Davis Vision Provider Directory Tennessee December, 2011 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY 10004. NETWORK OVERVIEW GO GREEN! Davis Vision NETWORK PROVIDERS (In-Network Benefits) To help reduce the consumption of paper, please access provider information from The Guardian Find A Provider site, via links on www.glic.com and Generous Network discounts include up to 25% off www.GuardianAnytime.com.The site is available laser vision correction surgery and retail price of 24/7 and allows you to search for providers or create additional glasses, and generous discounts on non- a customized provider directory. covered cosmetic extras.Members can save money on frames and contact lenses through Davis Vision's QUALITY CARE YOU CAN COUNT ON exclusive frame collection and contact lens formulary , available in most private practice network Guardian Vision featuring the Davis Vision Network locations.Otherwise , benefits apply to a specific offers rich benefits with exceptional flexibility - a allowance. variety of plan designs, benefit frequencies, and co- pay options. Davis Vision is one of the nation's largest eyecare NON-Davis Vision NETWORK PROVIDERS provider networks with more than 45,000 network (Out-Of-Network Benefits) providers nationwide including private practice doctors as well as retailers such as Wal- Members can visit any eye care provider they wish, Mart,Target,JCPenney,Sears and Pearle. but save significantly on out-of-pocket costs when visiting a Davis Vision network doctor. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PLAN For more information about your Vision plan, refer to your Guardian Group Insurance Plan Booklet or go to www.GuardianAnytime.com Go online! www.GuardianAnytime.com Access your Guardian benefits information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Guardian Anytime is our secure website where you can check benefits and coverage information, check the status of a claim, find a provider via Guardian's Find A Provider site, print forms and plan materials and more! Registered users can go online anytime, anywhere - it's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you haven't registered yet, it's easy! Go to www.GuardianAnytime.com. You'll be online in minutes! Davis Vision Tennessee Member Services 1-877-393-7363 Boyd,Lori 645 S Main St,#102 (931) 484-4861 VISION CANNON Boyd,Zachary 645 S Main St,#102 (931) 484-4861 Dubes,Brian 1341 N Main St,#1 (931) 484-4855 ANDERSON WOODBURY Dubes,Brian 168 Obed (931) 484-4792 Reed,John 112 E Main St (615) 563-8494 Plaza,#107 Kimmer,William 168 Obed (931) 484-9745 CLINTON Plaza,#107 Labelle,Ray 106 Indian Hills Cir (865) 463-8440 CARROLL Turney,Bob 645 S Main St,#102 (931) 484-4861 Visual Fashions 1341 N Main St,#1 (931) 484-9398 OAK RIDGE HUNTINGDON Wal-mart Vision 168 Obed (931) 484-4792 Baker,Mark OAK RIDGE MALL (865) 482-1747 Nicholson,Larry 159 Court Square (731) 986-4400 Center Plaza,#107 Channappa,Shirnil 373 S Illinois Ave (865) 482-1003 Thomason,Charles 12707 Lexington St (731) 986-4932 Keller,Lisa 363 S Illinois Ave (865) 481-6439 DAVIDSON Kozlowski,Jami 174 Randolph Rd (865) 482-6576 MCKENZIE Larson,Bobby 125 Randolph Rd (865) 482-7565 Smith,Mark 592 N Main St (731) 352-2020 ANTIOCH Pearle Vision Center OAK RIDGE MALL (865) 482-1747 Smith,Thomas 592 N Main