UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY LAUFERTY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING OLEO MARGAR NE BUTTER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,714, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed June 9, 1882, (No specimens.) To all whom it may concern: is better and more palatable than other pro So Be it known that I, HENRY LAUFERTY, of ducts of the kind, and is free from objection the city, county, and State of New York, have able ingredients which are found in the latter. invented certain new and useful Improve The feature that characterizes my invention, ments in the Art of Manufacturing Oleomar So far as concerns the preparation of the com. garine Butter, of which the following is a speci pound of milk or cream and oleomargarine, is 55 fication. that I preliminarily prepare the soured milk or It is my object to overcome certain defects cream by only half churning it, by which I - in existing processes of making oleomargarine mean churning until the liquid thickens, but IO butter, which detract from the quality of the stopping the churning operation before butter product and are a serious obstacle to its use. comes, then separating the whey or thin liq By my improvements I obtain a product very uid from the thicker part, and then mixing the much superior, both in quality and in appear latter substance only with the oil. This sub ance, to others now in the market. stance, of course, is not curds, nor is it either The most usual process of obtaining a butter sour milk or butter. It is a creamy substance like product from oleomargarine is to mix in resembling the beaten white of an egg, but of 65 certain proportions soured milk or cream with somewhat thicker consistency, and is so light oleomargarine, and then to churn the mixture that it floats upon the oil. I find that this sub to butter. This processis objectionable, for the stance amalgamates with the oil during the reason that the product becomes sour and with churning operation and seemingly becomes an out flavor, and apparently the bulk of the milk integral part of it, for when the resulting pro does not become butter, nor does it make with duct is heated the two do not separate, nor does the oleomargarine a homogeneous mass, since the product have a spotted appearance. It if the butter-like product thus made be heated also imparts a flavor of natural butter to the the constituents separate, the oil rising to the product, and does not become rancid. top and the milk remaining at the bottom. The That my invention may be better understood, 75 product, when packed and allowed to stand for I will proceed to describe more in detail the any length of time, is also apt to mold. manner in which I now prefer to practice it. Another way of making the butter-like pro I take the milk or cream, sour it, and after duct Is to churn the soured milk or cream un souring it cool it with ice. This lowers its tem till butter comes before mixing it with the oleo perature and causes a distinct separation of margarine. The objection to this is that the the fatty portion from the residue or whey. I butter particles thus obtained will not amal then place the milk or cream in a churn and gamate with the oil, but will form globules churn for aboutfive minures, until it gets thick, which are distinctly to be seen in the product, but is nevertheless free from butter particles 35 imparting to it a spotted appearance, and this or globules. It is essential that the churning remains the case, even though the product be operation should cease before reaching the lat subsequently colored with the usual butter-col ter point. The whey or thin liquid is then oring matter, because the butter globules or drawn off, leaving a thick product-neither particles take a darker color than the oil. sour milk nor butter-having the character Furthermore, the butter particles are germs of istics above set forth. The oleomargarine, suit rancidity which serve to soon render the pro ably prepared and heated-usually to about duct unfit for use. The same difficulty with re 950 Fahrenheit-is then run into the churn in spect to the oil and milk separating when the proper quantity, the churn remaining at rest 45 product is heated is experienced with this as until the oil is all in. The milk or cream pro with the other product. duct rises and floats on the surface of the oil. 95 By my invention I obviate the foregoing ob I then churn for about forty minutes, and then, jections and obtain a product which possesses after adding flavoring and coloring matter, if more of the characteristics of natural butter, desired, and working it into the product, re 2 264,714 move the latter from the churn, after which I it, like butter, dissolves slowly and leaves no salt, work, and pack it in the usual way. globules. The untreated oil, on the contrary, 35 I have found that the quality of the butter under like conditions, breaks up in the mouth like product can be still further improved by into globules offat. The oil, whenthus treated, preliminarily treating the oleomargarine in the becomes opaque-usually of a light yellow following way: I place the oil in a suitable color-and perceptibly swells or increases in tank or vessel, and there, by means of suitable bulk and resembles butter of the same consist stirring or agitating mechanism, stir and work ency in smoothness and uniformity. it until it appears of a fine consistency, like Having described my improvements, what I O butter, smooth and uniform. I prefer to con claim as new and of my invention is (luct this operation in the jacketed tank in 1. The hereinbefore-described improvement which the oil is subsequently heated; but dur in the art of manufacturing oleomargarine but 45 ing the operation of agitating the oil the tank ter, which consists in partly churning the soured should be without heat and the oleomargarine milk or cream until it reaches the consistency should be cold, and if taken into the tank as specified, separating the whey or thin liquid it comes from the press the stirring operation from the creamy thicker portion, mixing the SO should continue until it cools and obtains the latter with the oleonargarine, and churning consistence above referred to. the mixture, substantially as set forth. The agitator in the tank may be of any suit 2. The described process of making oleo able construction, and should run at a compara margarine butter, which consists in mixing tively slow rate of speed-say from twenty to oleomargarine preliminarily prepared by agi twenty-five revolutions per minute. The agi tating or beating it, substantially as de 55 tator which I in practice employ consists of a scribed, and the product obtained by separat rotating wooden cage or cylinder surrounding ing the thicker portion from the whey of part 25 a shaft from which project paddles, the cylin ly-churned milk or cream, churning the mix 7 der and shaft revolving in opposite directions. ture, adding coloring-matter, and also flavor I obtain in this way a more perfect admixture ing-matter, if desired, and finally salting and and amalgamation of the component parts of working the same, as hereinbefore set forth. the oil and break up the globular formations In testimony whereof I have hereunto set which are always observable when ordinary my hand this 8th day of June, 1882. oleomargarine becomes mushy or hard. Oil HENRY AUFERTY. after being thus treated will not when subjected Witnesses: to cold become as hard as the same oil previ EWELL A. DICK, ous to agitation, and when taken in the mouth P. B. DOING. .
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