This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp (Funding for document digitization was provided, in part, by a grant from the Minnesota Historical & Cultural Heritage Program.) Minnesota's .56 state forests contain over 3.2 mill ion needs of individuals who canp for the enjo.J1Tl€11t of the acres of state o.vned lands which are adninisterecr by the outdoors. Each canp:;ite consists of a cleared area, Departrrent of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry. fireplace and table. In addition, pit toilets, garbage State forest 1ands are rranaged to produce timber and cans and drinking water are provided at canp:Jmunds that other forest crops, provide outdoor recreation, protect charge a fee. Sane campgrounds have hiking trails, watershed, and perpetuate rare and distinctive species water access sites and swimning beaches. of flora and fauna. State forests are multiple use areas that are rranagecl to provide a sustained yield of In addition to canpgrounds, over 20 day use areas have renew:i.ble resrurces, while maintaining or irrproving the been developed adjacent to canp:Jmunds or at other quality of the forest. scenic locations within state forests. Day use areas are c011T0nly equipped with picnic tables, fire rings, Minnesota's state forests provide unlimited drinking water, toilets and garbage cans. Many have opportunities for outdoor recreationists to pursue a boat accesses and swimning beaches. variety of outdoor activities. Berry picking, mushroan hunting, wildflov.er identification, nature photography To accarrnodate hikers and skiers, there are more than and hunting are just a fe>J of the unstructured outdoor 150 miles of trails spread throughout the forests. activities which can be accamndated in state forests. Motorized vehicles are prohibited on these trails. For people who prefer a more structured form of State forests also have trails for the snowrobiler and recreation, Minnesota's state forests contain over 30 horseback rider. Sane forests have camps speci fi ca 11 y ccvrwrounds and 20 canoe canps i tes , rros t 1ocated on designed for horse users. Most state forest snowrobile 1akes or canoe routes. State forest ccvrwrounds are of trails are gromed and many connect into local the primitive type designed to furnish only the basic grant-in-aid trails, thus providing a systen of thousands of miles of trail for the avid snowrobiler. Trail maps can be obtained at the District or Area office in charge of that state forest or from the DNR Information Center in St. Paul. In addition, Minnesota 1 s state forests contain over 2 ,000 mi 1es of forest roads and 1oggi ng trail s that allow access to the forest for wildlife observation, hunting, or just enjo}fllent of the forest's natural beauty. Off-road vehicles (ORV's) such as motorcycles, ATV's, ATC' s, three-wheelers and others are currently permitted to use forest reads and trails not posted to prohibit motorized vehicles. ORV's are prohibited from using marked and groaned snowrobile trails in state forests during the snow months. Anv user of a st:tte forest should ran8llber that there are private lands within state forests. Respect land0M1er rights; always ask permission before entering private land. The activities ITBltioned are just a few of the Many State Ebrest c.arrpgrc:unds are located on p::>pllar recreational opportunities available in your state forests. They are there for you to enjoy and you are fishin9' lakes and rivers • limited only by yrur cwn desires. 1 The fol lawing activities are permitted on state forest lands: -Hunting, fishing and trawing in aa.:ordance with state regu 1ati ons. -Hiking, both on an:! off designated trails. -Picking fruit and rrushrocm;. -Use of dead wood for recreational fires. Activities req.,iiring a permit and/or fee include: -Cutting of c011TErcial timber on state land. -Cutting fuel wood for hone use on state 1and. -Open burning on private land. -Gairping in designated state forest carpgrounds. It is unlawful vklile in a designated state forest canpgmund or day use area to: -ConsuTTE intoxicating 1iquors. -Possess explosives. -Possess a firearm unless it is unloaded an:! conpletely contained in a guncase or trunk of a car. -Possess a bcw and arrcw unless either unstrung or completely contained in a case or trunk of a car. -Build a fire except in a fireplace or a fire ring provided for the purpose. State Forest Cay-use Areas contain facilities for swirrm:in;J and/or picnicing and a variety of trail uses. This is only a partial list of permitted and prohibited activities. A CCJllllete copy of the rules governing the use of designated state forest canpgrolllds and day use areas is available from the Department of Natural Resources. Remenber that there are private lands within and adjacent to state forests. Respect landow1er rights; al\'ays ask permission before entering private land. The State Forest Canµ}rolllds, Day Use Areas and Trails are free to the public for your enja,ynent unless it is noted that a fee of $5.00 per canpsite per night is ~· Group camp fees are similar to State Parks. Registration is required on envelopes provided at each canpground Wiere a fee is charged. Reservations are not taken, except at group camps, so sites are available on a first cone, first served basis onl v. Group canp Many State ForeSt Trails are designated xrultiple use and reservations are available through Area Forestry Offices are available for a variety of users. Wiere noted. 