" ' ". {TEN C ENTS PER COPY . VOL. 1. , No . 8. OINCINNATI, SATURDAY, NOVElVrBER 8, 1884. IER:\[ ~ . $3.00 pel" Year, in Advance. .... GALLERY OF BEAUTIFUL "\VOMEN.-IDE.l.J. HEAD, BY PAUl, TnulI1.1.NN . 2 THE CINCINNATI GRAPHIC. VOLUME I., No.8. THE CINCINNATI GRAPHIC. week's GRAPHIC will compare favorably The November numbf'r of St. Nich­ tions to their Young Folks' Series: PUBLISHED EVERY SA TURDA Y, with that of any paper of its kind pub­ olas, published by the Century Com­ "Our Young Folks' Joseph us,'" uniform pany, of New York, is exceedingly at­ with" Plutarch," issued a year ago, and -BY- lished 'anywhere. tractive and interesting. It contains O. O. HALL & CO" " Our Young Folks' Ideas," on the same many handsome illustrations, and the general plan with" Whys and Where­ Rooms 7 an~g~:i~~:l~~n~~if~~~~.' N. E. Cor. THE ELECTION. reading matter is unusually entertaining. fores," also brought out last season. TERMS OJ? SUBSCRIPTION: 1 Up to the time <!f going to press (Fri- '1'he first edition of Parkhman's new Robert Clarke & Co. have sent us day morning) no definite decision of the book, .. Montcalm and Wolf," was dis­ "Beacon Lights for God's. Mariners." ~he postage on !'U subscriptions by mail is pre- election problem has been arrived at posed of on the very day of its publica- This is the title of a compjlation of re­ pald by the publIshers. ,.' tion, and a new edition is now being ligious poems prepared by Elizabeth N . .lllshed.THE tosubscnhers,CINCIN.NATI by GRA!"HIC carners. every will Saturday, be fnr- The most intense excitement still con- prl'nted by LI'ttle, Brown & Co. The Little and published l?y S. E. Cassino &; at the rate of I tinues among all classes, and bm;iness is second volume will be published X 0- Co., of Boston. The book is printed on THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. suffering greatly in conspqnence, the vember 15th. heavy water-color paper and the letter All subscriptions are payable in advance. and I d' ,11 th b . 't t d M S L & C t press is all engraved and illuminated in m"y be sent. by- postAl order. draft, or regis·. a les as \I e as e men emg agl a e essrs. ampson ow 0 .. are 0 tered letter, addressed and made 'payable to by the suspense. It is to be hoped,that publish an edition of Mr. Stockton'S green and silver-gilt. The book is o. o. HALT, & Co. I .. St f V't" b k b bound in silver paper, tied with a green Letters and commuuications, whether on bnsi- the fears expressed by some of the ory 0 1 eau ; '" new 00 y ness or intended for publication, to insure proper , . .'. Jules V srne, ",Kereban the Intlexible"; cord and tassel. It is a beautiful holi­ attention, should be' Addressed to dalhes that rIOts are hkely to occur III "The Silver Canon," by G. Manville day gift. "EDITOR" CINCINNATI GRAPHIC, .. , Cincinnati, Ohio, SOllle localitIes may prove groundless, Fenn, and Miss Alcott's new" .Spinning General J. D. Cox, ex-Secretary of All communications intended for publication and that the question of the Presidency \Vheel Stories." the Interior, wrote an article for the mllst be accompanied by the writer's name, as a of thl's great !'epubll'c rnay be settled I'n Th t' f h' bl Bibliotheca Sacra of October advo­ private gnarantee of good faith. \ e q ues Ion now among as IOna e cating acti ve measures for the reform of We do not agree to return rejected manu· a dignified and honest manner. If this people is who wrote the New Society the English language and especially Rcript course is pursued, those who are mem- Novel, entitled" Married Above Her," English spelling. He recommends the which T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Phil:l­ Entered at the ~Y:~~~C;;Il:n~U,;I.nnati as second bers of the unsuccessful party cannot delphia, have in press, and ~o be pub- associated philologists to make a list of words of which the old spelling is raise the cry of Fraud and will accept lished immediately. It is said to be '" shorter and sim pier than that in common CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, NOV. 8,1884. their defeat in the proper manner. The true story taken from life and by a lady use, as well as of those in which an people of the United States should re- moving in K ew York Society. analogous reform of pronunciation is ELECTION BETS. mem her that they are Americans first The first edition of the N ovem ber feasible. and Democrats or Republicans after, and, Cent'ury, containing the opening paper Among important new books in the Now is