Completa, Totu0 Sugestiva Despre Politica De Cadre in Institutia Securitatii Regimului Comunist Din Romania in Perioada 1948-1964

Completa, Totu0 Sugestiva Despre Politica De Cadre in Institutia Securitatii Regimului Comunist Din Romania in Perioada 1948-1964

ACADEMIA ROMANA INSTITUTUL DE ISTORIE N. IORGA" REVISTA ISTORICA o Fondator N. Iorga J n v.0..0. 0.0.....41 o vgpli ....;"114)0eggnRiNkykiqleklz e;37 .4 -4811111 113111R9ri auMr , n . I"4' !, '.11b 1ritig-* .1.4 _r. # W : 1. PI tj i I . IV . .111. 4 ill v.. ,&44 L.. ITTRYININUWIR 'I" -$4 Serie noui-, tomul X, 1999 " .1 3-4 MaiAugust EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE ACADEMIA ROMANA INSTITUTUL DE ISTORIE N. IORGA" COLEGIUL DE REDACTIE $ERBAN PAPACOSTEA (redactor§V),VENERA ACHIM, PAUL CERNOVODEANU, VIRGIL CIOCILTAN, FLORIN CONSTANTINIU, EUGEN DENIZE, ANDREI E$ANU, GEORGETA PENELEA-FILITTI, NAGY PIENARU, APOSTOL STAN REVISTA ISTORICA" are 6 numere pe an. Revista se poate procura de la: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13, Sect. 5, P.O. Box 5-42, Bucuresti, Romania, RO-76117, tel. 401-411 9008, tel. fax 401-410 3983; 401-410 3448; RODIPET S.A., Piata Presei Libere, nr. 1, Sect. 1, P.O. Box 33-57, fax 401 222 6407, tel. 401-618 5103: 401-222 4126. Bucuresti, Romania; ORION PRESS "AMEX 2000, P.O. Box 77-19, Bucuresti 3 - Romania, tel. 653 79 85, fax 401-324 06 38. La revue REV1STA ISTORICA" paralt 6 fois l'an. Toute commande pour les travaux, parus aux Editions de l'Académie Roumaine sera adressée a: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr.13, Sect. 5, P.O. Box 5-42, Bucuresti, Romania, RO-76117, tel. 401-411 9008,tel. fax 401-410 3983; 401-410 3448; RODIPET S.A., Piata Presei Libere, nr. 1, Sect. 1, P.O. Box 33 - 57, fax 401 222 6407, tel. 401 618 5103; 401- 222 4126, Bucuresti, Romania; ORION PRESS IMPEX 2000, P.O. Box 77 19, Bucuresti 3Romania, tel. 653 79 85, fax 401-324 06 38. REVISTA ISTORICA" is published in six issues per year. All orders from abroad for publications of the Romanian Academy should be addressed to: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr.13, Sect. 5, P.O. 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REDACTIA: NAGY PIENARU (redactor ef adjunct) VENERA ACHIM ECATERINA PETRESCU IOANA VOIA (traducator) Redactor (Editura Academie* MIHAI POPA Tehnoredactor: DIANA RUSU Manuscrisele,cartilesirevistele pentru schimb, precum1iorice corespondenta se vor trimite pe adresa redactiei revistei: REVISTA ISTORICA", B-dul Aviatorilor nr. 1, 71247-Bucuresti, tel. 650 72 41 [A © 2001 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13, R-76117, Tel./Fax 410 39 83; 410 34 48; 411 80 08 Bucuresti, Romania REVISTA ISTORICA SERIE NOUA TOMUL X, NR. 3 - 4 Mai - August 1999 SUMAR DE LA DEMOCRATIE LA TOTALITARISM CRISTIAN TRONCOTA, Politica de cadre in institutia securitatii regimului comunist din Romania (1948-1964) (1) 235 NICOLETA IONESCU-GURA_ ..Alegerile- din 1948 (I) 257 ANUL 1956 ALEKSANDR S. STAKALIN, .,Cazul Imre Nagy" in Romania 287 OVIDIU BOZGAN. Convorbiri cu lidedi Rornaniei in1956. Documente diplomatice franceze inedite 307 KLAUS SCHONHERR, Problema bilaterala a aprovizionarii grupului de armate ..Ucraina de Sue, aprilie-august 