I j t g THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY DECEMBER 29 1907 r I NEWS AND COMMENT AT HOME AND ABROAD IN WORLD OF SPORT I GALVESTON SIGNS PLAYERS CROSSCOUNTBY RUNS BEST TWO NEW MANAGERS WANT CASE PATTEN- TRAINING FOR MEET PROBABLE AMERICAN LEAGUE LINEUgSVn- Eight of Last Seasons Outfit Arc Al- ¬ Cornell Trainer Says the Sport IH ready In Line for Coming Year Greatest Developer of All Games Special to The W Oft llenkL Froeman base Delohanty second base McBride Jack Moakley who is responsible for Mhluttton first J Galveston Texas Dec 28 Galveston is success Leaders of Eastern League shortstop Altizcr or Shlpke third base A Smith utility infielder Clymer St Louis Are the brilliant Cornell has had in and Detroit already making preparations for the re- ¬ crosscountry Athletes Getting Into Shape right field Pickering center field Ganley left field Milan utility out- ¬ running declares that the I ception of Cantillong Washngton sport is greatest developer any Clubs Getting Ready fielder Wnrnor Kahoe and Street catchers Hughes PAtton Falkenberg After the Southpaw Je the of G v U Games club and all of the local players have form He says for Johnson Gchring C pitchers of athletics It is bound to and Snjlth been ¬ j ordered to report earlier than here- grow in favor with the American public J t l oulr Brown first base WHUtims third base Wallace shortstop tofore and will some day have a wide vogue IN CHARGE AT MONTREAL Ferris second bas Yeager utility infielder Hoffman right field C Janps THAT JERRY FREEMAN STORY The Indications are that Pep Wclkart The weakness of this country in Jongtfte JOHNS HOPKINS IS STRONG center field Stone left field Suitaor utility outfleldor Spencer BlUe and will again captain the team Welkart al- ¬ tance running has long been recognized Stephens catchers Unwell Powell PoltyDlnucn and Bailey pitchers though a veteran made a very poor anu it is the only port m which Great showing last season and the are in- ¬ Britain is our Former Georgetown Player Will baseJ OLoary short- Report thnt Bnsemnn from tau superior Detroit Rossman first Schaefer second base Flrt clined to think that a man of the Ben The only way to develop distance Baltimore Athlete Expect to Win Have Charge of Farm of Xcvr York stop Coughlln Downs Cobb field IIM third base utility infielder right Minneapolis Would Lose Arm Shelton type one capable of playing the men Moakley says is through clans the Threecornercil Relay Against Amerlcnnn Deal Been Crawford center field Mcintyre left ricld Jonas utility outfielder p ¬ hits Put Result of Foinonlnpr Killed When game as it should be played of in- ¬ country work and ft is to us to edu- Virginia University George Payne and and Through Whereby Willie Kelstcr Schmidt and Thomas catchers Donovan Mullin Klllfan Slaver Following jecting ginger In his be cate the masses to the fact t Plny sr Left Hospital teamwould far One of main reasons why Cornell Washington for the Champion- Cuu Play Second Bape Wlllett and Summer Ditchers more successful the for Toronto Day Heyilon Goes to Knnsas City wins the crosscountry intercollegiate ship of the South s Philadelphia H Davis first base Murphy second base Nlohols Weikart is a gentleman on and off the champtotihip so often is that the men I shortstop J Collins third base B Collins utility Infieldor SeybQld right field and maintains harmony among his feel it is impossible to be beaten MId JJO into game Baltimore Dee 2S The Eastern League hold Oldrjng center field Hartsel loft field Lord utility outfielder players but would be a far better bench the with a determination to Neither St Louis nor Detroit have manager lees seen as- win that carries them through in spite With only weeks left In which to f managers have all been selected and the Schreckengost and Power catchers Bender Dygort Plank Coombs as he his beat days fur abandoned hope of getting Joe Cantlllon player of obstacles This spirit of persevecaace set ta elM for the Qeerge Washing- ¬ hoods of the various clubs are now hard Waddell and Vickers pitchers a to turn over Case Patten in exchange for te signed gives Cornell a great advantage over ton University Indoor games ta Conven- ¬ ¬ If Weikart its a sui thing at work looking for new men and plan- ¬ other colleges Some day others will Clilcnxo Donahue first base G Davis second base Parent short somo other player according to rumors hell play the initial sack for Class A the tion Han on January 3k the athletes of ning out line of campaign sea-¬ boat Cornell and it will be good thing the for the stop L Tannchill third base Roll utility infieldor Hahn right Held that are afloat Julho West a Baltimore Washington South 1906 teams cannot afford to carry a bench for the game is not worth winning where and other son of field Doughosty ¬ Jennings Jones center loft MId Anderson