www.ukrweekly.com ТНЕ І СВОБОДАJfcSVOBODA І І " " " ШШ Щ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК ^И^ UKRAINIAN DA/1V Щ Щ UkrainiaENGLISH- LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y WeekEDITION !У VOL. LXXXV No. 241 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1978 25 CENTS U.N. committee gives USSR Sosnovka inmates say Shumuk high marks on human rights "is dying before our eyes" by Borys Potapenko "Visti" World News Service NEW YORK, N.Y. - Four inmates camps which have not let him out of of the Sosnovka concentration camp in their iron claws for 29 years. He has UNITED NATIONS. - The United viet Constitution to the specific policies the Mordovian ASSR, Edward Kuznet- survived a death sentence, torture, Nations Human Rights Committee has of the USSR or the widely reported So­ sov, Oleksiy Murzhenko, Mykhailo cruel treatment, hunger, and participa­ concluded a review of Soviet imple­ viet violations of human rights. Osadchy and the Rev. Vasyl Ro- tion in various protests against the pri­ mentation of human rights and has The high-level Soviet delegation to maniuk, appealed to the Canadian son authorities, the high point of which praised the Soviet Union for its com­ the committee hearings included Parliament and government to step up was his active involvement in a camp prehensive report on the human rights Nikolay Sudarikov of the Ministry of their efforts calling for the release of uprising in Norilsk in 1953. He has a situation in the USSR. Foreign Affairs and Konstantin Koli- Danylo Shumuk, reported the press prison term of three years and five Members of the committee found bab of the Ministry of Justice. In their service of the Ukrainian Supreme years of exile remaining to be served the USSR to have "achieved a great statements, the Soviet representatives Liberation Council (abroad). from his sentence in 1972 for describ­ deal of progress in human rights," "to relied primarily on quoting consitu- The letter, dated September 10, cited ing in his book, "Beyond the Eastern have a great respect for human rights" tional guarantees with regard to human the "tragic" state of health of the 64- Horizon," how he devoted his youth to and thanked the USSR for being "the rights and made broad assertions on year-old Shumuk, who, the inmates the underground battle for Soviet con­ Jargest state...to appear before the the application of the Constitution in said, "is dying before our very eyes." trol in the ranks of the Communst committee." the daily lives of their citizens. Party of western Ukraine. Having Below is the full text of the political served five years in a Polish prison for The Human Rights Committee was "The right to secede from the Soviet prisoners' letter. created following the adoption of the Union is in the new Constitution and this, having conflicted face to face with United Nations Covenant on Civil and could be resorted to in the exercise of We, political prisoners of the Sos­ real socialism, he was horrified and Political Rights and the Covenant on sovereign rights of any union repub­ novka concentration camp (camp 1-6), found within himself the strength to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. lic," they said, adding that such a have learned that the Parliament of denounce this deceit and to join the Its purpose is to monitor the imple­ question has never been raised during Canada is seeking the release of Shu­ fight for the national independence of mentation of the covenants by the the 60 years of the Soviet Union. muk. In conjunction with this encour­ Ukraine. And finally — he himself member states which have signed the "Any citizen of the Soviet Union has aging news, and understanding how came to know the full terror of the So­ the right to a political opinion which difficult an assignment this is, we viet system, which is embodied most documents. The committee is an expert appeal to you to increase your efforts, body of 18 members selected for their might differ from the Communist out­ clearly and undisguisedly in the prac­ look... and ...the right to criticize because the state of Shumuk's health is tice of the torture chambers. broad knowledge and experience in the tragic. human rights field, who serve in their shortcomings and deficiencies and no­ On Soviet scales, the term of punish­ personalcCapacities and are not respon­ body could punish him in any way for Danylo Lavrentiyovych Shumuk is ment which Shumuk has yet to serve is sible to their governments. All signa­ such criticism," they said. 64 years old; he has been a political pri­ a trifle, but in light of his state of heath tory states are required to submit re­ Concerning the confinement of poli­ soner for 34 years. He has lived he will barely be able to survive until ports to the committee on the degree of tical prisoners in psychiatric hospitals, through Polish prisons, escapes from a 1987 to finally obtain the right to