R EPORTS 15. ccs represents the CO2 concentration at the chloro- component and calculate eq from a weighting of plast surface, which is the limit of CA activity and is 75:25 C4 grasses:trees to allow for the presence of thus assumed to represent the site of CO2-H2Oin trees in savanna-type habitats. Group 9 (C3 grassland leaves. ccs is typically a midway value between those and agriculture) we assume comprises 25:50:25 for in the liquid-air interfaces and the sites of CO2 trees:C3 grasses:C4 grasses; the C3 and C4 grasses assimilation inside leaves (14). include some C3 herbs and C4 grass species as crops. 16. Supplementary data are available on Science Online 31. G. Hoffmann et al., in preparation. at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/291/5513/ 32. J. R. Ehleringer, T. E. Cerling, B. R. Helliker, Oecologia 2584/DC1. 112, 285 (1997). 17. M. D. Hatch, J. N. Burnell, Plant Physiol. 93, 825 33. G. J. Collatz, J. A. Berry, J. S. Clark, Oecologia 114, 441 (1990). (1998). 18. E. 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(J.S.G.) and by grants from the Israel Science Foun- 29. R. S. Defries, J. R. G. Townshend, Int. J. Remote Sens. dation (308/96 and 695/99) and the Minerva Foun- 15, 3567 (1994). dation (D.Y.). 30. Groups 1 to 5, 7, and 8, as defined in the vegetation Fig. 3. Global discrimination against C18OO, parameterization of SiB2 (40), all contain trees and 5 October 2000; accepted 26 February 2001 ⌬ shrubs only, which we combine into a single group Published online 8 March 2001; A, as a function of (A) values and (B) leaf- 18 with the corresponding value. Group 6 (C 10.1126/science.1056374 water ␦ O values. Discrimination is calculated eq 4 ␦ ϭ groundcover and grassland) we assume has some C3 Include this information when citing this paper. from Eq. 3 with parameters given in (6)[ e 4.8‰ in (A); a ϭ 7.4‰, ϭ1.32 in (B); ϩ ␦ 18 0.4‰ is included in e to allow for O fractionation between leaf water and leaf CO2]. The sloping lines indicate the relationships for Ancient Geodynamics and global vegetation with (light solid line) or with- out (heavy solid line) the disequilibrium effect used in the global 18O budget of (6). Also Global-Scale Hydrology on Mars shown for comparison is the high sensitivity of ⌬ Roger J. Phillips,1 Maria T. Zuber,2,3 Sean C. Solomon,4 global mean A to the contribution of C4 plant productivity (dashed line, ϭ0.64). The hori- Matthew P. Golombek,5 Bruce M. Jakosky,6 W. Bruce Banerdt,5 zontal line indicates global discrimination David E. Smith,3 Rebecca M. E. Williams,1 Brian M. Hynek,1 solved from the global mass balance of C18OO Oded Aharonson,2 Steven A. Hauck II1 from (6). Vertical lines show how a shift in eq from 1.0 to 0.78 can be compensated for by leaf water (realistically) or (unrealistically), Loading of the lithosphere of Mars by the Tharsis rise explains much of the ⌬ while constrained to a constant A. global shape and long-wavelength gravity field of the planet, including a ring of negative gravity anomalies and a topographic trough around Tharsis, as well References and Notes as gravity anomaly and topographic highs centered in Arabia Terra and ex- 1. R. J. Francey et al., Nature 373, 326 (1995). tending northward toward Utopia. The Tharsis-induced trough and antipodal 2. C. D. Keeling, T. P. Whorf, M. Wahlen, J. van der Plicht, high were largely in place by the end of the Noachian Epoch and exerted control Nature 375, 666 (1995). 3. P. Ciais, P. P. Tans, M. Trolier, J. W. C. White, R. J. on the location and orientation of valley networks. 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Fo¬rstel, in Proceedings of the 3rd International km) region extending over 30 million square shape and gravity field of the rest of the Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry and kilometers. Tharsis is the locus of large-scale planet. We test the hypothesis that the defor- Geomicrobiology, W. E. Krumbein, Ed. (Ann Arbor, MI, volcanism and pervasive fracturing that re- mational response to the Tharsis load is re- 1978), p. 811. 11. P. P. Tans, Tellus 50B, 163 (1999). sulted from the loading of the lithosphere, or sponsible for the topographic trough and the 12. M. Bender, L. D. Labeyrie, D. Raynaud, C. Lorius, outer elastic shell, by voluminous extrusive heretofore unexplained ring of negative grav- Nature 318, 349 (1985). and intrusive magmatic deposits (1–3). Here ity anomalies (Figs. 1 and 2A) (7) that sur- 13. M. Bender, T. Sowers, L. D. Labeyrie, Global Biogeo- chem. Cycles 8, 363 (1994). we use recently acquired gravity (4) and round the Tharsis rise, as well as for the 14. J. S. Gillon, D. Yakir, Plant Physiol. 123, 201 (1999). topography (5) data from the Mars Global major gravity and topographic highs that are www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 291 30 MARCH 2001 2587 R EPORTS antipodal to Tharsis. We examine the influ- role that Tharsis played in that history; the fields, rather than model amplitudes, the mis- ence that Tharsis may have had on the timing, formation of Tharsis may have been an ex- match of predicted and observed gravity is orientation, and location of fluvial features on ceptional phenomenon in the evolution of the secondary to this discussion (13). the planet. Because of the enormous mass of terrestrial planets. The locations of the observed and mod- the Tharsis load, understanding the global To test the hypothesis that Mars displays a eled ring of negative gravity anomalies (Fig. history of Mars requires understanding the global deformational response to Tharsis 2, A and B) around Tharsis, expanded to loading, we use a spherical harmonic model spherical harmonic order and degree 10 (l ϭ 1McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences and De- (8) of the loading of a spherical elastic shell 10), are consistent and include several of the partment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washing- ton University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA. 2Depart- (9) and isolate the spatially variable Tharsis intermediate-wavelength features within the ment of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, topography (Fig. 3A) as the only load on the ring (such as relative lows to the northwest, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, planet (10). The degree of compensation (11) northeast, and east, and the relative high to 3 MA 02139, USA. Earth Sciences Directorate, NASA/ of the load is about 95% (12), an assumption the south). The model also predicts a topo- Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA.
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