CLCV 115 Exam 3 Material Five Characteristic Aspects of the Greek Hero Stran e Birth Monster# %roblems with a Horri&le (orshippe* Circ"mstances Sla$in (oman )eath as a Demigod after Death %erse"s Danae impregnated by Zeus Medusa Andromeda None (as golden rain); exposed in a box +e*ip"s exposed at birth on Mt. Sphinx Jocasta blinded, exiled, Cithaeron (Epi asta) disappears Herc"les delayed deli#ery; sna$es Nemean Lion, Deianeira burned to atta k him and his t%in 'ydra" death brother !rymanthian Boar, Cretan Bull, et . Bellerophon Chimaera Stheneboea blinded, disabled Jason stolen a%ay as an infant; Serpent that Medea ship fell on brought up by Chiron the guards the him entaur golden flee e These"s )ather “should not loosen the Minotaur .haedra boiled to death %ine,sa k until he gets home- .ames to Kno'0 The Heroes Argos %eloponnes"s: /he large peninsula in the south of Gree e that contains Athens" Argos, Sparta" and many others. A geographi al area where the Argi#e Heraion (“Sanctuary of Hera in Argos-) %as located Argoli*0 A state in the eastern Peloponnese. Contains Argos. Argos (place): City inside Argolid that contains a large monument to the Argivian Hera, house of Tiles, et . 3nach"s: 1irst king of Argos who has a ri#er named after him, whi h he sa ri2 ed to Hera. 1ather of Io. The son of O ean and Tethys. Ri#er enabled the inhabitants to flourish through agri ulture 3o6 priestess of Hera, she was impregnated by Zeus and trans)ormed into a white hei)er o 'era put Argos (the beast) in charge of wat hing it until 'ermes killed him o 'era then cursed Io with a gad-*y" causing her to run all the way to Egypt" where someone touches her" causing her to instantly gi#e birth to !paphus Argos (beast): 100-eyed giant and ser#ant of Hera. Be ause he has 100 eyes" he can sleep %ith some of them and keep wat h with the others. o Assigned by Hera to guard Io, the co%. o Slayed the serpent-legged beast E hidna. o Slayed by Hermes, who put a spell on him that put all his eyes to sleep and then bludgeoned him to death with a rock, and his eyes be ame those of a pea oc$9s (Hera9s sa red animal) Epaph"s: Son of Zeus and Io, and a king of Egypt o Li&$a: Ancient term for Northern Afri a. Also the name for a daughter of !paphus who was ravished by Poseidon and bore t%ins. 3sis: !gyptian goddess of health, marriage" and wisdom !a’al: Semiti honori2 " similar to “lord”. Hyksos0 were a mixed group of Asiati people from Western Asia who took o#er the eastern Nile Delta Bel"s0 King of Egypt. Father of Aegyptus and Danaus Ae $ptus0 has 50 sons, commanded Danaus to ha#e his daughters marry his sons )ana"s0 has 50 daughters, Danaids, built a ship and fled to Argos with daughters to a#oid marriage, commanded the Danaids to kill Aegyptus9 son on their wedding night o )anai*s0 50 daughters of Danaus, after they killed the sons of Aegyptus, they %ere sent to Tartarus o Hypermnestra: only daughter to refuse to kill her husband on her wedding night, be ame the ancestors of Perseus, went to Elysium when she died %erseus Acrisi"s: ;ing of Argos. Ora le at Delphi said he will be killed by his grandson, Danae9s son. A risius hid her a%ay in a bronze chamber that was only open to the sky in his courtyard. Zeus impregnates Danae by trans)orming into a golden sho%er. Zeus and Danae ha#e the son: .erseus. A risius puts Danae and Perseus in a chest and tosses them out to the sea. Zeus has Poseidon res ue them" and the chest ends up on the shore of Seriphos. )anae0 daughter of A risius, is impregnated by Zeus" gi#es birth to Perseus %erse"s0 son of Zeus and Danae %erse"s: slays medusa" sa#es Andromeda" and a identally kills his grandfather" A risius, striking him in the head with a dis us, ful2lling the ora le. 1ounder of M$cenae0 an ancient city in Gree e near Argos, named after either his s%ord or a mushroom pi $ed off the ground there .erseus beheaded Medusa and used her head as a weapon, as it retained its petrifying abilities e#en after death. E#entually" he ga#e it to Athena to put