PRroAY,. NOVEMBER 24, 1967 iUantltrs^r Sttrnins H^mUi H m Week I M The Weather danoe ho IndudclBl Zone. The OeMtor at^Hw Fair totoght. Low la R The Rev. Earle R. Cuater, pas­ «nm IB owned hy Obae Brae. Tomorrow fair and mild. B| tor of North Methodist Church, T P C t o H e a r About Town bcntUwMd refUne-dhgMtoaa op- In un>er 40e. will conduct a service Sunday tiM OouplM Club ot Oentur emlUone there b y the town 15,544 at 8:16 a.m. oh radio station Five Requests would lequhe that Jt be roned Manehe$ter-^ 4 City of Vittage Charm OoBgTC(utlon>l Church wiH spon- WINF. Ihe program Is'sponsor- h T ita annual ChfUtmaa p u ty InriuatrM. si^ by the Manchester Council of A pubUo taewtng wlH be hbid Other land in the area be­ VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 47 fFOURTBEN PAGES-^TV SBCTIONI BIANCHBSTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1967 (Ctooalfiea AdvwttUng an Vaga U f PSICB SEVEN e m it for ehihlran o( the church on Churches. Saturday, Dec. S, from 2 to 4 by the Ptonnlte and Z ottog in g oonddBred fior Mtw changes p.m. in Woodruff Han. Reaerva- .Oonnniseton'Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. In to Induetttel or eommcrcdal' ' The Greater Hertford Degel the hearing room of the Munlol- rone inohide property owned by tlona cloae Wedneaday and may Secretaiies AssodaMon wiM be made with Mrs. Donald Ellis pal BtSlrtlng on five ragueata. Oaae Bras., Kohn Bros., the Ml-MT MAIN ST., »IANOHE8TBB-648-8478 hsuve a dinner meeting Wednes- One la for a qwclal permit for Oeti ei* fbknfiy, seal WMMr Ldtr c(.22 Packard Bt. or Mrs. O *orge utoy at the 09ty Club o f Hiatts lOe-unlt group dwaBlnga on W. tie. B ^ey of 84 Carol Dr. ford. A ootcMaSl hour will Start ItkMle ‘rpke. weat of Fountain The reguoelt fo r a wane a t 5:30 p.m. and dinner w ill be VBlage. The applicant is Mer­ change In thto area may be OPEN TONIGHT ^ Manchester Registered served a t 6:45.. ritt BUdwln. tadoen up ad the Jbnuory pub- AND EVERY NIGHT Nurses Aasodstlon wiU have a Another regueet to by Green Mo hearkv. CbHstmas party Monday. Dec. The Marine League Auxiliary Manor OtwatruoUon Oo. for a The TPC to dtudylag the 4 at WlUie'e Steak House. Din­ w ill sponsor a card party at the aom changb to Realdeiwa AA area wMi a view toward de­ ner will toe served at 7 pjn. af­ Marine Hall of Parker St. Mon­ for about 100 aerea now aoned termining the exaot bomidatlea ter * social time at 6:30. Reser­ day at 8 p.m. There w ill be pris­ Rasldanee off Vernon St near toveived. T 0 9 P.M. vations close Tuesday and may es, and refreshments will be the Vernon town Une. The IBXCiaPT SATURDAYS toe made with Miss Diane KH* served. change to asked ao that the For- mas o f KS9 Irving S t or Mrs. aat ISU aubdivtoton of homes Gloria Thoresen, 466 W. Middle The Town Pension Board has coidd be extended. At the Oot Tpica Those attending are re­ Scheduled a meeting fo r Mon­ 10 TPC hearing Oreen Kanor*a minded to bring a grab bag g ift day at 4 p.m. in the iMunito- application vras withdrawn with The event is open to membere ipai BuUdilng Hearing Room for - a privilege. and their invited guests. the discussion o f routine busi­ A rone change to sought from Realdenoe 2tone B to BusbMaa “The I>«to«hed AmerJoan," a ness. It vriU be the ffrst meet­ Town X^adet'Gets W PI Award Zone I for a parcel of land on MANCHESTER BARDEN CLUB flhn which describes and an- ing fo r its newest member, LTC Ralph E. McCIiOn, head of the m ilitary science depart­ the north aide o f N. Main S t aOy«es the apathy of the Amer- Mrs. Dcrothy Kenny. ment at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. p r e s e n t oppoelte Stock Place. The ap­ ta n pUbUc, wiU be Shown at Oeft) presents Cadet Daniel C. Creamer the Distinguished Dr. Esmall K. Falaz, a gyne­ M ilitary Student Award at the Institute. Cadet Creamer la the plicant to J<to Kasmarcsk and a pubdic TWCA , meeting of the application will be extend­ Thursday from 10 to 11:30 cologist and obstretriclan from son of Mr., and Mrs. Prank C. Creamed of 261 Spring St. 2 Windsor, spoke Thursday, Nov. ed by the TPC. a.m. at the FbrM; OJurch o f Also to be heard to a rone Mary Louise Ham ClwlSt, Oongregatlonal, Glas- 16. about his native Iran' to Mrs. 2 The Mbthodlst Youth Fellow­ Doris Hogan’s Grade 7 social The Friendship C3ub of St. change from Residence B to tnnbury. Refreshments WiM be ship for Grades 8 and 0 wiQ ) studies class at Bennet Junior John's Polish