2 Forest ampgrounds Vl a.> Vl ~ ~ Vl 0. Miles of Trail a.> a.> 3 -1- LJ... +-> ~ ~ .,_. g ;; 0 u u c Vl c: -=:( c ~ ...... It! c 0 •r- L .,.. i::: O" ~ .0 0 E ~ .,.. E s.. c: Vl a.> c It! c: c: E a.> ~ g ...... Vl ~ Special Features E u ..... u ..... +-> u c ~ u s.. 0 It! s.. .,.. .,... n r ,.., '..'.;: -!.. ~ ,r;; Beltr,ami Island State Forest ' ""- "~ ~ ' ' *Banis Hill Cc.mpgrollld 4 x 6 t x x Shelter, ski slopes, toboggan slide, horse corra 1 , access to Beltre.mi Island sncwrobil e trails *Blueberry Hi 11 Canpground 8 4 *Faunce CarrµJround 6 2 Mississippi Hea<:Maters State Forest Bear Den Landing Campgrollld 2 x x x On Mississippi River canoe route Iron Bridge Landing Carpground 2 x x On Mississippi River canoe route Pine Point Landing Carpground 2 x x x On Mississippi River canoe route Sturphges Rapids Carpground 2 x x On Mississippi River canoe route Wannagan Landing Carpground 2 x x x On Mississippi River canoe route Pau 1 Bunyan State Forest Man trap Lake Campgrollld x 38 x 5 x x x Designated muskie lake Gulch Lakes Recreation Area 8 11 x x x 6 individual units on different lakes Red L-ake State Forest Waskish Cc.mpgrollld-Cl osed for x 33 x 22 x x On Tamarack River and reconstruction 7-15 to 10-15-87 Upper Red Lake, good walleye fishing Two Inlets State Forest Hungry Mei Lake Campground x 14 x 4 x x x White Earth State Forest *Arrot-1 Point Campgrollld 6 x x On Big Rock Lake Forestry Adninistered Facilities Coffee Pot Landing Campgrollld 2 x x x On Mississippi River canoe route Island Point Landing Carpground 2 x x x On Mississippi River canoe route Legrande Landing Carpground 2 x x x On Steanboat River ~GION 2, NffiTHEAST -CJIMPGROUf'l>S Big Fork State Forest Harrison Landing Campground 2 x On Big Fork River *Long Lake Carpground 12 x 2 x x Panfish lake Bavstring State Forest Cottonwood Lake Campground 15 x 1 x x x Panfish lake Crazy Jim 1s Canoe Carpground 2 x x On Mi ssi ss i ppi River canoe route. No road access. Cloquet Valley State Forest Cedar Bay Campground 8 x 4 x x x x On Bear Lake, panfish lake *Dr. BamEY' s Landing Canoe Carpground 2 x x x On Cloquet River Irdian Lake Campground 8 x 4 x x x x On Cloquet River, panfish lake Severson Landing Canoe CaTipground 2 x x x On Cloquet River 3 Campgrounds Cont.. Ill Q) Ill ~ ~ Ill ,a. Mi 1 es of Trail Q) Q) 3 ~ Q) LI- .,....~ ..:::,(. c ~ O" ~ .,.... u Ill i::: c:: <( ~ IO g 0 .,.. u .,.... g O" ..:::,(. .0 0 E ..:::.t:. .,... E s... .,... c:: V> Q) ·~ IO c:: c:: E Q) ..c: ..... Ill ~ Special Features u •r- u .,.... ~ v ..:::,(. u s... 0 IO s... .,.... IO .,... I c:: ~ .,,,,,. I/"> 0,., ..... ,, :.; ~ Finland State Forest Cl~ ~ '' Eckbeck CffilpgrolJld x 35 x 4 x On Baptism River Finland Ccrrpground x 19 x 10 x On Baptism River *Sullivan Lake CampgrolJld 10 x 2 x x 1.8 Forner Ci vi 1ian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp, designated trout lake George Washington State Forest Bear Lake C~rolJld x 30 x x x x Wa 11 eye 1ake Beatrice Lake ~pgrolJld x 25 x x x x x 2.~ Panfish 1ake Button Box Lake CampgrolJld 12 x 3 x x x Panf ish 1ake Larson Lake ~pgrolJld x 16 x x x Designated trout 1ake Lost Lake CampgrolJld x 20 x x x x Panfish 1ake Ov.Jen Lake Ccrrpground x Zl x x x x Panfish 1ake Thi st1 edtw Lake CampgrolJld x 20 x 2 x x x Large Norway pine, walleye lake Grand Portage State Forest *Esther Lake Campgroll)d and Access 3 x *McFarland Lake ~pgrolJld and Access 2 x *Swamp River #1 · x x Many sma 11 Northern pike *Swarrp River #2 x x KabetogCIIB State Forest Ash River CampgrolJld x 9 x 2 x x Access to Lake Kabetogama Hinsdale Island CcirpgrolJld x 11 x x x Accessible only by boat 01 Lake Vennillion, wa 11 eye lake Waksnup Bay ~pgrol11d x 21 x 2 x x x On Lake Vennillion, wa 11 eye 1ake Wooden Frog ~pgrolJld x 59 x 5 x x x On Lake Kabetogarm, access to Voyageurs National Park, good wa 11 eye 1ake Koochiching State Forest Jchnsrn Landing CampgrolJld 2 x x x On Big Fork River canoe route Pine Isl and State Forest Benn Linn Landing CampgrolJld 3 x x x On Big Fork River canoe route G<Mdy Landing ~pground 2 x x On Big Fork River, accessible by beat from Sturgeon River Landing Campground Sturgeon River Campground 2 x x x On Big Fork River F<Testry Adninistered Facilities Gant>ler 1 s Point Landing CampgrolJld 3 x x x x x On Mississippi River canoe route Moose Lake Cffilpground x 12 x x x Walleye 1ake *Minimun Maintenance Campgrol11d - Please pack out all of your trash and lewe the area clean.
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