F= HOW TO GET THE LEADER - Just Fill in the Form On Page 24 And Return It to Us! — Serving the Town Since 1890 — Wtsttwlb lleaher SAM Thursday, November 3,1994 Even1 Thurulay 232-4407 FORTY CENTS TION WILL BE CONDUCTED NEXT TUESDAY —ambent Mayor Boothe, First Ward Councilman LaPorta Vie For Mayoralty, as 17,803 Citizens Are Registered to Cast Ballots Airs. Gail Vernick, a Republican, Squares Off Against Democrat William L. Brennan in the First Ward As Land Use Over Ewan Tract Heats Up That Race; Councilman Jenkins Faces Challenge in Third Ward From John J. Walsh •y PAUL J. PEYTON State Assembly in November of that Specially Written for TV Wii&tU lemder year. A 35-year resident of Westfield, When Westfield voters go to the Mayor Boothe had been a Council- polls this Tuesday, November 8, they man since 1980. As a Councilman, he will decide the race for mayor and chaired all of the governing body's who will represent the First and Third committees. Ward on the Town Council. The Re- He has been an attorney with the publicans now maintain a 7-2 major- American Cyanamid Company since ity on the Town Council. 1966. Mayor Boothe has been man- Incumbent Republican Mayor Gar- ager of the company's Trademark land C. "Bud" Boothe, Jr. is being and Copyright Law Department for opposed this year by Democratic First the past 20 years. His wife, Mrs. Gail Ward Councilman Anthony M. Boothe, is a mathematics teacher at LaPorta in his quest for a second Westfield High School. They have three-year term. Councilman LaPorta three grown children. was first elected to the To wn Council Mayor Boothe is a graduate of in 1992. Princeton University and Harvard In the First Ward, Republican, Mrs. Law School. Gail Vernick, is opposed by Demo- Among his accomplishments as crat, William L. Brennan. Incumbent Mayor, he lists his leadership in hold- Garland C. "Bud" Boothe, Jr.* Anthony M. LuPorla Mrs. Gail Vernick William I,. Hnnnan REPUBLICAN Republican Third Ward Councilman, REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT ing down the tax increase in Westfield First Ward Councilwoman Gary G. Jenkins, faces the Demo- this year to only four percent, mostly Mayor Mayor First Ward Councilman cratic challenger, John J. Walsh, in due to the need for additional funds his quest for a third term. resulting from last winter's 27 snow Second Ward Councilman James storms. J. Gruba and Fourth Ward Council- The Mayor was President of the man Michael E. Panagos, both Re- Senior Citizens Housing committee . publicans, are unopposed in their bids during the planning, financing and for reelection. start-up of the first senior housing According to the Town Clerk Mrs. project on Boynton Avenue in 1986. Joy C. Vreeland, there are 17,803 He also chaired a committee which registered voters in Westfield for this studied and implemented the financ- year's election. The breakdown is ing and construction of the second 5,321 Republicans, 3,500 Democrats senior citizen housing project cur- and 8,982 independents. rently under construction. Election polls throughout the state During his tenure on the Town will b» open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Council, he ted the effort to pre>£rve> A<*Mf>te» KMtafof faMtag fUm the downtown-«re» which included' appears on the inside of this issue. Westfield's acceptance into the na- Mr. Boothe was named Mayor on tional MainStreet program. Just re- January 1,1991 by the Town Council cently, the mayor appointed the Task after former Mayor Richard H. Bag- Force on Parking to work with James J. Gruba* Gary G. Jenkins* •Incumbent John J. Walsh Michael E. 1'anaKos* DEMOCRAT ger resigned and was elected to the Westfield MainStreet program. REPUBLICAN REPUBLICAN REPUBLICAN Second Ward Councilman Third Ward Councilman Third Ward Councilman Fourth Ward Councilman Mayor Boothe led the effort to have the State Department of Transpira- Ewan Tract Development tion replace the Tuttle Parkway League Debate for Town Candidates Bridge. Construction is expected to begin in June of 1995. In addition, he Given a Real Big Boost has pushed for getting transportation officials to move on solving the Became a Very Raucous Confrontation i Senate Lets Developers Have a Two-Year Reprieve Westfield traffic circle problems and on getting acceptable improvements Audience Was Made Up Largely of the Politically Committed On Wetlands Restrictions; Final Approval Expected to the train station. By PAUL J. PEYTON He also has been instrumental in By JEANNE WHITNEY cated near the center of the Ewan planning for and implementing com- Speaking in alphabetical order for of their qualifications for public ser- Socially Written lor nt WeifieU U**r Tract, would be susceptible to a 50- Specially Wrimn/ar The «ettf,ld Leader the opening statements, Republican