HUMANIKA HUMANIKAKajian Ilmiah Mata Kuliah Umum Kajian Ilmiah Mata Kuliah Umum Volume 15 Nomor 1, September 2015 Volume 15 Nomor 1, September 2015 Penerbit : Pusat MKU Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta PenerbitPelindung dan Penasehat : Pusat: WakilPusat MKU MKU Rektor Universitas Universitas I UNY Negeri Negeri Yogyakarta Yogyakarta PenanggungPelindung dan Jawab Penasehat : Wakil: WakilWawan Rektor Rektor S. I Suherman UNY I UNY PenanggungPemimpin Umum Jawab : Wawan: WawanSun arsoS. Suherman S. Suherman PemimpinPenyunting Umum Ahli : Sunarso: MarzukiSunarso PemimpinPenyunting Redaksi Ahli : Marzuki: MarzukiRukiyati PemimpinSekretaris Redaksi : Rukiyati: RukiyatiVita Fitria SekretarisAnggota Redaksi Redaksi : Vita: VitaSri Fitria Agustin Fitria Sutrisnowati, Amir Syamsudin, Anggota Redaksi : Sri: AgustinSyukriSri Agustin FathudinSutrisnowati, Sutrisnowati, Achmad Amir Widodo.Amir Syamsudin, Syamsudin, Sekretariat Syukri : SyukriAri FathudinSaraswati, Fathudin Achmad Benni Achmad Setiawan.Widdodo, Widodo. Sekretariat Benni: Ari Setiawan Saraswati, Benni Setiawan. Alamat Sekretariat Redaksi/Tata Usaha: Ari: Saraswati AlamatPusat MKU Redaksi/Tata UNY, Gedung Usaha LPPMP : Lt.3 Sayap Timur, AlamatPusatKampus MKU Redaksi/Tata Karangmalang UNY, Gedung Usaha Yogyakarta LPPMP : Lt.355281. Sayap Timur, Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281. PusatEmail: MKU [email protected], UNY, Gedung [email protected], LPPMP Lt.3 Sayap Timur [email protected] Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] HUMANIKA Kajian Ilmiah Mata Kuliah Umum menerima kiriman tulisan/artikel yangHUMANIKA terkait dengan Kajian Mata Ilmiah Kuliah Mata Umum Kuliah (MKU), Umum yang menerima meliputi kiriman Pendidikan tulisan/artikel Agama, Pendidikanyang terkait Pancasila, dengan Mata Pendidikan Kuliah Kewarganegaraan,Umum (MKU), yang Ilmu meliputi Sosial Dasar,Pendidikan Ilmu Agama,Budaya Dasar,Pendidikan Ilmu Pancasila,Alamiah Dasar,Pendidikan dan PendidikanKewarganegaraan, Kependudukan Ilmu Sosial dan Dasar,Lingkungan Ilmu BHidup,udaya denganDasar, Ilmuketentuan Alamiah sebagai Dasar, berikut: dan Pendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup, 1.dengan Naskah ketentuan dapat sebagaiberupa berikut:hasil penelitian atau artikel ilmiah bebas dan belum pernah 1. diterbitkan.Naskah dapat berupa hasil penelitian atau artikel ilmiah bebas dan belum pernah 2. Naskahditerbitkan. diketik dengan spasi satu setengah (1,5 spasi) dengan jumlah halaman 10- 2. 15Naskah halaman diketik kuarto, dengan diketik spasi dengan satu setengahMS Word (1,5 ukuran spasi) font dengan 12 Times jumlah New halaman Roman. 10 - 3. Naskah15 halaman memuat kuarto, komponen: diketik dengan judul (<MS 10 Word kata), ukuran nama fontpenulis, 12 Times alamat New email, Roman. abstrak 3. (100Naskah-150 memuat kata), komponen: isi karangan judul (<(yang 10 kata), memuat nama penulis,pendahuluan, alamat email,pembahasan, abstrak ke(100simpulan)-150 kata), dan daftar isi pustaka.karangan (yang memuat pendahuluan, pembahasan, 4. Naskahkesimpulan) dikirim dan dalam daftar bentuk pustaka. print out dan soft copy. 5.4. DaftarNaskah pustaka dikirim ditulis dalam secara bentuk alfabetis print out seperti dan soft berikut: copy. 5. Daftar pustaka ditulis secara alfabetis seperti berikut: - Hidayat, Komaruddin. 2004. Menafsir Kehendak Tuhan. Jakarta: Serambi. - Bagir,Hidayat, Haidar. Komaruddin. 2012. “Syiah 2004. dan Menafsir Kerukunan Kehendak Uma t”.Tuhan Republika.. Jakarta: 20 Serambi. Januari. - Bagir, Haidar. 2012. “Syiah dan Kerukunan Umat”. Republika. 20 Januari. i i ii DAFTAR ISI Redaksi Humanika ...................................................................................... i Daftar Isi ..................................................................................................... iii Pengantar Redaksi ....................................................................................... v Islam Rahmah dan Wasathiyah (Paradigma Keberislaman Inklusif, Toleran dan Damai) Abd. Malik Usman ....................................................................................... 1-12 The Dialectics of Javanese and Islamic Cultures: an Introduction to Kuntowijoyo’s Thought Pradana Boy ZTF ........................................................................................ 13-24 Persepsi Masyarakat Kotagede Terhadap Pengunaan Media Komunikasi oleh Organisasi Forum Joglo untuk Peletarian Budaya di Kotagede Yogyakarta Choirul Fajri ................................................................................................ 25-29 Implikasi Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Pola Perilaku Komunikasi Kelompok Tani Sumber Rejeki Mariana Ulfah dan Siti Chotijah ................................................................. 