V and tilings, as well as something of what he think--, .e ought to knock "em out of their seats. Speaking of umpires, which we do Come off For A Year as inoffensively as possible. Bill Klein, The Smile That Won't the National league motion man, was wandering up and down Broadway with As Viewed by an Arizona Fan $1,000 in his possession and a glad grin i on his frontispiece. It seems that the National commis- sion intended paying Klem, "Silk' As Well O'Laughltn, Bill Rigler and Billy Small Accounts Bvans $760 each for their work in the ,, lint- aftp.r dulv consid ering..!..the fact every one of the famous 1 gladiators escaped from Boston and the Polo grounds without once being j taxed with larceny, arson or murder As Large Ones Are by the players or tans, tne commission tacked ?JS0 to each man's salary. The commission will never miss the mone out-o- f Its bit from the series, and the iX umpires can display it to their grand- children as proof that once upon a time Welcome Here the world treated them with kindness McGraw JSot an Umpire Bnlter. The umpires are singing the praise or John McGraw, who was so busy re- cently trying to win a world's cham- pionship withdut the consent of some of his players, that he wholly over- looked the presence of the platoon of before open- arbitrators. The American league Do not wait until your business Wassumed neat representatives must have expected him to bite his initials in them, judg- ing an account. ing from their intense surprise, not knowing that McGraw long ago save all umpires up as hopeless. He's the gamest loser I ever saw, said one of the American leaguers. "There's no one In his class in that respect. The Giants will soon disperse to their Do Now various homes. Josh Devore, who left It Boston announcing that he intended leaping off the Brooklyn bridge as soon as possible, changed his mind on reach- ing New York and will wait until he of spends his $2,500. Josh will probably policy is to ive equal attention and courtesy to all regardless the go on to Terre Haute or some other re- Our mote western place, out among the buf- and we are prepared to perform all functions of falo and the Indiana. amount of business done; Hcrzog to Study at Cornell. safe banking. , !.. i..-- tTaii- - wbo shares with Mathewson the honors of the series, so ( lar as tne uiants courau, " take a course in agriculture up at Cor- nell. Charles is interested in perfect- ing a rindless cantaloupe for his farm at Ridgeley, 3d. Leon Ames is going Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000 to Warren, Ohio, where $8,600 is con- sidered some means, burhe will return later to go to Cuba with an all-st- ar baseball team being organized by Bill Rigler, the umpire, who Is the official groundkeeper of the baseball yard in Deposits ,$5,500,000 Havana. Several other Giants may take this trip, including Charles M. Tesreau, the bear coUector, although Charles Is first going home to PerryvlUe, Mo., to show Resources $7,000,000 the home folks some, of that yellow backed city money which he has picked up around here. OUs Crandall will, of course, go to Wadtna, Ind., for a winter in Wadlna ?v?v without Otis would be a dreary social season. Indeed. Officers . UmuI OMrwtcF-i-aa- mnA Arthur SHaier - will arobably go to their homes In Los ' .J06HUA SAYHOLDB, PiBdet-- Angeles. Grover Cleveland Hartley will a Os KATflBR, Cashier. gust naturally knock 'em dead in XOOSS G. MeNARY, Vite PreaiaMt. EDGAR W. good Ind., wnen ae snows up wiwi mo By L. VILUCAX, MESA. ARIZ-- Broadway apparel; while Fred Merkle " WALTER M. BOTTLER, Asafc Cashier. pursuits W. L. TOOLBY, Vice PreflWwt. will resume bowling and legal Cashier. changed condition which Toledo, Ohio. Bowling is Freds E. M. HURD, Vice Presideat. GLEN T. MOORE, Aset of affairs around .ittet. lpiitui. irfotnhei- - hiber- - unnecessary for htm to I makes it stand i.n.. i Til anil Arthur hand. rMii:M1l. 1 around with a baseball in his nai.es ui viwj. 1 Giants Are Off Also he misses the story of the game Wilson gives Bloomlngton. 