TYPES OF BOTTOMS AND BENTHIC CNIDARIA FROM THE TRAWLING GROUNDS (LITTORAL AND BATHYAL) OFF CATALONIA (NE SPAIN) J Gili, J Ros, F Pagès To cite this version: J Gili, J Ros, F Pagès. TYPES OF BOTTOMS AND BENTHIC CNIDARIA FROM THE TRAWL- ING GROUNDS (LITTORAL AND BATHYAL) OFF CATALONIA (NE SPAIN). Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment, Observatoire Océanologique - Laboratoire Arago, 1987, pp.85-98. hal-03025015 HAL Id: hal-03025015 https://hal.sorbonne-universite.fr/hal-03025015 Submitted on 26 Nov 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. VIE MILIEU, 1987, 37 (2) : 85-98 TYPES OF BOTTOMS AND BENTHIC CNIDARIA FROM THE TRAWLING GROUNDS (LITTORAL AND BATHYAL) OFF CATALONIA (NE SPAIN) J.M. GILV, J.D. ROS2 and F. PAGÈS2 ' Institut de ciències del Mar Pg. Nacional, s/n. 08003 Barcelona, Spain 2 Departament dEcologia, Facultad de Biologia. Universitat de Barcelona Avda Diagonal, 645. 08028 Barcelona, Spain BENTHIC CNIDARIA ABSTRACT. — From trawling hauls carried out along the Catalan (NE Spain) shelf, DISTRIBUTION the faunistic composition and the distribution of benthic Cnidaria have been studied, ECOLOGY and the bottom communities mapped. 49 species of Cnidaria were collected from WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN hauls made between 5 and 870 m of depth; the most fréquent species are those related BENTHOS with muddy-sandy bottoms. Three distinct ecological groups were found by means TRAWL FISHING BOTTOMS of principal components and principal coordinates analysis : Anthozoan species widely distributed and fréquent in sandy and middy bottoms; Hydrozoan species locally abundant on sandy and gravelly bottoms; Anthozoan species on sandy and gravelly bottoms. AU the species show a high adaptability to the bottom type and to the perturbating effect of trawling, reflected both in their macroanatomical features and in their trophic habits. A bionomic map has been drawn of the prospected bottoms, based on macrofauna composition and relative abundance, and six différent types of benthic communities have been distinguished. CNIDAIRES BENTHIQUES RÉSUMÉ. — A partir de pêches au chalut réalisées le long du plateau continental DISTRIBUTION de la Catalogne espagnole, on a étudié la composition faunistique et la distribution ECOLOGIE des espèces de Cnidaires benthiques, et on a cartographié les communautés benthi- BENTHOS ques. On a collecté 49 espèces de Cnidaires provenant de chalutages effectués entre MÉDITERRANÉE OCCIDENTALE 5 et 870 m de profondeur; les espèces les plus fréquentes sont celles liées aux fonds FONDS A CHALUTAGE sablo-vaseux. Trois groupes écologiques ont été décelés, au moyen de l'analyse des données en composantes principales et en coordonnées principales : espèces d'Antho- zoaires largement répandues et fréquentes sur des fonds sablo-vaseux; espèces d'Hydrozoaires localement abondantes (faciès) sur des fonds sableux et de graviers, et espèces d'Anthozoaires sur des fonds de sables et graviers. Toutes ces espèces montrent une haute faculté d'adaptation à la nature du fond et à l'effet perturbateur du chalutage, ce qui se traduit soit dans les caractéristiques macroanatomiques, soit dans les coutumes alimentaires. On a réalisé une carte bionomique à partir des données de composition et abondance relative de la macrofaune, et on a distingué six types différents de communautés benthiques. 86 J.M. GILI, J.D. ROS and F. PAGES INTRODUCTION the area : the oceanographical campaigns carried out by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Maluquer, 1916) at the beginning of this century. The Catalan continental shelf is one of the areas In the présent report the results are given of a more intensely exploitée! by commercial trawl fish- faunistic and autecological study of the assemblages ing in the Western Mediterranean. This fishing of benthic Cnidaria of the Catalan continental shelf, activity has increased very much in the last décades, from the samples collected during the AQUDE in contrast with the scarce biological and bionomic campaigns; also, a preliminary attempt is made to knowledge of the bottoms over which the trawl gear establish the bionomy of the prospected bottoms, as acts (Bas et al, 1955; Oliver, 1961, 1968a, 1968b; a référence frame to the Cnidaria taxocoenoses. Guille, 1970; Desbruyères et ai, 1972-73; Got, 1973; Other taxonomical groups are now being studied Serra, 1976), either this knowledge is considered in from the same samples of the AQUDE campaigns : absolute terms or by comparison to that from the crustaceans (Castellôn & Abellô, 1983), molluscs bottoms