St (731) 352-2020 Sears Optical 363 S Illinois Ave (865) 481-6439 Bishop,Robert 522 Bell Rd (615) 361-7266 Wal-mart Vision 373 S Illinois Ave (865) 482-8056 Collins,C. Garry 5323 Mt View Rd (615) 731-8910 Center CARTER Mallory,Jennifer 5323 Mt View Rd (615) 731-8910 Wheeler,Kenneth 174 Randolph Rd (865) 482-6576 Palermo,Joanne 3035 Hamilton (615) 361-8445 ELIZABETHTON Church Rd OLIVER SPRINGS Schmidt,Kevin 5323 Mt View Rd (615) 731-8910 Baker,Ashley 629 Broad St (423) 543-7376 Wal-mart Vision 3035 Hamilton (615) 360-3383 Fox,Timothy 929 E Tri County (865) 435-1513 Barnes,Kyle 1001 Over Mountain (423) 543-3293 Center Church Rd Blvd Dr Emmert,Nathan 920 W G St (423) 543-2020 CANE RIDGE BEDFORD Holland,John 629 Broad St (423) 543-7376 Holsclaw- 210 Rogosin Dr (423) 543-6868 Doctor`s Valuvision Antioch (615) 731-2701 Jones,Tammy Eyemasters Antioch (615) 731-8746 SHELBYVILLE Lowry,Duane 920 W G St (423) 543-2020 Iverson,Jared Antioch (615) 731-8746 Deharde,John 1880 N Main St (931) 680-3035 Mills,David 321 E Elk Ave (423) 542-2512 Kreger,Stacy Antioch (615) 731-8746 Wal-mart Vision 1880 N Main St (931) 684-2122 Pumphrey,Zachary 321 E Elk Ave (423) 542-2512 Martin,Edwin Antioch (615) 731-2701 Center Sams,Robert 114 S Sycamore St (423) 543-3421 Mcclain,Elizabeth Antioch (615) 731-2701 Wal-mart Vision 1001 Over Mountain (423) 543-8230 Williams,Willard Antioch (615) 731-8746 BENTON Center Dr GOODLETTSVILLE CAMDEN CHEATHAM Begin,Craig STE 1560 (615) 859-7447 Eyemasters STE 1560 (615) 859-7447 Byars,William 2200 U.S. 641 (731) 584-5919 ASHLAND CITY Fritsch,Ryan STE 1560 (615) 859-7447 Harrison,Michelle 264 U.S. 641 (731) 584-7942 Gould,James _ Rivergate Mall (615) 851-9282 Wal-mart Vision 2200 U.S. 641 (731) 584-5016 Bates,Donald 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Sears Optical _ Rivergate Mall (615) 851-9282 Center Bestwina,Brad 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Biggs,Kathleen 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 GOODLETTSVILLE BLOUNT Edmiston,Joseph 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Fletcher,Larry 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Begin,Craig STE 1560 (615) 859-7447 Goodman,Elizabeth 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Eyemasters STE 1560 (615) 859-7447 ALCOA Johnson,Kelli 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Fritsch,Ryan STE 1560 (615) 859-7447 Abumayaleh,Khaled 1030 Hunters (865) 984-1100 Lough,Emily 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Gould,James _ Rivergate Mall (615) 851-9282 Crossing Newsom,David 1626 Hwy 12 (615) 792-2220 Sears Optical _ Rivergate Mall (615) 851-9282 Sutton,Steve 333 Gill St (865) 981-4020 Norris,Rebecca 1626 ST RTE 12S (615) 792-2220 Wal-mart Vision 1626 Hwy 12 S (615) 792-2684 HERMITAGE MARYVILLE Center Colbert,Leon 3515 Central (615) 885-0637 Armstrong,Amy 800 Watkins Rd (423) 982-9734 Wells,Nancy 1626 Hwy 12 (615) 792-2220 Pike,#101 Conway,Mary 800 Watkins Rd (423) 982-9734 Davis,Margaret 4424 Lebanon Pike (615) 884-7999 Kolarik,Michael 286 Cherokee (865) 984-6931 PLEASANT VIEW Gillispie,James 4130 Andrew (615) 885-2027 Professional Park Weatherford,Joseph 218 Village Square (615) 746-3931 Jackson Pkwy Mueller,Peter 2410 U.S. 411 (865) 681-8262 Hammond,Phillip 232 Jackson (615) 889-2274 Pedersen,William 730 W