vice. Mr. Brennan, a lawyer,describcil The Lexington Heights develop- puters in the Police Department, at Lights,camera, action! That's what foot buffer zone. This would elimi- the Public Works Department, at the Mayor Garland C. "Bud" Boothe, Jr. himself as a newcomer to Westfield ment, also known as the Ewan Tract, nate a number of the lots, creating far the audience got at the Candidates' emphasized leadership, experience from Rutherford, where he said he was given a big boost last week when Westfield Memorial Library and in Night debate sponsored by the League less revenue and ratables for the town. Town Hall. and town pride. Democratic candi- had been a Recreation and Police the State Senate approved a measure Environmental groups reportedly of Women Voters of the Westfield date for mayor and First Ward Coun- Commissioner. He also said he had that will extend the issuance of per- Mayor Boothe was a representa- Area on Thursday night. have taken issue with the legislation tive on and later Chairman of the cilman Anthony M. LaPorta, opened been a prosecutor with the Brooklyn mits to developers by two years. at the state level with someadvocates Playing to a standingTrooin-only with, "I love Weslfield" and went on District Attorney's office. A land sale in September attracted Union County Solid Waste Advisory crowd under television's white hot saying it could threaten endangered Board from 1981 through 1987. He to describe his desire to lead the town Mr. Brennan asked the crowd to little interest due to new and more and protected species that use wet-: lights and three cameras, Westfield into the next century. He pointed to "listen to why I want to volunteer lor stringent environmental restrictions has served as a Commissioner on the mayoral andcouncilmaniccandidates land area. Union County Utilities Authority his efforts with Spring Clean-up Day a thankless job with no pay." that were to have gone into affect at, However, a lobbyist for the build-. in the First and Third Wards trans- and the town's system of buying in- Mrs. Vernick, a 20-year resident of the end of the year. since 1986. formed (he Council Chambers into ers said over 115 building projects As a member of the Town Council, surance. The office of mayor is a two- West field, described her education in The Town Council elected to de- could face cancellation should the the setting for perhaps one of the year lerm as are the council terms. nursing and human resource man- Mr. LaPorta has served the past two liveliest political events the town has velop the 10-acre Ewan Tract into 19 permit extension act not be passed by Candidates for Councilman agement. She said she was founder building lots this past summer. At the years as Chairman of the Solid Waste seen in years, if not ever. the full Legislature. Committee. He is a member of the LaPorta's First Ward council seat, and President of the Union County first land sale, only one of nine lots The bill now moves into the State Obeying debate rules of timed, Republican, Mrs. Gail Vernick, and sectpr of The American Diabetes offered in the auction was sold. In Public Works Committee and the three-minute opening statements, Democrat, William L. Brennan, spoke C0miNU£DONPllGE14 addition, two of the three lots on COMMUEDMrMOEM two-minute closing statements and Columbus Avenue were sold. The one-to-two-minule answers to ques- one lot in the Lexington Heights sub- tions from aclamoring crowd, candi- division that was sold fronted on Pros- Town Workers Join Union dates took the opportunity to show Council Delays Action pect Street. what they were made of. Audience Members of the Town Council and applause, groans and laughter pro- officials have indicated they would Following 29-4 Tally vided the soundtrack. anticipate much more interest in the On one occasion, moderator Mrs. On Animal Control Pack lots, if the added restrictions were First Time Town Hall Employees Will Be Represented JudyAlbers, from the Summit League Firm Had Charged Hillside Man With Killing Rat eliminated and the starting bids were ofWomen Voters, threatened to eject lowered. By PAUL J.PEYTON which they will put forward to the town," an audience member from the room By PAUL J. PEYTON Specially Written far The Wei field Under year ago. Mrs. Sur said she was con- Officials explained over the sum- he said. when he interrupted the speakers. J/'c< iittlv yvnuni fur The Wrsifirhl I r.i.lri cerned the firm wascliminating pan ol its mer that development of those lots Town employees voted 29-4 on Octo- Other employees covered by a union The League of Women Voters bills The Town Council has decided not to service. The company's recall hid was which border along the wetlands, lo- ber 20 to join Local No.
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