Your Want Ad ^ lo Reportingr -k Easy To Place- •»9 d News Just Phone 686-7700 C In An i*.oiased Manner Publlihed Ev.ry Thundoy by Trumor Publfthlna CCorp. 16 Center Str»»i, $prlnBfl»ld, N.J. 07081 — 686-7700 —-L.Y0L. 37 - No. 36. Mailing Addrelt! Second Clots Pottage P.O. Bon 69, Springfield, N.J. 07081 Paid ot Springfield. N.J. Subscription Rale SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY JUNE 9, .1966 $5.00 Yearly 15 Cents Per Copy United Fund plans first local campaign this fall prize winners Now looking • • . ; • awards at town mail director ; Names of winners were announced this week, were 163 entries, oil, water color, acryllic, by the commiijee~ori the second annualSprinc- charcoal, tempera, gesso-oil and mixed media. to head staff field Art-Shpw and .Sale held Sunday on Oft Chairman of the art show was Philip Del mall In front of the, municipal building. There Vecchio. Erwln May was co-chairman, and the committee includes: Mrs. Leonard Garner, 14 agencies participate Mrs. Robert Hardgrove, Mrsr~fceo Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold P. Koldorf, Mr. and Mrs. in meeting of committee—_ Milton Marcus, Mrs. Erwin~May, Mr. anf Mrs. Martin Novlch, Jerome Roller, Mr. and Plans to conduct Springfield's First United Mrs. Leslie Rosenbaum and Mr. and Mrs. Fund campaign next fall took a long step for- Sidney O.. Sklar. —-'_ ward at a meeting of the fund drive steering committee last week at the Municipal building. Prizes were awarded by Mayor Robert G. The committee authorized Jack H. Stifelman, Planer." The prizes, awarded _to first-place chairman, to hire a professional director who Winners, were art supplies._The Judges were will be in charge of establishing a permanent „ Arthur DeBrlto, art teacher and painter of organization. Summit, and Robert W. Schwarzwalder,-art Stlfelman named Magistrate Max Sherman teacher and painter of Maplewood. as chairman of a sub-committee to prepare Prize winners were: articles of incorporation and to formulate ^Sculpture (adults)— first place, Sylvia by-laws for the United Fund organization. Schwartz ("Pose") arid honorable mention, _ Participants in last week's meeting included— Harvey Feldman ("Forest Fire"), Hortense ' representatives of 14 agencies, both local and ~- Kalet <'-'Sea Life") and Terry Sklar ("Uni- national, whlch-havo-either conducted fund- verse"). raising drives in the past in Springfield or else provide services within the township. Water color (adults)—first place, Mabel H. Brown ("Echo Lake Park"), and honor- The announcement by the Unfced Fund com- able mention, Stewart C. Fulton ("Still Life"), mittee added that, "after discussion of the Hazel Hardgrove ("Forest Density") and alm,s and objectives of the United Fund and its George Siessel ("Circus"). relationto the requirements of the agencies,*' their, representatives all expressed approval Mixed madia (adults) — firstplace, Ira Auer- of the local unified campaign plans and pre- bach ("Michele ), honorable mention, F. M. parations. Leite ("Three Wise MenTand Alan Yub- 1 Stlfelman declared: "While the approval lonskv ("F Ofrj") the agencies aM the general public, lias been Oils (teenage—high school)—first place, quite evident and has been gaining more and Ellen Wegjt"Jungle"), honorable mention, Ste- more m6mentums-1—am—receiving inquiries EV.BRUCE W. EVANS ven Goldberg (untltled) Keith Singer ("Land- as to what constitutes the United Fund. scape") and Robert Wemnlschner ("Profu- sion"). "To define it very simply. It is a local autonomous citizens' organization whose sole jGhuixlim Sculpture~(teen'age--high school)--F irs*_ purpose Is to raise funds for local and national "place;Susan Koldorf ("Acrobats"). ••— agencies which serve Springfield, in one cam- Water color (teenage — high school) -i- first < paign; and to distribute these monies through place, Keith Singer ("Cabbage Still- Life") rh« |Sr(V»f)i* nf rvimmnnlty-jgvel budgeting. p n h j y^r^cjjrjies BIDDING-FAREWELL to thelrfaculty. rnj'^nbers at tjts jantesCaXdwaU! Mrs;: Ruth Cdhen, fifth grade;tea#ersj MrsJ Robert WWers.'pnn- and honorable mifltfon, Beth Einstein ("On "The, United Fund is a givers' organization Stage") and Raridl 'Sherman ("Mother .With"" "—School are these fifth-gradrJrs wSvjuPtFg .fiperta ar.aluncheon .last' •; cipal at CaldweU: JosephiHrAnderson, aislatant superttttendent.... "The United Fund i of schools: :Pr. Thelma .Sandmeler,' principal of the Gaudineerr termed to "Smnlnate competing, costly and Child"). '• .-•• : ' """- ' ' • .. week at'the school sponsxwod^ thB^i4j(*|U PTA.'