1 BRONX TIMES Dec. 20-26, 2012 wwwbxtimes.com 1 BRONX Dec. 20-26, 2012 TOP BRONX NEWS To Advertise Call: 718-615-2520 STORIES Online: www.yournabe.com HBORHOOD EIG - Y nity classifieds N OU R s 26,29,31 Business Opps Pg 31 Instruction Pgs 27-29,31 Merchandise Pg 31 R p Wanted • Financing / Loans • Career Training • Garage / Yard Sales U The Bronx’s elp Wanted • Business For Sale • Education Services • Merchandise Wanted N O The Bronx’s elp Wanted • Misc. 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PT, 3 days m player with positive attitude and excellent County Hospitals, Woodhull 914-921-1555 x 106 THE LATEST BRONX ustomer service and communication skills. Medical Center & multiple full Salary based on experience. Health, service clinics in Manhattan. Call The Bronx Times On-Line 401k benefits available. 718-615-2520 Your world is 24/7... Miracles Can Happen Call Maria 917-826-5200 or send resume: To Advertise [email protected] 718-693-2600 Here NOW so are we. ÜÜÜ°LÝÌiðV Classifieds Dependable Sports Home Care bxtimes.com me Health Aides (Bilingual a plus) /PCA Coordinators Bi-Lingual h/English, Chinese/English & Creole/English) HHA Core Aides Needed Per Diem: Occupational Therapist Per Diem: Physical Therapist al Social Workers (Immediately in All Boros) Pages 38-41 eceptionist Position Available...Bilingual IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT Pages 43-45 pt. 718-499-6066 or Fax Resume 718-499-6065 &//$s(%!,4(s4%# Equal Opportunity Employer (./,/'9 718-615-2520 o Advertise Here Boro mourns Sandy Hook BORO’S victims BY PATRICK ROCCHIO AND BOB KAPPSTATTER The tragedy in Newtown, Con- necticut may be far away from the Bronx, but it hit home with memo- CHESS ries of other local children mur- dered, extra preparedness at local schools and borough electeds offer- ing their condolences. It was the second worst school shooting in American history, with 20 young children and six adults plus the shooter dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday, Dec. CHAMPS 14. Schools prepared At least one east Bronx elemen- Bronx Center for Science and Math team tary school was already prepared for danger, having held an intruder win US Chess Federation Championship drill on Monday, Dec. 10. “We had a drill ... just making BY PATRICK ROCCHIO Walcott gave the winning team a sure the kids are in the classroom These Bronx high school stu- shoutout on their return. and that it is locked down,” said a dents may just be the greatest con- “I want to congratulate the staffer, who asked the school not be Photo by Walter Pofeldt centration of chess talent in the students of the chess team at identified. nation. Bronx Center for Science and Teachers and other staff were The Bronx Center for Science Mathematics on winning the not speaking about the tragedy un- and Mathematics’ six-member US Chess Federation’s National less children brought it up, they chess team recently returned from Chess Tournament for the 12th said, but so far, there had not seemed the United States Chess Federa- Grade,” said Walcott. “I also want to be a need for any consoling. tion 2012 National K-12 Champion- to congratulate principal Tom for The city Department of Educa- ships in Orlando, Florida covered incorporating this program in the tion has stepped up security mea- in glory. school.” sures since the tragedy, the source MILES HAT IGHT P THE OLIDAYS S T L U H Three team members from Walcott added: “These stu- confirmed. the Crotona school captured the dents have excelled in chess and Remembering a Bronx vic- Angela Kalavaci plops down on Santa Claus’ lap with a giant smile at grade 12 championship, while these same qualities - determi- tim the Fordham Business Improvement District’s Tree Lighting Ceremony. team member Justus Williams nation and a drive to excel - are Iris Negron, who just retired Angela was one of dozens of children giving their list to the jolly gift was ranked the top individual qualities that will benefit them in after 27 years as a senior crime vic- giver at Muller Park and Plaza in Fordham on Friday, Dec. 7. More photos ninth grader in the nation, said so many ways as they prepare for tims advocate for Bronx District At- on page 24. principal Edward Tom college and careers.” Continued on page 46 