on her shield. Graiai0 aka the Grey sisters, three sisters who shared one tooth and one eye abo#e them" kne% ho% to slay Medusa" but didn9t tell Perseus until he stole their communal eye and %as passing it around Gorgons0 a trio of female monsters, who ha#e hair made of living, venomous sna$es and turned people into stone. T%o of them, Stheno and Euryale, are immortal" but the third, Medusa, is not. o Me*"sa: monster with living, venomous sna$es in her hair" ga=ing dire tly into her eyes would turn you into stone, beheaded by Perseus . %e as"s0 Pure white" %inged horse, means “he of the fountain”" Medusa %as pregnant with him when she was killed Captured by the hero Bellerophon, the t%o de)eated the Chimera and had many other exploits together. The hero fell off Pegasus’ ba k as they fle% up to Olympus, though. Zeus trans)ormed .egasus into a constellation. Apotropaic: A type of magi used to ward off evil. Relie)s of Medusa9s head are often used for this purpose. Gorgoneion: an apotropai amulet with a Gorgon head. Cassiopeia: mother of Andromeda. Similar to Niobe, she boasted that her child was better than the gods, and was ordered to sa ri2 e her to a sea monster as punishment o An*rome*a: Daughter of an Ethiopian king, Cepheus" and Cassiopeia . 'er mother9s hubris leads her to boast that Andromeda is more beautiful than the Nereids. Poseidon sends a sea monster" Cetus, to ra#age her as punishment. Andromeda is stripped na$ed and chained to a roc$ as sa ri2 e, but Perseus sa#es her on his way ba $ from slaying Medusa. He later ta$es her as his wi)e. o Cetus: Sea monster sent by Poseidon under the influence of Hades to ra#age Andromeda. Slayed by Perseus -hebes Boeotia: + o%,land”" an atypi al area of Gree e featuring pasture" gra=ing land, grass, et . A %ealthy" prosperous area. A region to the north of the Peloponnese. Its largest city is Thebes. Europa: Noble%oman from Phoeni ia after whom Europe was named. Abducted by Zeus, who turned into a white bull and carried her a ross the sea to Crete Cadm"s0 Founder and first king of Thebes. He founded the city after the Delphi Ora le told him to find where a spe ial co% with a half-moon marking laid do%n. Serpent of Ares: Dragon that li#ed in a spring near Thebes, the Dirce Fountain. After it killed some of Cadmus’ men, he slayed it and planted its teeth in the ground. The teeth turned into fierce warriors" the Spartoi o Spartoi: /he men who gre% from dragon teeth, who fought amongst themsel#es until only fi#e survi#ed; these men be ame the patriarchs of the noblest families in the city. o )irce: :i)e of &y us, de#oted to Dionysus. Where she died in Thebes, he caused a spring to form. Punished by being atta hed to a bull. o Jocasta: ?ueen consort of Thebes. She married Lai"s, a des endant of the Spartoi. 'e re ei#ed an ora le from Delphi that he must not ha#e a child with Jocasta or that child would kill him and marry her. Ho%e#er" he gets drunk and fathers 4edipus with Jocasta anyway. +e*ip"s: /ragi hero. Ful2lled the abo#e prophe y despite his best efforts not to. Once he reali=ed what he had done, Jocasta hanged herself and Oedipus gouged his eyes out. They had )our children be)ore her death. Creon: Brother of Jocasta who offered the throne and Jocasta to whoe#er could get rid of the sphinx who was tormenting the people of Thebes. Sphinx: Mythi al creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human. It sometimes has bird wings. Those who cannot ans%er its riddle are killed and eaten. 4edipus is able to corre tly ans%er its riddle" earning the throne and Jocasta9s hand in marriage. %olynices0 Son of Oedipus and Jocasta. He and his brother !teocles inherited the throne after the death of their father, but they were cursed by him to ne#er share the throne pea efully. They killed ea h other in a battle for control of the city. Antigone: Daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. Name literally means “%orth of one9s parents-. .
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