJURXQGLQJLQ6FULSWXUHDQGEDVHGRQ +H ZURWH \HDUV EHIRUH WKH 6HFRQG GXELRXV WUDGLWLRQV KDG EHHQ HOHYDWHG WR 9DWLFDQ &RXQFLO FDOOHG E\ 3RSH -RKQ the status of articles of faith which those ;;,,, ZKLFK EURXJKW DERXW D PDVVLYH ZKRZRXOGEHVDYHGPXVWEHOLHYH3DSDO transformation in the Roman Catholic LQIDOOLELOLW\DQGXQLYHUVDOMXULVGLFWLRQZHUH &KXUFKQRWOHDVWLQLWVDWWLWXGHWRRWKHU OLNHZLVH JUHDW VWUXFWXUHV EXLOW RQ VKDN\ &KULVWLDQV +RZHYHU VLQFH WKH &RXQFLO foundations in scripture and tradition. The DQG HVSHFLDOO\ XQGHU 3RSH -RKQ 3DXO ,, SDSDF\LVHIIHFWLYHO\DQDEVROXWHPRQDUFK\ DQGKLVVXFFHVVRUWKHUHKDVEHHQDTXLWH DIRUPRI&KXUFKJRYHUQPHQWGLI¿FXOWWR GHOLEHUDWH WDNLQJ EDFN RI SRZHU WR WKH discern in the New Testament. FHQWUHDQGPDQ\5RPDQ&DWKROLFVZRXOG VD\ D GHOLEHUDWH ZLWKGUDZDO IURP WKH +HLGHQWL¿HGWKHSUREOHPRINQRZLQJ VSLULWRIWKH&RXQFLO$OOWKLVKDVEHHQLQ ZKHQ D 3RSH ZDV VSHDNLQJ LQIDOOLEO\ the name of preserving the authority of There is a minimalist view and a the Church against the tides of secularism PD[LPDOLVWRQH7KHPD[LPDOLVWYLHZLV DQG XQEHOLHI:H FDQ RQO\ ZRQGHU KRZ WKDWRQFH5RPHKDVVSRNHQRQDVXEMHFWLW HIIHFWLYHWKLVSROLF\KDVEHHQDVYRFDWLRQV is no longer open to discussion. This was to the Roman priesthood and religious life WKH OLQH WDNHQ E\ 3RSH 3LXV ;,, EHIRUH plummet and papal teaching on matters 9DWLFDQ,,DQGLWUHWXUQHGXQGHU3RSH-RKQ RIVH[LVLJQRUHGE\PRVWOD\SHRSOHDQG 3DXO,,ZKRIRUDOOKLVSRSXOLVWVW\OHZDV UDUHO\PHQWLRQHGE\WKHFOHUJ\ DWKRURXJKJRLQJDXWRFUDW:KHQKHZDV head of the Congregation for the Doctrine $WWHPSWV KDYH EHHQ PDGH WR SRUWUD\ RIWKH)DLWK3RSH%HQHGLFWOHWLWEHNQRZQ WKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIWKH2UGLQDULDWHDVDQ 2 HFXPHQLFDO JHVWXUH ,QGHHG VRPH RI LWV of the oaths the clergy make at their supporters have claimed that the Church ordination and institutions. Parishes like RI (QJODQG LV EHLQJ DQWLHFXPHQLFDO LQ All Saints which see using the authorised UHIXVLQJWRKDQGRYHUFKXUFKEXLOGLQJVDQG OLWXUJLHVRIWKH&KXUFKWRZKLFKZHEHORQJ SDUVRQDJHV 7KLV VHHPV WR EH VWUHWFKLQJ DVDPDUNRIFDWKROLFLW\KDYHRIWHQEHHQ WKH PHDQLQJ RI ZRUGV EH\RQG EUHDNLQJ GHULGHGE\VXFKSHRSOHDV³KLJKFKXUFK point. SURWHVWDQWV´RU³OLEHUDOVLQYHVWPHQWV´ The Bishop of London addressed Another aspect of the Anglican this matter at the Diocesan Synod in ³SDWULPRQ\´ WR EH SUHVHUYHG LQ WKH 'HFHPEHUUHIHUULQJWRWKHUHWLUHPHQWRI Ordinariate is that the “Ordinary” will WKH%LVKRSRI)XOKDP have a council of priests to which he must “There does however seem to be a refer various matters for decision. But degree of confusion about whether those WKHUHLVDVXEWOHGLIIHUHQFHKHUHZKHUHDUH entering the Ordinariate like Bishop John, WKHODLW\ZKRDUHWREHIRXQGLQ$QJOLFDQ might be able to negotiate a transfer of 6\QRGV DQG &RXQFLOV" 7KHUH DUH QRQH properties or at least explore the possibility The Ordinariate looks suspiciously like a of sharing agreements in respect of clerical autocrat’s dream in which the duty particular churches. For the avoidance of RIWKHODLW\LVWR³SD\SUD\DQGREH\´ confusion I have to say that as far as the Diocese of London