194-4 333 NICOLAE IORGA $1 CONTEMPORANII SAI NICOLAE LIU. Nicolae lorga si relatiile romano-franceze pana in anul 1920 347 CONSTANTIN I. STAN, Relatiile lui Nicolae IorQa cu Monarhia (1926-71927) 373 OPI,N11 COSMIN POPA. Biroul Informativ al partidelor comuniste (Kominform) o incercare de organizare politica a Europei rasaritene postbelice 385 ..Revista istorica-. torn X. nr. 3-4. p. 231-438.1999 232 TEODOR WEXLER, LYA BENJAMIN, Un document fals....... 397 MEMOR1A INSTITUTULUI DE ISTORIE N. IORGA" t VLADIMIR DICULESCU, Primii directori 403 VIATA STIINTIFICA Aniversarea centenarului istoricului Gheorghe I. Bratianu (1898-1953), Institutul de Istorie N. lorga", 5 octombrie 1998 (Nagy Pienaru); Sesiunea de comunicari stiintifice consacrata implinirii a 200 de ani de la moartea lui Rhigas Velestinlis, Institutul de Istorie N. Iorga", 23 octombrie 1998 (Radu G. nun); 0 dubld aniversare (Adrian- Silvan lonescu); Al XVII-lea Simpozion National de Istoriei Retrologie Agrard a Romaniei, Targu Mures, 24-25 august 1998 (Iolanda Tighiliu) 409 NOTE $1 RECENZII FLORICA BANU, Caius lacob. Nap p opera, Bucuresti, Edit. Crater, 1999, 254 p. (Ovidiu Bo4an); NORBERTO BOBBIO, Droue et Gauche. Essai sur une distinction politique, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1996, 154 p. (Sabin-Daniel Drelgulin); NEAGU COSMA, Culisele palatului regal, Bucuresti, Edit. Globus, 1990, 340 p (Marius-Liviu Petre); TADEUSZ DUBICKI, KRZYSZTOF DACH, Zelazny Legion Michala Archariola. Z dziejów ruchu faszystowskiego w Rumunit, Warszawa, Adiutor, 1996. 204 p. (Florin Anghel); PETER CHARLES H01-1-ER, The Salem Witchcraft Trials. A Legal History, University Press of Kansas, 1997, 166 p. (Betinio Diamant); V. G. MOKIN, Razvitie politiceskoi situadi v Rumánii v perehodniii period (avtoreferat dissertapi na soiskanie ucionoi stepeni kandidata politicesldh nauk), Moskva, 1996, 22 p. (Armand Gosu); OLEG NAUMOW, OLEG CHLEWNJUK (edit.), Stalin Briefe an Molotow, 1925-1936. Lars T. Lila, Siedler Verlag, 1996, 304 p. (Florin Muller); CONSTANTIN VI$OIANU, Misiunile mele (culegere de documente), Bucuresti. Edit. Enciclopedica, 1997. 418 p. (loan Babici); JAKO ZSIGMOND, Codex diplomaticus Ttans.splvaniae. Diplomata, epistokle et alia litteraria res Transsylvanas illustrantia. Erdélyi Okmánytár. Oklevelek, levelek és mots frasok Erdély tortinetihez, vol.I (1023-1300). (A Magyar Orszagos Levéltar Kiadvanyai II: Forrdskiadványok 26). Budapest. Akadémiai KiadO, 1997. 483 p. + hartã (W. Kovcics Andrds) 417 REVISTA ISTORICA NEW SERIES TOME X, Nos. 34 May -August 1999 CONTENTS FROM DEMOCRACY TO TOTALITARIANISM CRISTIAN TRONCOTA, The Cadre Policy of the Securitate during the Communist Regime in Romania (1948-1964) (I). 235 NICOLETA IONESCU-GURA. "The Elections" of 1948 (I) 257 THE YEAR 1956 ALEKSANDR S. STAKALIN, "The Imre Nagy Case" in Romania.. 287 OVIDIU BOZGAN, Interviews with Romanian Leaders in 1956. New French Diplomatic Documents.. 307 KLAUS SCHONHERR, Food Provisioning of the Army Group "Southern Ukraine" in April- August 1944 within Romanian-German Alliance 333 NICOLAE IORGA AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES NICOLAE LW, Nicolae lorga and the Rornanian-French Relations until 1920 347 CONSTANTIN I. STAN, Nicolae Iorga's Relations to Monarchy.. 