— To 221 B.C. headings for art and art forms of all nations, authors, individual literatures, including drama, H 1148 regions, and ethnic groups, except those and forms and types of musical compositions. headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, — 19th century Use as a chronological subdivision under and Korea. headings for art forms qualified by the adjective H 1148; H 1154; H 1155.2; H 1156; H 1160 Chinese. — 12th century Use as a chronological subdivision under — To 794 H 1148 headings for art and art forms of all nations, H 1148 Use as a chronological subdivision under regions, and ethnic groups, except those headings for art and art forms of all nations, headings for art and art forms of China and Use as a chronological subdivision under regions, and ethnic groups, except those Korea. Also use under individual languages and headings for art forms qualified by the adjective headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, groups of languages, groups of literary authors, Japanese. and Korea. individual literatures, including drama, and forms — To 935 — Kamakura-Momoyama periods, 1185-1600 and types of musical compositions. H 1148 H 1148 — Meiji period, 1868-1912 Use as a chronological subdivision under Use as a chronological subdivision under H 1148 headings for art forms qualified by the adjective headings for art forms qualified by the adjective Use as a chronological subdivision under Korean. Japanese. headings for art forms qualified by the adjective — To 1500 — 13th century Japanese. H 1156; H 1160 H 1148 — 1868- Use as a chronological subdivision under Use as a chronological subdivision under H 1148 headings for drama and forms and types of headings for art and art forms of all nations, Use as a chronological subdivision under musical compositions. regions, and ethnic groups, except those headings for art forms qualified by the adjective — To 1600 headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, Japanese. H 1148 and Korea. — 20th century Use as a chronological subdivision under — 14th century H 1148; H 1154; H 1155.2; H 1156; H 1160 headings for art forms qualified by the adjective H 1148 Use as a chronological subdivision under Japanese. Use as a chronological subdivision under headings for art and art forms of all nations, — To 1868 headings for art and art forms of all nations, regions, and ethnic groups. Also use under H 1148 regions, and ethnic groups, except those individual languages and groups of languages, Use as a chronological subdivision under headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, groups of literary authors, individual literatures, headings for art forms qualified by the adjective and Korea. including drama, and forms and types of musical Japanese. — Ming-Chʻing dynasties, 1368-1912 compositions. — To 1900 USE — Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 — Taishō period, 1912-1926 H 1148 — Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 H 1148 Use as a chronological subdivision under H 1148 Use as a chronological subdivision under headings for art forms qualified by the adjective headings for art forms qualified by the adjective Use as a chronological subdivision under Japanese. Korean. headings for art forms qualified by the adjective — Chʻin-Han dynasties, 221 B.C.-220 A.D. Chinese. — 21st century USE — Qin-Han dynasties, 221 B.C.-220 A.D. UF — Ming-Chʻing dynasties, 1368-1912 H 1160 — Qin-Han dynasties, 221 B.C.-220 A.D. [Former subdivision] Use as a chronological subdivision under headings for art and art forms of all nations, H 1148 — Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1910 regions, and ethnic groups. Also use under Use as a chronological subdivision under H 1148 individual languages and groups of languages, headings for art forms qualified by the adjective Use as a chronological subdivision under groups of literary authors, individual literatures, Chinese. headings for art forms qualified by the adjective including drama, and forms and types of musical UF — Chʻin-Han dynasties, 221 B.C.-220 Korean. compositions. A.D. [Former subdivision] UF — Yi dynasty, 1392-1910 [Former — 2-harpsichord scores — Three kingdoms, six dynasties-Sui dynasty, 220- subdivision] H 1160 618 — Yi dynasty, 1392-1910 Use as a form subdivision under forms and USE — Three kingdoms-Sui dynasty, 220-618 USE — Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1910 types of musical compositions. — Three kingdoms-Sui dynasty, 220-618 — 15th century — 2-organ scores H 1148 H 1148; H 1160 H 1160 Use as a chronological subdivision under Use as a chronological subdivision under Use as a form subdivision under forms and headings for art forms qualified by the adjective headings for art and art forms of all nations, types of musical compositions. Chinese. regions, and ethnic groups, except those — 2-piano scores headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, H 1160 UF — Three kingdoms, six dynasties-Sui and Korea. Also use under forms and types of dynasty, 220-618 [Former subdivision] musical compositions. Use as a form subdivision under forms and types of musical compositions. — 500-1400 — 16th century — 3-piano scores H 1160 H 1148; H 