June 2011 Volume 22 Number 6 rovidence Press Providence Presbyterian Church “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood.” “You need to be committed . By Pastor Mark Renn that most good ideas die a If you ask anyone who has together to support one slow death as they move served on one of these long- another during the busiest “You have to be crazy to through the multiple neces- or short-term ministry teams times of the year. want to serve on a church sary committees and gov- (the Evangelical Mis- committee.” erning bodies of the church. sions Team, the Fall Fes- For stewardship, the fall With these prevailing atti- tival Team, the Hillsdale might be particularly busy, This is a typical response tudes concerning commit- Missional Grant Team, but the spring offers time to that you might hear from tee work, I can the shared youth assist in the many responsi- someone if you were to bilities of the Buildings and openly admit that you love Grounds Team. Advent and to serve on church commit- Lent are full seasons for the tees. Many people run Worship Team, so team quickly in the other direction members will benefit from if they are cornered to serve the help of others at those on a committee and will times, and then lend a hand come up with every excuse to other ministry teams in in the book so as not to the summer when specific “commit” to a committee. worship concerns are less of a focus. I have to confess that there have been times in my life understand why most “COMMAND” Team In order to equip our minis- when I have felt this same church members aren’t with Overlook Presbyte- try teams with the human way, too. If you haven’t beating down the doors to rian, etc.), there is a common resources and creativity to noticed, I’m a man of action. join a committee. feeling of team members accomplish all of their great I like to talk about things making a meaningful and ideas, we need for members only as much as we are seri- But there is something important contribution to to get “committed” to a min- ous about putting them into you should be aware of. the life of the church. istry team. effect. Our Session is actively work- ing to develop “ministry At this year’s Session retreat, As people have learned The sad truth is that a lot of teams” with the purpose of we will be focusing on what through the missional Presbyterian churches are accomplishing great things in it takes to sustain and project at Hillsdale, it is very full of committees that talk the name of God, not just run- improve the positive exciting to see a ministry endlessly about good ideas, ning committee meetings to momentum we have set in idea come to fruition without ever actually doing accomplish the routine main- motion with regard to new because of our involvement them! There is even a tenance tasks of the church. ministries. Session members tongue-in-cheek attitude will be encouraged to work (See “Teams” on page 2) Providence Presbyterian (“Teams,” from page 1) I encourage you to find a committed to the same over- Church ministry team that arching goals and mission of with it. Most ministry (251) 633–9701 matches your passions the fellowship. teams meet no more and make a contribution www.providence-pc.org [email protected] As we seek to sow and reap a Mark Renn, Pastor harvest where God has placed Email: [email protected] us, I need you to get commit- Cell phone: (251) 895–3216 ted to the daily, weekly, and Betty Blakeman, Administrative monthly jobs and ministries Assistant Laura Fletcher, Interim Music that God is developing among Director us. Ministry teams (aka com- Debra Ehman, Nursery Staff mittees) are a great way to fig- Chris Ellis, Director of Youth ure out how your life can have Ministries the greatest impact for the Joanne Hayes, Bookkeeper Wendy Mouner, Nursery Staff Gospel in this community of Amber Nelson, Nursery Staff faith. Gene Noce, Treasurer Jimmie Roebuck, Drummer to the ongoing needs of a Ever committed to the than once a month, and Carolyn Weaver, Interim thriving and growing com- Kingdom, Accompanist the elders take care to munity of faith. We know make those meetings from Scripture that com- Newsletter Editor fun, worshipful, and Ken Gadomski 660–8565 munities blossom best productive. Session where each member is Laura Anderson 454-6093 Evangelical Missions Nedra Bloom 661–9669 Clerk of Session June worship volunteers Steve Crenshaw 649–9518 Worship By Lori Seman, Worship Elder Al Drinovsky 634–0860 Stewardship Date Liturgist Communion Ushers Pam Garner 649–4816 June 5 Liz Gross Intinction Bill Berry Nurture Valerie Harden Buck Bolton Liz Gross 607–7309 Graham Hayes Mary Mastrangelo Youth Joan Rommes C. J. Kriner 990–5783 Buildings and Grounds June 12 Nedra Bloom Tom Fletcher Linda Payne 660–8565 Aggie Roebuck Discipleship Jerry Williams Lori Seman (724) 