590 gine; Daktozint; Facyl M; Gino-Colon; Gino-Pletil; Ginosutin­ Preparations Mt; Limpele Ginecologico; Trinizol M; Chile: Doxifen; Exomi­ ······························· ····································································· col; Famidal; Ginecopast Dual; Ginecopast; Ginedazol Dual; ProprietaryPreparations (details are given in Volume B) Ginedazol; Medidos; Mizonase; Tinidazol Compuesto; China: Austria: Exoderil; Can ad.: N a!­ Dapule Cz.: Klion-D; Denm.: Brentacon; Fin.: Single-ingredient Preparations. tint; China: Fang Di Xin Xin Cz.: Exoderil; Ger.: Daktacort; Fr. : Squaphane E; Squaphane P; Squaphane S; (Zilf-*); Exoderilt; Gr.: Exoderil; Hong Kong: Exoderil; Hung.: Exoderil; Squaphane; Squaphane; Ger.: Acne Plus; Decoderm tri; Infecto­ (J'Jll!!); (JlXJlX); Indon.: Exoderil; Israel: Exoderil; Ital.: Suadian; Malaysia: Exo­ Soor; Micotar ZP; Vobadenn; Gr.: Antimycotic; Catrigel; deril; Pol.: Exoderil; Rus.: Exoderil (3K30.IlepiDI); Spain: Micoso­ Combi; Conazol; Daktodor; Decoderm Trivalente-N; Domyco­ nat; Turk.: Exoderil; Ukr.: Exoderil (3K30I\epHJI); USA: Naftin. tin; Edmudo; Expectein; Feminella; Finicort; Flenazole; Flumi­ complex; Fluniprol; Flunovon; Fosemyk; Fumicon; Iflerit; Multi-ingredientPreparations. China: Bi Liang Micoflup; Micogen; Miflert; Milfer; Oxigon; Panderm; Panrnyk; ('iZ•l'f). Sarmel; Verdal; Hong Kong: Axcel Fungicortt; Conazole; PharmacopoeialPreparations Daktacort; Fungo Soothing Balmt; Hydro-Fungat; Micosone; USP 36: Naftifine Hydrochloride Cream; Naftifine Hydrochloride Uni-Mizole-HCt; Zaricortt; Hung.: Klion-D; Mycosolon; India: Gel. Alclos-GM; Atderm; Beclasone-GM; Bedex-GM; Beclomin; Neticonazole is an imidazole antifungal that has been used Beclomin; Beclozen; Becmet-GM; Betamil-GM; Betamil-M; topically in preparations containing of the hydro­ Betanate GM; Betanate M; Betaspi-GM; Betnederm GM; !BAN, usAN, ptNNJ chloride in the treatment of superficial fungalI% infections. Betnovate-GM; Betnovate-M; Betzee-GM; Betzee-M; Candi­ Natamycin fem; Candizole-Tt; CGM; Clobact-GM; Clobaderm-GM; Cloba­ �.ntiblotic A-$283;c�".1 i1625; E255; 1'1ararnklna; NamfJ1y2itie; P epa a ons sia-GM; Clobecos-GM; Clobequad; Cloberis-GM; Clobesym­ ..r. r ti .. .. t-�atan>ycinum: Natamycyna; Natatnysilnl;. Pim<iriein: Plmar- . ... ........... .. ...... .. .............. GM; Clobeta-CF; Clobquad; Cloby; Cloderm-GM; Clodip-GM; lsin; HaraMVII.l>�H · Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Volume B) Clofung GM; Clogem; Clomic-M; Clomic-ZM; Clonate-GM; Clop-M; Clop-MG; Clos-GM; Cloto!-GM; Clotof-M; Cortiderm­ Single-ingredientPreparations. Jpn: Atolant. •· > •·• · · . < GM; Cosvate-GM; Cutasol-GM; Daktacort; Daktarin-T; Dandrid; �,,1-!"N()ll"'<iP-"�7f,&i·9�·ll. j >' .•. • .. .. · · . •. < ;4,0./A.B.IO; .. Dermocrat Plus; Dermonit; Dermotel; Dermotriad; Dermotyl­ A'J.(j(,liS ,..- l.lalf.il02; G(/1i\A02;5/JJAAI,O. M; Dermowin-GM; Drez-V; E-Derm; Edospan; Ecziclo-GM; AT( Vet . -cc.·.Otl.OiAf51AOZ,I\A0;;i,'13; QAQ.i'AA O,J; QlJQ,iMQ2,, QG01M02; Elderm; Enderm-GM; Etan-GM; Eumosone-M; Excel-M; Flual­ M; Flucort-MZ; Flucreme-NM; Flunec; Fungifite; Fungitop-F; Q50iMII)F5().0(852CPO, Gemiderm; Gentacort-FC; GMF; Halostrol-M; Ryton; Kloryl-M; Vt,JI!. .