373 OPINIONS COSMIN POPA, The Intelligence Bureau of the Communist Parties (Kominform)-An Attempt of Political Organization of Eastern Europe in the Post-War Years 385 ..Revista istoricV. tom X. nr. 3-4. p. 231-438.1999 234 TEODOR WEXLER, LYA BENJAMIN, A Forged Document.. 397 MEMORY OF THE NICOLAE IORGA HISTORY INSTITUTE t VLADIMIR DICULESCU, The First Directors.. 403 SCIENTIFIC LIFE The Centennial of historian Gheorghe I. Bratianu (1898-1953), the N. lorga History Institute, 5 october 1998 (Nagy Pienaru); The Scientific Communication Session dedicated to 200 years since the death of Rhigas Velestinlis, the N. lorga History Institute, 23 October 1998 (Radu G. Faun); A Double Anniversary (Adrian-Silvan lonescu); The Seventeenth National Symposium of Agrarian History and Retro logy of Romania, Tfirgu Mures, 24-25 August 1998 (Iolanda Tighiliu) 409 NOTES AND REVIEWS FLORICA BANU, Caius lacob. Viawi opera (Caius Iacob. The Life and the Work), Bucharest, Edit. Crater, 1999, 254 pp. (Ovidiu Bozgan); NORBERTO BOBBIO, Droite et Gauche. Essai sur une distinction politique, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1996, 154 pp. (Sabin-Daniel Dragulin); NEAGU COSMA, Culisele palatului regal (The Backstage of the Royal Palace), Bucharest, Edit. Globus, 1990, 340 pp. (Marius-Liviu Pare); TADEUSZ DUBICKI, KRZYSZTOF DACH, Zelazny Legion Michala Archaniola. Z dziejów ruchu faszystowskiego w Rumunii, Warsaw, Adiutor, 1996, 204 pp. (Florin Anghel); PETER CHARLES HOFFER, The Salem Witchcraft Trials. A Legal History, University Press of Kansas, 1997, 165 pp. (Betinio Diamant); V. G. MOKIN, Razvitie politiceskoi situatii v Rumanii v perehodnai period (avtoreferat dissertatii na soiskanie ucionoi stepeni kandidata politiceskih nauk), Moscow, 1996. 22 pp. (Armand Gos.u); OLEG NAUMOW, OLEG CHLEWNJUK (edit.), Stalin Briefe an Molotow, 1925-1936, Lars T. Lila, Siedler Verlag, 1996, 304 pp. (Florin Muller); CONSTANTIN VISOIANU, Misiunile mele (culegere de docwnente) (My Missions. A collection of documents), Bucharest. Edit. Enciclopedica, 1997, 418 pp. (loan Babici); JAKO ZSIGMOND, Codex dilomaticus Transsylvaniae. Diplomata, epistolae et alia lineraria res Transsylvanas illustrantia. Erdélyi Okmdnytár. Oldevelek, levelek és mcis irdsok Erdély törtinetéhez, vol. I (1023-1300) (A Magyar Országos Levéltár Kiadvanyai II: Forráskiadványok 26), Budapest, Akadémiai Kiad6, 1997, 483 pp. + map (W. Kovács András) 417 DE LA DEMOCRATIE LA TOTALITARISM POLITICA DE CADRE iN INSTITUTIA SECURITATII REGIMULUI COMUNIST DIN ROMANIA (1948-1964)(I) CRISTIAN TRONCOTA Printr-cc serie de lucrAri memorialistice semnate de fo0i ofiteri de informatii i securitate,protagoni0iaifrontuluisecret din perioada razboiuluirece, deopotriva cu studiilei lucrarile 0iintifice cu caracter istoric care au valorificat documente din arhivele romane0i §i sträine, au fost mediatizate in ultimii ani numeroase date §i informatii despre rolul agentilor sovietici in perioada de inceput a regimurilor comuniste din tarile central-risaritene ale continentului european. 0 sintezA a acestora, la care am adaugat

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