O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 540 February 16, 2008 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Dora Meets Major Institutions Combine Efforts to Halt Macedonia Name Use With Rice Campaign Asks Citizens to Contact Congress In DC About for Support Against FYROM in Name Dispute By Stavros Marmarinos also discussed the Greek position on Special to The National Herald F.Y.R.O.M.’s bid to enter NATO and The Issues the European Union, and stressed NEW YORK – All of the major Greek that Greece has been very clear American institutions are mustering about the stance it will adopt. He States Greek Positions up their strength for a concerted pointed to the good will and concil- campaign aimed to prevent iatory spirit Greece has shown dur- On FYROM, Kosovo Greece’s northern neighbor ing discussions with F.Y.R.O.M. over F.Y.R.O.M. from using the name the name dispute between them. And Balkans At CSIS “Macedonia,” which has been Negotiations have been periodically adopted by the latter as its constitu- ongoing for the past 15 years, dur- By Evan C. Lambrou tional name and used increasingly ing which Greece has made numer- Special to The National Herald in its bilateral relations with other ous good faith attempts to reach a countries. The coming weeks are mutually acceptable solution. NEW YORK – Greek Foreign Minis- likely to give rise to critical develop- “Greece is aware of the great re- ter Dora Bakoyanni was in Wash- ments in this diplomatic dispute sponsibility it holds as a member of ington this past week meeting with which has remained unsolved since NATO and the European Union,” senior U.S. officials about the ongo- 1991, when the fledgling Balkan Ambassador Mallias said. “Unfortu- ing name dispute with FYROM, and state first declared independence nately, today F.Y.R.O.M. continues restated the Greek position: Greece from former Yugoslavia. Greece’s to show intransigence and provoke will not consent to admitting the Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyanni Greece through its actions. The U.S. small Balkan country to NATO or will spearhead this diplomatic cam- Government’s recognition of our the European Union unless and un- paign during her official visit to northern neighbor under the name til FYROM agrees to a mutually ac- Washington, D.C. this week. “Republic of Macedonia,” on No- ceptable name for itself. The heads of major Greek Amer- vember 4, 2004 has likely been in- FYROM, the Former Yugoslav ican organizations issued state- terpreted by the current F.Y.R.O.M. Republic of Macedonia, insists on ments to The National Herald call- Administration as a show of uncon- being recognized as the “Republic ing on Greek American citizens to ditional support. Greece is deter- of Macedonia,” but Greece is equal- immediately contact their local mined to protect its national inter- ly insistent about not letting that Congressmen or Senators and ask ests and it has the capabilities to do come to pass at the international them to support Greece’s position in so. Our position is clear. We need a level. Athens does not want to al- this ongoing name dispute with compound name. The agreed solu- low Skopje (Skopia) to use a histor- F.Y.R.O.M. Meanwhile, following an tion must genuinely solve the dis- ically Greek name, arguing that is initiative launched by AHEPA, pute, not muddle things further. tantamount to hijacking Greek cul- Greek lobbyists will have a chance Greece made a great leap towards a tural identity. TNH ARCHIVES to meet with members of Congress compromise when our country’s Greece maintains that, if FY- Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, right, met with United States Secretary of State Condoleezza on March 6th to advance the Greek ROM gets its way, it also opens the Rice, left, and other top officials during a three day meeting in Washington from February 13-15, 2008. position. Continued on page 5 door to false irredentist claims on Greece’s Ambassador to the sovereign Greek territory, which United States Alexandros Mallias would destabilize the Balkans. spoke with TNH and remarked that Secretary of State Condoleeza “we are truly in the midst of a criti- Rice was among the top officials cal and delicate phase, and it is a Ms. Bakoyanni met with during her NHL’s Chris Chelios Still Going Strong must for everyone to rally together Archdiocese three-day visit. and join forces. Greek Americans – Dr. Rice urged FYROM to re- By Evan C. Lambrou he says he has no intentions of retir- What’s a typical day like for him? at both the organizational level and Gives Farmers solve its dispute with Greece earlier Special