RIG-I regulates myeloid differentiation by promoting TRIM25-mediated ISGylation Song-Fang Wua,b,1, Li Xiaa,1, Xiao-Dong Shia, Yu-Jun Daia, Wei-Na Zhanga, Jun-Mei Zhaoa, Wu Zhanga, Xiang-Qin Wenga, Jing Lua, Huang-Ying Leb, Sheng-ce Taob, Jiang Zhua, Zhu Chena,b,2, Yue-Ying Wanga,2, and Saijuan Chena,b,2 aState Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, National Research Center for Translational Medicine at Shanghai, Rui Jin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China; and bKey Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine (Ministry of Education), Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China Contributed by Zhu Chen, April 21, 2020 (sent for review October 24, 2019; reviewed by Christine Chomienne and Chi Wai Eric So) Retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) is up-regulated during granu- a process similar to ubiquitination (7). ISGylation is substantially locytic differentiation of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells involved in immune regulation, DNA repair, tumorigenesis, and induced by all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). It has been reported that hematopoiesis (7–9). It has been reported that ISGylation also RIG-I recognizes virus-specific 5′-ppp-double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) plays an important and conservative role for normal tissue dif- and activates the type I interferons signaling pathways in innate ferentiation, especially in placental and fetal development, with immunity. However, the functions of RIG-I in hematopoiesis re- ISG15 and other ISGylation-associated genes being specifically main unclear, especially regarding its possible interaction with and highly expressed in the placenta of a wide range of species endogenous RNAs and the associated pathways that could con- from mouse to human (10–15). tribute to the cellular differentiation and maturation. Herein, we However, it remains unclear what function of RIG-I may exert identified a number of RIG-I–binding endogenous RNAs in APL in the ATRA-induced cell differentiation, a process unrelated to cells following ATRA treatment, including the tripartite motif- viral infection and requiring the reprogramming of cell activities containing protein 25 (TRIM25) messenger RNA (mRNA). TRIM25 at multiple layers. We and others have found that Rig-I-deficient encodes the protein known as an E3 ligase for ubiquitin/interferon mice were partially embryonic lethal and that postnatal mice (IFN)-induced 15-kDa protein (ISG15) that is involved in RIG- exhibited enteritis, abnormal activation of T cells, and other I–mediated antiviral signaling. We show that RIG-I could bind abnormal immune functions (16, 17). In addition, abnormal MEDICAL SCIENCES TRIM25 mRNA via its helicase domain and C-terminal regulatory hematopoietic phenotypes such as myeloproliferative neoplasms − − domain, enhancing the stability of TRIM25 transcripts. RIG-I could and hepatosplenomegaly were observed in Rig-I / mice (16, 18). increase the transcriptional expression of TRIM25 by caspase re- These studies suggested that RIG-I could be involved in the cruitment domain (CARD) domain through an IFN-stimulated re- intrinsic regulation of hematopoiesis and immunity. Indeed, our sponse element. In addition, RIG-I activated other key genes in previous studies have shown that RIG-I can inhibit leukemia cell the ISGylation pathway by activating signal transducer and acti- vator of transcription 1 (STAT1), including the modifier ISG15 and Significance several enzymes responsible for the conjugation of ISG15 to pro- tein substrates. RIG-I cooperated with STAT1/2 and interferon reg- RIG-I, an up-regulated gene in ATRA-induced myeloid differ- ulatory factor 1 (IRF1) to promote the activation of the ISGylation entiation of APL cells, has been repeatedly described as a cy- pathway. The integrity of ISGylation in ATRA or RIG-I–induced cell toplasmic RNA receptor that plays a vital role in the innate differentiation was essential given that knockdown of TRIM25 or antiviral immunity. However, it is still unclear what function RIG- ISG15 resulted in significant inhibition of this process. Our results I exerts in hematopoiesis. Here, we aimed to decipher the provide insight into the role of the RIG-I-TRIM25-ISGylation axis in mechanisms promoting myeloid differentiation by RIG-I. We myeloid differentiation. showed that RIG-I could bind TRIM25 mRNA, resulting in en- hanced RNA stability and up-regulated protein expression. RIG-I | TRIM25 | ISGylation | acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) | Meanwhile, RIG-I could promote ISGylation by up-regulating the myeloid differentiation key genes in the ISGylation pathway through cooperation with STAT1/2 and IRF1. The integrity of ISGylation was essential in etinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) is a highly expressed ATRA or RIG-I–induced differentiation. These findings reveal a Rgene during the differentiation and maturation of the acute unique molecular mechanism implicated in myeloid differentia- promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cell line NB4 induced by all-trans tion relevant to RIG-I-TRIM25-ISGylation axis. retinoic acid (ATRA) (1). Over the past two decades, a large body of evidence has been accumulated that RIG-I can bind to Author contributions: S.