emi­ progress in guaranteeing human rights the Soviet representatives claimed that German concentration camp, endless grate and join relatives in Canada and in their countries. (Continued on page 7) Soviet prisons and concentration (Continued on page 10) The Human Rights Committee, created in 1977 and the newest U.N. body to deal with human rights, has apparently succumbed to the same pre- Svitlychna: "I am deeply moved by sures as its forerunner, the United Na­ tions Commission on Human Rights, which has become a forum for govern­ the attention I have received from Ukrainians" mental vindication and not human JERSEY CITY, N.J. - "I am deep­ her mind the notion of boundaries. rights promotion. This conclusion, ly moved by the attention and the ex­ "I get the impression that the only reached by some U.N. observers, tremely warm affection that I have boundry exists between the West and seems to be fully substantiated by the been receiving from my brother and the Soviet Union," said Miss Svitly­ treatment received by the USSR during sister Ukrainians," said Nadia Svitly­ chna. the committee hearings held in Geneva chna in a telephone interview from On Wednesday, October 25, Patri­ on October 24. Rome, Italy, with Svoboda Thursday, arch Josyf Slipyj met with Miss Svitly­ The assessment of human rights October 26. chna and her family at a private audi­ implementation by the committee Miss Svitlychna arrived in Rome ence. She said that Patriarch Josyf covers all provisions of the two coven­ from Moscow with her two children greeted her "very warmly." ants, including the right to national Thursday, October 12. A former poli­ Miss Svitlychna also said that she self-determination and independence; tical prisoner, Miss Svitlychna is the noticed that the primate of the Ukrai­ the prohibition of torture, forced sister of Ivan Svitlychny, a Ukrainian nian Catholic Church was extremely labor, arbitrary arrest; freedom of human rights activist who is currently tired, which probably resulted from the movement and emigration; freedom of serving his exile sentence. hectic weeks in Rome, following the thought, conscience, religion, opinion She is presently residing in the death of Pope Paul VI, the installation and expression; freedom of association Ukrainian Catholic Church of Ss. Ser- and death of Pope John Paul 1 and in­ and assembly; and, the right of ethnic, gius and Bacchus. stallation of Pope John Paul II. religious and linguistic minorities to Several times in the course of the While she did not yet know of the ex­ Nadia Svitlychna and her children. enjoy their own culture, to profess and conversation, Miss Svitlychna underlin­ act date of her arrival in the United practice their own religion, or to use ed the "personal attention" which she States, Miss Svitlychna said that she thanked all Ukrainians for their atten­ their own language. and her family have been experiencing, expects it would be very soon. Miss tion and called for similar assistance to The Soviet report and ensuing dis­ which oftentimes places her in an Svitlychna hopes to settle down in Ukrainian political prisoners still in cussion were based solely on the new "embarrassing situation." Philadelphia near the Ukrainian family the Soviet Union. She said that there Soviet Constitution and in no instance She said that she has been visited by that sponsored her emigration to the are many of them and each one of did the committee attempt to relate Ukrainians from across Western West. them is waiting for sponsorship to the provisions of the covenants or the So­ Europe and that, she added, erased in In closing, Miss Svitlychna again West. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1978 No. 241 "Novosti" calls Lukianenko terrorist, his defenders in the West — Nazi agents TORONTO, Ont. - "Novosti" advertisements in support of certain in­ Lukianenko and other Ukrainian na- hanged people. It is the present defen­ Press Agency has publicly denounced dividuals serving their sentences in the nationalists are lying." ders of Lev Lukianenko who did it to­ Lev Lukianenko as a terrorist, his USSR for a breach of Soviet laws," Mr. Tkachenko singled out five gether with the Nazis," charged Mr. colleagues in the human rights move­ wrote Mr. Tkachenko. "One of them, Ukrainian organization in Canada Tkachenko. ment as criminals, and his Western Lev Lukianenko, did set up a group in and accused their members of being Three replies to Mr. Tkachenko's defenders as Nazi agents. Ukraine in the early 1960s, a terrorist "former Nazi policemen and Gestapo denouncements were published in The In a letter to the editor of The Globe one, to prepare armed action against agents who joined the German Fascists Globe and Mail. On October 7, the and Mail of Toronto, Ont., Valery the Soviet government." in perpetrating monstrous atrocities in daily printed a reply by W.
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