HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS PHILIPPINE NEWS GLOBAL NEWS inside look Emme 3 Aquino to China: 8 Son of Prince 14 JULY 30, 2011 Tomimbang Wins Filipinos Will Charle's Wife Raves Telly Award Defend Territory About Pinoy Dishes H AWAII’ S O NLY W EEKLY F ILIPINO - A MERICAN N EWSPAPER PHILIPPINE WARSHIP DOCKS AT PEARL HARBOR by Dennis GALOLO and Carlota ADER he Philippine Consulate General of Honolulu and members of Hawaii’s Filipino community held a warm welcome for the offi- T cers and crew of the Philippines’ biggest and newest warship which recently docked at Pearl Harbor. A former U.S. Coast Guard cutter, the The outpouring of aloha was deeply BRP Gregorio del Pilar was expected to re- appreciated by the ship’s officers and crew. fuel, take on supplies and allow its crew to “We are overwhelmed with the hospi- enjoy a brief R&R. As of press time, it was tality shown to us by the Filipino community scheduled to depart for the Philippines on and the Philippine Consulate,” says com- Friday, July 29, 2011. manding officer Capt. Alberto Cruz. “It re- Before leaving Hawaiian waters, the flects the bayanihan spirit and camaraderie Philippine Consulate of Honolulu hosted a of our kababayans. Thank you for making Commanding Officer Capt. Alberto Cruz and Crew of BRP Gregorio del Pilar–Philippine's newest reception and send-off mass for the Grego- us feel at home.” flagship. Photography TIM LLENA rio del Pilar. In attendance were Deputy Consul General Paul Cortes, consulate offi- BRIEF BACKGROUND Gregorio del Pilar. Its two 1,800 horsepower flight deck, a retractable hangar and other cials, representatives from the Philippine The ship was purchased by the Philip- gas turbines can propel the vessel to facilities to support helicopter operations. Celebrations Coordinating Committee of pine government for $13 million as part of speeds of up to 28 knots. The Gregorio del It will replace the 306-ft BRP Rajah Hawaii and U.S. military officials from Pearl the U.S. government’s Foreign Military Pilar can remain at sea for 30 days without Humabon, a Cannon-class destroyer-escort Harbor and Hickam. Sales Program and rechristened as the refueling and is equipped with a helicopter (continued on page 4) Cheers: SONA Set World's Largest, Most Directions on Governance Advanced Solar-Powered www.philstar.com Boat in Phl ANILA, Philippines by - President Rhodina VILLANUEVA M Aquino’s State of ANILA, Philippines - The the Nation Address world’s largest and most (SONA) drew praises from M advanced solar-powered congressional leaders and boat, M/S Tûranor Planet Solar, other sectors not only for has arrived in Manila to promote his statesmanship but also solar power, the World Wide for the inspiration it gave to The M/S Tûranor Planet Solar, the world’s largest and most advanced solar-powered boat, is docked for a welcoming ceremony the Filipino people. Fund (WWF) for Nature an- nounced yesterday. at the Philippine Navy headquarters yesterday. The multi-hulled Speaker Feliciano catamaran is in Manila in its continuing voyage from Monaco in Belmonte Jr. said the WWF-Philippines chairman an attempt to circumnavigate the globe using only solar power. SONA was inspiring to Fil- (continued on page 4) MANNY MARCELO Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Speaker Feliciano ipinos, who now see clear Belmonte applaud as President Aquino delivers his second and new directions on SONA. VAL RODRIGUEZ HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE good governance in the 94-356 WAIPAHU DEPOT RD., 2ND FLR. Aquino administration. SONA was not “vengeful.” WAIPAHU, HI 96797 “The speech of the President was Davao City Rep. Karlo Nograles and good and inspiring because he said we Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez have the power of change. We all can do said the SONA was very clear “on what it,” Belmonte told reporters, noting that the (continued on page 4) HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE - NEWS EDITION 2 EDITORIALS JULY 30, 2011 pendent, principled thinking in her new job. A New Graft-Buster Her predecessor’s appointment was also initially welcomed by the hen most people think about the home- public. But the ombudsman who promised to be less, stereotypical images come to “merciless” to the corrupt was perceived to be too W mind—the drug addict wandering grimy merciful. Merceditas Gutierrez, the first ombuds- city streets or the mentally ill ranting at imaginary man to be impeached, was forced to leave office in phantoms. But high unemployment, the high cost an inglorious way. Carpio-Morales, President of housing, and a stubbornly depressed economy Aquino said, would not be a “tanod-bayad ng mga are pushing a new, diverse population over the nagwawang-wang sa pamahalaan”or guardian of edge to homelessness. those who abuse public office. Lawmakers urged her to be like a pitbull in Carpio-Morales can best fill this role with suf- going after the corrupt. Others commiserated with ficient support from the administration that has her over the