utility outfielder Sul Jimmy McAleor and Ilughey manager The players reported to have one teats wins all the meets It helps the em cities win begte this week their hard- ¬ In view of the scarcity of managerial ¬ livan Hart and Armbruster catchers White Altrock Walsh Smith and roaliae that ono of the greatest weak- signed are Dan Cte jtlan Torrey sport to have defeats once in a while as est work fat the campaign of training ability which owners all over the coun- ¬ RUe Patterson pitchers 9 nesses of their respective dub is the Jenkins Mason Bhtmberg well as victories The spirit of cress Although there was a temporary halt try are complaining of tho Eastern WhUtenberg in Second pitching staff and they eon that Jerry Kane and Joe Baird Eight were country work however is not work for the indoor work last weak hoard track League is Indeed fortunate In the Cleveland StovaJl or Daubert first base Lajole base Turner individual but for team hofeors Washington is the one team in the league with seasons team Harry BluRt activities win be resumed with a rush to- strength and ability of tIle man hug se-¬ shortstop Bradley third base PerrJng and NJ11 utility infielders Flick Jut I dont think any one will beat Cor- it which could give a twirlar for some other berg the new pitcher te morrow cured to manage the on right field Birmingham center field Hinchman or Josh Clark left field a lefthanded nell next year as there are a number of vrioutf club the man youngster front The new men After the handicap eroac country run circuit They are as follow Boy utility outfielder Clarke Bernie and Wakofleld catchers Jose Onto other men running who were not eligibla this at Berger Liebhardt Tltlelman and Uoss The matter Has been Informally broached- are Shortstop Smith not our Tony from year who will be available next year so Brightwood OB Wednesday Capt GUI will Ra1timotJe DtIIIiL pitchers says is last Vaughn an outfielder begin ItuffaloGenfg Smttlt to Cantillon and white he he at yearand that the outlook is extremely promising to work tbe George Washington Montreal Jam IcrgtR New York Chose first base NIle second base Elberfeld shortstop any time willing to talk a trade that Several others are exported to sign their If Cornell does not win another champion- ¬ mlddtedtotanee men in special prepara- ¬ Jersey CityJoe Bean Conroy third base Morlarity utility inficldor Koeler right field Hemp might strengthen the Nationals be is names to a contract In a few days ship the team that beats her will have tion for the three cornered twomile relay NemttfcWaUer DtmnwM- baa been three years since Galveston a hill center field Stahl left field Bell utility outfielder Klafnow Rickey unwilling to part wUhyPattan BiUess be It to be the best u try team this with the University of Virginia Proriteoee Hwjh Duff has had a team that made any kind oC country has ever seen and Johns and Blair catchers Orth Doyle Hogg Newton CltCsbro infleJAer catch- ¬ ¬ ItocfcosterAl Baekcabwgw CMtleton gets a really flrstdass or showing in the race With a nice con- ¬ Hopkins The But and Blue has a num- Toronto JUto Kettjr Hughes and Nouer pitchers er In return venient park and a good hustling team 100000 MARKSMEN WANTED ber of fair middledistance runners and With the exception of Jim Morgan the Iloston Unglaub first baseLaporte second base Wagner shortstop So far as backstops are concerned that would be near the top fans of Gal- ¬ Cape Gill IB determined that a winning Georgetown boy at Montreal and Mike Tigers have veston would be loyal and liberal with developed passible Lord third base Knight utility Infleldor Coaster right floUT Sullivan neither the Browns nor the Proposed Formation of Big Trap team shall be if Kelly at Toronto all tho 35ast4rn Leegue anything to offer 8L Louis their patronage A pennantwinner would managers are the same as yuar center field Thonoy left field Cravath utility outfielder Crlger Carrl attractive we be satisfied Shooters Association Will Develop Speed last quite collection but be preferred but would though Smith only occupied the position gan and P Donahue catchers Young Winter Newton J Tannehjll and has a of catchers with a etam finishes or better Pittsburg Dec 38 The training these men have had for they are for the most part inexperienced that third Pa That certain as acting manager at the taU end of the pitchers t San Antonio Dallas Fort Worth and en- the baa given them plenty Pruitt Detroit showed up so poorly behind the talent among trap te never era Buffalo season last year Smith took over Austin seem to have added a long list of ei strength and gotten them good phy-¬ f bat in the worlds series that Jennings couraged to participate in the great in the management at Buffalo when McAllis new men to their respective strings sical
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