Additional Material Full Text of 67 Selected Items Concerning the 6 April 1667 Earthquake

Additional Material Full Text of 67 Selected Items Concerning the 6 April 1667 Earthquake

Additional Material Full text of 67 selected items concerning the 6 April 1667 Earthquake The comprehensive table with the description and the position of 114 items on the 6 April 1667 earthquake is supplied in the printed version of the book, Chapter 1, Table 1.2, and is re-presented in full here for the reader’s convenience. Items’ numbering follows the chronological order established by means of the date when the item was produced. Throughout the book, items are referred to by their number, e.g. “Doc#2”. Dates and remarks between square parentheses are by the author. Each row of the table is used to introduce the full text of each of the 67 selected items, and precisely those items whose number is followed by the symbol @. Furthermore, for the three later documents referenced below, which were not included in Table 1.2, but used throughout the book, either some relevant excerpts, i.e. from Molin (1668), or the full text is supplied, i.e. of the report by Giacomo Loredan (ASVe, 1669) and the pastoral visit of Zmaievich (1671). These texts have been placed after the texts of the 67 items mentioned above. Molin A., 1668. Diario della speditione dell’ et Signor Alvise da Molin Cavagliere alla Corte del Gran Signor. ASVe, Miscellanea di atti diversi manoscritti, f. 54. ASVe, 1669. “Relazione” (report) by Giacomo Loredan, Provveditore Estraordinario a Cattaro. Collegio, V (Secreta), Relazioni, b. 65, ff. 1r-6v + enclosures. Zmaievich A., 1671. Relazione dell’arcivescovo della diocesi di Antivari e del Vicariato di Budua, di Andrea Zmaievich della Sacra Congregazione per la diffusione della Fede. In: Gelcich G., 1883. Biblioteca Storica della Dalmazia, vol. 8, Documenti, n.37, 105-120. 1 Item’s description Item’s position N° Date Place Type and Author/s Archiving or cataloging Short reference 1 6 Apr Castel Novo Letter by the “Agà” and ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Chieftains of Castel Novo, Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667a to Giacomo Loredan, Dalm.Alb., n.331 Provveditore Estraordinario (b.497). Enclosure [n.1] in Cattaro to Dispatch n.215 2 @ 7 Apr Cattaro Letter by Giacomo ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Loredan, Provveditore Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667b Estraordinario in Cattaro, to Dalm.Alb., n.331 Caterino Cornaro, (b.497). Enclosure [n.2] Provveditore Generale in to Dispatch n.210 Dalmatia et Albania, Zara 3 @ 7 Apr Cattaro Letter by Giacomo ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Loredan, Provveditore Dispacci, Prov.Estr. 1667c Estraordinario in Cattaro, to Cattaro, n.469 (b.665- the Senate, Venice 667) 4 @ [9 Apr] Calamotta Copy of a letter by Pedro DADu, Diplomata et DADu, 1667 de Torres, archbishop of acta, 17th cent, f. 5, 1667a Ragusa, to a gentleman in n.549, f.1v. Trani (Apulia, Italy) [no date, but 9 April, as confirmed by Doc#79] 5 9 Apr Castel Novo Letter from the captain, DADu, Diplomata et DADu, 1667 dizdar agas, agas and acta, 17th cent, n.1984. 