111., a strong Vanquished on the front pages of the newspapers piJ as he partakes of his morning mush, Deyle to Remain Here. To Their Habitations and so he has gone on a hunting orgy, Chief Meyers is tearing for the Winter. denying with grave emphasis that he shadow of Mount Kubideaux, at River-bid- e Intends potting any center fielders or Cal , where he is Investing in a Mathewson Wffi Try and Forget It on His Western Hantiag Trip Marquard first basemen out of season. grove of orange trees. Larry Doyle aad McGraw Will Do Vaudeville Stunt Richard de Marquis de Marquard, the expects to remain right here in New noted Thespian, is out with his vaude- York, where he can buy better gaso- By DAMON RUNYOW. ville announcement, in which he states line for his new auto than he could that he is going to play Hamlet left-hande- d. secur in Breese. III. Jack Murray has YORK, N. Y, Oct 22. sume the series as a winter attraction He will receive real money already vanished. Jack loses himself & CO, no in Boston, but the consensus of public for appearing on the stage; but not winter somewhere around RIO GRANDE VALLEY BANK TRUST beenssured that there Is opinion hereabouts te that the ball in the NEW of any more ball from he. Elmlra. players should let the matter drop for McGraw Goes Into Vasaeville. It is the judgment of baseball men this-eeas- Carta the time being aad devote their at- Mc- tenth gattes being played engage- It is said that manager John J. that Fred Snodgrass's muff in the - Mathewson, the author, has left this tention to their vaudeville Graw Is also, going to 'take a whirl in inning of the last game at Boston, COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS- ments. a monolog, and if while very costly, is being greatly island extremely flat and gone on a vaudeville with that, as a matter of hunting expedition. His publisher has It is said that Chris finds it very the manager of the Giants agrees to magnified, and only to reconcile himself to the tell us all he knows about umpires downright fact, the Giants have hie address in case It is decided to re difficult themselves, as a team, to blame for not Organized 1905 winning the series without having to play eight games at all Those who have been suggesting that Snodgrass s error may drive him off the Capital and Surplus $360,000. Resources $2,500,000 Giants evidently don't know McGraw, and forget his attitude In a similar Straight talk to men case of the long ago. The Giants lost t that series not on the individual boots any one man, but on a combined OUR OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. of for easy team deficiency in caring Christie, chances, and they are offering no W. W. Turney. President. H. S Secretary. ' Atkinson, Asptetaat Caskter. excuses. S. T. Turner, Vice President E. M. Bray. P who smoke jimmy pipes W. Cooiey, Vice President. J. E. Robertson. J-- H. Pollard. WorafeaiB. AERONAUT'S" DEATH T. M. Whigo, Vice President. W. E. Arnold, Cashier. B. M. H. D. Bowman. SHOCKS ADMIRERS A. Krakauer. Sig. N. Schwabe, Assistant Cashier. The last two years has seen a revolution in pipe-smokin- g. Prince Albert German's Balloon Struck ny LlchtnlnS came on deck with a brand new deal. Here was tobacco with wonderful flavor at Record Breaking Heisht and of rankness. Here was tobacco that burned long Tm are Instantly Killed. and fragrance, without a touch Berlin, German. Oct. 22. The an- burned free steady, that held its fire close and never sogged but burned nouncement of the death of Lieut. NEW RULES ARE OF but and Haas Gericke, winner of Mat rear;s n: down to dust-fin-e ashes. Here was tobacco you could smoke all day and it ternatlonal balloon race, in the Lnlted BENEFIT TO GAME TO DRIVE A NAIL States, and head of the 'team of Ger- be held wouldn't bite your tongue. man defenders In the races to Open Play Makes Contest More You must not only hit in squarely on the head once bat yon must from Stuttgart next Saturday, cre- to Spectators. Fewer hammering goes in right. sensation here He ew Reported. also keep until it improvement in pipe tobacco since the ated a profound Injuries Are "follow-up- " counts. Spasmodic Prince Albert brought the first notable was thrown from his balloon at a are It's the persistent that effort in miles the explosion Philadelphia. Pa, Oct ii There any line of activity achieves little result: yon can't save much days of Raleigh. It has done 'more in two years to make the pipe height of three ly to tws noteworth features to the inter- money unles you go about it systematically. Walter of Ihe gas hag. which Is believed collegiate football season to date. One smoking in a generation. have keen struck toy lightning. His injuries Start with a dollar and a square jawed resolve to put away a cer- popular than all other tobaccos also was killed. is the almost total lack of percentage of your earnings each week or month, and you will aM.
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