lNSIDE: ''1 Sh®I Andy Wurli®I" heviewed PLUSs Your C®mplele Guide lo PrideFesl 1996! . ` \ - .`' -i#ie:`*:-:..`=iis ......i:.` ...... # .... `. 1 ...,. i .`.:``...:...* In S'ep Mqgqzil,® Ih!ide 1661 N. Walei Slreel, Siiile 411 Milwaiike®, Wl 53202 NEWS (414) 278-7840 voile The Ups and Douius of Gay Civil RIghts ............. 4 "Mdndi Mccall" Killer Sentenced |414) Z78-5868 lax INSTEPWI@AOL.(ON Ra|jhael House Dandged by Fire ISSN# 1045-2435 DEPARTMENTS Ronold F. Geimon National Neuj§ founder Health NeuJ§ Jorge L. Cobol Group Notes presidon} The Arts The Calendar William Awowel I edilorin+hief FEATURES Jomokoyo Your Complete Guide to PrideFest 1996 reused.itor PrideFest 1996 Jo,ge L.Cobol A Personal AIDS Story Put On Screen, by Dale Reynolds ans editor It's My Party I Shot Andy Warhol, Review by Catherine Burgoyne Keith (lark, Kevin lsom, Owen Keehnen, Film Revieou Chorlene Lichtenstein, Morvin Liebmon, Dennis MCMillion, Interview by Andrea Peterson Richard Mohr, Dole Reynolds, Shelly Roberts, Mary Shofer, Sbelky Roberts: Not Just in Neuiapapers A7iymore ..... 48 Jamie Twhr, Arlene Zorembko, Yvonne Zipter Transgender Warriors, Review by Craig Hickman conlribufingwilBrs Book Review James Toylor, Vincent Gqudes COLUMNS phedogTaphers VIlewl,oint Roberts Rules . Robert whold, Paul Hoffmonn, Robert Kirby, Compel (arloon.EL Out in the Stars 5 Y7edrs Ago in ln Stap Wells Ink Inside Out arldireclhoandeddeskyn Keapin' In Step Pubfitdr.on ol the nomo, photograph or ober ltkeness of any person or ongon+ ....... 69 zdion in ln Step Mqquzine is not to be counted as any indicrfun Of fro §Bxuol, Jock Shorts rermous oi pomtol orienmon, pn]tfte or baliofs Of such pemn or members of I;ongue in Cheek wh otyanizof ort5. Wo esem de right to edit any submisgoms, odvedsing or ediwhol at oui sole discreton. Wo ossome ro respemsiblltry (or typegTaphicol or others onors unless tomoratedycopyispronded.W®05rmii8noiesapmsthilftyfoiadvBin.sBrs'[loims. In Step Maquzine is a registend mdemoik. [m.re contems including edverris- ing, ©1 ?96 by ln Stay Magazine, except where speditolly floted otheiwise. All righa rosomed. Reowhuction, either in whole oi pert is prchibited. ON 0UPI COVEPl: Lili Taylor as Valerie Solanas in "I Shot Andy Warhol" (see review page 46) News by Jamakaya Roller Coaster Ride for Gay Civil Rights Supreme Court Victory Followed by Clinton's Pledge to Sign Antinday Marriage Bill The week of May 20-25 was aJurching roller coaster ride President Clinton, and it's very disappointing and sad that he for Gay and Lesbian Americans. It began with a major Legal has felt the need to take the politically expedient way out." victory when the US Suprenc Court struck down Colorado's ``A SLAP IN THE FACE" anti-Gay Amendment 2, but ended with I)resident Clinton `.He would rather sign this unconstitutional bill than have promising to sign into law a federal bill prohibiting same gender marriage. Some of the drama unfaldcd in Milwaukee this debate continue," Andrew Sullivan, a prominent Gay during Clipton's visit May 23. conservative, told the Times. "It's a real slap in the face of Although many legal experts believe the marriage bill is Gay Americans and their families. " likely to be found uncoustitutional and that the high court "If the President appears to be a completely cynical indi- ruling will prove to be an enduring victory with implications vidual who has no principles, then it's going to hurt him for many other Gay-related issues, Clin(on's apparent eager- politically," Sullivan said. ``You can bc against same sex mar- riage and still be against this bill. Bu( he isn't leaving anything "Amendmenl 2 clllssifies h®m®sexiials to chance. " Stung by the criticism of Gay leaders, Clinton struck back notlofuriherqproperlegislqliveendbul at a news conference in Milwaukee during his summit with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. to moke lliem unequql to everyone else." "I.ook at my record," Clinton urged. "Name me another -JuS"E AITHON MEHNEDY President who has been so pilloried for standing up for the fact that we shouldn't discriminate agalust any ness to be rid of the Gay maniage issue this clcction year cast group of Americans, a pall over celebrations of the court victory and left many of including Gay the President's Gay supporters disillusioned. Americans, who are David Mixncr, a top fundTais?r for Clinton's 1992 cam- willing to work hard, paign, called the Presidcn.'s action "appalling" and "an act of pay their taxes, obey political cowardice. " the law and be good Mixner told the IVcny yor4 7?"c* "Both Harry Truman citizens.