is concerned there is ,FDQ¶WKHOSIHHOLQJVRPHV\PSDWK\IRU no possibility of transferring properties. Roman Catholic clergy who are repeatedly As to sharing agreements I have noted WROGWKDWFRPSXOVRU\FHOLEDF\IRUSULHVWV the Archbishop of Westminster’s comment RIWKH/DWLQ5LWHZLOOQRWEHFKDQJHGDQG that “his preference is for the simplest then have to watch former Anglican clergy solutions. The simplest solutions are for ZKRDUHPDUULHGEHLQJUHRUGDLQHG those who come into Catholic communion to use Catholic churches.” ,WKDVEHHQP\LQWHQWLRQLQWKHVHOHWWHUV RYHU WKH \HDUV WR EH FRQVWUXFWLYH UDWKHU One of the ironies of the Ordinariate WKDQ FRQWURYHUVLDO +RZHYHU WKHUH DUH is that the permission to continue using RFFDVLRQVZKHQOLNH)U5RVV¿IW\\HDUV $QJOLFDQ OLWXUJLFDO IRUPV LV EHLQJ KHOG DJR , KDYH WR ZULWH LQ GHIHQFH RI WKH RXWWRSHRSOHZKRKDYHEHHQQRWRULRXVIRU &KXUFKWRZKLFKZHEHORQJ:HFDQUHVSHFW DEDQGRQLQJWKHPLQIDYRXURIWKH5RPDQ and pray for those whose consciences Rite for years; praying for the pope in take them elsewhere without having to the Eucharistic Prayer as if we were in DFFHSWWKHLUDUJXPHQWV:HFDQLQJRRG communion with him and our sacraments FRQVFLHQFHFRQWLQXHWREHDSDULVKRIWKH recognised as valid; something which &KXUFKRI(QJODQGWKHUHIRUPHG&DWKROLF WKH UHFRQ¿UPDWLRQ DQG UHRUGLQDWLRQ RI Church of this land. ELVKRSVZKRPXVWKDYHWKRXJKWWKDWWKH\ <RXUVLQ&KULVW ZHUHLQWKHDSRVWROLFVXFFHVVLRQFOHDUO\ denies. All this is in clear contradiction Alan Moses 3 WKUHH VXFK VHUYLFHV VXQJ E\ WKH FKRLU DW PARISH NOTES $GYHQW&KULVWPDVDQG(SLSKDQ\ “In the Bleak Midwinter” These are acts of worship rather than “carol 'HFHPEHU ZDV WKH FROGHVW VLQFH FRQFHUWV´ DQG ZH HQGHDYRXU WR FHOHEUDWH UHFRUGV EHJDQ $OO 6DLQWV LV D GLI¿FXOW them with the dignity and reverence we EXLOGLQJWRKHDWDQGHYHQPRUHGLI¿FXOWWR EULQJWRDOORXUDFWVRIZRUVKLS:KLOHWKH\ keep warm if the doors are constantly in use differ from our usual Sunday Evensong to admit worshippers. There is no porchway ZHWU\WRPDNHWKHPUHÀHFWVRPHWKLQJRI which can serve as something of an airlock our normal style of worship with candles to keep cold air out and warm air in. The DQG LQFHQVH FHUHPRQLDO DQG SURFHVVLRQV KHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJPHDQVWKDWLWLVPXFK $W(SLSKDQ\WKLV\HDUZHWRRNWKLVDVWDJH ZDUPHUE\WKHFOHUHVWRU\ZLQGRZVWKDQLWLV IXUWKHU E\ LQFRUSRUDWLQJ WKH RI¿FH K\PQ down where we sit and convection currents DQGDVHDVRQDOSVDOPDVWKH\ZRXOGEHVXQJ mean that we get cold air coming down to at Evensong. XV %XWWHU¿HOG ZDV DQ DXVWHUH VRXO DQG , suspect heating was not high on his list of ,QDGGLWLRQZHKDYHDVKRUWHUOXQFKWLPH SULRULWLHV:H KDYH FKDQJHG WKH WLPLQJ RI &KULVWPDV&DUROVHUYLFH7KLVLVHPEHOOLVKHG the heating for Sundays in the hope that this E\ VRORV VXQJ E\ RQH RI RXU FKRLU PRVW PLJKWKHOSEXWZHQHHGWRORRNPRUHGHHSO\ UHFHQWO\ E\ -HQQLIHU 6QDSHV 7KLV LV WKH DWKRZWKHFKXUFKLVKHDWHGDWSUHVHQWE\ VHUYLFH DW ZKLFK ZH QRUPDOO\ EOHVV WKH WKUHHGRPHVWLFJDVERLOHUVZKLFKGDWHEDFN &KULVWPDV7UHHEXWWKLV\HDULWZDVGHOLYHUHG
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