� Labosol-GM; Leobet-GM; Leta-GM; Lobate-GM; Lobate-M; Los­ Pharmacopoeias. In Jpn, Pol., and US. weat; Lozee-GM; Lozee-M; Lupiderm-GM; Lupiderm-M; Meta­ USP 36: (Natamycin). An off-white to cream-coloured zole; Miclogenta; Micocort-G; Micogel F; Micogram; Micolon; powder. It may contain up to 3 moles of water. Practically Mictop-F; Nazo-F; Stecort-NMt; Tenovate M; Valbet; Zole-F; insoluble in water; soluble in glacial acetic acid and in Indon.: Benoson M; Brentan; Daktarin Diaper; Thecort; Zola­ dimethylformamide; slightly soluble in methyl alcohol. A NOTE. The names carbilquinone and carbazylquinone have cort; Zolagel Diaper; Irl. : Daktacort; Israel: Daktacort; Ital. : I% suspension in water has a pH of 5.0 to 7.5. Store in been (possibly erroneously) applied to nifuroxime; Acnidazil; Decoder Micoflu; Malaysia: Daktacort; Decocort; airtight containers. Protect from light. Neo-Penotran; Zaricort; Mex. : Bebektin; Daktacort; Gynotran; however, carbazilquinone is a synonym for the antineo­ Neth.: Acnecare; Daktacort; Norw.: Cortimykt; Daktacort; NZ: plastic carboquone, and care should be taken to avoid Daktacort; Micreme H; Resolve Plus; Philipp.: Acne Plust; Uses and Administration confusion. Daktacort; Neo-Penotran; Pol.: Mycosolon; Port.: Daktacort; Natamycin is a polyene antifungal antibiotic produced by Zamet; Rus.: Klion-D (K.n:HoH-,lJ;); Mycosolon (MHK030JIOH); the growth of Streptomyces natalensis. It is used for the local Neo-Penotran (Heo-IleHOT_PRH); S.Afr. : Acnecleart; Acnidazilt; treatment of candidiasis (p. 564.1) and fungal keratitis (see Daktacort; Elozart; Trialonet; Axcel Fungicort; Con­ Nifuroxime is a nitrofuran antimicrobial that has been used Singapore: Eye Infections, p. 565.3). It has also been used in vaginal azole; Daktacort; Decocort; Micon-H; Neo-Penotran; Tri-Micon; with furazolidone to treat vaginal candidiasis and tri­ trichomoniasis (p. 925.1). Zaricort; Spain: Bexicortilt; Blastoestimulina; Brentan; chomoniasis. A 5% ophthalmic suspension or a l% ointment of Nutracel; Swed.: Cortimyk; Daktacort; Switz.: Acne Creme Plus; natamycin is used in the treatment of blepharitis, Daktacort; Decoderm bivalent; Thai.: Daktacort; Decocortt; P epa a ons ....r .........r ..ti. .. Fungisil-T; Kelaplus; Ladocort; Lymarin; Tara-Plus; Timi; Trimi­ conjunctivitis, or keratitis due to susceptible fungi, . (details are given in Volume B) con; Turk.: Ekze-Mant; Gynotran; Neo-Penotran; Nidazol-M; including Fusarium so/ani. ProprietaryPreparations Natamycin lozenges are used for the treatment of oral Pers-Mant; UK: Acorvio Plus; Daktacort HC; Daktacort; Ukr.: Multi-ingredient Preparations. Mex. : Reuginal. Klion-D (KnHOH-,[(); Mycosolon (MHK030JIOH)t; Neo-Penotran candidiasis in a dose of 10 mg every 4 to 6 hours. Tablets (Heo-IleHOTpaH); Neotrizol (HeoTpmon); USA: Fungoid HC; have been given orally for the treatment of intestinal Vusion; Venez.: Daktozin. candidiasis. Natamycin has also been used topically for fungal skin infections and for candida! and trichomonal infections of the vagina. PharmacopoeialPreparations FUr!gicidln; Nistiltfn; Nist�tlna: Ni$tariMs;i�ts�ti!i; N�statiit\r;. BP 2014: Miconazole and Hydrocortisone Acetate Cream; Nystatille; H!!uirao'l)iltt, • • · · · · · • , · ; . Miconazole and Hydrocortisone Cream; Miconazole and Hydro­ 'CI\S .