VOL. 117 - NO. 16 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 19, 2013 $.30 A COPY 1st Annual Daffodil Day on the MARATHON MONDAY MADNESS North End Parks Celebrates Spring by Sal Giarratani Someone once said, “Ide- by Matt Conti ologies separate us but dreams and anguish unite us.” I thought of this quote after hearing and then view- ing the horrific devastation left in the aftermath of the mass violence that occurred after two bombs went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon at 2:50 pm. Three people are reported dead and over 100 injured in the may- hem that overtook the joy of this annual event. At this writing, most are assuming it is an act of ter- rorism while officials have yet to call it such at this time 24 hours later. The Ribbon-Cutting at the 1st Annual Daffodil Day. entire City of Boston is on (Photo by Angela Cornacchio) high alert. The National On Sunday, April 14th, the first annual Daffodil Day was Guard has been mobilized celebrated on the Greenway. The event was hosted by The and stationed at area hospi- Friends of the North End Parks (FOTNEP) in conjunction tals. Mass violence like what with the Rose F. Kennedy Greenway Conservancy and North we all just experienced can End Beautification Committee. The celebration included trigger overwhelming feel- ings of anxiety, anger and music by the Boston String Academy and poetry, as well as (Photo by Andrew Martorano) daffodils. Other activities were face painting, a petting zoo fear. Why did anyone or group and a dog show held by RUFF. do this? Were they sending The daffodils were planted last fall by these 3 organiza- some kind of sick message? even larger crowds down by and punished. Many had for- tions with help from many volunteers, including 27 chil- Many are assuming that the Lenox Hotel and Boston gotten the immediacy of dren from the North End’s Eliot School. They planted over this may have been an act Public Library near Copley mass violence that we felt 13,000 daffodils on the North End Parks and surrounding of domestic terrorism since Square? so strong back on Septem- curb gardens along Cross Street. it not only happened on It is not difficult to imag- ber 11, 2001. The people of Among those in attendance were City Councilor Sal Marathon Monday but Patri- ine the fear and panic Boston are strong and we LaMattina, who led the ribbon cutting; Nathan Swain, presi- ots’ Day too. The world is a as bombs burst killing will survive this but now dent of FOTNEP; vice-president Diane Mustone; Secretary very unsafe place. There are and maiming so many. The know that such violence re- David Kubiak; event organizer Diane Valle and supporters many angry groups out sounds of fear could be heard mains a clear and present Joe McKenna and Deni Ross. there. Can we only imagine on the audio of those scenes danger and that we can if those two bombs and the on our TV sets or computer never let down our guard other reported devices found screens. when it comes to those who went off an hour earlier as The city is rebounding and would hurt us. We will sur- News Briefs the elite runners were those who are responsible for vive. Learn and grow from crossing the finish line with this violence will be caught April 15, 2013. by Sal Giarratani They Think Gay Marriage Already Won I picked up the April 8th Time Magazine issue, Re-enactment of the Paul Revere Ride the one with the two guys mugging up each other. by Ivanha Paz The liberal Time Magazine thinks gay marriage Every year, on Patriots’ Day, is here to stay. According to the cover story by the third Monday of April, a re- David Von Drehle, the U.S. Supreme Court may enactment of Paul Revere’s not have made up its mind but America has. famous midnight ride takes According to Time, 53 percent of Americans are place. Before the ride, there is a now okay with gays and lesbians marrying. Gay parade featuring the Colonial approval, it says, is now 73 percent among 18-29 Militia and the National year olds and 39 percent among the 65 and older Lancers. The ride starts in demographic. Personally, I’m thinking that is Boston’s North End on Hanover quite inaccurate. Many people out there simply Streeat with stops in Charles- don’t care one way or the other and these folks town, Somerville, Medford and get added with the pro-gay marriage group. I am finally arriving in Lexington. not that sure that yesterday’s impossible is This year it happened on Mon- tomorrow’s inevitable. day, April 15 and the rider as What will the U.S. Supreme Court do is still Paul Revere was Col. Richard unknown. They may probably end DOMA as it isn’t Reale, from the National Lanc- the job of