1667b chieftains of Novi to [not retrieved in Rettore and Consiglieri of original; see Samardžić, the Republic of Ragusa 1960, p.36] 6 @ 10 Apr Ragusa Letter by Rettore and DADu, Diplomata et DADu, 1667 Consiglieri of the Republic acta, 17th cent., f. 14, 1667c of Ragusa to the abbot n.1371, ff.1r-2v. Stefano Gradi, Rome 7 [10 Apr] Ragusa Copy of Letter by Rettore DADu, Diplomata et DADu, 1667 and Consiglieri of the acta, 17th cent, f. 5, 1667d Republic of Ragusa to Pope n.547, ff.1r-1v. Alessandro VII, Rome [mentioned in Doc#6] 8 @ 10 Apr Ragusa Letter by Rettore and AGSim, Sección de AGSim, 1667 Consiglieri of the Republic Estado, Consejo de 1667a of Ragusa to the King of Estado, Don Gaspar De Spain, Madrid Tebes, Legajo 3562, Correspondencia de Venecia, 1667-1668, p.48, ff.1v-r [from Rodriguez de la Torre, 1993, pp.82-83] 9 @ 11 Apr Ragusa Resolution of the DADu, ACR, ser.3, DADu, 1667 Emergency Council of the “Libro delli 1667e Republic of Ragusa providimenti et terminationi”, vol.115, ff.1r-1v 10 @ 11 Apr Curzola Letter by Paulo Pasqualigo, ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Count of Curzola, to Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667d Caterino Cornaro, Dalm.Alb., n.331 Provveditore Generale in (b.497). Enclosure [n.1] Dalmatia et Albania, Zara to Dispatch n.212 11 @ 11 Apr Zara “Constituito”, or report, by ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Vicenzo Giumeta to Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667e Caterino Cornaro, Dalm.Alb., n.331 Provveditore Generale in (b.497). Enclosure [n.1] Dalmatia et Albania, Zara to Dispatch n.210 2 Item’s description Item’s position N° Date Place Type and Author/s Archiving or cataloging Short reference 12 @ 12 Apr Zara Dispatch by Caterino ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Cornaro, Provveditore Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667f Generale in Dalmatia et Dalm.Alb., n.331 Albania to the Senate, (b.497). Dispatch n.210 Venice 13 @ 12 Apr Zara “Constituito”, or report, by ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Canon Triffon Drago to Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667g Caterino Cornaro, Dalm.Alb., n.331 Provveditore Generale in (b.497). Enclosure [n.3] Dalmatia et Albania, Zara to Dispatch n.210 14 @ 12 Apr Cuzzi Letter by Voivoda Ivan ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Illicovich to Nicolò Bolizza Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667h in Cattaro Dalm.Alb., n.331 (b.497). Enclosure [n.1 to Dispatch n.217 15 @ 13 Apr Zara Dispatch by Caterino ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Cornaro Provveditore Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667i Generale in Dalmatia et Dalm.Alb., n.331 Albania to the Senate, (b.497). Dispatch n.211 Venice 16 @ 14 Apr Ragusa Letter by Biagio Nicolò Biagio Nicolò Squadro Squadro, 1667 Squadro, canon of the Letter 1667 archbishop Pedro de [not retrieved in Torres, to his uncle [most original; see Resetar, probably in Venice] 1893, pp.30-32] 17 @ 14 Apr Canal di Zara Dispatch by Caterino ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Cornaro Provveditore Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667j Generale in Dalmatia et Dalm.Alb., n.331 Albania to the Senate, (b.497). Dispatch n.212 Venice 18 @ 15 Apr Ragusa Letter by Rettore and ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Consiglieri of the Republic Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667k of Ragusa to Caterino Dalm.Alb., n.331 Cornaro Provveditore (b.497). Enclosure [n.1] Generale in Dalmatia et to Dispatch n.213 Albania, Zara 19 15 Apr Saraio Letter by Marino Gozze, DADu, Diplomata et DADu, 1667 Ragusan ambassador in acta, 17th cent., f. 52, 1667f Sarajevo, Bosnia, to n.1932. Rettore and Consiglieri of [not retrieved in the Republic of Ragusa original; see Samardžić, 1960, p.45] 20 @ 15 Apr Brindisi