VOL, -.* VOL. XXX. No. 41. Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Saturday, March 21, 1908. Price 5 Cents EXETER CONCERT TONIGHT BASEBALL SCHEDULE CUT CALENDAR AND NOTICES PHILO WINS DEBATE.... Frst Combined Andover-Exeter Con- Exeter Game on June . No Dart- Long String of Forum Victories Broken cert to be held In the Town Hall. mouth game and Harvard Played TODAY by Philo Debaters at the Commenoes at a p.m. at Cambridge this Year. i.o-High-jumpers; shot-put- Annual Contest. t.o-Hiulerse port -fo For the first time, in the history The Andover baseball scheduleters, and poeauters report for Philo won the sixteenth annual of the schools, the Andover and is now completed and is considered practice. Gymnasium. Philo-Forum Debate in the.Stone Exeter MusicalClubs will give a a good. one inasmuch as all the 1.3o-Make-up class. Gymna- Chapel last evening. The question combined concert this evening in games but five will be played on s um - for debate was: Resolved, That the the Town Hall. No spirit of Wednesdays and. Saturdays. One 2.0oo-Special gymnasium' class Des Moines plan of City Govern- rivalry will be entertained between of these, the game with Harvard for Track Squad. ment should be adopted for the the clubs, 'as the concert is not a College, will be played on the morn- 2.00-Baseball practice. Gymna- City of Boston. Philo argued for competition, and there will' be no ing of Memorial Day. sium. the affirmative; Forum, for the neg- judges to decide on the playing. Both Dartmouth's and Prince- 5.00-Gymnasium team report. ative. This new movement should help 'ton's schedules have been shortened Gymnasium. Philo was represented by Wil- in a great degree to lessen the spirit this year and therefore no game oo-Anover-xeter Concert. am Nelson Allen, o, Brooklyn, of rivalry between the two schools was arranged with" their managers. SUNDAY N. Y.; Washington Platt, '08, Bal- so closely connected, and give place Princeton will only make one New I1.-40-Discussion Class meet. timore, -.Md.; . Sherman Hoar to a friendlier spirit. It is there- New England trip this'year and she Lecture Room, Archaeology Build- Bowles, '08, Springfield. The fore the duty of all Andover men has had to drop Exeter as well as ing. Forum men were: Adolphus Wash- to do their part toward making the Andover from her schedule. Roch- 7.00--Inquiry meeting. Lecture ington Greely, 'o09, Washington, D. affair a success, by attending the ester University has been added Room. Archaeology Building. C; William Richard Barbour, '08, concert, and giving the Musical to this year's schedule, while the MONDAY Ridgway, Pa.; George Caspar Lo- Clubs support.' games with the Lowell New Eng- 4.oo-4.5-Track Squad Prac- gan, '08, Ridgway, Pa. The mem- Students have been canvassing land League team are the same as tice. Board Track. bers of the teams spoke in the order the school during the past week, last year. The Pennsylvania's 645-Glee Club rehearsal. Bart- named. Allen and Greely spoke selling advance checkc for the con- Freshmen game is also a new one. let Chapel. in rebuttal. cert. Anyone who failed to obtain Yale Freshmen will play at Exe- 7-30-Lecture by Dr. G. F. The presiding officer for Philo these may get tickets tonight at the ter on Friday and in Andover the Henderson. Subject, "Storming was Robert Earl Coleman, '09, Box office of the Town Hall, when following Saturday. Andover has of the Bastille. Stone Chapel. Grand Rapids, Mich.; for Forum, the seats will be on sale to the pub- not played Harvard in Cambridge TUESDAY William Henderson Woolverton, lie. A poster has been printed for three years and it is hoped, as - 4.00oo-4.15-Track squad practice. Jr., 'o9, New'York City. which represents the leaders of the the games will be played on a Wed- Board track. The judges were: Judge Charles Musical Clubs, and is extremely nesday, that a large cheering section 5.oo-Gymnasium team practice. U. Bell, Judge J. J. Mahoney, Cl- appropriate. will be filled with Andover students. 7.oo-Orchestra rehearsal. ver J. Stone, Esq., all of Andover. The program'is given below: The Harvard College team, 7.oo-Stag Dance. Gymnasium. Each speaker was allowed ten PART ONE against whom Andover will play 7.10-Discussion Class. i6 minutes, and in addition the leaders I. Stand Up and Cheer. on Memorial Day, is composed of Abbot Street. had te minutes for rebu Exeter Combined Clubs men in the graduate schools who Philo s sed Forum in form' Ia. Skippers of St. Ives. are barred from playing on the reg- Pot-Pourri Notices and argument. -Schnecker tilar 'varsity team. A large number en opened the de e for Exeter. Glee Club of prominent baseball players from All individual photogihs must plan, which provides for five com- IL Andover Rah Gilman other colleges, who have gone to be handed in today. msioners beeected direct missioners to be elected by direct Andover Combined.ha.d Clubs A HuntingWeilHarvard'seligibe ors graduate