Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 1-17-1958 1958 Brown and Gold Vol 41 No 06 January 17, 1958 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1958 Brown and Gold Vol 41 No 06 January 17, 1958" (1958). Brown and Gold. 346. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/346 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. J. MITCHELL MORSE RANGERS MEET CRITICIZED irnmu au~ WAVES TOMORROW SE.E BARB, SENA'S SLANTS Regis College Student Newspaper SEE SPORTS VOL. XLI NO. 6 DENVER, COLORADO January 17, 1958 J7 70 G D·UA7·E ·KREC PLANS ''STUDENT Of Grads Receive Degrees; THE WEEK" BROADCAST After closing out 1957 with a 90- minute Christmas hsow, the biggest Largest January Group project yet tackled by the station staff, radio station KREG has returned to the' The names of one of the largest groups of candidates for gradua­ air. with a slightly altered schedule. tion at the end o£ the first semester were released recently by the Rev. The Christmas show, which may Louis G. Mattione, S.J., Dean of the college. Commencement exercises prove to be an annual affair, featured appropriate selections written and read will take place on January 26, 1958 for the 17 candidates who will by regular staff members as well as receive their diplomas from the Very Rev. Richard F. Ryan, S.J., Presi­ an array of Christmas music of records. dent of Regis. is William P. Hoban, Denver. He is Another portion of the show was de­ The place and time of the gradua­ voted to the original Christmas story married and a vet. Hailing from tion have !'lOt been announced as yet, Wichita, Kansas, is Richard P. Holland, as seen througl;! the eyes of a 9-year-old. but it seems probable that the cere­ Among program plans on KREG for who is a candidate for an A.B. de­ mony will begin with a Mass in the gree in Philosophy. A married vet, the near future is a weekly show which student's chapel on the campus. will be devoted to a Regis "Student of Victor F. Holthus, Denver, is a candi­ date for a B.S. in Sociology. Mar­ the Week." The ~tu dent to be high­ John R. Blake is a candidate to re­ lighted will be picked by members of ceive a B.S. in the divisional major of garet Ann Keenan, Denver, is a candi­ the station staff on the basis of one History-Sociology-English. Blake is a date for a Sociology B.S. and is married. SHOWN HERE IS the Rev. John Quirk, S.J., Regis French professor, who is leaving veteran and makes his home in Den­ Active in the armed forces is . Capt. or a combination of outstanding activi­ at the end of this semester to go to the missions in British Honduras. See page 3 ties. Each program will be dedicated ver. Michael J. Cavanaugh, Denver, is Cecil S. O'Neal, who is aspiring to a for story. to that one student and some of the a candidate for a B.S. in Philosophy. B.S. in Business Administration. Capt. programs will use the selected student Uvalda S. Chavez, a native' of Denver~ O'Neal is married and is a resident of himself ort the air. is an aspirant for a B.S. degree in Denver. Michael Severino, Denver, is a History and is a married vet. Striving candidate for a B.S. in a divisional Homecoming Plans Set·I for a B.S. in Business Administration is major of History-Psychology-English, is Fr. Maginnis BolsterS Anthony J. Deane Jr., a Denverite and a vet and is married. Also active in the Queen To Be Crowned veteran. Paul J. Doring, Denver, is a armed forces is Maj. Allen L. Taylor, College Theology Dept. candidate for a Business Administration a native of Denver who is an aspirant By JIM CREAMER B.S. degree and is a vet. Candidate for for a B.S. in Business Administration. a B.S. in English is Dale A. Duran, A native of Denver, Charles E. Teague, Feb. 7-8 are the big days when it is hoped that a Regis tradition Denver. Maj. Earle ]. Harmer Jr., is an is striving for a B.S. in accounting. will be born. The Birth? That of the Regis Homecoming-a real active servicerriJ.n, is married, makes his Ralph E. Wiison, Denver, is married Homecoming--one with students and alumni. home in Denver and is a candidate and is a candidate for a B.S. in Ac­ for a B.S. degree in Biology. A native counting. The "parents," those in charge, are Frank Cambria and Hank­ of Boulder, Gerald J. Harris, is a Though there will be no · elaborate Close, both seniors at Regis. Under these men are several committees candidate for the B.S. in his divi­ graduation