the federal government to decide who ers. State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz can and cannot get married. However, as far as played the role of Dr. Joseph the California case is concerned, they could very Warren as he gave the military well uphold the vote of the people and overturn information to Paul Revere, who (Continued on Page 14) shouted “onward!” as he galloped away on his horse, portraying the part of Brown Beauty. (Photo by Rosario Scabin, Ross Photography) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 19, 2013 Stirpe by Prof. Edmund Res Publica Turiello Nostra by David Trumbull A weekly column highlighting some of the more interesting aspects of our ancestry...our lineage...our roots. The Blow Given to Boston Smote on Every Patriotic Heart “In that day of general affection and brother- Obama say on television: “Boston is a tough hood, the blow given to Boston smote on every and resilient town, so are its people. I am JAMES MONROE patriotic heart from one end of the country to supremely confident that Bostonians will pull the other. Virginia and the Carolinas, as well together, take care of each other and move for- as Connecticut and New Hampshire, felt and ward as one proud city and as they do, the proclaimed the cause to be their own ... Con- American people will be with them every single gress ... expressed its sympathy for the suffer- step of the way.” ing inhabitants of Boston and addresses were As I write, we do not know the who or received from all quarters, assuring them that why of the 2013 Boston Marathon Terror the cause was a common one, and should be Bombing. We know that, as always, the met by common efforts and common sacrifices.” American people will come together. That The lines above, from Daniel Webster’s uncounted multitudes of volunteers will step 1825 address on the occasion of the dedica- forward assist the victims and their fami- tion of the Bunker Hill Monument came to lies. And that the culprits will be found and mind Monday, as I heard President Barack justice will be done. DATE OF BIRTH: April 28, 1758 HHS Announces New Partnership with Law Enforcement DATE OF DEATH: July 4, 1831 PLACE OF BIRTH: Westmoreland County, VA to Help Prevent Sale of EBT Prohibited Items PLACE OF DEATH: New York City, NY Partnership Gives Local Law Enforcement New Tools; WIFE: Elizabeth PRESIDENT: 1817-1825 Enhances Program Integrity and Data Sharing Another Virginian named James Monroe, Massachusetts Health and visiting potentially prohib- DTA is in the process of Was C.E.O. number five as Presidents go; Human Services Secretary ited establishments, such implementing the blockage His administration was called “The Era of Good Feeling,” John Polanowicz announced as stores that sell liquor. of ATM and Point Of Sale Obtained Florida from Spain without wheeling and dealing. a new partnership with Under the new agreement, transactions for cash assis- Just when people were doubting his leadership skills, statewide law enforcement the Department will share tance clients at prohibited Came the Monroe Doctrine which caused European chills; associations to increase this data with local law establishments and that is For those who would try to occupy slices, data sharing, while giving enforcement so they can expected to be completed by Of this hemisphere like the Cuban missile crisis. local police the tools they investigate and prevent the October 2013. need to ensure that clients sale of prohibited items and DTA began charging cash In foreign affairs he never split hairs, and retailers are abiding by the use of EBT cards at pro- clients a $5 fee for replace- He took what was ours and gave what was theirs; the law. The announcement hibited establishments. ment EBT cards in Decem- An example of his problems and also the stakes, builds on the Department of “The Massachusetts Chiefs ber 2012. In total, more than Was to limit British armament on all the Great Lakes. Transitional Assistance of Police Association are $22,000 has been collected The admission of Missouri as a slave state, (DTA) 100 day Bridge to Sta- pleased to partner with the through the end of March A thorn in his side caused quite a debate; bility action plan announced Department of Transitional 2013 and preliminary re- He signed the act to the public’s surprise, last month and helps protect Assistance to ensure that search shows a reduction of In Congress they called it “The Great Compromise.” benefits for clients who truly clients and retailers are 28 percent in card replace- His wife was Elizabeth, reserved but yet warm, need them.
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