1160 H 1160 Use as a chronological subdivision under Use as a chronological subdivision under forms and types of musical compositions. headings for art and art forms of all nations, Use as a form subdivision under forms and — Tang-Five dynasties, 618-960 regions, and ethnic groups, except those types of musical compositions. H 1148 headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, — Abandonment of nests Use as a chronological subdivision under and Korea. Also use under forms and types of USE — Nests—Abandonment headings for art forms qualified by the adjective musical compositions. — Abbreviations Chinese. — Early modern, 1500-1700 H 1095 — Heian period, 794-1185 H 1154; H 1155.2; H 1156 Use as a topical subdivision under topical H 1148 Use as a chronological subdivision under headings for works about abbreviations Use as a chronological subdivision under individual languages and groups of languages, pertaining to those topics. headings for art forms qualified by the adjective groups of literary authors, and individual literatures except drama. NT — Acronyms Japanese. — — Dictionaries — 17th century — 10th century H 1095 H 1148 H 1148; H 1156; H 1160 Use this subdivision combination as a form Use as a chronological subdivision under Use as a chronological subdivision under subdivision under topical headings for works headings for art and art forms of all nations, headings for art and art forms of all nations, containing alphabetical lists of abbreviations regions, and ethnic groups, except those regions, and ethnic groups, except those pertaining to those topics. headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, BT — Dictionaries and Korea. and Korea. Also use under forms and types of musical compositions and headings for drama. — Abbreviations of titles — Koryŏ period, 935-1392 — Edo period, 1600-1868 H 1095 H 1148 H 1148 Use as a form subdivision under types of Use as a chronological subdivision under Use as a chronological subdivision under periodicals for works containing lists of headings for art forms qualified by the adjective abbreviations of titles of those periodicals. Korean. headings for art forms qualified by the adjective Japanese. UF — Title abbreviations — Song-Yuan dynasties, 960-1368 — 18th century NT — Periodicals—Abbreviations of titles H 1148 H 1148; H 1154; H 1155.2; H 1156; H 1160 — Abdication Use as a chronological subdivision under headings for art forms qualified by the adjective Use as a chronological subdivision under H 1110 Chinese. headings for art and art forms of all nations, Use as a topical subdivision under names of regions, and ethnic groups, except those individual persons. UF — Sung-Yüan dynasties, 960-1368 headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, — Abdication of kings and rulers [Former subdivision] and Korea. Also use under individual languages USE — Kings and rulers—Abdication — Sung-Yüan dynasties, 960-1368 and groups of languages, groups of literary — Ability testing (May Subd Geog) USE — Song-Yuan dynasties, 960-1368 H 1095; H 1154 — 11th century Use as a topical subdivision under topical H 1148 Use as a chronological subdivision under SD-1 — Ability testing (Continued) — Access control (May Subd Geog) — Adaptations headings, including languages, for tests and H 1095 H 1110; H 1155.8; H 1156 testing of native aptitude or acquired proficiency Use as a topical subdivision under types of Use as a topical subdivision under names of in a particular topic. archives, records, computers, computer individual persons for works about adaptations BT — Testing networks, and statistical and data-gathering by others of their creative works. Also use under — Abnormalities (May Subd Geog) services. literary works entered under title and individual UF — Control, Access literatures for works about adaptations of those H 1147; H 1164; H 1180 works or of those literatures. Further subdivide by subdivisions used under — Access for the physically handicapped diseases when used under animals and organs USE — Barrier-free design UF — Paraphrases, tales, etc. [Former and regions of the body. — Accidents (May Subd Geog) subdivision] Use as a topical subdivision under individual H 1095; H 1153 NT — Audio adaptations animals and groups of animals, individual plants Do not subdivide geographically under names — Film adaptations and groups of plants, and individual organs and of individual space vehicles. — Television adaptations regions of the body. Use as a topical subdivision under names of — Adaptations UF — Abnormities and deformities [Former individual space vehicles and under types of H 1110; H 1155.8; H 1156 subdivision] industries and other topical headings. Use as a form subdivision under names of — Deformities NT — Officials and employees—Accidents individual persons for collections of adaptations NT — Spermatozoa—Abnormalities by others of their creative works. Also use under — — Investigation (May Subd Geog) literary works entered under title and individual — Abnormities and deformities H 1095 literatures for collections of adaptations of those USE — Abnormalities Use as a topical subdivision under topical works.
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