ninae. schools, are All statistical blanks must be in vote of the people. He then showed IIa. A Hunting We Wll eligible for this nine. no later than Monday, March 23, that Boston needs a change of gov- Go. G. B. Nev/n In the following list the games and may be handed in at chapel. einment because its present plan of Andover Glee Club will be played in Andover, unless Men trying for the position of government is wrong in theory, III. Red Mill Selection. another place is given, artist on the Pot-Pourri Board and because, in practice, it has Victor Herbert The schedule: must hand all their work in by Fri- failed to provide for the growing Exeter Mandolin Club April ii-Boston College. day, March 27. needs of the city, has opened the IIIa. The Cat with the April I5-St. Anselm College. way for corruption, has become Baritone Voice. Scott April r8-Lowell New England Discussion 'Classes cumbersome, and has passed beyond Exeter Glee Club League at Lowell. the control of the people. He next IV. University Club. Rice April 22-Lowell New England The Discussion Classes will hold pointedthe onted outo thatthat a rreform eform inin thethe Andover Mandolin Club League. ' their last regular meeting of the present government is really an in- IVa. Kentucky Babe. April 23-Vermont University. winter term next week. The Sun- adequate substitute-for a better plan AndoverQuartet -elApril 27-Newurypr A. C. day Discussion class will meet as' since reform in New York City V. Eutopian March. Liddicoat Miy 2-Yale Freshmen. usual at 40o in the Archaeology and wherever else it has been tried V. ExtopianMarcho Lddioat May 2-Yale Freshmen. Building. The topic of the former has been at.best.but temporary. In Va.Exete Banjo ClubMay 6-Harvard Freshmen. meeting will be resumed: "Is ser- conclusion, he.-said that the com- Va. W Cher. ngle May 9-Yale at New Haven. vice or self interest the better work- mission plan has worked success- VExeter Q u artt r May 15--Uni11 1e1 it f -oh ing motive in practical life." The fully in Galveston, Houston, and VI. Galopde CocertoBanjo ClubGroer - - ersity. Tuesday Discussion class will meet Des Moines, and that it has been 6Pnceton Feshmen. at 7. at Mr. Stackpole's house. declared constitutional by state Ia. 'Tis Mondoer.Cluber.A. Gebe May Via. 'Tis Morn. Getbel May 6--Princeton Freshmen. The Question^ ^ of^ Q^Old Testament courts. Glee Club · May o--Harvard at Cambridge. Miracles will be considered. In opening the debate for the PART.TWO May -23-Pennsylvania Fresh- negative, Greely admitted that I. My Lady Clo. men. -Glee Club Notes graft and inefficiency exist in the Exeter Quartet May 27-Springfield Training city of Boston at present. He main- Chape School. Ib.ExeterIb. In Harvard. Banjoa dClub C eSchool. nThere will be a 'meeting of the tained, however, that the fault lies Exeter Banjo Club -' May 29 -Brown Freshmen. of government but I.II. MeryMerry Widow:Widow, Medley.Medley.' May 33o-HarvardColegec-IHarvad College. Glee Club on Monday night at 645 not in the' plan Arr. Rice June I-Manhattan Collge. in Bartlet Chapel, for the purpose in the people. He cited Mayor Hib- AndverClub MandolinJune 6-Exeter of electing a leader for next year. bard and the finance commission in (Continued on Page 4) Wfl~'t ' ', 4,, 5 4 ->MV =' 1 -i PAGE TWO .THE PIJILLIPIAN . .- ' - ., . ALFRED NELSON CO. 261 Fifth Avenue, New York mFCO^^YFU IMFES~~~~~~~~~Near 29th Street N, ENLISH TAILORS hlr aer COELS & YOUNG Shirtmaker and'Importer AND PRACTICAL a4 WESIT 88d TT - BREECHES MAKERS NW YORK CITY' FINE SHOES Gold Medal Paris Exposition Our representative Mr. Philip L. Htat Mr. Kramer at French's every other willbe at Frenchs every other Wednesday Wednesday. 20 SCHOOL STREET, - BOSTON F.P. HIGGINS SMITH & MANNING DEALERS IN ... Baier ad Caterer... Dry Goods, Groceries, Ice Cream, Fancy Cakes, Rolls, Pastry Fresh Etc. REPRESENTATIVEFRENCH'S EVERY ATWEEK. , Every Day. Confectionery ESSEX STREET, - ANDOVR REPRESENTATIVE AT FRENCH'S EVERY WEEK. Tel. Cn. Musgrove Block Tel. Con. lMuagrove Blok 0V HymrasiumfITfiOr Class Cuts JOHN A. COLLINS & SON FRANK E. GLEASON WHITEHUSE& HARDYDEALES -DE-N-IN COAL AND WOOD MILLOOD FoR The following men, who have ah, Slt, moked ad Pikls Delivered in Roonm MAKDESERS AND. either been leaders or assistant lead- Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, MAKERS OF... Canned Goods, &o. 0 ice: Main St. Yard: Railroad St ers at some period during the term Maine Sterilized (Iream SWAC » II.11 will be allowed to cut their classes 15 Barnard Street, Andover M en's "Swell next term as stated in the following SHBOES list: ...GOLDBAUM & RAPOPORT., I LSDlA t S HOESJClass A-Burch, i6; Stewart, 5; Hall, 5; Lancashire, 4;- Dunn, 4; Opposite VANDERBILT HALL Flagg, 3; Bixby, 3; Wells, 2; University Moore, 2; Patton, ; Sanchez, i; New Haven, Conn, Foster, I;MacDonald, ; Colver, 'ailore - I; Dempsey, I-; Winslow.
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