School Chancellor Dennis Continued on page 46 A CNG Publication • Vol. 18 No. 51 UPDATED EVERY DAY AT BXTIMES.COM www.bxtimes.com BRONX TIMES Dec. 20-26, 2012 2 BRONX www.bxtimes.com GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com (718) 547-5280 Ortiz family reaches TIMES Dec. 20-26, 2012 wwwbxtimes.com 3 BRONX out to needy neighbors BY KIRSTEN SANCHEZ portance and joy of giving, ferent. These children don’t Melissa Ortiz is giving and appreciate what they have much.” Santa Claus a little help this have. Ortiz said this year she year. and family members deliv- Dressed as Santa and ered 132 gifts. his helpers, Melissa Ortiz “We get gifts donated by and 20 family members dis- My family spreading the word around tributed holiday toys and the neighborhood,” she said, gifts to nearly 160 low-in- came together “and whoever is willing to come children on Tuesday, and wanted to donate, does. Otherwise, the December 18th. family puts up the money.” The family visited Dr. do something The family collects Richard Green Early Learn- gifts and wrapping paper all ing Center of Leake and different. These year round, but really sets a Watts in Castle Hill and sur- goal in August. prised the children, some children don’t “To be honest this is a with special needs, aged year round thing,” she said. two to five, with toys for the have much. “If we see some wrapping Photo courtesy of Melissa Ortiz holiday. Melissa Ortiz paper or a bargain on a toy The Ortiz family gets ready to deliver toys to the Dr. Richard Green Early Learning Center in Castle Hill, The Ortiz family we will pick it up then.” a tradition they started four years ago. started raising money for The Ortiz’s holiday tra- the gifts in August and did “We’ve been doing it for dition began as a one-time smiles and the kids singing she added. just come together in trag- the bulk of the shopping on four years now,” Ortiz said. event, but Ortiz said it will carols to us, its very nice. “I think it is important edies and disaster but all Black Friday to stretch their “It’s basically just our fam- continue. It’s a beautiful experience,” we do this for us as a family, the time. budget. ily going to the center and “We will definitely do it she said. to teach our children val- “This is the season of Ortiz said she wants giving to the children. My again next year,” Ortiz said. There’s also a strong ues and show them to care giving and we want to show her own children, ages 7, 12, family came together and “It’s worth every min- lesson in the annual gift- for others and just to show these kids that people care 16, and 20, to learn the im- wanted to do something dif- ute of it. Just seeing their giving project for family, these kids that we shouldn’t and there’s hope.” SECURITY DRUGS 0(!2-!#9352')#!,3500,)%3s$25'3s#/3-%4)#3s&2!'2!.#%3s6)4!-).3s(%!,4("%!549 Surgical Supplies $OCTORSCANCALL FAX Wheel Chairs % 2X OREMAILUS !CCURATE&AST&RIENDLY3ERVICE #ANESs7ALKERS NEWPRESCRIPTIONSAT "ATH2AILS [email protected] #OMMODEs"ED0ANS 7EAREPROUDTOOFFER (OSPITAL"EDS s#OUNSELINGONPRESCRIPTIONS "LOOD0RESSURE-ACHINE sMINUTEPRESCRIPTIONFILLING $IABETIC3UPPLIES s&REEBLOODSUGAREXAMINATION s9EARLYCUSTOMERPRESCRIPTIONHISTORY 6)3)4/52.%7,/#!4)/.3 Money Gram s!UTOMATICREFILLREMINDER s#OMPOUND2X -ONEY/RDERS .ICKS$RUG3TORE EX0ROGESTERONE3UPPOSITORY ,OTTO)NSTANT4ICKET RD!VENUE -ETRO#ARDS h)NMYTWENTYYEARS "RONX .9 7EACCEPT Phone Cards ASAPHARMACIST )M 0( s-EDICAID HAPPYTOWORKFOR 7IC#HECKS s-EDICARE0ART"AND$ 3ECURITY$RUGSWHERE s-OSTTHIRDPARTYINSURANCE THEYTAKECAREOFTHEIR #UREWELL$RUGS CENTCOPIES s#63#AREMAK CUSTOMERSv "ROADWAY &AX3ERVICETO!NYWHERE s%XPRESS3CRIPTS , Natu “Nick” Gevaria, BS .EW9ORK .9 s!LL-EDICAID(-/ 6 ,9 Rph Pharmacist "OSTON2OAD#RNEROF&ISH!VE s"RONX .9 0( s&AX sWWWSECURITYDURGSCOM Co-op City Public Safety offi cers get the ump on parachutists BY BOB KAPPSTATTER Bellamy Loop and Benchly If they had jumped, Aw chute! Place in the sprawling com- they would have been met A quartet of daredevil plex. on the ground with a wel- parachutists planning on On jumper alert coming committee of other taking a dive from atop a Already on alert to public safety officers, alert- tower at Co-op City wound reports that jumpers may ed by the two cops.
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