to The National Herald ing any time soon. What are some of his hobbies out- as individuals – have always been in the week. According to a state- He grew up in Chicago. Like side of hockey? How does he de- on the front lines of defense, pro- ment issued by the State Depart- NEW YORK – He has two Stanley many kids of his generation growing scribe his connection to the Greek motion and advancement of our na- $1.6 Million ment, Dr. Rice told Antonio Cups, one World Cup, an Olympic up in Chicago, he idolized Dick American community? tional agenda. At this moment, I am Milososki, FYROM’s foreign minis- silver medal, three Norris Trophies, Butkus, the great linebacker of the While he was on his way to a ho- asking for everyone’s help and co- ter, this past Tuesday that the small 24 seasons and 1,600 professional National Football League’s Chicago tel in Minneapolis a few days ago, operation. The next four weeks will By Theodore Kalmoukos Balkan country should use the hockey games under his belt. Bears. And his father, a Greek immi- the evening before a game against be absolutely critical for the name Special to the National Herald United Nations mediation process At 46 years of age, he is also cur- grant, loved hockey enough to let it the Minnesota Wild, Chelios took issue involving the Former Yugoslav to find a solution. rently the oldest active player in the replace soccer in his heart. some time to answer these questions Republic of Macedonia.” BOSTON – The Greek Orthodox In addition to meeting with Dr. National Hockey League and, if he So how did this Greek American and others for the National Herald. Ambassador Mallias added that Archdiocese of America decided to Rice at the State Department this stays healthy, is on track to break kid become professional hockey’s “Nothing’s really changed since I Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoy- $1,652,998 to purchase feed and past Thursday, Ms. Bakoyanni met NHL legends Gordie Howe and iron man, as well as one of its great- started 24 years ago. You get in anni is coming to Washington D.C. foraging seed for 2,000 farming with Deputy Secretary of State Mark Messier’s records for most reg- est defensemen ever? What moti- around three or four in the after- to continue this diplomatic strug- families in the Peloponnesus area John D. Negroponte, and had a ular season games ever played. vates him to keep playing at that lev- noon. You check into the hotel. You gle. “We need everyone’s coopera- that were stricken by last summer’s working lunch with out-going Un- His name is Chris Chelios. He el of intensity after 24 seasons? tion at this point in time,” he said. deadly fires. In a news release issue dersecretary of State for Political plays for the Detroit Red Wings. And What’s the key to his longevity? Continued on page 12 Greece’s Ambassador to the U.S. early this week the Archdiocese has Affairs R. Nicholas Burns. collected the sum of $3,946,989 as While she was in Washington, well as $28,241 in interest from a Ms. Bakoyanni also met with Sen- Special Relief Fund. The sum of ate Foreign Relations Committee $252,853 has been given to the Chairman Joe Biden (D-Delaware) IOCC to distribute through the and Senate Armed Services Com- Fire Damages Livelihood Recovery Project. mittee Chairman Carl Levin (D- Members of the Special Com- Michigan), as well as with several Massachusetts mittee of the Greek Fire Relief Fund members of the House of Represen- met on Wednesday, February 6, tatives who are active with Hellenic 2008, and decided to make the issues. She met National Security Cathedral grant of $1,652,998 to the farming Advisor Stephen Hadley at the families in Greece. The meeting White House on Friday. took place at the Greek Orthodox CSIS FORUM By Theodore Kalmoukos Archdiocese under Archbishop This past Wednesday, the first Special to The National Herald Demetrios. Participating were Mr. official day of her visit, she deliv- Andrew Natsios, past Administra- ered an address, “Transforming BOSTON – St. George Greek Or- tor of USAID; Mr. Michael Jaharis, Southeast Europe: A Challenge to thodox Cathedral of Springfield, Vice-Chair of the Archdiocesan Smart Power,” during a forum at Massachusetts was damaged by fire Council; Mrs. Georgia Skeadas, Na- the Center of Strategic & Interna- on Tuesday, February 12, at around tional President of Philoptochos tional Studies, and also met with 10:45 a.m. just minutes before the and Mr. Peter Kikis, President of funeral service of a parishioner that Faith Endowment. Mr. George Continued on page 9 was scheduled to begin at 11 a.m.
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