30-48 Etika Sosial dalam Kerukunan Umat Beragama (Studi Kasus di Desa Kotesan Kecamatan Prambanan Kabupaten Klaten Jawa Tengah) Andy Dermawan dan Zunly Nadia ............................................................. 49-65 Model Komunikasi “Wom” Sebagai Strategi Pemasaran Efektif Dani Fadillah ............................................................................................... 66-74 Mencari Model Pendidikan Karakter Suparlan ...................................................................................................... 75-88 iii iv Humanika Vol. 15 Nomor 1. September 2015 THE DIALECTICS OF JAVANESE AND ISLAMIC CULTURES: AN INTRODUCTION TO KUNTOWIJOYO’S THOUGHT by Pradana Boy ZTF [email protected] University of Muhammadiyah Malang Indonesia Abstract The main idea of this paper is to show the attempts made by Kuntowijoyo, an Indonesian unrivalled great thinker, to synthesize Javanese and Islamic worldviews through his writings. Kuntowijoyo‟s thought is much influenced by his social circumstances. This manifested in the values, philosophies, and worldviews he was attempting to synthesize. One of Kuntowijoyo‟s concerns is demystification. In this context, it is not surprising that the presentation of mythical practices in Javanese society is somehow dominant. The presentation is not intended as an agreement, but rather as evidences on the irrationality of the myths.Another aspect that should be underlined is Sufism and transcendence. In this aspect, the synthesis of Javanese and Islamic elements are a bit more visible as represented in his novel Khutbah di Atas Bukit that is seen as that is seen as resemblance of Kisah Dewa Ruci in Javanese literature by many observers. Key words: Dialectics, Javanese Society, Islamic Culture, Kuntowijoyo‟s Thought. INTRODUCTION guidance and companions that paved the way for my more advanced It was in the late 1990s, as an intellectual journey. To put it undergraduate student in Islamic metaphorically, the book is like dew studies, that I came across that has unfailingly satisfied my Kuntowijoyo‟s work on Islamic thought intellectual thirst.The further I followed for the first time. The book entitled it, the more I felt challenged to digest Paradigma Islam: Interpretasi untuk its contents, and the more I became Aksi ((The Paradigm of Islam: curious on the real identity of the Interpretation for Actions, 1991) author. My curiosity increased when provided me with valuable insight on another book by the same author was the dynamics of Islam in Indonesia published. The book called Identitas from a very rare point of view: a socio- Politik Umat Islam (Muslims‟ Political historical perspective. As a young Identity, 1997) also offers critical undergraduate student who was being analysis on contemporary Islamic issues trained in heavily descriptive and legal in Indonesia, and more importantly, it models of Islamic studies, reading and elaborates the concept of paradigma al- comprehending this book was a big Qur‟an (Qur‟anic paradigm) and challenge for me. However, despite the proposes its adoption by Muslim difficulty it entails, this book soon scholars, especially in Indonesia. Some became one of my favourite academic years later, other books on Islam were 13 Humanika Vol. 15 Nomor 1. September 2015 also launched. Muslim Tanpa literary works the same as the works on Masjid(Muslims without Mosques, Islamic studies that I have seen earlier? 2001) employs transcendental Or is this another Kuntowijoyo? While structuralism as an approach to I was still in the state of confusion, in understand Islam and its dynamics; then other occasions of visiting bookstores in Selamat Tinggal Mitos Selamat Datang several places in Indonesia, Realitas (Good Bye Myths Welcome Kuntowijoyo also appeared as an author Realities, 2002) which critically for many books on history and social interrogates mythical tendencies of issues. Such titles as Dinamika Sejarah Indonesian society; and Islam sebagai Umat Islam (1985), Budaya dan Ilmu (Islam as Science, 2004) as a Masyarakat (1987), Demokrasi dan counter discourse to the Islamization of Budaya Birokrasi (1994), Mengusir science that was a major trend in Matahari, Fabel-fabel Politik (1999), Indonesia during 1990s and early Pengantar Ilmu Sejarah (2001), 2000s. Radikalisasi Petani: Esai-esai Sejarah Kuntowijoyo(2002), Perubahan Sosial My intellectual journey continued, dalam Masyarakat Agraris: Madura and I was trapped in a puzzle upon 1850-1940 (2002), and Raja, Priyayi finding a novel called Pasar (Market), dan Kawula: Surakarta 1900-1915 which actually published earlier in (2004) also bear his name as the writer. 1972, that bear Kuntowijoyo‟s name as However, by the passage of time, this the author. Not only
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