the time, the disagreeable in the War Series,-General Beauregard press of Messrs. Scribner is a new vol­ time, for paying election bet~. In the that their every effort should be toward on" The Battle of Bull Run,"-was the ume by Canon Rawlinson, entitled mi,lst of a heated discns~ion, when the the advancement of their country's in- largest ever printed. The demand, how­ "Egypt and Babylon," from Scripture banter of some over-con Ii dent partisan terest. That bitterness and strife be- ever, exceeds that for any previous Issue, and profane sources. Also a work on tween the two great parties does not and a new edition is on the press, to be the Scottish Highlands, by Prof. John ab 'ut th,! weakness of his opponent's tend to bring this about no one can deny, published immediately after election. Stuart Blackie, an important new work party would lead to a bet, small orlarge, by Dr. Schliemann, describing his re­ and it is to be hoped that every man will Among those who will contribute to 'no thought of settling day intruded searches which led to his discovery of it~elf, but corne it ,loes, as inevitably as take defeat or success in the proper ~~:?~~~~:sa;: :n~sb~};~~~l~~:~gul~~~ the prehistoric palace of the Kings of spirit and bear no ill-will against his Hawthorne, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Tiryns, and an American edition of E. fate. Boxes of cigars, hats, etc., are '1'. \V. Hoffmann's" Weird Tales." chanced with an utter disre)!:ard of the neighbors because they happen to be on J. S., of Dale; Brander Mathews, J. opposite sides of the political fence. Esten Cooke, Mrs.- Louise Chandler Mr. Thomas Westwood writes for a bettor's resources, who has been carried Moulton, W. H. Bishop, ~oah Brooks, recent number of the Angler's Note away by his feelings to such an extent H. H.., E. P. Roe, .J. T. Trowbridge, and Book l London) a sympathetic review of that, believing he will surely win, he LITERARY NOTES. H. H. Boyesen. Donald G. Mitchell's "Wet Days," an would wager the earth, if it. were his, The three latest publications in Mr. edition of which has recently been pub­ lished by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. that so and so would be elected: and Gottsberger's excellent series of foreign Sarah Helen Whitman has prepared a The, fame of Mr. Mitchell's books, it then there is the poor, unfortunate works are Carl Vosmaer's "'1'he Ama­ new edition of .. Edgar Poe and His zon," with a preface by Georg Ebers and would seem from this, is rapidly spread­ fanatic who takes an oath that he will Critics," to be issued December 1st. a frontispiece by Mr. Alma '1'adema; ing in England, and among people who, wheel a fanta~tically decorated ba.rrow "lhidolin's Mystical Marriage," trans­ like Mr. Westwood, are vexed by the Mr. E. \V. Howe, the author of "The trivialities of some modern writers and through the principal streets at noon, or Story of a Country Town," has written a lated from the German of Adolf Wil­ brandt by Clara Bell, and "Our Own love a book" with the aroma of past days that he will cany a live pig a mile, or new story entitled" The Mystery of the hanging about its pages." . Locks." Set," by Ossip Schubin. whatever idiotic proposition may have Mr. Clark Russell, who has been so Beginning with the eighteenth of the been made by himself or his weak­ Mr. Stanley's new book about the critical III regard to the accuracy of nau­ present month Messrs. Sampson Low & minded opponent in. the event of the Congo, from which he has just returned, tical terms used by novel-writers, gives will be published by Messrs. Sampson Co. will issue an English edition of vent to his feelings in the current Con­ defeat of one or the other's candidate. Harper's Young People simultaneously Low & Co. tempm'ary Review. He is much dis­ How could he have been such a fool? with its publication in America. Single "The Field of Honor" is a history of gusted at the jumble of sea phrases em­ he asks himself. Neyer, never, will he numbers will be sold for a penny, and duelling in all countries. It was written the four or five weekly numbers will ployed by the writers of "sea stories." An unkind critic in the Bookseller do such a fooli~h thing again. But he by Ben. C. '1'ruman, author of "The form a monthly issue, which will have a does. And so does the cigar fellow and South After the War." (London) calls attention to the fact that cover and will be sold for sixpence.
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