challenges ahead. New Ombuds- made the anti-corruption campaign a linchpin of man Conchita Carpio-Morales is expected to governance. In addition to pursuing pending speed up the resolution of long pending cases in cases, the Office of the Ombudsman, on its own, her office, President Aquino said as he an- can initiate an investigation of public officials sus- nounced her appointment during his State of the pected of graft and corruption. Nation Address. While the Office of the Ombudsman is an in- Under the new chief graft-buster, the Presi- dependent agency, it depends on the national dent said, there would be no watered-down government for funding. The office needs more cases filed by the Office of the Ombudsman, prosecutors, researchers – personnel and facili- cases would be tight and evidence strong, and there would be no way ties needed to gather evidence, follow the money trail, and prepare out for the corrupt. People generally hope for the best when a new om- cases so airtight the government need not cut a deal with any accused budsman is named. Carpio-Morales attracted the attention of the Pres- plunderer. Integrity, competence and dedication are required of all per- ident and the public because of the positions she took on controversial sonnel in the Office of the Ombudsman. Much is expected of Carpio- issues when she was an associate justice of the Supreme Court. Newly Morales. She can do her job better with sufficient resources and logistical retired from the SC, she is expected to display the same kind of inde- support. (www.philstar.com) Republic Act 9369, which was enacted in January 2007 to pave the way Stealing the Vote for full poll automation, electoral sabotage includes cheating operations n election victory, once stolen, is almost always irretrievable. The such as dagdag-bawas or vote shaving and padding. The amendments cheater occupies the contested position and often finishes the term, also increased penalties for involvement in other forms of vote rigging, par- A stealing the vote and undermining the will of the electorate. Victims ticularly for Comelec employees and deputized poll watchers. of poll fraud can get justice only if those who perpetrated the cheating and The new provisions cannot be applied to those accused of cheating in benefited from it are punished. But how many poll cheats have ended up 2004 and 2007, but they can serve to discourage a repeat of past election behind bars? scandals. With the midterm elections just two years away, the Comelec Recently several individuals have surfaced to talk about vote rigging in should prepare to fully enforce the provisions of RA 9369. Information 2004 and 2007. It could take years to establish the truth and resolve the should be disseminated and training conducted so people will know what controversies with finality. But the latest developments should spur elec- to watch out for in stopping poll fraud. This should include Comelec per- toral reforms in the near future. Alongside continuing efforts to uncover the sonnel, public school teachers, barangay officials, the military and police, truth about past elections, the nation should lay down the groundwork for and citizen poll watchdogs, several of which are already well organized. better enforcement of laws against poll fraud. There is a legal framework to prevent a repeat of vote rigging. The law Election laws have been amended to include a crime called electoral is tough enough to make politicians and their supporters think twice about sabotage, with life imprisonment as the stiffest penalty. As defined under stealing the vote. All that the law needs is proper enforcement. (www.philstar.com) HAWAII-PHILIPPINE NEWS EDITION www.thefilipinochronicle.com | www.efilipinochronicle.com Contributing Writers Advertising/Marketing Director Belinda Aquino, Ph.D., Clement Bautista, Chona A. Montesines-Sonido Charlie Y. SONIDO, M.D. Columnists Teresita Bernales, Ed.D., Linda Dela Cruz, Carlota Ader Publisher and Executive Editor Fiedes Doctor, Danny de Gracia II, M.A., Amelia Account Executives Carlo Cadiz, M.D. Jacang, M.D., Caroline Julian, Maita Milallos, Carlota Ader Sen. Will Espero Chona A. Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D., Glenn Wakai J. P. Orias MONTESINES-SONIDO Grace F. Fong, Ed.D. Ruth Elynia Mabanglo, Ph.D. Creative Designer Big Island Distributor Publisher and Managing Editor J. P. Orias Junggoi Peralta Grace Larson Pacita Saludes Dennis GALOLO Philippine Correspondent Ditas Udani Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq. Gregory Bren Garcia Edwin QUINABO Charlie Sonido, M.D. Maui Distributor Emmanuel S. Tipon,Esq. Photography Associate Editors Cecile Piros Felino S. Tubera Tim Llena Randall SHIROMA Amado Yoro Administrative Assistant Molokai Distributor Sylvia Yuen, Ph.D. Design Consultant Shalimar Pagulayan Maria Watanabe The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle is published weekly by the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle Inc.
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