The M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. VOL. IZ. LANSING, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1906. No. 11 M. A. C 6—OLIVET 8. CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL. COLUMBIANS. Nearly 300 supporters of the foot The International live stock Show A very delightful football ten ALUMNI. ball team left Lansing on a special at Chicago, is he'd Dec. 1 to 8. o'clock was given by the Colum­ train Saturday noon for Olivet The M. A. C. judging team will con­ bians in their rooms last Saturday where the last intercollegiate game sist of Geo. A. Brown, R. S. Hud­ evening. The decorations were '57-59 of the season was played. Each son, A. G. Palacio, I. E. Parsons very appropriate to the occasion, Judge A. E. Cowles, recently team secured a touch down and and Ernest C. Fowler. These men consisting of goal posts at each end killed by a street car in Los Angeles, goal, our opponents winning the will judge cattle, horses, sheep and of the room, while the walls were Cal. was one of the first students game on a safety. Olivet kicked swine on Saturday, Dec. l,and they trimmed with pennants and college entering M. A. C. off and after one or two short gains, enter the contest in- competition colors. The original programs of '74 Small punted. After a few plays with students from the various col­ small imitation footballs and the George W. Brewer is visiting his Olivet kicked the ball to M. A. C.'s leges of the west and middle north. numbers themselves added to the old home in Webberville, Mich. two yard line, Bishop blocking the This year J. Oiden Armour has uniqueness of the entertainment. He has been transferred from the punt and throwing Small over his offered a number of scholarships for A plesant hour was spent after the work in Morris, Minn, to another own goal line, making a safety. the students in agricultural colleges program was over by the members Indian school but will first spend a M. A. C. kicked off and after an to be distributed under the manage­ and their guests in playing various short time at Webberville. exchange of punts, the ball was ment of the International. These games. Fruit was served as re­ brought within reach of M. A. C.'s freshments. Dr. and Mrs. Blais- '75 scholarships will be of the value of O. E. Angstman has a daughert goal, but Hurlburt missed on two $250 each and will be distributed on dell and Prof, and Mrs. Rider different trials. M. A.C. now took kindly chaperoned the party. in the junior class of the literary- the basis of the work of these judg­ course at the U. of M. and ;dso a the ball and began her machine ing teams. They will be given to The Columbian Literary Society work which resulted in a touch son in the sophomore class of the the colleges which these teams rep­ elected the following members to Electrical Engineering department. down by Doty, Small kicking goal. resent, no college to receive more office for the winter term : After several exchanges of punts, than 40 per cent, of the whole B. G. Campbell, President. 'S2 time was c lied and the first half amount. J. R. Dice, Vice-President. At the recent meeting nt Baton ended 6 to 2 favor of M. A. C. Besides these scholarships, prizes G. H. Allen, Secretary. Rouge Prof. L. H. Bailey of Corn­ At the beginning of the second will be given and a trophy also of­ R. H. Gilbert, Treasurer. ell, was elected president of the A. half M.A C. showed her usual good fered. Permission will be granted Frank Myers, Marshal. A. A.C.and E. S. form and from the 50 yd. line car­ to any and all students in live stock, W. D. Frazer, RECORD Editor. ried the ball to within less than a who are eligible, to attend. Every '87 yard of a goal. Witn two chances student interested in live stock E. A. Burnett, Dean of the Indus­ for a score, Shedd carried the ball should plan some time during his SORORIAN. trial college and Director of the Ex­ over, but the officials claimed by un­ college course to attend this great periment Station, Lincoln, Neb., On Saturday evening the Sororian fair means. The next play was educational exhibit. The show this was elected sectional president of girls enjoyed a pleasure that will blocked and Olivet then punted out fall promises to be the best ever the Farmers Institute Workers at never be forgotten. They took the of danger. After a few plays and and it is hoped a goodly number of Baton Rouge. 6:40 car down town, reaching the exchange of punts, Olivet secured students may find it possible to at­ 'S8 home of their hostess Miss Helen the ball on our 30 yd. line. M. A. tend. Esselstyn, about 7:20. The liter­ N. S. Mayo, in writing Prof. C. was then penalized 20 yds , after If a party of 50 go on Sunday ary program was then given, after Kedzie from Santiago, says, that which the reds were held; but on night, Dec. 2, a rate of $4.70 for which the young ladies busied them­ after his return from the States, he the third trial another penalty car­ the round trip will be granted. selves with the making and pul ing found himself director of the exper­ ried the ball to our one yd. line Otherwise the fare will be $6.45. of taffy, the popping of corn, etc. iment station by presidential decree. when Thacker was sent over for a Those desiring to go should see At an early hour the young ladies The station was for some time head touch-down, goal was kick d. M. Mr. Anderson at once who will retired to the upper rooms for the quarters for a band of rebels, but A. C. was within striking distance have charge of the party. remainder of the night. The morn­ no damage was done and every­ several times, but the heavy penalties ing found each one able to find her thing is quiet at present. In speak= would send her back each time. place around the long breakfast ing of the winds in Cuba, he states They were penalized for a total of FARMERS' CLUB. table, where enough and to spare that the Kansas winds are no com­ 185 yds. two alone amounting to 75 parison. His anemometer, he says, Gov. Fred M. Warner, a student was set before them by the hostess yds. Thus it is plainly seen ivhy blew away when the breeze reached of the class of '84 addressed the and her mother. The young ladies we did not score especially in the 90 miles an hour, and he has no Farmers' Club last Tuesday, the did not forget the Sabbath, but second half. "definite figures," but does have club met in the Chapel and a goodly accompanied the family to their some very "definite impressions" of Hurlburt did fine work at punt­ number were present despite the home church at North Lansing. the condition of things during and ing and M. A. C. was weak in rainy weather. After the service, they returned to after the storm. catching punts, Olivet securing the After the band had given the the College with a spirit of thank­ ball four times on their own kicks, Governor a harmonious introduction, fulness to their hostess and her '98. which gave them at least 30 yds. to he gave a very clear idea of the mother for the royal good time Floyd Robison, chemist, Dairy a punt. Thomas, left half, was one "Dairy Interests in Michigan". which had been given them. and Food Commission, attended of the stars, breaking through left That the conditions are far better the association of Official Chemists tackle time after time for good gains. than they were a few years ago was recently held in Washington where The field was slippery but Olivet easily shown in the increasing BASKET BALL. he met with the following M. A. C. seemed to be forearmed with spiked markets and far better prices, with people: Prof. Wheeler, Mr. and Five basket ball players left for shoes (and slivers) and put up a especially good prices this past fall Mrs. L. S. M unson, Mr. and Mrs. Mt. Pleasant Friday morning, hard game. and with the advent of the milking Dick Crosby, R. E.Doolittle and H. where, in the afternoon they de­ Capt. Doty, Small, Shedd and machine the outlook is certainly en­ Schreiber. Two days were spent feated the normal team by a score Boyle were good ground gainers couraging along dairy lines. with F. V. Warren '98 at his home for M. A. C. of 28 to 11. This is the first prac­ N. P. Hull of Dimondale also tice game of the season, and the first in Philadelphia. Warren is no Rowe and Elldridge acted as spoke, developing the thought that longer with the Smedley Co. but is officials. half was rather a slow one, end­ dairying involves but very little ing with a score of 10 to 14. In now engineer for Cramp and Co. The question arises who are speculation, as the farmer can feed the second the team braced and at a substantial increase in salary. champions? According to the con­ the cow and *tep around and draw added 14 points, while the;r oppo­ Mr.
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