MAKE FRIAR'S DONATIONS FORMAL TO O.S.P. FRIDAY VOL. XII, No. 6.—SIX PAGES. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., DECEMBER 7, 1949 10 CENTS A COPY FRIAR'S FORMAL NEXT FRIDAY GLEE CLUB DRAWS CAPACITY CROWD Assembly Speaker ON-CAMPUS DANCE FEATURES AT NEWTON COLLEGE JOINT CONCERT STAN MOORE AND ORCHESTRA The Providence College Glee Club sang to a capacity audi- ence last Sunday afternoon at Newton College of the Sacred Heart. Students were making last minute preparation this week for In its first joint concert of the year the Glee Club did a very the Friars Club Holiday Formal Dance set for Friday evening in creditable job of representing the college and gave promise of Harkins Hall. The dance, the last before the Christmas holidays jvhat should be a most success-, and the only on-campus formal during the school year, will be ful season. held from eight-thirty to twelve. The concert was held in the Newton Junior Class Hears Stan Moore and his orchestra, College auditorium, a hall of remark- Married Students To a Friars Club favorite for the ible acoustical qualities and included past several years, has been i wide variety of numbers ranging Address On Ireland selected to provide the music for rom the religious Veni Jesu to the Attend Family Hour the occasion. Moore features a rhythm •ery popular ""Some Enchanted Eve- By Dr. Richard Hayes styling similar to that of the late ling" from South Pacific. Given By Fr. Clark Glenn Miller. As the audience left the hall many The Junior Class of Providence Col- Although the final word has yet vere overheard remarking on the lege was privileged to hear an address In perpetuating the Annual Family to be said on the decorative scheme alented offerings of Lucien Olivier. by Richard J. Hayes, librarian of the Hour gathering, the married students for the affair. Decorations Chairman P. C.'s freshman baritone soloist who National Library of Dublin on Friday. of Providence College and their wives Gerard McGuirkin and his commit- received an ovation after singing Dec. 1. Dr. Hayes is in this country tee will offer something novel, yet RICHARD J. HAYES will meet on January 8, 1950 for an Gounod's "Aria" from Faust. at the present time in search of docu- informal discussion on married life, in keeping with the spirit of the Librarian of the National Library Everett Morrison. '51. was the ments. either public or private, which to be conducted by the Rev. William Yuletide season. A distinctive center- of Dublin. soloist of the second half of the pro- relate to the history of Ireland, of the Clark, OP. piece and colorful wall trimmings will gram and was. as usual, very well re- emigration of Irish people from Ire- This is the third such gathering add to the overall cheerfulness of reived. He sang the difficult "Aria" land to the United States, and of the since the advent of married students the affair. from Pagliacci by Leoncavallo with history of Irish-Americans, which to this institution. It is held on the Although a majority of the bids great effect and stage presence. links the latterday history of the two Barristers Defeat Feast of the Holy Family, a proper offered for sale have been taken, Mortimer Sullivan. '51. another tountries. and fitting occasion for such a gath- there still remain some for those stu- recent addition to the college's com- dents who have not already purchased Dr. Hayes told of how he conceived B.C., John Marshall ering. This invitation is cordially ex- pletely renovated Glee Club, was out- theirs. Bids which are three dollars, the idea of collecting all possible data tended by the college to all its mar- standing in his rendition of Bach's can be obtained from any Friar Club pertaining to Irish History, by micro- Last week the Barristers won two ried men—Catholics and non-Cath- Chorale, Jesus Joy, at the concert filming existing documents, in August important debates over Boston College olics. member or at the rotunda. Co-chair- grand. of 1939. when the outbreak of hostili- and John Marshall, after gaining a The program will consist of three, man Roger Jackson urges an early The Reverend Leo S. Cannon. O.P.. ties threatened the destruction of Irish win percentage of .500 on their last forty-five minute discussions on mar- purchase by those who have not al- directed the P. C. Glee Club and after- records in England and Europe. For- road trip which included the Vermont ried life by Father Clark, beginning ready done so. vards received the congratulations of tunately all the records, with the ex- Tournament. at 4:00 p m. in the auditorium of Al- Following the customary rule at nany of those present, including rep- ception of some valuable newspapers John F. O'Donnell. '52, and