-F.W., J.Z., Z.C., Y.-Y.W., and S.C. designed research; S.-F.W., L.X., virus-specific 5′-ppp-double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and activate X.-D.S., Y.-J.D., W.-N.Z., J.-M.Z., W.Z., X.-Q.W., and J.L. performed research; J.-M.Z., W.Z., H.-Y.L., S.-c.T., and J.Z. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; S.-F.W., L.X., Z.C., Y.-Y.W., interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) and nuclear factor NF-kappa-B and S.C. analyzed data; and S.-F.W., Z.C., Y.-Y.W., and S.C. wrote the paper. (NFκB) to induce type I interferons, thereby activating the antiviral Reviewers: C.C., Cellular Biology, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, Saint Louis innate immune responses of the host (2, 3). Therefore, RIG-I is Hospital; and C.W.E.S., King’s College London. considered to be a cytoplasmic RNA receptor (4). The authors declare no competing interest. Notably, tripartite motif-containing protein 25 (TRIM25), an Published under the PNAS license. E3 ligase for K63-linked polyubiquitination of RIG-I, is shown to – Data deposition: The raw data of RIP-seq were deposited in the National Genomics Data be principal in the RIG-I mediated antiviral pathway (5). In Center (https://bigd.big.ac.cn, accession number: PRJCA002547). addition, it has been demonstrated that TRIM25 plays an es- 1S.-F.W. and L.X. contributed equally to this work. sential role in ISGylation, a ubiquitin-like modification (6). In 2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected], yywang@shsmu. this pathway, interferon (IFN)-induced 15-kDa protein (ISG15) edu.cn, or [email protected]. serves as a ubiquitin-like modifier and is conjugated to protein This article contains supporting information online at https://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/ substrates through a cascade of enzymatic reactions, which in- doi:10.1073/pnas.1918596117/-/DCSupplemental. volve an activating enzyme, a conjugating enzyme, and ligases, in First published June 8, 2020. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1918596117 PNAS | June 23, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 25 | 14395–14404 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 proliferation by activating signal transducer and activator of to 3′-untranslated region (UTR) of Nfkb1 messenger RNA transcription 1 (STAT1) (19) and that RIG-I can restrain leuke- (mRNA) and regulate its expression (26). Recently, it has been mic stemness by modulating Src-mediated AKT activation (20). found that RIG-I binds self-noncoding RNA lnc-Lsm3b at a Apart from its classic way of binding to 5′-ppp-dsRNA (2, late stage of viral infection to restrict the RIG-I–mediated in- 21), several studies have shown that RIG-I can interact with nate immune response (27). These findings suggest that the dsRNAs with or without phosphate groups (22, 23) as well as ligands of RIG-I vary according to the physiological or patho- the poly-U/UC tracts of hepatitis C virus RNAs or U/A-rich logical settings, which encouraged us to further explore the regions of the influenza virus NS1 gene, inducing type I inter- functions exerted by RIG-I as a cytoplasmic RNA receptor in ferons (24, 25). A previous study showed that RIG-I could bind hematopoietic cell differentiation and maturation. Fig. 1. RIG-I binds endogenous RNAs in NB4 cells undergoing ATRA-induced differentiation. (A) RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP) was per- formed with an anti-RIG-I N terminus antibody in NB4 cells treated with ATRA for 3 d, followed by immunoblotting to verify the efficiency of immuno- precipitation. (B) Classification of RIG-I–binding endogenous RNAs revealed by RIP-seq. (C) The top 30 most significant Gene Ontology biological process terms of the protein-coding RNAs bound by RIG-I. Rich factor refers to the ratio of observed gene count and background gene count. Immune, leukocyte, myeloid, and neutrophil regulation-related terms are marked in bold italics. (D) Prediction of the protein-protein association network between RIG-I and the 149 fuctional genes in the immune effect process. RIG-I is clustered with 15 functionally related genes, which are marked in red circle. (E) The interactions be- tween RIG-I and the 15 genes clustered in the protein-protein interaction network. 14396 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1918596117 Wu et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Therefore, we hypothesize that RIG-I, as a highly expressed of RIG-I were cloned and expressed as glutathione-S-transferase protein during APL cell differentiation, may serve as a hub regu- (GST)-fusion proteins, respectively (SI Appendix, Fig. S2B). lator through the interaction between RNA and protein in hema- Then, we measured the kinetic constants of the interaction be- topoiesis.
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