.The youngsters' will attend the Florence Gaudlneer School' next fall. Adults Shown School,_ and Fred. Nkftalt (back' turned to camera), also a fffth ' individual campaigns, and also-to provide the tvems^ .Mixed-media (teenage — high school)--first w In the center of the picture arei,, ,froy'\,leftl , Mr?i Genolla SHea~and grade teacher. (Photo by Bob Qaxter) maximum level of support for voluntary health, . The Rev. and Mrs. Bruce W» Evans Will place, Linda Klsch ("Exercise") and honor- welfare and recreational services," Stifelmim "be honored at a reception In the Presbyterian able mention, Harvey Feldman ("Mountain added. Parish House-on Sunday-afternoon from 3 Mist'*), Janice Hardgrove ("Lonely • Tree") ; :.to 5. The occasion, will mark the 25th anni- and Gail Karlsberg ('TuHUlment"). Resident is winner However, he-warned, "Although-the United versary of Mr. Evans' ordination as a Pres- Fund will eliminate many campaigns, it will . _ * • * not eliminate all; There is no way to force . byterlan minister and also the 20th onnlver- FOLLOWING IS the list of entrants: Harvey 361 at Regional High School reluctant agendes~to' participate other than • .sary of his service as~pastor .of the Sprlng- Feldman; William Yeager, A. Kitzing, Stewart in Soap Box race; through the eventual power of public opinion. , field Presbyterian Church. '' C. Fulton, Carol A, Dreyer, Linda Klsch, Furthermore, there may be agencies which _!_'- Mr. Evans is a graduate of Washington and Robert Day.-TinrrNovich,- Ellen Weg, B. Bruch, t-quallfy for membership In the United - Jefferson 'College, Washington, Penn., and H. Lipschultz, Anne Josephson, Kenneth-Gel- await graduation on June22 to vie In national: Fund. ,•-•-• -Princeton Theological Seminary. Before com- fond, Rose Burger, Honey Kraemer, Anabel Henry Zachau, a Springfield boy was the - :.ing to Springfield, he s'erved as organizing Llpplncott, Sylvia Schwartz, Robert Weml- Approximately_361 seniors at the Jonathan mant and forensic ability will address the winner Sunday in the Union County .Soap Box ''Because the Springfield Unlted_Fund Is a " -minister of the Townley Presbyterian Church scliner, E. Van Riper, Randl Sherman; Ddyton Regional High School In Springfield ~ graduates and audience on the theme of "Search- Derby held in Union; Second place was taken local" organization, it is responsible to local of Union; associate director of the McKlnley are preparing for graduation ceremonies to Also: Philip Del. Vecchio, Esther Singer, for Identity." Speakers will be:SlevenTasher, by Paul Stern ot'Kenilworth, and Albert Fer- • "citizens," and it will. be able to certify" to foundation at the University of Illinois, and be held Wednesday, June 22, on the green in Keith Singer, Lillian Johnson, L. Johnstone,• _. Thomas_Martin,lJames Bender, and Richard raro of UffldiTc'anie Urrhlrd. contributors that its participating agencies as a Naval /Chaplain during World War 1L front of the school on Mountain ave. Incase Mabel H. Brown, Milton Ordower, Steven Gold-- Sinquhia. ' i" '' The derby was held.Sunday-afternoon along are providing needed, high quality"services' ' .'Mrs. Evans is the former Elizabeth Moffau of rain, the commencement will be held Jn- berg', Irene Koldorf, Hortense Kalet, Beth Stuyvesant ave., between Len;z ave, and Tyler to our community," Stifelman concluded. IJhe couple'^ have two children, Bruce Jr., "doors. ; " An address of welcome will be delivered sin, Terry Sklar, Vivian Sarokin, Sydell St.; Union. Zachau took first place after .'married and how living in Pittsburgh, and Janet,^ j by Robert Mpreine, president of the Class JS," J. Garanan, Milton Marcus! Sari reaching the finals. He is the son of Mr.-and- I' -aj Junior At ^Jonathan Dayton Regional High The class awards assembly will be held _ of 1966. Leila Moore, class vice-president, Weisman, Judith Slnklewicz, J...Fetns, Ber- will present the class gift to the school. Mrs. Herman Zachau of 7 Edgewood ave., : ^School...- '. • ' • on Tuesday at 8 a.m,_in the school auditorium. Springfield. He will_recelve a. $500 savings tram Cooperman,- Sandy Leonard, Katherlne At the graduation, the only awards to be pre- The invocation will bo asked by Rabbi Reuben t I Mr.-Evans has-been active In both com- bond, the S.E. Knudsen trophy and a trip to Krey, Amanda Williams, Edna. Hill, Janice sented, accordlnglng to Robert LaVanture,, _ JLevine, spiritual leader of Temple Beth; Ahm " -njiunity and'church" affairs. For 10 years he Hardgroye7rSwsr5eH~POSt; Hazsl Hardgrove; Akron, Ohio, in August to_participate in the ^,'has "served as a member of the-Springfield principal, will be gold cords given to seniors in Springfield. The Rev._ James R. Cooper, And: Helen .Frank, Jpseph Seidel, F. Ar- . pastor of the Community Methodist Church National Soap Box Derby"!inals."" '-. - Juvenile 'Commission and for a number of .who are members of the National Honor So- Zachau defeated Stern to obtain the first ledge, Myra Elliott, J. Simon, J. Roberts, cfety. Honor Society members are seated sepr:—ta Kenllworth, will ask the benediction, "/years"he has been-chaplain of the Spring-* ~placo-prlze.-Ster<ir-a-resident of 571 Quuiton - 'field Fire Department. For seven years he M. Chotlner, Jeanette Shafman, Audrey.Bloom, Linda Robinson, Gail Karlsberg, Mary Mc- ar id W 0W taSSelS th ir mU1 Other ien or class ave., Kenllworth, will receive a trophy and served as summer pastor of Union Chapel, £ °" ° " ^ " activities Include the Neill, N. Alexander, Ira Auerbach, Alan Yab- . class trip to Vacation Valley in Pennsylvania's a $50 sayings bond.
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