Vincent bertus Magnus Hall. At the conclusion Providence College dances, corsages -esentatives of the Monsanto Chemical in London, came through the war un- F. Callahan, '52. of the Barristers de- of these talks, the gathering will as- will be omitted. (Continued on Page 5) damaged. But their survival was due bated the negative on the following semble in the chapel of Aquinas Hall "Setting a precedent for other clubs to mere chance. "I am not satisfied topic: Resolve: That the Communist for the renewal of the marriage vows to follow, the Fall River Club has and I am sure you are not satisfied Party Should be Outlawed in the and Benediction of the Most Blessed contributed five dollars to the Over- Fall River Club In that we should take the risk again," United States. Kenneth Sleyman. "50, Sacrament Following the chapel seas Service Program of the N. F. C. Dr. Hayes told his audience. and James McDonough. '50. represent- services, a buffet supper will be C. S.," chairman of the program at ed the affirmative team for Boston served in the dining room of Aquinas the college John Connolly announced The earlier records of Irish Civiliza- Donation To O.S.P. College. The judges were: William E. Hall. The day's activities will close yesterday. tion are vellum manuscripts, usually Powers. Attorney General for the with entertainment in the lounge of In addition, Chairman Connolly re- in Latin. Those of the 14th to 16th cen- The Fall River Club held its month- State of Rhode Island; Hon. Guillaume Aquinas Hall minded those students who for some turies are either Gaelic or Hiberno- ly meeting last Wednesday and plans Myette 11th District Court and Wil- reason did not make a contribution Norman. the latter written in Latin vere made for the club's annual liam Lynch. State Secretary for the at last weeks assembly, that they or in Norman French. Nearly all the Christmas formal. The members also Knights of Columbus. The debate was may do so at any time. oted to donate $5.00 to the O.S.P.. Gaelic records have been microfilmed. held before the St. Thomas Council Placement Office In Students are again reminded of the hus setting an example with the Friar Most of the 16th century on most of of the Knights of Columbus at Valley jar in the cafeteria wherein they Club, which also donated five dollars, the records are printed and therefore Falls. may make their contributions. hat other campus organizations may easier to come upon. Manuscripts Request To Seniors In respect to the debate against veil imitate if Providence College is which are personal and detailed, and John Marshall the Barristers gained to attain an equal standing in respect therefore of great importance, are dif- Seniors unable to attend the first an important decision, considering o other colleges and universities. (Continued on Page 6) two Placement Office conferences are Pres. Slavin Made that John Marshall as a law school. urged to be present at the next one The Barristers represented by Joseph to be held Wednesday, December 7th, Cemetery Blessing Quinton, '52 and Edward Fitz Sim- in room 300 at 3 p. m. As attendance Unit Vice-Chairman mons, '51, debated the affirmative on is limited to 20 persons, seniors who the national topic—Resolve That the plan to attend are requested to fill The Very Rev. Robert J. Slavin, (Continued on Page 5) out cards, now available in the O.P., President of Providence College, Bursars office, room 207. was elected Vice-Chairman of the New England Unit of the National Response to the first two conferences Catholic Educational Association at a was very good. About forty seniors at- Mr. Rocha To Speak meeting of the unit at the Statler tended the discussions conducted by Hotel last Saturday. Dec. 3. The Rev. Mr. Maurice Timlin, college placement William L. Kelleher, President of Bos- To Ship And Scales director. ton College, was elected chairman. The purpose of the conference is Mr. Gregory F. Rocha, Jr., '44. of Sister Helen Madeline, S.N.D.. Dean of to start the seniors thinking about the the College Faculty, will speak to Emmanuel College, was elected secre- future and thereby reduce the possi- Ship and Scales club members and tary and Sister Mary Ignatius. S.S.J., bility of unemployment after gradu- alumni at Antonius Hall on Tuesday, President of Regis College, was elected ation. December 6, at 8:30 p. m., according for a three year term in the executive to an announcement by Vincent T. At the meetings the seniors are committee of the National Catholic Aniello, president of the club. asked to fill out a personal data sheet Educational Association, College and to give the placement office ready in- University Department.
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