National Catho­ Business Zone H I for all or part ^ ^ of Arlington, Mass. served and baby alltitiing w ill be have a party and dance tomor­ High School. lic Church w ill sponsor a Penny of an interior parcel on Mtaln From Sunrise to Sunset^ provided. A small fee w ill be Sale Sunday at 2:80 p.m. In the row at 7:80 p.m. in Wesley Hall St. that runs south of Ruaa^ ctassged for the event which is of the church. ) Yesterday Washingtem released this sequence, in . coast of Africa; at 10:80 a.m. the Atlas Mountains A requiem high anniversary chtmch auditorium. Coffee and St. The ai^loan te are Cheater Lecture aid Damonsiratlon of Bponsored by the iBast Branch pastry will be served. and Mary Osoakl. The change the form shown with time markings, of five pho-', were visible in Algeria and the outline of the Stocks Rise of the YWOA off the Hartford Mass for the deceased members World War I Barracks and is to make a parcel of this land ) t<» of the earth made last Saturday from a satel­ South American continent emerged; at noon 'tiie Region, Inc. of the Ladles Guild of the n V E FLA C E CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Church of the Assumption will ^ Miss Patricia A. Murphy, Auxiliary vrill have a Joint in­ conform w ^ the ronlng of the lite hovering 22,800 nriles above equatorial South whole eatth disk was seen; the 8:30 p.m. photo Mortars Shatter In Spite of be celebrated tomorrow at 7:45 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M i­ stallation of offlceni at the VFW rest of i t America. Times ,shown when the pictulres were showed' storms over northeaetem United States Pvt. Barry P. Longo, son of chael B. Murphy of 176 Hack­ A zone change for a parcel ) 4 Mr .and Mrs. Pasquale Longo a.m. at the chmch. The Guild Home on Sunday at 2 p.m. Mem­ WOOD CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH made are local time below the satellite— a position and the Pacific, and the. final picture showed 5 matack St.; and Miss Elizabeth of land between Center and will have Its iegular meeting bers of the Frank J. Mansfield near the mouth of the Amazon. According to storms dissipating. >((AP Photofax) Devaluation of 177 Main St., has recently A. Campbell, daughter of Mr. S t John’s Sts. to Business Zone completed Army basic training Monday at 8:16 p.m. in the Marine League Auxiliary are ’ LA R G E MONbAY. NOVEMBER 27 — 1:30 P.M. ) and Mrs. A.R. Campbell of 42 n , novr roned Residence C and NASA, the 7:30 a.m. photo shows storms off the By ED MORSE ;at Ft. Dlx, N.J. He has been school library. Members work- Invited to attend the event. BU N D LES I > ii^ for the Christmas Baaaar Joseih St., have recently been Reeldence A Jm betqg regueefod AP Buolneu Writer anigned to an aircraft main­ by Florence Vanderbilt and ex­ Come eariy and visit our Quiet in Dak To tenance repairman speclallat cn Dec. 2 are reminded to at­ named to the dean’s list at Rus­ Navy Hospltalman Gary L. NEW YORK (AP) — Despite tended by the TPC. course at Ft. EhistlB, Va. tend the meeting. sell Sage College, Troy, N.Y. McHugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Glenney Go. ) the devaluation of the British Not scheduled for public SAIGON (AP) — Com- from the U.S. 25to Infantry Di­ herald another Communist Ob' John H. McHugh of 200, Hills- 336 N. Main St. pound and other important heelring to a rone change fo r CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE Gold Run Reported ‘Near Panic’ events in the world of finance, vision on a sweep operation 86 tempt to take Loe Nlnh. town Rd., has recently com­ 4 . monist troops fired 26 or Laurel lake from Rural Resl- ) . .... ....... .. jnaUonal and InternaUonal, the miles nmtowest of Saigon oame Despite toe earlier defeats a pleted basic Hospital Corps a t 12:80 P.M . ^ ' , LONDON ■— London sii];q>ly could outlast the specula- on, gold mine tosues on the Jo- dollar might be weakened in toe market this week etaged 30 mortar shells today at under heavy small arms, auto­ Loe Nlnh, where toe Reds lost a School at San Diego, Calif. gold dealers report buying or- Uve fever. haimesburg stock exchange wake of toe pound devaluation. Its beet rise since stocks made American posi'tions in the matic weapons and grenade reported 918 killed In one week ) iIa m arm ■n4vii,a- In n.n Roports Channelled from Eu- Brokers said Friday was toe Berg, inIn Tokyo on a trade mls-mto- fire.
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