Lamar (865) 982-2020 CHESTER Meadows Dr Alexander Pkwy Howard Davis,Alette 4761 Andrew (615) 891-1243 Target Optical 800 Watkins Rd (423) 982-9734 Jackson Pkwy,#108 Wal-mart Vision 2410 U.S. 411 (865) 982-5942 HENDERSON Wal-mart Vision 4424 Lebanon Pike (615) 889-6181 Center Johnson,Karen 401 E Main St (731) 435-1275 Center Wheeler,Kenneth 2410 U.S. 411 (865) 681-8267 Williams,Lisa 4424 Lebanon Pike (615) 884-7999 CLAIBORNE MARYVILLE-ALCOA MADISON Blemker,Megan 2240 Gallatin Pike N (615) 346-9494 Wal-mart Vision 1030 Hunters Hill (865) 984-2172 TAZEWELL Center Blvd Chamberland,Scott Gallatin Pike N (615) 868-2000 Louthan,Tommy 114 Irish Cemetery (423) 626-7249 Couts,Adam Gallatin Pike N (615) 868-2000 Rd Darr,Bradford Gallatin Pike N (615) 868-2000 BRADLEY Malone,George 114 Irish Cemetery (423) 626-7249 Dehaven,Leslie Gallatin Pike N (615) 868-2000 Rd Doctor`s Valuvision Gallatin Pike N (615) 868-2000 CLEVELAND Gavami,David 1764 Gallatin Pike N (615) 865-6074 Bencho,Stephen 2733 Keith St NW (423) 559-0129 COCKE Hearn,Keegan Gallatin Pike N (615) 868-2000 Crowder,Joshua Treasury Dr SE (423) 472-3484 Kavanagh,Jay 2232 Gallatin Pike N (615) 855-0990 Davis,Nicholas Treasury Dr SE (423) 472-3484 NEWPORT Lawrence,Anna Gallatin Pike N (615) 868-2000 Flanagan,Paul Treasury Dr SE (423) 472-3484 Pearle Vision 1764 Gallatin Pike N (615) 865-6074 NO INFO Treasury Dr SE (423) 472-3484 Diamond,Jeremy 303 Cosby Hwy (423) 623-2020 Express Pearle Vision Center 913 Keith St NW (423) 476-2217 Hodge,James 1075 Cosby Hwy (423) 623-5443 Sams Club 2240 Gallatin Pike N (615) 859-2023 Thoresen,Nelson 4495 Keith St NW (423) 472-5239 Wal-mart Vision 1075 Cosby Hwy (423) 623-7036 Wal-mart Vision 2232 Gallatin Pike N (615) 859-4612 Wal-mart Vision Treasury Dr SE (423) 472-3484 Center Center Center Wal-mart Vision 4495 Keith St NW (423) 472-3113 COFFEE NASHVILLE Center Barnes,Maria 5722 Hickory Plaza (615) 915-2916 Warneck,William 913 Keith St NW (423) 476-2217 MANCHESTER Dr Wal-mart Vision 2518 Hillsboro Blvd (931) 728-1356 Boerman,Helen 1801 West End (615) 321-8881 CAMPBELL Center Ave,#1150 Womack,Larry 2518 Hillsboro Blvd (931) 723-8882 Chamberland,Scott 6800 Charlotte (615) 354-5807 JACKSBORO Pike,#110 TULLAHOMA Collier,Elena 4040 Nolensville (615) 831-0114 Browning,Jill 2824 Appalachian (423) 566-5850 Pike Hwy Frye,William 1802 N Jackson (931) 455-2020 Collins,C. Garry 1911 Glen Echo Rd (615) 269-6065 Mysliwiec,Kevin 2523 Jacksboro Pike (423) 566-2020 St,#830 Doctor`s Valuvision 3900 Hillsboro (615) 292-2040 Mysliwiec,Sandy 2523 Jacksboro Pike (423) 566-2020 Horner Rausch 1802 N Jackson (931) 455-5466 Pike,#16 Overley,Eric 2523 Jacksboro Pike (423) 566-2020 Optical St,#830 George,Michael 1801 West End (615) 321-8881 Wal-mart Vision 2824 Appalachian (423) 566-5318 Palmer,Brady 2111 N Jackson St (931) 455-1800 Ave,#1150 Center Hwy Wal-mart Vision 2111 N Jackson St (931) 455-9397 Harman,Gene 5554 Franklin Pike (615) 373-4747 Center Horner Rausch- 2710 Old Lebanon (615) 883-8537 JELLICO donelson Inc Rd,#9 Mckinley,Stephen 467 Sunset Trail (423) 784-2020 CUMBERLAND Kavanagh,Jay 7044 Charlotte Pike (615) 353-1515 NO INFO 467 Sunset Trail (423) 784-2020 Kobrick,Laura 73 White Bridge Rd (615) 353-0434 CROSSVILLE *Currently not accepting new patients.
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