nearest to the coast, mainly those on hard (Ros et al, in press), fishes (Martin et al, in press), substrates (Ros et al, 1984, 1985). etc. With the purpose of knowing better the benthic organisms, mainly those of the macrofauna, both of fishing and of merely biological interest, the Institut de Ciències del Mar of Barcelona sponsored, from MATERIAL AND METHODS June 1981 till January 1983, the AQUDE campaigns (Bas, 1984). During thèse, ail the Catalan coastal area was sampled by means of conventional fishing The studied samples corne from ail the Catalan boats. Thèse campaigns had only one précèdent in continental shelf, from 5 to 870 m in depth, and were Fig. 1. Distribution of the sampling stations (see Table I for their features). Some other samples, not shown, do not gave Cnidarians; their macrofauna data have nevertheless been used for the drawing of the bionomic map (see text). BENTHIC CNIDARIA FROM CATALONIA 87 collectée! from June 1981 to January 1983 (Fig. 1; ordination have been selected, and the percentage of Table I). From a total of 185 samples obtained, there thèse corresponding to each factor has been calcula- were Cnidarians only in 68; nevertheless, it should ted. Significative percentages (50 %) of samples of a be emphasized that nearly ail the remaining samples particular characteristic therefore support the pre- were never separated nor preserved (Camp, personal vious meaning intuitively given to each axis. The communication). The kind of sampling carried out considered factors are: depth (100 m, 100-300 m, makes difficult the quantitative évaluation of thèse 300 m), substrate (mud, muddy sand, sand, gravel), samples, thus both the data and the results should géographie setting (the sampled area has been be regarded as semiquantitative or qualitative. divided in six zones of similar extent), and species The samples were obtained through the habituai number (as a rough or indirect index of species procédures of trawl fishing (Bas et al, 1955; Bas, richness). 1984), with hauls lasting for an hour approximately. To draw the map of the communities, three Each haul represents a sample of ca. 2 km2 of sea différent sources of information have been taken bottom; in the whole, the prospected area is esti- into account : a) the information from authors who mated between 111 and 185 km2 of bottoms of the previously studied some région in the area (Des- Catalan continental shelf, approximately extending bruyères et al, 1972-73; Ros, 1975); b) the compo- between 40°15'-43°30' N and 0°30'-3°45' E. sition and distribution of bottoms according to the In order to objectivize the distribution process of fishing maps in which substrate nature is especifi- species and samples in the studied area, both were cally indicated (Bas et al, 1955; Oliver, 1961, 1968a, submitted to an analysis of principal components 1968b); c) the study of the macrofauna collected in based on the analysis of discrète variables (Legendre the benthos samples of the AQUDE campaigns, & Legendre, 1979; Cuadras, 1981a, 1981b). Due to either qualitative or semiquantitative ones (abun- the diffïculty in quantifying the samples, only those dance or relative frequency), and either in the species appearing two or more times in the sampling samples with Cnidaria or in the remaining ones. The set were chosen; the observed values were then procédure followed was to place ail the previous adjusted to semiquantitative ones by the logarithmic information on a bathymétrie map, and afterwards transformation of the initial data (number of indivi- to confirm or redrawn the boundaries of the com- duals or colonies), followed by the rounding of the munities defined from the macrofauna data. obtained values up to the immediately superior The Cnidaria species obtained in this study are entire number. fully described in a separate monography (Gili, For the qualitative study, the data matrix in 1986). values of présence-absence has been used, calcula- ting Jaccard's similarity index (Margalef, 1974). The type of analysis used, that of principal coordinates, seems to be one of the more suitable ones for this RESULTS kind of data (Cuadras, 1981a; Romero, 1981; Romero & Gili, 1983). It maximizes the resolution in the spatial représentation at a reduced dimension A. Types of bottoms and enables to discriminate easily between little différences in species distribution. Only the two first The sea bottoms of the upper stretches of the axes have been represented, being the most significa- Catalan continental shelf are mainly formed by
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