HIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. fOlilXAXD, NOVEMBER 3, 191G. !As the girl has six little brothers and woman next door and becomes deeeply City, "Civilization" came to a close OOOD TO MISS "PTr? sisters. Sepulveda sends them all to interested in her. October 21, after a most successful run. IT'S TOO Kew England, back home. Then Lake arrives on the scene, Prudence and the kiddies find Caleb bursts in upon the Grayson family and Irene Fenwick made her debut as an Winthrop a forbidding old man, but the greets the woman with the words, actress In "Peggy From Paris" in Chi- children win his heart. In California "Hello, Jenny." Then he explains, when cago, the city of her birth. In this play tlarcia still is active in trying to ifet an accusing silence follows his greet- she was p. member of the chorus for here's that wonderful Japanese actor the Winthrop property, and Sepulveda ing: "This woman is Jenny Gay. the three weeks and was then given the sends for Winthrop, who arrives with notorious divorced actress." stellar role in the absence of the regu- his brood, and makes plans to defend lar star for this part. Her rise to pop- his property. ularity and fame began from this time. Winthrop goes to the courts to prove Film Flickers Charles Frohman featured her in sev- the validity of his claim, and in his eral important productions. Her lirst absence Garcia and his men attack the appearance in pictures was under the place Sepulveda and his retainers are A.T GOODWIN threatens to start direction of George Kleine. She is now '7T Sessue Hayakawa decoyed property. from the Prudence motion picture company of his with Famous Players: all-st- ar soul-shaki- ng and the children put up a vigorous de- with beautiful Myrtle Stedman and an cast, in a powerful, Para- own on his ranch in tlje San Jacinto " fense until help arrives. Valley, enough Mary Pickford. with her mother,! yc-.f?- .. mount vivid, gripping action and emotional intensity Unforget- The finish of the story sees the California. But it's time brother and company of 60, is at the ... v r drama of swift, vaquero to worry about they - happy marriage of the and misfortunes when Oceanside, in Marblehead, prepared to table is . rvliss Prudence. come, so why anticipate? stay about six weeks taking scenes for j V her nest picture. A little Scotch vil- JAPANESE STARS AT PEOPLES And we hear that Romaine Fielding lage has been built at Castle Rock and is endeavoring to do likewise In West- rehearsals go on all day under the di- ern Canada, having selected Calgary as rection of Maurice Tourneur and . i. "The Soul of Kura-San- " Depicts Un- the location. He has been playing In George Cowl. The pictures are taken vaudeville in the Northwest. at night under strong electric lights. usual Oriental Drama. Matt Moore Is to play opposite her in I Sessue; Hayakawa, the brilliant Jap- Cleo Ridgely is a gray-eye- d blonde this picture. Hundreds of people go Sted- who has appeared so frequently and over dally in hopes of seeing the little anese actor, supported by Myrtle successfully in Lasky pictures that It star, appear embar-- Pallas-Moros- co but the crowds to l 11 man, the clever star, has almost been forgotten that she was rass is seldom in evidence i II to- her and she will be seen at the Peoples Theater once a Kalem star. Miss Ridgely's save when necessary, much to their dis- - I day in Lasky production, "The Soul parents of Sotal the were named Helwig; she is appointment. Kura-San- ." e of an unusual drama writ- German descent. She is a native of ten especially for them. New York City and was educated in the Eddie Ring Sutherland, between That this is a happy combination of Middle West. She had some stage ex- scenes on a Keystone location one day artists, there can be no doubt. Sessue perience. Miss Ridgely is five feet four last week, was "knocked cold in the Hayakawa, who scored his great suc- inches in height. trenches," to quote this light comedy ofTp cess in "The Cheat." followed by lead. The trenches happened to be ones "Alien Souls" and "The Honorable Bryant Washburn is one of the popu- dug for the laying of a gas main, and Friend," has established himself as one lar leading men of the screen, although Eddie was playing ball with some oth- of the leading- actors of the screen, and he came to it as a depicter of villainous ers of the company with an orange the versatile Myrtle Stedman, who re- roles. He is a native of Chicago, 27 picked from a convenient tree. Eddie cently appeared in "An American years of age, years' stage bam and had three jumped for the oncoming ball and