r'--~ \ -I Central Arkansas I-, Regional Solid Waste Management District L___ ---' MEMO To: Central Arkansas Regional Solid Waste Management Board (CARSWMB) From: Rodney Larsen ~ RE: Certificate ofNeed Application Rolling Meadows Landfill Date: December 2, 2010 Waste Corporation ofArkansas (WCA) is requesting to expand their Rolling Meadows Class 1 Landfill located near Hazen, Arkansas. As was discussed at our last meeting, this Board must review the "Certificate ofNeed" and submit a recommendation to the Arkansas Department ofEnvironmental Quality (ADEQ). Over the past several months, staff has processed the "Notice ofIntent" as required by this Board's stated Policies, Procedures and Criteria for Certificate ofNeed Review for Solid Waste Management Facilities. All proper steps have been taken and the required supporting documentation is attached for your review and consideration. CARSWMB staff recommends approval ofthe Certificate ofNeed as requested by Waste Corporation ofAmerica. AflL_-'_', c:..q _0 D D__ 3 ~ _ 'mt#:1LZ5:3 -5/- r(5,. ~ I:,f . ' P. O. Box 300 115 lefferson Street Lonoke, AR 72086 Phone 501-676-2721 • Fax 501·676·5020' Ark, Relay Servo 1-800-285·1121 (voice) • 1-800·285·1311 (TOD) An Equal Oppurtunity Employer - a]j_ t;rn ' .... jM altm l..oN. July 29, 2010 Rodney Larsen, Executive Director Central Arkansas Regional Solid Waste Management Board P.O. Box 300 AfIN,_'-­ 902 N. Center St. Pm!I:_____ S Lonoke, AR 12086 REC'D W ~ .AUG 02 ?fllO II DocID#' D RE: Rolling Meadows Class I Landfill 1'« __._ Notice of Intenl for a Certificate ofNeed Solid Waste Permit No. 0253-S\·R5; MIN: 59·00036 FTN No. 6533·226 Dear Mr. Larsen: Waste Corporatioll of Arkansas (WCA) is ill the process of submitting a permit application [(I expand their Rolling Meadows Class I Landfill (RML) located near Hazen, Arkansas. This letter and associated attachments serve as a :'Jotice of Intent (NOl) for a Certificate of Need in support of the expansion which is being pw-sued through the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) as a major permit modification application. This NO! is intended to comply with CARSWMB's "Policies, Procedures and Criteria fur Certificate of Need Review for Solid Waste Management Facilities". Name of applicant: Owner: Waste Corporation of Arkansas, Inc. Facility: Rolling Meadows Landfill Applicant's addrll88 IlDd telephone Dumber: Owner: Facility: Waste Corporation of Arkansas, Inc. Rolling Meadows Landfill One Riverway, Ii 1400 (420 Hamric Road Houston, TX 77056; Hazen, AR 72064 713-292-2400 870·255·4001 Mr. Rodney Larsen July 29, 2010 Page 2 Whether the appli~nt is seeking a lIew or modified solid waste management permit and tbe c1assificatiol\ of tbe permit sought: WCA is in the process of applying fur a major modification to the existing Class 1 Permit # 0253-S1-R5, The modification is being prepared for lIIe expansion oftlle facility permitted area and~acity. Site of tbe proposed or existing solid waste management facility: The RML is genecally located in the East V. of Section 25, Township 3 North., Range 6 West, Prairie County, Arkansas. The facility is located ofT Hamric Road which is roughly 2 miles north ofHazen, Arkansas. Hamric Road is accessible from Arkansas Highway 11. De5cription of the goo-political jurisdictions to be served by tbe disposal facility including population estimates by jurisdidlon: The RML currently serves !he entire CARSWMD and surrounding counties/communities in central-eastem Arkansas. The counties/cities served by !he referenced facility (with population greater than 500) include but are not limited to: County Population· Lonoke 52,828 Monroe 10,254 Prairie 9,539 - .. i District 72,621 City ; Populati\lll* Cabot . 15,261 __~_Lotloke 4,287 . Brinkley I 3,940 ..~ England 2,972 Ward 2,580 Carlisle 2,304 Clarendon 1,960 r----·· ----~-- f- Des Arc 1.933 1 -- i--- Hazen I 1,637 De Valls Bluff 783 ~. ._­ Holly Grove I 722 Austin l 605 Mr. Rodney Larsen July 29,2010 Page 3 Confirmation from the .iDEQ thai Ille applicant IlfL~ reqllested a slaJemenl concerning Ihe: cummt and proposed solid waste disposal capacity respective to the afea and if Ihe permit is for a landfill. Ihe landfill Class being proposed: A letter has been submitted to the ADEQ Solid Waste Management Division (SWMD) dared July 29, 20 IO. The letter requests II statement concerning the current and proposed solid waste disposal capacity respective to the area. The landfill and associated expansion win be classified as a Class I waste disposal facility in lenns of Arkansas Regulation 22 applicability. A copy of the letter sent to the ADEQ is enclosed for your use and reference. A petition fur a Certificate of Need will be submitted to the CARSWMD in the near future. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me or Dianne Lincicome, PE, PO, at (501) 225-1179. \.. ani Crawf<:ml, PE, PO Senior Project Manager PWClrml Enclosures CC; Todd Phillips, Waste Corporation of Arkansas, Inc. Nick Marotta. WCA Waste Corporati?e ' lUWPJII..ES\Q5J'·ll6IL·R l.ARSEN 01.19.lo\l·P. LARSEN G7~~ -.....JInt~---------------------­ n Document 10 # 052300-insp ADEQ ARK A N S A S Department of Environmental Quality May 19,2010 The Honorable Charlie Troutman Lonoke COlmty Judge Lonoke County Courthouse North Center Street Lonoke, AR 72086 RE: AFIN 43-00170 Permit #. 0079-STSW-SC Dear Judge Troutman: On May 13, 2010, I performed a routine impection of your facility pursuant to the Arkaru;as Solid Waste Management Reg. 22, and the above referenced permit. A copy of the inspection repert is enclosed for your review. Refer to lhe report to note any allegations of deficiencies that require corrective action. Please send a written response to the corrective action taken. Failure to respond to this letter in writing shaH be construed as an admiasion of any allegations contained therein. Any items noted that are neglected and persistent may warrant enforcement action. IfI can be any further assistance, feel free to contact me at (870) 247-5155. Sincerely, Bobby Gentry, Inspector Solid Wasle Management Division SOLID WASTE - Enforcement Branch 5301 NORTHSHORE DRIVEl NORTH LrI1'LE ROCK., ARKANSAS 72118 TELEPHONE 501-<i82-01441FAX 501-<i82-0611 www.adeq.state .•r.us .,..tottt,.~ , Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality <t • • Solid Waste Management Division ''(I Transfer Station Inspection '" W Allport Lonoke 43'()O170 Site Name County AFIN Hwy 165 1 mile west of Allport on Telephone 0079-STSW-SC Facility Addre•• Pennlt Bryand Rd. Number Number North Center E.fllall none i Permittee Address Lonoke, AR. 72066 Address v•• No Date 5-13-10 Entry Time i 8:45 am Exltnme 9:15am Follow-Up I I J x Regulation 22 - Operational Standards .~.. ~ i First VJolation: Score of 1 Category 1 Second Vrolation: Score of 1 _" _;_J!!!!..~_~~!~~~~~e O!~_~____~_____ .. ,~ Comments .. _-­ --­ --"--------_._-- _.­ ------- -_ ... -- --­ --~--- --­ -_ -. -- ---,,----.._-------- Pertodk Reports ~pa""d and filed with Department 22.904(n} r-~~--~~----- -----~------ ! AdeCf\lat-e drainage to sanitary sewers 22.904(1) No violations atthe time of inspection, '---- _.,,---- ~-.--..- -.---.--.-.~--.--- ..- _. -_.,---_. --.­ -_.------ .-----..-----.----~. Recove-ry of Solid Waste 22.904(g) - --­ ------"".. ~~ ....----­-.--­ !··Adeqi.tate-emp~-iiCi-DiieS--2i904{Oj" -----­ ._­ .. ----­ - .-.-~- First VIOlation: Score of 2 Category 2 Second Vlolatlon- Score of 4 Third Violation: Sc(lfe of .­ 1-AdequatehCiiliy-maiinenanee- .22.904(kl-~---------··-~--- '-A(ieqUite'fife~r;equipfnlKit-awiaiieatalftifMs ii9ii(mj--·----­ L~~ua~!_~~~~~~!~IiY~:-~~C=:=~~~~~__ =_=:=~ =_=.= Proces$ing aren adequate­ 22.904{d) __ L~~uit~~~.~~!~~~~~~!OtkI ~'~ __ .~Jib4(~r~== Fjrst Violabon Score of 3 Category 3 Sei:ona Violation: Score of B __Third Violation:~ ___ ~_~._,_~ Score_______ of 12 ,M~.,,'_M Facillty operatM In ac-cordanctt with operating ptan 22.904(.) Total Score ,i --.~~--~~,."--- Exten1al storage ofsolkl waD 22....(~ 0-6 Satisfactory i-uftTmatedi;p;;saiorwa.''''"22.i04(bf~~---~-----~~---~~-- 7-9 Marginal r-~~~..~~~.~:Ofk)rs:an~vect~-il2~ __~-.=--=--=--==--= 2'.10 Unsatisfactory Adequate information sign posted at an access points 22.904(i) 0 i'-FaclliyaccePtS-on1y·lliiowabi.~$ oiWa.~·~22.904(i)---~~--~ l ___.__.. ______ .._____... ____________~___.____"'__________ Regulation 22 - Records July 09 22.904(0) ~ Date ot~!1nu:al ,~rt _' ___~____~__~ ~-,,---- -­ ~ ~ ~~~ July 09 """'WHIG) ~ M8!~_~:'~~~e'!~!JlI-!~.__~________~____ .._ _I_ .~ -----,,-- .­ ....... April 26 Tons 22.901(c) last months reported wute received Operator Name & Number Bridgeman # Signature of Inspector 4JtrAl~ 0912001 TS Form Revisions: FOR ADEQ USE ONLY 0112003 109/05/2003 110/1812005 1 0410112007 PETITION FOR CLASS 1 LANDFILL CERTIFICATE OF NEED WASTE CORPORATION OF ARKANSAS, INC. ROLLING MEADOWS CLASS 1 LANDFILL HAZEN, ARKANSAS PERMIT NO. 0253-S1-R5 AFIN: 59-00036 ___Waste Corporation of Arkansas AUGUST 27,2010 .. _ .. _--­ PETITIOI'\ FOR CLASS 1 LANDFILL CERTIFICATE OF NEED WASTE CORPORATION OF ARKANSAS, INC, ROLLING MEADOWS CLASS J LANDFILL HAZEN, ARKANSAS PERMIT NO, 0253-S1-RS AFIN: 59-00036 Prepared for Waste Corporation of Arkansas Rolling Meadmys Landfill 1420 Hamric Rd, Hazen, AR 72064 Prepared by FTN Associates, Ltd, 3 Innwood Circle, Suite 220 Little Rock, AR 72211 FTN Project No, 6533-226 August 27, 2010 Augu.,t 27, 201 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..... ............. ..." .. " ... ,.""""."" .... 1-1 2.0 CARSWMB REQUIREMIThlTS FOR A CON PEnnON .........................
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