„ and JFK were reluctantly drawn into the civil rights battle, Clinton blamed but when they had to choose between political expediency GOP Presidential can- and the moral high ground, both chose the moral high didate Bob Dole and ground. Regrettably, this I'residcnt has not." the Repu,blicans for Elizabeth Birch of the Human Rights Campaign said: raising the Gay mar- "This is a capitulation to political religious cxtrcmists. The riage issue at the federal [marriagc] bill is a ploy by the floundering Dole for President level. campaign to drive a wedge between the Gay community and "Some people live 'A' S,fp May 29 -Juno 12, 1996 4 and breathe to divide the American peo- the legal issue of couples of the same-sex FF\EE being married as something to be dccid- ple and keep them in turmoil all the FIRST time. This is hardly a problem that is cd at the state level.» 20 MINUTE sweeping the country,» he said of Gay Marriage bcrwecn two individuals of CONSULTATION marriage. "We all know why this is in the same sex is not currently legal any- Washington now: it.s one more attempt where in the US. In Hawaii, courts arc KATHLEEN E, HUME to divert the American people from the iirgem need to confront our challenges Attorney at I,aw together." 529-2129 ' Clinton left himself some room to Fax: 529-9545 wiggle on the issue by saying that if any 5665 South 108th Street additional anti-Gay riders are attached Hales Comers, `VI 53130 to the marriage bill, he will veto it. DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT If lt Concerns You, It Concerns 11s! 529-2800 The bill as it stands is entitled the "Defense of Marriage Act.» The House bill is HR3396, the Senate bill is S1740. The proposal defines marriage as the "legal union between one man and one Wanen I. Klaus & woman." It Limits the word "spouse" to Michael T. Meyers a male or female partner of such a union, and allows individual states to refuse to recognize any same gender considering whether the state will :ep;Si:€¥i:;i;iia;£idv§i;§e:.§C§jdiiijn#;jr;I;::e', marriages that tnight be sanctioned by extend equal marriage rights to same other states. A leading sponsor of the gender couples. The trial will take place FREE FIRST ``MEETING House bill is Wisconsin Rep. James this fall, but a final decision by the Sensenbrenner (R). Hawaii Supreme Court may not come Hera;i:t:o:r;ij,efg:rft:]lgc&:ie5teegra;f In a teleph_one interview from his until 1997 or later. Washington office, Sensenbrenner told Meanwhile, in a pre-emptivc c'am- CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Evening and Weekeiid Hours paign which Gay leaders say is being CPA Services orchestrated by religious conservatives, 34 states have sccn legisla.ion intro- duced which would ban recognition of same gendc[ marriage. An an[i-Gay rna.rriage bill in the Wisconsin legisla- turc died at the end of this year's session in May. The i`ssue will not be raised 5665 South 108th Street again until the 1997 session begins. Hales Comers, WI 53130 But GOP leaders are putting the Downtown & Suburban Offices federal marriage bin on the fast track. A hearing was already held before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution May 15 at which propo- nents dalmed the law was necessary to protect "the traditional American fami- ly," while opponents argued it was unconstitutional. One highiight was a /% Sfcp A44g#zz.„c that the Defense of shouting match bctwccn HRC's TIII=I,-CIING Marriage Act is the "ultimate state's Elizabeth Birch and Rep. Bob lnglis rights bill„. (R-SC), who infuriated Birch with his "It is not an anti-gay bill," said contention that homosexuals in America Ies OUNCEuDIII=Pae^v-- Senenbrenncr, "This is a bill that defines have a "privileged" position in s6ciety. t,,,tn . -rl -+-7®. ea7oal . USA 11 May 29 -June 12, 1996 Ill §,EP rITws Many legal observers believe the law, if passed, will be these pandcular justificatious," Kennedy noted, "that we find found unconstitutional. And ironically, it may someday be it impossible to credit them." He wrote that such a drastic voidcd because of principles enunciated by the US Suprcmc measure seemed to be "born of animosity toward the class of Court in its May 20 decision striking down Colorado's persons affected." awe must conclude that Amcndmcnt 2 classifies homo- antirfay Amendment 2. In November 1992, 53% of colorado voters approved a sexuals no( to further a proper legislative end but to make statcwide initiative called Amendment 2. The measure would them unequnl to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A have repealed laws in Denver, Boulder and Aspen which pro- statccanno.sodeemaclassofpeLsousastrangertoitslaws." hibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would In his dissent, Justice Scalia called Amendment 2 .`a mod- have further prohibited any local, county or state body from est attempt by seemingly tolerant Coloradans to preserve tra- adopting civil rights protections for Gays, Lesbians and ditiohal sex`ial mo[cs against the efforts of a politically pow- Bisexuals at any time in the future.
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