---..·r t-9. • •· ··... ·········· ····• ····.. ·:··•.·•· ·•·•·• ·•··•• · · <·· :· · · Adverse Effects and Precautions Nystatitlt�m;· .•. Njlst�tyna;·. · . .•... · . · · . cortisone Ointment; Miconazole Cream; Miconazole Oromucosal 41J0..6 'GO!MOt, · • •·•·.·... ···; ··• . · Gel; Gastrointestinal disturbances have occurred after oral use of � • · •· • ·· AFC e A07M02; DOt!Vta1; .. .. •..•....• ··'>······ · natamycin. Local application has sometimes produced ATC.y r•'7 ()A07A A02; QbQ lt',AOI;.OIJOT.A/i01.. • _. USP 36: Miconazole Injection; Miconazole Nitrate Cream; �DFJO JC721.' . ·.•• ..•.•. ..•. Miconazole Nitrate Topical Powder; Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal irritation. (ny-sialln. A,).. UN!/ .___ (nystatin): Wlt:.X4T9tW,I Suppositories. Pharmacopoeias. In Bur. (see p. vii), Int., Jpn, US, and Viet. Antimicrobial Action Ph. Eur. 8; (Nystatin). An antifungal substance obtained by Natamycin is a polyene antifungal active against Candida fermentation using certain strains of Streptomyces noursei. It and Fusarium spp. In addition it is active against the contains mainly tetraenes, the principal component being nystatin A . The potency is not less than 4400 units/mg and protozoan Trichomonas vagina/is. 1 not less than 5000 units/mg if intended for oral use, calculated with reference to the dried substance. It is a Pharmacokinetics yellow or slightly brownish hygroscopic powder. Practically Natamycin is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal insoluble in water and in alcohol; freely soluble in tract. It is not absorbed through the skin or mucous dimethylforrnamide and in dimethyl sulfoxide; slightly membranes when applied topically. After ocular use, soluble in methyl alcohol. Store in airtight containers. natamycin is present in therapeutic concentrations in Protect from light. corneal stroma but not in intra-ocular fluid; systemic USP 36; (Nystatin). A substance, or a mixture of two or absorption does not usually occur. more substances, produced by the growth of Streptomyces noursei (Streptomycetaceae). It has a potency of not less r r<:Jtie>,n, than 4400 units/mg, or, where intended for use in P.. �P.Cl. � .................................. extemporaneous preparation of oral suspensions, not less ProprietaryPreparations (details are given in Volume B) than 5000 units/mg. A yellow to light tan, hygroscopic Single-ingredient Preparations. Arg. : Natacyn; China: Natezhen powder, with an odour suggestive of cereals; it is affected by Hydrochloride). Store in Cz.: Pimafucin; Fin.: Pimafucin; Ger.: Infectomyk; long exposure to light, heat, and air. Practically insoluble in containers. Pima(Jl�!j(f;ll; Biciron); Nt; Pimafucint; Hong Kong: Natacynt; Hung.: water and in alcohol; insoluble in chloroform and in ether; Pimafucin; India: Elmycin; Natadrops; Natam; Natamet; Natop­ freely soluble in dimethylformamide and in dimethyl tic; Indon.: Fukricin; Malaysia: Natacyn; Mex. : Miconadna; sulfoxide; slightly to sparingly soluble in methyl alcohol, in Profile Neth.: Pimafucin; Pol.: Pimafucin; Rus.: Pimafucin
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