VICTORIAN CHILD DEATH REVIEW COMMITTEE Thursday, 15 May 1997 ASSEMBLY 1321 Thursday, 15 May 1997 VICTIMS OF CRIME ASSISTANCE (AMENDMENT) BILL Second reading The SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. Plowman) took the chair MI5 WADE (Attorney-General) - I move: at 10.05 a.m. and read the prayer. That this bill be now read a second time. VICTORIAN CHILD DEATH REVIEW COMMITTEE This bill amends the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996. The amendments will make the Victims of Dr NAPTHINE (Minister for Youth and Crimes Assistance Tribunal more efficient when it Community Services), by leave, presented Annual commences operation on 1 July 1997. They concern: Report of Inquiries into Child Deaths, Protection and Care 1997. delegations by the Chief Magistrate to tribunal staff; Laid on table. the power of the tribunal to issue a warrant for PAPERS the arrest of a witness who does not answer a summons; and Laid on table by Clerk: the protection of court staff from civil actions. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986- Revocation of the Code of Accepted Fanning The bill also amends the Victims of Crime Assistance Practice for the Welfare of Pigs approved on Act 1996 to allow prompt payment for psychiatric 20 August 1985 treatment and for a related medical practitioner's report by the Victims of Crimes Assistance Tribunal. Revocation of the Code of Accepted Farming Practice tor the Welfare of Pigs (Revision Number Section 85 statement 1) approved on 3 November 1993 Code of Accepted Farming Practice for the Welfare Clause 10 of the bill amends section 71 of the Victims of Pigs (Revision Number 1) of Crime Assistance Act 1996 to provide that it is the intention of section 63(1A) to alter or vary section 85 Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 - Minister's of the Constitution Act 1975. I therefore make the exception certificate in relation to Statutory Rule No. 35. following statement under section 85(5) of the Constitution Act 1975 of the reasons for altering or DAREBIN CITY COUNCIL varying that section. Mr MACLELLAN (Minister for Planning and Local Cla use 9 of the bill provides the same protection to Government) presented report of commission of the principal registrar, registrars and deputy inquiry, April 1997. registrars of the Victims of Crimes Assistance Tribunal from civil action arising from the Laid on table. performance of their duties as are provided to members of the tribunal. These protections are MELBOURNE PLANNING SCHEME required to enable the tribunal to function effectively. Mr DOLLIS (Richmond) - I desire to move, by I commend the bill to the house. leave: Debate adjourned on motion of Mr HULLS That Melbourne Planning Scheme L245 be revoked. (Niddrie) Leave refused. Mrs WADE (Attorney-General) - I move: Mr DOLLIS - I give notice that tomorrow I will That the debate be adjourned until Thursday, 22 May. move: That Melbourne Planning Scheme L245 be revoked. VICTIMS OF CRIME ASSISTANCE (AMENDMENT) BILL 1322 ASSEMBLY Thursday, 15 May 1997 Mr HULLS (Niddrie) - As an amendment, I to adjourn debate on the bill for one week in the full move: knowledge that it will simply be rushed through this house without appropriate debate because of the That the words after 'adjourned' be omitted with the number of bills that must be dealt with next week. view of inserting in place thereof the words 'for two This bill needs proper consideration by the weeks'. community and it needs to be debated properly. Adjourning the debate for one week is totally Mr5 WADE (Attorney-General) - This is a very inappropriate in the circumstances. I ask all small bill relating to the better handling of members of the house to support my amendment complaints by the Crimes Compensation Tribunal that the debate be adjourned for two weeks. which, as honourable members will appreciate, is handled within the Magistrates Court system. The Mr DOLLIS (Richmond) - I support the three amendments I first mentioned are of a honourable member for Niddrie in his endeavour to technical nature and I do not believe anyone could have debate on this bill adjourned for two weeks. object to them. The final amendment enables victims Assistance for victims of crime is a very serious of crime suffering a psychiatric illness to get a quick question, and if the government is unable to manage hearing in the tribunal to ensure that any expenses its program to allow two weeks for the opposition they may incur in obtaining psychiatric treatment and interested parties to consult on this matter then may be paid by order of the tribunal. there are fundamental problems. It would not have been terribly difficult for the Attorney-General to I have arranged for the honourable member for introduce this bill a week ago had her department or Niddrie to be briefed on this bill tomorrow and I do the government's program been organised properly. not believe anyone could object to the provisions If the Attorney-General is serious about this matter contained in it. In those circumstances I believe an then she must accept the recommendations of the adjournment of one week is quite reasonable. honourable member for Niddrie that the opposition and, in fact, the government, its Mr HULLS (Niddrie) (By leave) - It is true that I backbench and other people interested in this have had discussions in the past couple of days with important matter be given some time to consult the the Attorney-General about this matter and I community. advised her that I would need to seek some advice in relation to the bill. I have sought some preliminary To introduce this legislation in the second last week advice. As honourable members would be aware, of the sitting makes a mockery of the when the original bill came before this house the Attorney-General's claim that it is a very serious bill. opposition was vehemently opposed to what the Everybody knows the last week of the sitting is full government was doing in relation to victims of of legislation to be passed and that the time for crime. I am extremely concerned about this bill debate is very limited. Either the Attorney-General is because it seems to be an attempt to address an error not placing a great deal of importance on this in the original legislation. legislation or she does not want it to be debated. The opposition and in particular the honourable member Obviously the house has a full list of legislation to be for Niddrie, who is the shadow Attorney-General, dealt with next week. I need to consult further on wants full opportunity to consult widely about this this bill. It is most unusual for legislation to be dealt matter. It is not too much to ask for the government with in such a short time, particularly in light of the to get its program in order to give others some fact that the house must deal with so many bills next opportunity to understand the ramifications of week. legislation that comes before the house. The Attorney-General cannot give an undertaking that It is absolutely imperative that appropriate the time between now and next Thursday is consultation take place in relation to victims of adequate to do the work that needs to be done. crime, who feel extremely disenfranchised by the There is no way the Attorney-General can say this original legislation passed some months ago. I want bill will be given the full amount of time required to to be sure this bill does not further disenfranchise debate it, because it is impossible for her to bypass victims of crime, who are among the most the number of bills already on the notice paper. vulnerable members of the community. I need time to speak to a large number of victims of crime The request by the honourable member for Niddrie groups, victims themselves and other interested is very reasonable. If the Attorney-General is parties. As a result I do not believe it is appropriate incapable of accepting the amendment then she is VICTIMS OF CRIME ASSISTANCE (AMENDMENT) BILL Thursday, 15 May 1997 ASSEMBLY 1323 saying quite clearly to the Victorian community that notice that the shadow Attorney-General, who is she does not place on this bill the importance she flipping through it, is already up to the back page­ should. I urge the Attorney-General to reconsider so it is hardly riveting and lengthy. her position that debate on this bill be adjourned for only one week. I also urge the Attorney-General to In the interests of the potential beneficiaries of the ensure that in future her department is more bill, the government proposes that it be dealt with competent and introduces legislation in the early on Thursday next week, given the sitting days of the part of every sessional period instead of leaving it to house. If the opposition needs an extra day and the last moment. would prefer that the bill be debated on Friday next week that can be accommodated. I have no problem Had this piece of legislation been introduced one or with that because the house will be sitting next two weeks ago this argument would not have been Friday. The government is giving every assistance necessary today. It appears to be a practice of this possible to enable the opposition to draw a government to introduce important bills late into the conclusion on the bill in one week and, it is to be sittings. No time is allowed to examine the hoped, to act in concert with the government to seriousness of the legislation introduced.
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