lc u !I c tr E s. caIled a§ a sitEesE, havilg beeE flr6t ilü}y 6wo!4, .espo§ded !o the oath aDd LeBtitled aa fo11ov6: TEB iIITNESS: Yes, I do' o. Detective, 1E loud .1eä! voice, {ou1d you sEäte you! trctre shleld Duab'r rt{J a- Detective PeEe! Nugnes, Ehield .I Dumbe! 5702 0f the iläDhaEta! cold case tl Q. DelecEive, bow lors have Yot beeE in a merbe! ol the NeD York citY loIice ,i!l I Ap!loximaEelt tetr Years. llI a. And ho, looq have vou beeE a neiber ,lI ol the cold ca§e squad? A. Approximately leo of thoEe te! fl !o lbe eibels of, 2 i O. couLd You !e1ay Ehe Grand .rurt what lhe funcriou of tbe cold a, Tbe cold case squait I äpproxinarelli lbfee veals aEo' luncEioo IB to tnvestiqate o1d cäse6. honicide ca6e5, robbely öa6eB Ehat have reEiried ulsorved to! a varieEy of leasols -- lack oti you kEoe, llEdlEq {itlesses atrd so fo!!h. Ald yha! ,e do is {e investigate, you loofl, ,e ope. these ca6es aDil basically 6!ar! floh 3c!älch. Dld tlere come a Eire EhaE you wele a§§iqoeat !o lnvesllgare the ateaEh of a! lDaivldual by the name of Dario EsEiella that, 1 that occulled in lebiuary of 1994 §1thItr the contiEeE of the 24Eh preciDc! here ln }IeD Yo-k? o. And ato you reca11 approxlnately tbät yo! leceived that asBlgEnelt? Alploxi(aEely a yea! aEo. o- and tas Eh€re anotber detective that assisted you in this assignment? 1 Yes, sy paltner, Detectlve stepheno Pursuan! lo your !o receivlEq this 2 a66iqnneat, dld you becohe arale that there 2 Bele eeltaiE as6istant dlst!ict attorneys {iEhiD tbe MaDhattan Distric! AE!ölney,s office Ehat atso ,olked o. unsolved hotoicldes? a- änäÄDDÄ-Bibh o. Ald Bulaua§t to you recelvilg that a6sigaEeEt bo le-tnve3tlgale tb6 hu!d6! oI Dallo s6tre11a, did you b.irg the dase tife to rysetf a.d Ä.D.A. Bl;b? 1. a- aDd did you reviee that palticulär Ye6, we seDt over iE. 0. ?u!6uaue to that co!!e!eEce, did you oDce aEair !6op€! th6 ca56 and 6ta!t L i6-llt6nlevilg va!1ou6 si!! I 1 And Dur§uarE to you! lnvedElgatloE lE tq16 ca6e, did there cohe a time thät you 1 ftlsl intolvlered aE iEdividuäl by Ehe Däne of 2 o. and vhen did Ehat tirst intelvieu 2 Ä- March the 1st, 1999 {as the filst Ilte!vie{ vlth Keluelh !e1de!, Q. wltele did that iutelvieY Eake a. o! Geolqiä? t: shllb couEly. o. -- wäs tshat iEtervle{ { rir. relae, his ni.anala a. Yes, lt wa6. 0- ara! ca! you palaBhlase lh6 substarce of that Xl!6t EtateneDt ol _- Mr. .il le1dor gave you i! rlalch of 1999 i! Geotgia? .ll a- Ye6/ basically, wllat !4!. Felder lelayed to ne oE tialch Ehe 15t wag that he ,as plesen! lD on Feb,üaly 26, 1994 l! Blookly! ifl sith 36ve:a1 orher ildividuals, and tbat they .! had proceeded to l4aDha!ca!/ to Nev Yoik county. ,x and that he while a1on9 a5 a nedber of tbe, you kuo{, i! tb6 vehicre tha! they {e!e ilvolved :l tlav6tlng iD, he {as a loB-uitllng par!lcLpant ,t iE a lolrbely ihar evenlng. a. Anar iud you Epectflcally !e!er üi! :fl to tho ca6e thät you vele iEvestigatiDg, the ,I hürder ol Daxio rscre1Ia, that occullod on lebruäly 26 ol 19 94? ]I 0. A!t6! tiraE lnte.vieu look p1äce, - .- did you ieturn to §e, York? A. Yea, I .elutied apptoxinat€1y four days 1aE6! aloüEd lhe fifth oI lralch. Q. iald !i.. F6td6! ya6 not alresled at that Elhe coEcellllc Ehe nu!d€! of Dalio No, he was 1: aot arre6t6d. a. Ald dld you eoEfe! ,ith ny6e1f and a.D.A- Bibb corcerning the htelvle, Ehat you 1 Ilail witl! M!. relder i! eeo.qia a! tbär tine? 1 lhat,6 co!!6ctr y6s. o- Did you contloue Eo r6-1Ev6E!lqate Yes, Irve beer ,olting oD it evet 1 1 Q. AEd dld Eher6 cooo a t1n6 tträ! you vere dilecled to go bacL Eo ceorgiä and tsa1k to l,t!, !e1de! agai!? o, Detectlve Blacc1!1? 2 A, B-n-A-C-C-f-1C-I. 2 Q. AEd once agaiE we KeDneth !e1de! coEceilllq Chs honlcide of Dari6 a. wbeu ili.l tbi6 tElelvie!, tarr6 place? Tl!16 pa6t lredEe6day, betleve saE O. Dld Deteclive Bla.ciai oEce asai! accohpäly you to Georgia? o- {h6!o dld you oDce aqala ,l !e-iDteryiee (ennelb !e1der? u.. Fetder uas tnlelvie{ed 1! -- -- nalne! iobbLos (ph.) Geolgia, a. flas Dele.tive BracciDi pleselt? 