fell tara one exceptional attrac- Greater even than "The Cheat, or "Alien Souls;' of those Beauty," has a large following in the experience before joining Essany nearl- back into a three-fo- ot trench. He was ecreen world. y- four years ago. He is an inch less unconscious for some time, and, upon tions that will live everlastingly in your memory you'll hear your neighbors talking The name part of this production Is than six feet in height and weighs 163 being revived, remarked: "That's what played by Tsuru Aoki, the dainty Nip- pounds. His wife is Mable Forest and I get for playing on the company's about this virile photodrama tomorrow. Don't overlook the opportunity it's here ponese actress who made herself ' so they have a baby son, Bryant Wash- time."' popular in "Alien Souls" and "The burn. IV. only 4 days, Honorable Friend." Many of the . Carlyle Blackwell Is working In a scenes in this photodrama were laid in Introducing Miss Muriel Furtesque, picture called "The Parasite." and" he Japan, others in a New York curio favorite screen comedienne of English doesn't like it-- The title, we mean. store, and the final and most dramatic and Australian audiences. By that Do you blame him? scenes between Mr. Hayakawa and Miss name was Mabel Normand known In m occur Long Europe and Australia, though, since Stedman in a beautiful A play which promises to be one of Starting this morning Island country home. she became "Keystone Mabel," she is at now as as the season's sensations is the Metro The story has to do with the adven- known over there production of Butterfly." tures and tribulations of two poor Jap- Mabel Normand as she is here. "The Black I'ruple Today. anese lovers. They are not able to Mabel is busy as can be at her own with Madame Petrova as the star. The marry, so decide to commit "shinju," studio making a picture that's going story, from the pen of Mrs. L. Case Alder Street which is double suicide, but when to be good, because no one ever saw Russell, provides a fine foundation for Matinees, ,Test Park Hayakawa is offered a position in Mabel in a picture that was not. In a remarkably surprising "twist" given Except fact, everyone seems to It by Madame Petrova. The scene of PEOPLES around the THE America they decide to wait until he studio Holidays, Peoples people's because consistently, in out, has acquired enough money to return to be so busy that they can't even tell "The Black Butterfly" is laid "some- 10 The Theater is the favorite week and week it offers for his bride. anyone the name of the picture, though where in France." Evenings 15. the really big, worth-whil- e productions it's up-to-da- How Kura-Sa- n is wronged by an Mabel occasionally slips away to the Kiddies, American artist, and how her sweet- photographer and the above is one of Irene Castle won renown as a dancer Always a revenges on the results. with her husband. Vernon Castle, be- heart himself the artist's J-- "SEVKSTEFA" IS COMING intended American bride, goes to make fore becoming a star 'for the Interna- NickeL - v.. a etory swift in its action, unusual in "I wish," said June Caprice, after tional Film Service. She was born origin- watching her latest picture run off at "45 minutes from Broadway" in New Its theme and startling in Its Rochelle, to be exact and is 23 years ality. the Academy of Music, "that I could Her last . appearance before Joining table gems of beauty and wisdom If completion and, according to announced Lillian Walker are not related. Char- The scenes in Japan were made by take you all in my arms." thereby es- old. Her maiden name was Foots and Mutual was in "Don Quixote." some kind soul would provide us with plans, will be released for indefinite lotte is now with Thanhouser. and tablishing an original in she was on the stage for six years. high-price- d op- the members of Mr. Hayakawa's stock remark the 1910. a machine in which to runs this Winter in several of the lead- Lillian with Vttagrapb. Lucille Lee company, way of curtain speeches. She was married in Mrs. Castle Lock star, would our think-tan- k. can be ing which every Winter appears hVt Harold wood. Metro erate There cities of the country. It is report- Stewart and Anita Stewart are sisters. In Japanese plays in the theater pre- Is feet tall and is a blonde. probably have been a dry-goo- mer- little doubt that many a brilliant ed to be an elaborate and expensive him by wealthy Japanese Edna Hunter, of Monmouth Film, not chant today if he had followed the ad- thinker has injured his brain-pa- n by production of the most type.
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