ceremony, the above candi­ comprised of about thirty students and sional major of Economics-Business Ad­ dates are invited to participate in the encompassing all four classes and prac­ ministration. Harris is a vet and is commencement exercises in June of this tically all clubs. Aquinas Club Discusses married. Striving for a B.S. in Sociology year. These days will be filled with par­ ades, floats, a basketball game, dinner Reality in St. Thomas and dance. , Reality-what is it? What does it The tentative itinerary is as follows: mean? Ho\11 did Plato, Aristotle and Offices Being Constructed Friday evening, Feb. 7-Dance at Wol­ Saint Thomas Aquinas define Reality hurst Country Club featuring George and what were their general opinions Morrison's Orchestra and the corona­ of Reality? In Antiquated DeSmet Hall tion of the Homecoming Queen; Sat­ urday afternoon, Feb. 8-Pep rally on These are the questions which are campus and a dinner in the Student studied and answered by members of Center; Saturday evening-Parade to the Aquinas Academy. During their the Auditorium downtown and a basket­ meetings, once every two weeks, mem­ ball game pitting the Rangers against bers of the Academy, which is com­ Wayne State. posed of Regis, Loretto Heights, Den­ THE REV. EDWARD MAGINNIS, S.J. Floats to be constructed will be both ver .University and Colorado School of Mines students are Faculty, parti­ Recent arrival from Paris is Rev. Ed­ stationary and mobile. Prizes offered by the alumni will be given for the best cipate in group discussions, and are ward L. Maginnis, S.J.; replacing Rev. given talks by either students or faculty John J. Quirk, S.J., who is· leaving to floats in class, club and residence hall divisions. The mobile floats will be used members on the idea or topic being assume missionary duties in British discussed. - Honduras. for the parade downtwon, while the stationary floats will decorate the cam­ Completing two and a half years of Beginning this next semester, the pus. study at the lnstitut Catholique, the Aquinas Academy will turn their in­ French equivalent of Catholic Univer­ Plans for this homecoming have terests to the topic of knowledge, what sity, Fr. Maginnis is preparing to teach . been brewing for quite some time and it entails and the value of knowledge . religion and, temporarily, French. it is hoped .that the student body will Fr. Maginnis was born and raised in co-operate by its attendance in order to St. Louis, Mo., and attended St. Louis foster further activities along these lines. U. High ,entering the Jesuit order im­ LIT CLUB TO ·PRESENT mediately after high school. He served his period of teaching at Campion High REGISTRATION FOR 2nd in Wisconsin. After his tertainship Fr. SHAKESPEAREAN DRAMA Maginnis went to Paris for his doctor­ SEMESTER JAN. 27-28 Sunday, January 12, the Literary ate in sacred theology. Club of Regis College, in conjunction Registration for the second semester with representatives from Colorado of the 1957-58 school year will be held University, Denver University, and January 27 and 28. Following a week­ Loretto Heights College presented a dis­ Debate Society Meets end vacation after the first semester cussion on Hopkins "Wreck of the PICTURED ABOVE IS the new office of the Ranger in the recently redecorated examinations the freshmen and sopho­ Deutschland" during the general meet­ DeSmet Ha II. The work was done by the F. R. Orr Construction Co. Tomorrow at Greeley mores will register for. their classes ing of the Inter-Collegiate Literary The Regis Debate Club will hold its Monday, January 27 from 8:30 a. m. Association. The interior of DeSmet Hall is under dark room for both of these functional units. next meet tomorrow January 18, 1958, to 12 noon and from I p. m. to 4 p. m. Regis College Literary Club extends construction at the present time. The at Colorado State Teachers College in The juniors and seniors will register a cordial invitation to the members of ex-excuse for a Student Union is being The Student Senate Executive Board converted into an activities building for will occupy the former Brown & Gold Greeley, Colorado. the following day, Tuesday, January the college and anyone interested, to The subject for debate will be the 28 during the same hours. their production of the Shakespearean the various student organizations.
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