1, 1 o. alil ,as a uitress stalerent takeu floß KeEtreth !61dor al thi6 llme concerollg the -urd6r öf Dalio E3tsre1la? a. Yes, I took a ,llrCen Etatetre4!. Q. Do you hava tbat vlllteD atateEeat il 2 2 Q, tras tbi§ vr1lEeE stalehert take! 2 afle! he wa6 advised o! hi6 uilalda ßaloiDgs? 2 A. Yes, i! was, a. !rlo! to takilq tho {rltt6D sbatenenl, .after the niräEda llarDinqs; did yo!, il iEfo!ß bih tsha! af,ter le-ilveEti.satiEs rhe ca6e6, tha! you had celtai! stepticisn coDce.diEs iiB !1!6E.tarement tha! he gave you of hiE !oD-part{clpatloE? A. Th.!!B corlects. a. anil did he give you a subsequeDt stätenenl concer.i,ns bi§ palticipaEio! i! this ! 1e5, !e lEIolmed me abd gave me a rl ,t a, Eou many Pages i3 the statemeDt? rbe slaEehent Is approxlsately o§e rt a. Does il also cootain rhe nlfaEara ix uarriqgs lhat be qave? A. Yes, it does. rx al th15 !1he I,ß ,! nälkiüg the stale(elt as Grand July Exhibit ,I Numbe! Tro lor ldeDtificatlo!. I a.t that, .,\ Detective, you look at uhat Itve marked ä5 erahd .rury Exhibit Nunner Two. 0- Do yo! recogllze lhät, Delective? ifl 0. llbaE do you lecosnize it to be? il .-r Thl. la the Etätehent that llr. Pelder gave to he or Jalua.y lhe -- yes, raEualy the litEh o! tbis year. Q- laEd sho srote Lhe staterer!? a. This t3 iE !'h. Pelde!,§ owr alal 1s it itgEed? ?: q. By vbon 16 it signeal? 1 o. and dld he 6iqr lt ih your 1 saiacco:I will trow offer lhis '!*hibit Nuhbei lvo in a6k Lhe declive Eo read - read it lE lts entilety. i. the true accourt on tbe 1 o. Please keep you! voice up, a. r,n so!!y, this is the actual accouut on the cäse Ehat the deaEh is hele 2 about. r was !n tbe ca! in üaEhatEaD with rraviE, Thomad aDd (eitb. atrd we eas lidirg, n LoohiEg for EoEEooe to rob, ßeltb vas telliEg rlavi. which way, vhich ,ay to EÖ because I rravls ali.h'E kDos to tld€ 1B llätrhaEEan. so Keirh totd llm ro Eo dom this stleet/ aüd I T.av15 did. RLght at rhe same -- ,1gbt at the 6aEe tlße we all seed s_E-!-D a Ean wa1k14g i! froDr o, a building. I.eith, that oolher fucker fl gor soüe moaey. RighE. !{e aad Tlavi6 said, I ! doDlt krow, mau iight be Pa.king. ,! Keltb pt116d ouE ä knile äEd said, rx donll ,o!!y aboül 6h1E becaLse I got tbis, aad ,! i! he tries something, 1'11 do b,iE a56. r'r j 5olryl do his a6§ i!, aEd then Tlavla, that riqht fuct, that 1! he b!i66 to 6toP us, Fe'I1 II Ju6t häve to tuck hlh up. rhen ,e all sec Öu! j ot lhe ce!. I 6tay by the po1e. Kelth ard Tlavis salx up ro the saD, but they got Eo bis. .u ?bey botb stop aEd §talt !a1k1!9 abo§t ,il Eonethlnc abolt the Eoney the ran hlgbt have. ald then tb6y sade lhelt movo. K61th Pü}Ied :x out blm lolte thac he had lold me he bad used ,il beloie on softeone aDd {a1kod up to the näE ald stabbed the nan aEd Travls glalbed the han bv :fl hi6 EecL ana hold hlm ieal haEd. And &ei!h 11 teep oÄ 6tabbiis Ehe ia! wilL.krife, ras too fleak to vi., Ee started to Tra;is relltslrh hia. The! Tlavis over to the nän and told rhele the !old, aid to1d, get oalIet fron tbe said, whele the ,alLet uas. I got aDd qive it to Tlavis ald iun back tso come on. I aid. nben I gob ln, r,aviB 6tarled to ,] count lhe moDey up. It kas a Iot. IravlB, (eith Ga4e G-a-N-E aEd T saidr dor'c t get §orethiEg. tavis aEd «eltb böth said, foi wharr you didn,t do 6hib. also f, renember Tlavis ta*ing the ban, rakiDq bbe maE bead and bet B-!-t bet it 1 to hhe glould some tihe be.au6e Cbe man ras tlyiDg lo get up and iun tro what r Tlavis stil] beat biß Eo the qlouEd. siEred il i ho{ aid that sratemeat diffet I sEatemelt lhat you took lrom the li!.L stätemeDt Felder lnforned he !tugle6 ple6eEt in the cai, but he had no iaea what wa§ coiDs to t!ätrsEire aDd, you kaor, tllat be oas present and a robbely oas cohnittedi büt he bad Do kDowledgä of rhat was going ou and he {as an ulri1,Iiaq pa!ti6ipant. o, And ho, does tbät diffe! fron the Baeically tbe second statement iDcludiDg lhe iDtelview and Ehe audlo xhen ve Epoke Eo !!r.
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