Copy of a letter written in DADu, Diplomata et DADu, 1667 Brindisi to an unknown acta, 17th cent., f. 5, 1667g addressee in Lecce (Apulia, n.549, f.1r Italy) 21 @ [after 10 Ragusa “Raguaglio”, report, from a Museo Civico Correr, MCCorrer, Apr] Venetian citizen to his Venezia. Manuscript, 1667 1667 brother in Venice Misc. Cicogna, 2858, ff.220r-v 3 Item’s description Item’s position N° Date Place Type and Author/s Archiving or cataloging Short reference 22 @ 16 Apr Ragusa Letter by Father Vitale A) Lettera di Andriasci, 1667 Andriasci, “Minor Ragguaglio, nella quale 1667 Osservante” in Ragusa to si sente la totale Diodono Bosdari in distruzione della Città Ancona di Ragusa dal Terremuoto quest’anno li 6 Aprile a ore 14 li Mercoledì Santo Scritta dal molto Reverendo Padre Fra Vitale Andriasci da Ragusa de’ Minori Osservanti al Molto Illustre Signore Diodono Bosdari in Ancona. In Ancona nella Stamperia Camerale MDCLXVII, Con licenza de’ Superiori. [see Adamović, 1883, 20-25; Samardžić, 1960, p. 46-49] B) DADu, Memoriae, ser. 40, ff.1r-2v, copy, 18th cent. C) ÖNB, Vienna, manuscript, Cod. Ser. 4498, ff.191r-193r 23 16 Apr Ragusa Letter by Rettore and DADu, 1667h. DADu, 1667 Consiglieri of the Republic ADSMM, 17th cent., f. 1667h of Ragusa to the Ragusan 38, n.1794/18, ff.1r-v representatives (poklissar) at the Sublime Porte, Constantinople 24 @ 18 Apr Gravosa Letter by Francesco Bobali Francesco Bobali, Bobali, 1667 to Marco Basegli, Venice Letter 1667a [partially translated into [not retrieved in English, courtesy of Ina original; see Samardžić, Cecić] 1960, pp.49-52] 25 @ 18 Apr Santa Croce Dispatch by Caterino ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Cornaro, Provveditore Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667l Generale in Dalmatia et Dalm.Alb., n.331 Albania to the Senate, (b.497). Dispatch n.213 Venice 26 @ 19 Apr Brindisi Copy of a letter by a DADu, Diplomata et DADu, 1667 Ragusan merchant in acta, 17th cent., f. 5, 1667i Brindisi, Gio. Veselicich n.549, ff.1v-2r 27 @ 20 Apr Castel Novo Letter by a Venetian ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 informer to an unknown Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667m addressee in Perasto Dalm.Alb., n.331 (b.497). Enclosure [n.5] to Dispatch n.217 28 20 Apr Ragusa Resolution of the DADu, ACR, ser. 3, DADu, 1667 Emergency Council of the vol. 115, ff.1v-3r 1667j Republic of Ragusa 29 @ 21 Apr Cattaro Letter by engineer Vicenzo ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Benaglio to Giacomo Dispacci, Prov.Gen. 1667n Loredan, Provveditore Dalm.Alb., n.331 Estraordinario in Cattaro (b.497). Enclosure [n.1] to Dispatch n.214 4 Item’s description Item’s position N° Date Place Type and Author/s Archiving or cataloging Short reference 30 @ 21 Apr Ragusa dai Letter by the archdeacon Bernardo Giorgi, Giorgi, 1667 Lazzaretti Bernardo Giorgi to the Letter 1667a abbot Stefano Gradi, Rome Excerpts in Cerva, 1744, p.347 31 @ [21 Apr] [Ragusa] Letter by the archdeacon Bernardo Giorgi / Brnja Giorgi, 1667 Bernardo Giorgi to the Durdević, Letter. 1667b abbot Stefano Gradi, Rome Excerpts in Cerva, 1744, pp.348-350 32 @ 21 Apr Gravosa Letter by Francesco Bobali Francesco Bobali, Bobali, 1667 in Ragusa to Marco Letter 1667b Basegli, Venice [not retrieved in [partially translated into original; see Samardžić, English, courtesy of Ina 1960, p.60-62] Cecić] 33 @ 21 Apr Cattaro Dispatch by Caterino ASVe, Senato, ASVe, 1667 Cornaro, Provveditore Dispacci, Prov.Gen.

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