989-1445 TBA Worship Jeny Williams 633–5976 June 19 Pam Fredelake CJ Kriner Debbie Purvis Fellowship Mary Mastrangelo Don Purvis Shepherd Program Director Betty Montjoy Marlene Taylor Pam Garner 649–4816 Larry Montjoy Les Taylor June 26 Don Bloom Betty Blakeman Providence Press is published Al Drinovsky monthly by Providence Presby- Michelle Nall terian Church. The deadline for articles is the second-to-the-last TBA Sunday of the month. Email articles to kengadomski@ Hillsdale Sonlight Cafe........3 Knitter’s basket .....................9 comcast.net or leave them in the newsletter box in the Church Hayes anniversary................4 Boy Scout Troop 292 ..........10 office. Class of 2011 graduates .......5 Session activities .................12 This month’s contributors: Vacation Bible School ..........6 Ladies Bible study ..............12 Laura Anderson Dodi Berry Betty Blakeman Wendy Vacation Bible School June calendar.......................13 flyer walk............................7 Mouner Linda Payne Mark Market in the Park..............14 Renn Manny Russo Lori Seman Leslie Westerberg O’Rourke Elementary Jeny Williams School partnership ............8 • page 2 • HillsdaleHillsdale PresbyterianPresbyterian ChurchChurch LunchingLunching inin thethe LightLight ofof thethe SonSon By Linda Payne, Hunger We see new faces each week While our primary mission We have sign-ups (in the Ministry Team from the surrounding commu- is to feed and bless those in narthex at Providence and at nity, as that group grows. Our need, there are benefits to Hillsdale) for up to 4 weeks On Tuesday , May 8 , the guests have shown interest in everyone who shares in advance to make sure the Sonlight Cafe opened its worship at Hillsdale and in the ministry. basics are covered, and we doors to the community. VBS at Providence. A less obvious encourage each of you to Located at Hillsdale Presby- They’ve also offered to feature is the take a turn and sign-up for terian Church, the weekly get involved in prepara- opportunity one or many weeks if your free lunch is a joint ministry tion and cleanup. for fellowship schedule allows you to make of Providence, Hillsdale, Some very special and spiritual a commitment. and Overlook Presbyterian visitors will be on growth among Churches. Each Tuesday hand June 10 as those working together But you are always welcome volunteers cook and serve a the missional to serve the meals and eat to drop in at any time after hearty meal—with food interns, college stu- with the guests. Although 10:00 am on Tuesdays to from our community gar- dents from all over the coun- there is not currently a for- help or just to dine and visit dens at Providence and try, who worked on our mal Bible Study component, with our new neighbors. We Hillsdale and from the Bay garden last year, will be return- it is the ultimate “small serve between 12:00 noon Area Food Bank—to share ing for another work day. group” experience in terms and 1:00 pm , and we are with all friends and neigh- of deep sharing and experi- done cleaning up by bors, but particularly target- If you’ve never been to Hills- encing God’s love and grace, 1:30 pm . Come see love in ing those in need. dale Presbyterian, this is your and it’s open to all. action! chance. And if you know the Our diners each week since church but haven’t been there then have included Hillsdale lately, you’ll enjoy seeing it in community folks; greeters its newly cleaned, painted, and and visitors from the host repaired condition. You sure churches; Habitat for don’t want to miss the colorful Humanities workers from murals outside on the building Hillsdale projects; and area or the kitchen/pantry area, pastors wanting to see what which has been renovated and the model looks like. equipped with new appliances. May 8 Meal • Left (L-R): Dorinda Hilbun, Linda Crossley • Top right (clockwise from L): Hillsdale member Walter Benjamin, Les Taylor, Kathy Taylor, Pastor Mark Renn, Jeny Williams, Hillsdale member Cleretta Blackmon, Marlene Taylor • Right (L-R): Debbie Simmons, Larry Simmons, Jessi Gadomski, Adria Mosley, Sharon Smith, Dorinda Hilbun, Guest • Photos by Ken Gadomski • page 3 • ]ÉtÇÇx 9 ZÜt{tÅ [tçxá `tç H? DLID „ ECDD • page 4 • Class of 2011 William Berry Amanda Neal William received his Juris Doc- Amanda received a Bachelor tor (J.D.) degree from the Uni- of Music (B.M.) degree with versity of Alabama School of a concentration in Voice Law. He is currently studying from Loyola University. She for his Bar exam, scheduled for will attend Roosevelt Uni- July, but will take one week off versity in Chicago this fall, William Berry Ryan Mouner in June to serve as a counselor where she will be working at Camp Smile-a-Mile at Lake on her Master of Music Martin in Alexander City, AL.
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